Read: For your Eyes Only = May 31, 2006
Miercoles ~ May 31, 2006 ~ 8:18 AM
I would not disrespect you by saying you are 'full of shit', especially since you forgot the piss and grossly underestimate how pissed off I am at the sick situation in the nation!
We'll write it off as as a semblance of senility. Gracias for the morning chuckle, at first you hurt my feelings, but I try to consider the source of such comments.
Thank God I believe in Christian-humane principles, though most Churches and their congregations are full of shit and drip of corrupt hypocrisy.
I am proud to say I have never killed a man in this lifetime with my bare hands, then, it is not all over yet and I suspect I cannot depart this existence without eliminating at least a few fascist flunkeys!
I have learned to keep a wide open mind, yet not letting it be polluted with trash. I am trying to help you bridge the gap and fill the voids in your mind-set.
Do not get stuck into dumb divisions between the left and right wings. I am not a leftist, more complex than that, and am really a centralist as the truth is in the center. I know that people such as I will be shaping future tomorrows.
Do not be as a dinosaur fearing extinction. Be humble and quit the gringo-like competition between us. You have been well educated in Amerika and I barely graduated from high school as I found most of the classes so useless. I love to learn.
Feel free to stand down whenever you want from these 'for real' cyber comversations or retreat back into the abyss of reactionism in a world moving towards revolution.
"Find out just what people will submit to, and you have found out the exact amount of injustice and wrong which will be imposed upon them; and these will continue until they are resisted with either words or blows, or both. The limits of tyrants are prescribed by the endurance of those whom they oppress." ~ Frederick Douglass (1817 - 1895)
Do you confuse rhetoric with terminology? Words can be useful tools to help bridge the gap between knowledge and ignorance, but stupidity in the face of all contrary evidence just ends up a sad whimper. The know-it-all can learn nothing new and beneficial.
Main Entry: rhet·o·ric
Pronunciation: 're-t&-rik
Function: noun
Etymology: Middle English rethorik, from Middle French rethorique, from Latin rhetorica, from Greek rhEtorikE, literally, art of oratory, from feminine of rhEtorikos of an orator, from rhEtOr orator, rhetorician, from eirein to say, speak -- more at WORD
1 : the art of speaking or writing effectively: as a : the study of principles and rules of composition formulated by critics of ancient times b : the study of writing or speaking as a means of communication or persuasion
2 a : skill in the effective use of speech b : a type or mode of language or speech; also : insincere or grandiloquent language
3 : verbal communication : DISCOURSE
My Mission is simple: To help others!
My Plan is simple: To give, give and give until it proves our making or my personal end.
If you are going to arrogantly judge me let it be not from the heavenly heights to which I have climbed but the depths from of hellish despair from which I have risen.
Blessings To All Your Familia, Wholistic Health to You
and Fervent Prayers! ~Peta
P.S. I love your cat Tasha and love animals, though, the two-legged ones give me grief at times. I once had a brother and sister pair of cats named Yin Yang... but that seems like another lifetime today.
Date: Wed, 31 May 2006 05:50:17 -0700 (PDT)
From: "Mr. G. G. Garcia" Email:
Subject: For your Eyes Only
To: "Peter S. Lopez de Aztlan" Email:
"Mr. G. G. Garcia" <> wrote:
Apropos to your comments on our contradictory positions on immigration, you are so full of shit. You would accomplish much but for the rhetoric. Is it really necessary? Really !! "Fascists." "Amerikan Evil Empire," indeed. If you hate this country so much, if all who talk to each other and poision each other's minds would seek to elevate one another, enoble each other's minds this country would be nearer to your expectations.
As it stands right now, you are no better than the evil you wish to destroy: the far right.
For example, this morning I wanted to read what you are all about. I found the reference to the two college students who were charged with violation of a state law in Arizona prohibiting humanitarian aid to immigrants in the desert. I know Marge Cowan. I met her about about 26 years ago. I was ready to write a check, but had second thoughts.
You guys scare people off with your anti-American jazz. This even brings into question my very act of communicating with you. You are a different world. But that explains our reason for communicating with each oher. It is the nature of coalitions. It is no different than what legislators practice everyday. To fight, you need numbers. Sometimes your allies are your enemies or at least those you disagree with.
It is hard to take what you say with a grain of salt. It is like telling you to take what the fascists say with a grain of salt. Sal as you know is a condiment, adds flavor to our food, but it is also an irritant when applied to our wounds. I see too much crap from the right and hate it absolutely. But then I can hardly stomach this also. A granule of sugar is definitely out. I am a diabetic. Therefore, if you are to recommend any tidbits like this, give it to me straight, no smoozing, no fantasies, no rhetoric, straight. La Raza Cosmica sounds like cub scout native american mumbo jumbo to grab a child's imagination. I am 69 years old. Fairy tales are stories for and about queers, at my age. Suffering peoples are the ancient Hebrews and the Son of God on the Cross. To bring it down to you and I, gente de razon exposed to this kind of mind set, the leftist hysteria.
What's in it for you? As you can see I take no pleasure in the product of your mind. At first, I thought it would be interesting to know what makes a leftist Chicano tick. All of my life, I have devoted to the progress of our community. I am ecstatic to see professionals, technicians, accomplished individuals recognized in our society. I was beside myself to know that Sears, Coca Cola, and Ford had/have top executives who were Hispanics. In my field, fund raising, foundations like Kellogg and the Pew Foundation, the Rockefekller and Ford Foundations also have Hispanics at the top. State, federal, and local governments are run by Hispanics. We have 4 U.S. Senators that are Hispanic - first time in history. Millionaires, no se diga. Doctors, lawyers...
We who served in the Nixon Cabinet Committee were despised and rejected by the militants, the movement Chicanos. But everything that we hoped for, dreamed about, and worked for is here, now. I feel fulfilled. Rhetoric didn't get us here.
I was out in the garden yesterday. Tasha our 10 year old cat was stalking a baby rabbit. I could'nt help but admire her focus. It was total. Her movement was ever so cautious, slow but sure steps always moving towards her target. That is the strategy we must adopt for ourselves and our community. Stay focused. The gringo culture is dying. Their values have deteriorated so. They hate us for our strong-family units, our love of the Spanish language and culture, kinda like penus-envy. They fear us. That is what propels this morbid racism that surrounds he immigration issue, on both sides.
It all is coming to a head these next few weeks. My health is not good. Like an old war horse, I hear the distant clang of battle and wish I were young enough to pick up camp and move to New York to do fight with the Clinton forces and the Eastern seaboard liberals.
I love politics. But I have good days and bad days. I am no Cheney. He is at the top in spite of his health. He is a super man. But you are not interested in my assessment of fascists like him.
Have a good day.
Peter S. Lopez ~aka Peta
Sacramento, California, Aztlan
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