Sunday, May 25, 2008

Weekly Horoscope for May 19 to 25, 2008:
By Astrologer Pam Younghans

Astrologer Pam Younghans writes this weekly astrological Journal based on planetary influences, and offers perspectives and insights to assist you in making the best use of current energies. This column is not intended as prediction. Your own experience will be more specifically defined by transits to your personal chart.

We apologize to the delay in posting the column this week...

Several energetic waves reach their crescendo this week. We've seen certain effects already, as natural catastrophes over the past few weeks have opened the doorway to nonphysical for large numbers. It is a time of major transition, both for those leaving this plane and for those of us who remain.

The step required of those remaining is that we move beyond limited perspectives and interpretations of reality, and that we begin to see our world, our individual purpose, and our shared future in very new light.

It has been written that when the majority of the earth's population is more concerned about the condition of the natural environment and the welfare of others than they are worried about political boundaries or economics, that will be the sign that we are ready to make the shift that has been prophesized by the ancients. Certainly there are indicators that we are nearing that critical mass. Grass green is replacing dollar green as the commodity of greatest value, and we tend more and more to rise above political differences when it comes to humanitarian needs.

We've discussed in past weeks the impact of the Full Moon this Monday, which is unique because it is the second Full Moon in Scorpio within a 30-day period. It is rare to have two Full Moons within the same zodiac month, and this event indicates that we are at an important turning point related to the issues represented by Scorpio. Equally notable is that Monday's Full Moon occurs at 29 degrees, known as a "critical degree" since it is the final degree of a sign and corresponds with the completion of associated lessons.

A Full Moon occurs when the Sun is opposite the Moon in the sky, and represents a time when we are enabled to bring the unconscious into consciousness. Therefore, Full Moons often correspond with heightened emotions and reactivism, as what has been contained is less easily suppressed. But through the increased sensitivity that accompanies a Full Moon, we are also open to receive new awareness that can then be utilized to refocus and rebalance our lives -- awareness that can come through our physical experience, or through being open to messages received on other levels.

One of Scorpio's themes is the cycle of death and rebirth, so it is not overly surprising that an unusually high number of physical beings have made their transitions over the past four weeks, with the two Scorpio Full Moons as calendar bookends. We may or may not have been dealing with the actual physical death of someone in our personal lives during this time -- but each of us, according to our spiritual needs, is in the process of releasing elements of the past so that we may more fully embrace the future. A job or relationship may be ending, a road that once seem promising may now be seen as a dead end, or an attitude may clearly be seen as counterproductive, and we find that we must finally lay an old pattern to rest if we are to get on with our lives as hoped and planned.

With this second Full Moon in Scorpio, we are asked to find our peace with the cycle of death and rebirth, and to find fulfillment in the knowing that endings always contain within them the seeds of new beginnings. And, with the Sun in Taurus, we also are called to ground ourselves in the realization that what is of greatest value never dies, but only changes form. With this awareness comes an inner serenity that cannot be disturbed, no matter what occurs in the outer world.

The Sun at the time of the Full Moon is aligned with the Pleiades star cluster, focusing our attention even more on the growth encouraged by this lunation. Astrologer Stephanie Austin writes in this month's Mountain Astrologer that:

"The Pleiades are located at one of the nodes (points of intersection) between the galactic and supergalactic planes. Nodes represent stargates, inter-dimensional doorways, portals, and pathways for accessing greater realities... The fact that this Full Moon peaks close to this cosmic portal makes it easier to extend our consciousness beyond our third rock from the Sun."

Full Moons are always notable times for connecting with alternate realities and expanding our consciousness -- and it appears that this one is particularly potent in that regard. And, there are other astrological events occurring this week that contribute to the idea of a "cosmic portal" being more accessible.

Most helpful in this regard, perhaps, is the Uranus-Jupiter sextile, exact on Wednesday. Uranus is two-thirds of his way through Pisces, having already expanded our spiritual awareness in many ways since his first foray into the twelfth sign in 1993. Jupiter is retrograde in Capricorn, taking us on an inner journey intended to renew our confidence in ourselves and in this lifetime's purpose, potential and meaning.

As these two planets meet this week, doorways that were once hidden will be more accessible -- but because this is a sextile aspect, we must assist with creating those entry points. If we remain passive we may perhaps reap some rewards, but we benefit the most from this expansive influence by consciously channeling its energy.

This means purposefully putting ourselves into situations that support the experience we seek to expand. By our focus and intention, we choose the area of life through which this energy will flow.

If new business ideas are desired, set aside time midweek during which you can be especially available to that flow of new thought. If expanded creative or spiritual awareness is the intention, find activities that are conducive -- meditate, walk in nature, play with colors and sound, or in some other way rise above the boundaries of time and space so that your consciousness is primed to receive.

Adding to the evidence that this week represents an important shift point is the fact that three planets are moving very slowly now, preparing to go retrograde within two days of each other: Chiron, who reverses direction next Sunday; and Neptune and Mercury, who both go retrograde next Monday, May 26. When a planet slows to change direction, its energetic imprint is increased -- and here we have not one but three planets fitting that description.

Known as a "transpersonal" planet, Neptune's purpose is to release our grip on physical reality so that we might gain insights of a more cosmic nature. When Neptune's influence is heightened, we tend to not be able to focus on concrete issues quite as well as usual. Our vision is diffused, and we find that the solution is not in trying to see more clearly, but rather to trust in the unseen.

This is a time for dissolving old definitions and boundaries, relinquishing the need for control over outcomes, and opening to a more intuitive approach to daily life. Those who were born within a day or two of February 12, May 14, August 16 or September 16 may feel Neptune's influence even more personally than others, since Neptune is stationing while transiting their natal Sun.

Chiron's purpose is to help us heal a wound -- and while in Aquarius, his focus is on healing the fear of separation. Physically, Chiron is usually located between Saturn, representing physical laws, and Uranus, representing higher intelligence and enlightenment. Metaphysically, Chiron acts as the bridge between the human/social interpretation of events and the cosmic understanding that helps us rise above the human experience.

As Chiron slows to change direction, we may become more aware of the wounds we carry about being apparently separated from those we love and depend upon. But we will also have readily available the awareness of the greater Truth -- that there is no separation in expanded reality, and that it is only the limitation of human perception that defines our experience in this way.

Last of the three to go retrograde is Mercury, who will change direction next Monday. Mercury's realm of influence includes rational thought, logic and the world of communication.

Most of us are well aware of "Mercury retrograde" times as being less than helpful when it comes to linear thinking and outer-world networking. What we may not realize is that Mercury retrograde is best used in creative or meditative work, when we draw upon the right side of the brain instead of so consistently relying on the left side to run things.

Mercury will be retrograde for just over three weeks, while Chiron and Neptune will go direct again in about five months.

Throughout the coming days, we will have significant opportunities to expand our personal, spiritual and global awareness. Many cosmic hands will be pointing the way, encouraging us to release the fears and misperceptions that have so consistently clouded our vision of the larger reality. It is especially appropriate to ask for help from our higher guidance at this time, when interdimensional communications are facilitated through so many alignments.

And yet, much of what occurs may feel as though we're in a dream state, making it difficult to organize our thoughts moment-by-moment. So take good notes of whatever you experience, so that those gems of inspiration and insight don't get lost in the reality shuffle.


About the Author
Pam Younghans lives near Seattle, Washington with her husband and their two dogs. She has been interpreting charts professionally for over 20 years. If you have comments or questions about this Journal or are interested in an astrology reading, e-mail pam@northpointastrology.comThis e-mail address is being protected from spam bots, you need JavaScript enabled to view it , or call 425-445-3775. Visit Pam's Web site at


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