Saturday, January 15, 2011

1-15-2010 Sabbath ~ Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan

1-15-2011 Twitter Blogpost
1-15-2010 Sabbath ~ Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Peace, Truth & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party! Help Others!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Prayers for Inner Peace Loved Ones! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Ephesians 2:8-10 ~"For it is by grace that you are saved through faith; not of your doing; it is the gift of God..."
BOOK: A Man Called Intrepid: WWII Narrative ~Spy Network ~Secret Diplomacy ~by William Stevenson >
BOOK: William Colby and the CIA: The Secret Wars of a Controversial Spymaster ~by John Prados >
Let's not go through that again... Because you don't know 10 years out what you're going to face. ~Former CIA Chief William Colby
Research Link= 1996 Sudden Death Of Former CIA Chief William Colby >
" ...with the rulers of this world of darkness, and with the evil spirits under the heaven.” ~Ephesians 6:12 ~
Ephesians 6:12 ~ Ancient Eastern Text "For your conflict is not only with flesh and blood, but also with the angels, and with powers,...
Isaiah 53: 6 “All we like sheep have strayed; we have turned every one to his own way; and the Lord has laid on him the sins of us all.”
RT @EmergentCulture: Then the CIA initiated operation MOCKINGBIRD in the 1950's .
RT @EmergentCulture: The CIA owns everyone of any significance in the major media. --William Colby, former CIA Director
VIDEO [5:16] Peaceful Revolution~II @Peta_de_Aztlan >
VIDEO [4:29] January 13, 2011 ~ Peaceful Revolution~I ~@Peta_de_Aztlan > ~
@joanie399 I love Deepak Chopra ~BUTTT Symposium with gift of $1,995 is old-fashion profit-motive & rip-off >
New Age RIP Off ~Chopra Foundation International Symposium: Sages and Scientists—requesting gift of $1,995 >
LINK FYI: Welcome to 2012: Dire Gnosis ~ A Data-base on the Year 2012 >
Botanists discover new rat-eating plant ~central Philippines ~UK botanist Stewart McPherson >
@MikeyEnergy See Global Big Picture: All countries are interconnected ~what Americans knew where Iraq was BEFORE 911?
Tunis, Tunisia ~Filters on websites ~Facebook ~YouTube ~dropped ~Internet speed picked up ~two bloggers freed >
Tunisians see new #Web freedoms as acting president takes over >
#Mexico police commander abducted in Veracruz >
Guns and the Border ~60,000 guns connected Mexico crimes tracked back to American gun dealers >
Mexican official: 34,612 drug-war deaths in 4 yrs ~highest in 2010 >
The Eye of an Indian Hurricane, Eager to Topple a Political Establishment >
@MikeyEnergy Both major political parties have abandoned the immigrants rights struggle and humane immigration reform.
Baghdad Raids on Alcohol Sellers Stir Fears ~Christian nongovernmental organization >
The oppressed know they are living with hunger, poverty and oppression ~It is not brain science ~It is not a state secret!
#Tunisia: That 'WikiLeaks Revolution' meme >
Jasmine Revolution in Tunisia is being driven by flesh and blood and conditions on the ground, not because WikiLeaks 'revealed'...
No one I spoke to in Tunis today mentioned Twitter, Facebook or Wikileaks. It's all about unemployment, corruption, oppression. ~Ben Wedeman
Kentucky Advocates Mobilize Against #Immigration Bill Worse Than Arizona’s >
Rights groups denounce proposed bills to remove 'birthright citizenship' >
UC Berkeley chancellor's e-mail linking Tucson rampage to issue of immigration draws criticism >
Open Invitation! Join HELP-Matrix via HumanE Liberation Party >
@MikeyEnergy We need wise leadership ~structured organization ~collective community support ~capacity for long-suffering
@MikeyEnergy Anger has a short fuse lit by fer ~wrath can easily burn itself out ~hate is an acid that eats away at the hater
VIA @wikileaks: Swiss whistleblower plans to hand over offshore Banking Secrets of Rich and Famous to #WikiLeaks
@aurgazm Our common interests are universal: good food, proper clothing, decent shelter, medical care and quality education.
When the energies of the oppressed are not allowed safe expression in pursuit of basic interests those energies still remain.
We need to channel the energies of the oppressed into creative constructive channels that promote positive social change.
We should address the basic survival needs of those at the bottom of society in order to avoid a violent revolution.
We should seek common ground, share basic principles and seek to engage in dialogue in areas where we have common interests.
@tevet We are greatly influenced by our immediate existence, our surrounding environment and our social philosophy is shaped.
@tevet 5:15 PM ~Just got back from walk to store up the street. Seeing the situation of people in the streets is a reminder of us all.
Good News! RT @politico: #GabrielleGiffords is off her breathing tube:
RT @savebradley: Strong show of support for Bradley Manning at Noontime Demo
South #Sudan's votes could kill an ancient disease ~guinea worm larvae in infested water >
#Antipsychotic drug prescriptions triple in the US >
@CableTVspecials Comcast Cable by Peta_de_Aztlan
Give Your Wallet A Break By Taking 5 Minutes To Find Out If You Are Paying Too Much For Comcast Cable
Saturday, Jan. 15, 2011 The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily is Out ~
@tevet My main agenda is a humane rights agenda ~to be child-like does not mean for adults to be childish ~children natural
VIA @ascend08: Today's blog: EQUALITY @ ~We are all equal in the eyes of Divinity. #Equality #Ascension
#Chicago's Latinos get an earful on Rahm Emanuel's #Immigration record >
#Immigration Blues: Obama Scraps Full 'Virtual' Border Fence >
RT @EmergentCulture: Education is not a diploma but rather a commitment to life long learning and persistent questioning.
RT @EmergentCulture: A formal education is mostly a course in specialized training, whitewashed history and cultural enthnocentrism.
#Sacramento County ends 2010 with 82 homicides, up slightly from '09 >
@heidiko44 I have #Gratitude for your being upon Mother Earth ~making it more sane and humane. ~Love, Peta
Catastrophic Storm Headed To California? ~Scientists Suggest Possibility Of ARkStorm >
'Granny Cams' Focus On Elder Abuse ~Advocates Recommend Getting Permission First >
My Favorite News Source is Al Jazeera News > Follow @AJEnglish ~conscious ~comprehensive
@CNN_Newsroom Corporate depravity how #CNN will highlight Tuscon shooter ~lightly cover other more relevant news ~ratings!
VIA @AJEnglish: NATO lorries torched in Pakistan: Taliban target tankers supplying conflict across border in Afghan:
BLOG LINK: Author's Diary-Raul Ramos y Sanchez~News and views~Author of America Libre and House Divided:
VIA @Raul_Ramos ~A Democratic countermove with Cuba? > #latism
VIA @AJEnglish The Devil Wears Underwear ~Najwan Simri stopped by Israeli security >
VIA @AJEnglish #Tunisia swears in interim leader >
#Sadr's followers demand Biden stay away from #Iraq >
#Iraqi soldier kills two U.S. soldiers in Mosul ~50,000 U.S. troops remain in Iraq >
Congressional battle looms as U.S. national debt exceeds $14 trillion >
VIDEO [3:23] Massive Protests in #Tunisia Push President to Flee >
@tevet Matthew 18:3 “Truly I tell you, unless you change and become like little children, you will never enter the kingdom of heaven."
@steevesamslife So many of us do not realize the power of the word ~words should help to unite us as one family of humanity.
@unido1931 Many times fear gives us impulses to judge merely by surface appearances, first impressions and mere illusions.
@AI_808 It is healthy for us to pray, to believe, to have faith and to know there is Great Creator of the Cosmos ~beyond mind
@NoirSavant We should look inside people with spirit ~feel their vibrations ~sense their energies ~lasting impressions
Let us pray to Great Creator for all those who are too proud, arrogant and ignorant to pray with a fervent humble heart.
Let us pray that we stay awake and get involved in our own lives, our own communities and in our own worlds today with love.
Let us pray for the inner healing and good health of all who suffer from the affliction of addiction and assorted disorders.
Let us pray for the spiritual liberation of all who are caged in jails, prisons, institutions and concentration camps.
Let us pray that we see ourselves first and foremost as humane beings with care, concern and compassion for all living beings.
Let us pray that we share our truth with others and let the truth stand on its own, without having to get the last word.
Let us pray that we keep an inner balance in our souls with grace and discretion, not knocked off-balance by blind buffoons.
Let us pray that we have an eye to look at the inner character of people in our lives, not mere surface appearances.
Let us pray that we live in harmony with our true spirit in conscious awareness of our true feelings and our true sentiments.
Let us pray that we do a Daily Personal Inventory ~aware of our own character defects and personal shortcomings.
Let us pray that we learn to accept others just as they are here now ~not try to change or convert them into our ego-mind.
@tevet I refrain from using absolute words like 'all' ~we need not to lose our natural child-like spontaneity yet be sincere.
Let us pray that we are accountable in all our ways with conscious awareness of what we transmit to others in our lives.
Let us pray that we are thoughtful in our communications so that we express ourselves with care, clarity and compassion.
Let us pray that we all come to understand pure love as more than a mere abstract thought or distant feeling. Be pure love.
Let us pray for inner peace within our beings as we strive to create conditions for social peace in the world.
Let us pray for the safety and security of all our loved ones in these times of social turmoil and troubles.
@lindahollier I have become fond of you over time. Our personal safety in situations is always important. Take care, Pete
@lindahollier Stay safe. Our lives have become so dominated by the power of electricity. Need to see about my electric bill next week!
Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 1-14-2010 Friday ~ Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan: ~Saved Tweets
<+>Saturday, January 15, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Rise and Shine!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peace Summit with the Dalai Lama 4: His Holiness' Address - HELP-Portal: ~
Be humane as one whole being. #haiku #twaiku #sixwords

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