Monday, August 04, 2008

Read: Lunes, Augusto 4, 2008

@9:04 PM ~ Q-vo Hermano Roberto!

Marie came this late afternoon and brought my Redemption DVD about Tookie. It was the first time I had seen it. So many tragic deaths have happened to great leaders and potential leaders, especially when we know that every follower is in turn a potential leader. We can never account for all we have lost. As a people who seek total liberation we are sorely lacking in organizational leadership skills.

As far as Marie and I, we will keep seeing each other. No one woman can contain or satisfy me. I have been hungry and lonely too long to get hooked on any illusion, delusion or hallucination. As she was leaving Peaches door was open, I introduced them briefly, no big deal, just to smooth out any friction of suspicion.

At my age I am just going to keep to myself, keep my options open and not get entangled into any major drama trauma when it comes to all my relations, especially with the opposite sex! Men will usually settle for just a piece of ass, but women tend to be more practical minded and know the value of having a man of means with money. From the womb to the tomb the umbilical cord of corporate capitalism keep us linked to chains of poverty, despair and self-repression.

Remember that how we conduct and handle ourselves in our personal relationships on whatever level says a lot about our inner character, what kind of inner morals we have, what personal ethics that bind us to an assigned code of honor, in fact, are whole character will ultimately determine our life's destiny.

Sometimes we are so close as brothers, then at other times we are so far far apart in critical areas that point out our postures and positions in direct proportion to socio-cultural exigencies. Our deeds ultimately catch up with us and determine our karma. Let our deeds be good and our karma will be good.

I know more than anyone how hard I have worked to be where I am and know it will require immense loads of work for me to move on in life!

I require an immense amount of self-direction, self-discipline and self-determination to get the ball rolling. I still got fight left in me!

In the art of war, the game is never over and we must play to win!

P.S. A few collages attached. I experiment constantly. Improvisation will give us our tactics. I am glad you had a chance to read El General's libro ~ BLOOD IN MY EYE!

P.S.S. Maybe you understand a little better the kind of revolutionary cosmic consciousness what has been driving me onward all these years and what helps me to be so resilient, despite my own despair at times.

Blood to the horse's brow and woe to those who cannot swim!
Come Together and Create!
Peter S. Lopez ~ aka:Peta
Sacramento, California, Aztlan

--- On Mon, 8/4/08, Robert Lopez; wrote:
From: Robert Lopez <> Subject: To: "Peter Lopez" <> Date: Monday, August 4, 2008, 1:45 PM

just sent you a site of the apartment i just looked at. just having lunch and watching a movie. trying to get some e-mail romance going hell the pictures are pretty nice....

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