Sunday, January 09, 2011

1-09-2011 Sunday ~Twitter Timeline of Tweets @Peta_de_Aztlan

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1-09-2011 Sunday ~Twitter Timeline of Tweets @Peta_de_Aztlan
»!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Prayers for Inner Peace and Reconciliation for All ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
VIA @BJTuininga: FYI-The Oglala Lakota are a determined, intelligent & proud People who are working hard to overcome their problems.
Medical mission to return to #Nicaragua >
#Nicaragua's Opposition Has no Arguments to Criticize Sandinista Economic Policy >
Costa Rica strengthens defences on disputed border with #Nicaragua >
LINK: International Crisis Group >
State of Siege: Zetas Drug Gangs seize parts of northern Guatemala >
RT @_rebelion_org: Eva Golinger: "El atentado demuestra la decadencia de la sociedad estadounidense #eeuu
More than 2,000 Guatemalan kids died of hunger last year ~#malnutrition > ~Do we care enough now?
@MikeyEnergy Clearly corporate capitalism simply does not work for the laboring masses who create industrial products.
@MikeyEnergy We need to put the merits of democratic socialism on the table ~open up dialogue about alternative systems
#China Offers Gates Warmer Military Ties Before Hu Heads to U.S. >
RT @BJTuininga: The Longest Walk 3/Reversing Diabetes 2011 Walk Across America begins 2/14/2011
#Iran plane crash pushes death toll to 77 >
Romney visits #Afghanistan, Middle East ~Repub Pres Candidate in 2012? >
#Afghans Strained by Shortages as #Iran Tightens Flow of Fuel >
VIA @UnitedStarseeds: some pictures from Peru > ~Posted by Andras Nagy 1/09/2011 in Sacred Geometry
US troops wage war with cash in #Afghanistan >
Marijuana sells for about $60 per kilogram ($27 per pound) in Afghanistan ~farming fruit crops fetch only $1 per kilo.
It is a pretty sad state of affairs when the main steady employment is in the U.S. military and unions are weak or dead.
#India: Afghan reconciliation must be led by Kabul ~without 'external interference' >
#Afghans vent fury with Iran over fuel blockade > ~Many ways to kill a people
VIA Pakistan Observer ~Afghanistan focus! ~confusions to withdrawal methodology >
NATO kills more than 10 insurgents in #Afghanistan ~Kunduz police chief said 13 killed >
I had a terrible nightmare about the USA...
10:04 PM ~ Now let me check the casualty and body count via Google News...
@Betsydraperfl It can be hard to be a true Christian, but it is a lot harder being a heathen. Thanks.
@AnthonyLawlor Sweet dreams brother.. rest well and thanks just for being you in my life.
TED TALKS VIDEO [16:31] Charles Limb: Your brain on improv > ~Science needs to catch up to art
TED TALKS VIDEO [18:16] Joseph Nye on global power shifts ~
LINK: Palestine Post ~network of news, resources and more >
RT @TheAngryindian: Possible Racist and Anti-Immigrant Tie to Alleged Arizona Assassin-Chip Berlet:
#Australia: Threat to Brisbane as floods split Dalby and Gympie >
#Bali ~Pedophiles poison island paradise >
@AntiCapitalistX We cannot blame our own character defects on capitalism alone ~it corrupts our original humane nature
Sunday Night 8:50 PM ~Good well attended CASA 12-Steps Meeting at Salvation Army ~spoke of Tucson tragedy and social sickness.
Beautiful Pictures that speak of so much RT @uruknet: Photos: lovely Gaza…
@longdrivesouth Many directly affected with the Tuscon tragedy are going through their own form of PTSD.
Follow Marianne Williamson @marwilliamson ~!/marwilliamson ~ ~Author/Spiritual Healer
@kimberlykeith Marianne Williamson has been and is a blessing for many people. She is a healer of our times. ~
@marwilliamson Marianne Williamson by Peta_de_Aztlan
See the hand of a Divine Physician held over Gabby Giffords, healing her brain, miraculously restoring her both physically and spiritually.
Joseph Nye on global power shifts | Video on via @addthis
Have a CASA 12-Steps Meeting at the Local Salvation Army Homeless Shelter at 7 PM. Ya all take care, keep the faith!
@MikeyEnergy Unions are corrupt, weak and dying out. Remember American workers must also compete with workers worldwide.
Let us unite so America can be #1 in feeding, clothing, housing and meeting the survival needs of people, not foreign wars!
Why in the hell aren't Americans ranting and raving about all the innocent Afghans and Pakistans killed by Amerikan Drones?!?!
Remember VIDEO [4:08] ~ WAR-Gen. Alexander Haig 1924-2010 >
@M0AB There is a whole world where we should try to be #1 in others areas than trying to winning foreign wars doomed to fail.
Funny hearing and watching ol' Warhorse Haig on C-SPAN ~feisty example of whole generation of warlords >
@M0AB People should consider participation in one kind of self-help program or another. We all have room for self-improvement.
"We have never really won a war since World War II." ~Gen. Alexander Haig >
@M0AB Iraq War involved big resentment against losing Vietnam War ~U.S. had to show world it could actually win! Have we?!?!
Got 136 Clicks so far~April Fool's Day 2010 ~Marianne Williamson's Plea To Sarah Palin: Words Have Power >
We are faced with a scattered divided people with a short-attention span of a few minutes and memory of resentments for decades.
VIDEO [20:20] ~Brene Brown: The power of vulnerability > ~Take time in your busy life!
An Excerpt from Why Is God Laughing? The Path to Joy and Spiritual Optimism by Deepak Chopra ~
January 09, 2011 ~ Palin aide: 'Never intended gun sights' > ~another divisive maniac!
@reimagin Yes, the shooter or the stabber is responsible for wielding a weapon! >
Sunday, Jan. 09, 2011 The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily is OUT! via PETER S LOPEZ + 150 followed people on Twitter~
VIA Auntie Moon ~Brene Brown on the Power of Vulnerability >
@reimagin Writing an article in a blog format would give readers a better understanding of your stream of consciousness.
VIA Daily Kos 1/08/2011 ~Jared Lee Loughner identified suspect in Arizona shooting by Joan McCarter >
@TerreSpencer Terre Spencer by Peta_de_Aztlan
Literal action in response to metaphor is the result of the lack of the arts in our lives. Metaphor is NEVER an imperative. #Gifford #AZ
@jean_nach Amerikans love to be distracted by a domestic tragedy and ignore the hell and havoc of Empire overseas for a time!
@reimagin I am checking out your Tweets. It would be good to collect them in a blog format for later reference with more links.
Let us not forget the armed violence being wrecked upon the people of the Middle East by Amerikan Warlords under the Obama Regime!
Hell, Amerika is the most violent country in all of human history! Like Rap Brown said, "Violence is as American as apple pie!"
@JaiDaveon Yes, false understandings of the role of religion and the idea of a mean punishing Creator also fosters violence.
RT @EmergentCulture: Taxation, unjust laws, dissent suppression and rigged economic systems are forms of oppression. @eglinski
We need to take a closer look at the validity of creating a Peaceful Revolution ~exhausting legal methods of struggle.
@zfree Yes, we are strung out hard on violence, on the mutual destruction of wars. regional conflicts, local gang warfare.
For a long time I have been typing about evolving beyond simple divisions of Right Vs. Left ~the truth of life is in the Center.
RT @pakistaninews: Pakistan's Police and Army: How Many Enemies Within? >
After yesterday's sad shooting we need to be reminded of our need for unity as one mass family of humanity with common needs.
Here's How YOU Can Help Heal After Yesterday's Tragedy by Spedwybabs: ~Link VIA @nNomad_ #Heal
Yes, we are indigenous! VIA @AztlanLPress: The right to migrate >
Poem: Saturday, 8 January 2011 ~Give & Take~ by @Toltecjohn >
@NoirSavant Many times we are prejudice and judgmental because of our own base fears, esp. those of different cultures.
Many walk around with prejudice in their minds ~automatic defense mechanisms ~judging by first impressions ~jumping to conclusions
@NoirSavant Gracias! To be prejudice really means to have a pre-judgment with limited information ~superficial observation.
Poem: ~ Disagreement ~ VIA @Toltecjohn:
We need to learn to be more objective than subjective, more rational than emotional, more logical than prejudicial.
UA student Daniel Hernandez, intern, stays by Giffords' side ~pulls her into lap, holds head to stop bleeding >
@robiewright We must not forget that so-called illegal Mexican immigrants are original natives of America, not foreigners.
@robiewright Believe we need to have comprehensive immigration reform and eventual general amnesty with background checks.
@robiewright Today our whole concept of 'politics' need to be re-defined and re-examined in relation to people's basic needs.
Arizona creates website highlighting environmental impact of illegal immigration >
@reimagin Life for me among other living beings is far larger and wider than who I am and what I want. I am not an individualist.
It can therefore be said that politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed. ~Chairman Mao "On Protracted War"
@reimagin Life is a lot more complex that good and evil ~white and black ~right and wrong ~we must know our own true values.
 “In truth, we are really alive when we can be at peace within our own skin.” ~Anne LeClaire, Author
@reimagin We cannot logically extrapolate from one shooter into blaming others for his own actions. See all of it in context.
Tweeters! Download TweetDeck > ~Expand your Twitter experience, experiment and try features.
I try to keep my Tweets on a mass level of general interest to others and be fully conscious of each of my #Tweets. I try!
#Twitter Followers: Check who Followers. If we Follow each other please feel free to Direct Message for specific questions.
@reimagin Twisted logic. Shooter Loughner must take direct responsibility for his evil actions and indirectly the social climate.
@lurainpenny As for me, I am concentrating on sharply focused yet flexible ways of bringing about change via a broad matrix.
@AshevilleJungCt: ~Surely the whole field of medical care, treatment and diagnosis has been corrupted by big pharma-corporations.
RT @AshevilleJungCt: Can any of us pass a "mental health screening" ?
@PrisonReformMvt Our United Efforts to convince others and gain their support is a kind of war using words as tools and weapons.
@lurainpenny Crack me up! I know I am mainly focused on bringing about radical transformation of connected reality. Love ya!
@PrisonReformMvt Our perception of the world will vary with our existential environment. There is still courage and love!
Too bad, so sad. Shooting of Gabrielle Giffords has been a wake up! We need to learn how to peacefully settle our differences.
@PrisonReformMvt 60's are over. We need to go forward. There actually are just wars and unjust wars. It is a matter of tactics.
1/09/2011 #Mexicans beheaded in latest drug gang violence >
12/20/2011 #DREAM Act's failure could drive Latino voters >
Doctors optimistic about #Giffords ~shot in head point blank range >
Above and beyond an individual level I believe that positive mass mobilization requires a progressive mass organization.
Each of us must decide on an individual level how we want to integrate with the masses and best utilize our resources.
@morsemusings I am still the same in terms of my humane rights agenda, mass liberation, raising consciousness and spiritual evolution.
@morsemusings That is their call @JulianAssange_ and with @wikileaks as to whether they want to mobilize supporters. We will see.
Mother of Girl Shot Dead in Arizona Rampage Remembers Her 'Beautiful Girl' >
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 1-08-2011-Sabbath Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan: ~Saved Tweets
@morsemusings Naturally it would be great if the supporters of #WikiLeaks mobilized together ~ @wikileaks should take the lead.
@morsemusings Now I am committed to gradually building up Humane Liberation Party via ~ #HELP
Echo: Welcome! To All Our Followers AKA Co-Creators of #Consciousness ~ Twitter is the premier micro-blogging website today.
Proverbs 1:7 "The reverence of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise knowledge and instruction."
"What is to give light must endure burning." ~Viktor Frankl >
#Follow @PeltierHQ ~!/PeltierHQ ~Official Site: ~Free Leonard Peltier Now!
Followers: Follow a path with heart ~a path you believe in on a soul level ~a path that rings true for you ~a path of love
Your New Year’s resolution: Building a new movement for #socialism >
@InnerBonding Margaret Paul by Peta_de_Aztlan
Learning to lovingly connect with Self & Spirit heals the childhood lack of loving connection that most of us experienced.
<+>Sunday, January 09, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Rise and Shine!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan
You may be anticipating a creative burst of energy to turn you... More for Scorpio

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