Monday, August 07, 2006

Re: Proposal: Venceremos! Peta de Aztlan

Response: Proposal: Venceremos! Peta de Aztlan
Augosto 7, 2006, Lunes 10:30 PM

Hola Companero Bejarano ~ I am honored and humbled to be of service in whatever capacity I can. My style is to be Honest, Open and Willing to change and I have no fear of self-exposure. There is some activity stirring up among 'gente' up here for this coming Labor Day for immigrant rights and humane legislation, but Sacra in general is a arch-convervative city despite any liberal image.
Are you linked up with Chicano Forums online?

We definately need to generate a rational alternative to the so-called 'La Voz de Aztlan'! I will help spread the mensaje about 0101AZTLAN.NET!

I have my ways. I wish there was a way for people to leave Comments for feedback to the articles on the website. I will take a closer look.
These days I work part-time as Health Care Worker and will be attending Sac City College in the evenings this Fall with a Major in Journalism. I am not there just for a degree. I like the educational environment as distinct from some of the calles and alleys I have been done.

I am working on a libro on 'progressive recovery' and want to get one book nailed down. Time is sacred.

I am in contact with Harvey Arden who was the Editor for Leonard Peltier's book and a few others. I am going to be looking at writing magazine articles for publishing on a few different subjects. I am in no rush and an extremely slow writer.

I myself am interested in the creation of a non-profit called Humane Horizons, Inc. but it is slow going. I would love to see a basic Community Center for empwering people. Few laborers up here, though I have learned to be patient as I persevere.
Below is just some background from my online journal. Use the stuff below any way you want. You had mentioned during your phone call the other week about a bio-sketch.

Brief Profile: Peter S. Lopez aka; Peta de Aztlan

Venceremos! Peta
Sacramento, California USA
Cell: 916/ 968-1023

P.S. Subject Lines are key. I almost deleted your Email as the name did not click at first. If you put PETA in the Subject Line it will catch my eye more readily.
P.S.S. I know an Ernie Saenz, but he is an elder and veterano who lives in Zapata Park Housing Project up here.
Monday, August 07, 2006
Brief Profile: Peter S. Lopez aka; Peta de Aztlan

I am a humane being of Mexican-American-Native ancestry born on November 15, 1951 in Sacramento, California; a former Brown Beret, MECHA Member and have been involved in the Movimiento most my life as a humane rights activist. I still strive to help others, especially in the area of community education. Venceremos!+
Tuesday, November 15, 2005
Profile: Peta de Aztlan

My name is Peter S. Lopez. ~aka 'Peta de Aztlan'.
Peta is Espanol for 'a rope hard to cut'. It was my Padre's Pachuco nickname from when he was a youngster in the Cherry Gang in the Logan Heights Barrio in San Diego, Calfornia.

First and foremost, I am a humane being, then and only then, I consider myself a Chicano of Mexican-American-Native indigenous ancestry, not fully defined by racial, national or tribal labels.

I was born innocent and ignorant on November 15, 1951, bred in Barrio Cinco and raised in Sacramento, California, Amerika. My Sun Sign is Scorpio, my Moon in Gemini and with Leo Rising.

My Padre's name is Pete M. Lopez and my Madre's name was Ella P. Lopez. I have two blood brothers, Roberto and Steven, and one older sister named Linda Carol Lopez.

On my Father‘s side I am a descendent of the Warrior-Chief Geronimo of the Chiricahua Apaches and of a Chief of the Sonoran Yaqui tribes whose name I do not know.

On my Mother's side, both my Grandparents fought in the early Mexican Revolution with Pancho Villa and his army. My grandfather, Rafael Perez, was a miner turned soldier. My abuela, Lupe Fernandez, was a nurse in the first Red Cross in Zacatecas, Mexico for Villa's wounded men. Thus, I have a Warrior's Bloodline!

I grew up in the Southside Park Area of Downtown Sacramento in a 'barrio' some of us ol' timers know as Barrio Cinco ~ the oldest one in Sacramento. I graduated from Sacramento Senior High School in 1969. Then, I went to Sac State being only18-years old, but then I got married, quit school and went to work back in the Barrio for the War On Poverty Program.

My former wife, Pauline Belen Gonzales, and I had one child, a Son named Camilo Esteban Lopez. We broke apart around 1975.
Now I am single, unattached and am careful in my intimate relations, though, I have many acquaintances, some friends, a few close friends and a large extended family.

In my early teens, I first got heavily involved in the 'Movimiento' when I worked with the Friends of the Farmworkers for the United Farm Workers {UFW} Grape Boycott in the late 60's, then, a leader with the Mexican-American Youth Association {MAYA} and was a Member of the Brown Berets as its Miniser of Education {though I am probably the only one who remembers that pompous title}. Thus, over the years, my political-social involvement in the Movimiento got deeper and deeper.
Nowadays, my Christian Ministry involves helping homeless drug addicts with a progressive recovery group called CASA ~ Christians Against Substance Addiction! We hold regular CASA Open Meetings at the Sacramento Salvation Army 'Center of Hope' downtown homeless shelter.

I am 'in the process' of building up with others a Vanguard Education Party called the Humane Liberation Party which is of the People's Vanguard Elements and stands upon its 5-Point Survival Platform:

+ HumanE Liberation Party ~ HELP ~
A Vanguard Education Party +
5 - Point Survival Platform
~~ January 1, 2001 Sacramento, California ~~ USA

#1. We demand our basic humane needs for the survival of our species: nutritional food, proper clothing, decent shelter, wholistic medicine and quality education for our present welfare and future success in the New Millennium.

#2. We demand complete employment for our natural energies, relevant job training or a guaranteed income for our continued life existence as humane beings in order to work in decent positions as functional mature adults.

#3. We demand worldwide socialist democracy with proportional representation: wherein the majority rules, protects minorities and cares for all based upon 'one human being, one legitimate vote' in fair, free and open monitored elections.

#4. We demand equal respect for all humane rights: no matter the economic class, blood race, gender sex, national identity, cultural origin or personal orientation and the conscientious resolution of violations against the humane rights of all indigenous native tribes.

#5. We demand true Peace on Earth and an immediate end to all evil unjust wars, regional conflicts and territorial disputes in conjunction with the total elimination of all Weapons of Mass-Destruction weapons by any and all means mandatory.


I believe in the Power of Pure Love with no limits, no ends and no conditions. In accordance with this belief I try to help others in all my relations as a humane being.

I stand up for humane rights for all people, regardless of who and where they are upon Mother Earth and stand against the Bush Rogue Regime and the insane Iraqnam War.

These are tough war times of trials, troubles and tribulations for many people. We must help all the wretched people of Mother Earth
Even inside the United States many millions endure the Amerikan nightmare in search of the American dream!

All human beings, as an endangered species of life upon Mother Earth, must come together for the survival of humanity!

Liberacion o Muerte! Venceremos!
Peter S. Lopez ~aka Peta
Humane Liberation Party, Field Coordinator
Sacramento, California, Aztlan
Yahoo Email:

P.S. If you have found this webpage via the Internet it was no accident. The Lord works in mysterious ways. Feel free to Email me.

Wake Up! Get Involved! Join Up!
Humane-Rights-Agenda Yahoo Group

Bejarano wrote:

The following is for your personal review and for
consideration as an agreement to establish Non-Profit
Org., By-Lays and Mission Plan.

These are brief objectives and I would appreciate your

North Star Bulletin

0101AZTLAN.NET: Art / Culture / Social / Political
Affairs ' News Bureau ' E-mail Messaging ' Web

The web site has three monitors (reps)
Guillermo Bejarano of Los Angeles (temp), Ernest Saenz
of San Diego, and Peter S. Lopez of Sacramento.

BYLAWS (In-progress)
Officer/Monitor's Rights: equal voting power for a
national network operations.

Internet Publisher's Rights: Veto.
--Over ride veto 2/3

Open Officer Positions: Voted by location.

There are three officer classifications: News, Action
and Art.

If you like to volunteer to represent any of our
groups from your location please contact me at

Co-Monitor responsibilities is for managing their new
members, emails, member's list and its' subject
commentaries. A Co-Monitor will help recruit new
members and sponsors, including handily of bounced
e-mails, spam, and member's profiles per list. And, a
Co-Monitor will manage contributing writers and
commentaries for web publishing.

Help build an AZTLAN National News Bureau.

Guillermo Bejarano
Internet Publisher/Monitor

"Art at its most significant is a distant early warning system that can always be relied on to tell the old culture what is beginning to happen." --Marshall Mcluhan

The three elements of democratic activity: timely information, the technology to communicate with one another, and then mobilization for action and results.
-- Ralph Nader

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