Wednesday, July 30, 2008

Read: Sac connection: 7-30-2008

@4:54 PM ~ Hola Brother Ethan ~ Thanks for your response!
We have a few left leaning political parties, though I try to not label parties as left or right-wing as to me those are archaic terms. A relevant party should always actively support humane rights in general.

There is really no strong Third Party inside the United States. Basically, Amerikan Electoral Politics is dominated by the duo-poly of the Democratic and Republican Parties. Naturally Obama Candidacy has created a lot of new enthusiasm for the whole election process.

I have a several blogs and am a Moderator for several Yahoo Groups. I am generally busy from the time I awake to the time I go to sleep, though I try to make time for prayer and meditation.


Let us keep in touch. Tell me more about Germany as we here inside the United States do not really know enough about other countries. There is always a strong xenophobia emanating from the U.S.A., especially since 911. The whole border wall between the U.S.A. and Mexico is utterly insane and ultimately will not work to bring us together. We should be building bridges to reach out across to others, not walls between us.

I strongly relate to and am interested in the majority Third World of Latin America, Africa and Asia.

Here is a link to an interesting article:
Africa: The Obama Word and Charm Bomb in Berlin

Feel libeated enough to Join the Humane Rights Agenda!

I am a recovering drunk, dope fiend and tramp. Thus, the whole plight of the homeless in Amerika, with whom I work with daily, are a key part of my work life and spiritual path. Here I realize that the homeless are actually our domestic refugees who have fallen through the old safety social nets that use to capture people saving them from being all out homeless in the streets.

I checked out your blog and will save a link in My Favorites for further purview in the future. Keep up the good educational work!

Come Together and Create!
Peter S. Lopez ~ aka:Peta
Sacramento, California, Aztlan


--- On Tue, 7/29/08, Ethan Evans <> wrote:
From: Ethan Evans <>
Subject: Sac connection
Date: Tuesday, July 29, 2008, 11:26 PM

Thanks for the note. Unfortunately, I was not able to be in Berlin (even though I am currently living there) for Obama's speech. I had long ago planned a work related visit in Brussels. I am in Germany studying Homeless policies and service provision. On my blog is a review of some of the things I've learned here

Keep up the great work at the Salvation army. Perhaps you can answer this question. In European countries there are many "social democratic" parities. Are progressive dems in the US, dems with a more socialist bend or does Progressive democrat stand for something else?

Take care,

Ethan Evans

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