1-30-2011 Sunday Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Egypt #Jan25
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
@lindahollier Good Night Lovely Linda ~Tomorrow is a brand new day! You are already in it! ;->~~
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Pray for Safety of Our Family in Egypt! ~Namaste, Che Peta ~California
CNN Anderson Cooper in Cairo ~5 AM Monday Morning there and 10 PM Sunday Night in California ~7 hrs difference ~Dominos?
Twitter Family! Check out #Egyptian Sister Mona Eltahawy @monaeltahawy ~ http://www.monaeltahawy.com/blog/ #Egypt #Rising
Wish we would of have Internet Power in the late 60s-early 70s. We had direct Rap Sessions, Teach-Ins, Face-to-Face Diloagues.
12/27/2010 ~ Make Mistakes: Life Has a Way of Righting Itself ~Dr. Susan Smalley: http://bit.ly/id5kib
People are fast awakening to connections between Amerikan Empire and repressive dictatorships. #Consciousness Rising Worldwide! #Jan25
Propaganda war intensifies between Egypt State TV vs. Social Networks, Progressive Webites and Blogs. We Will Win! #Egypt
@lindahollier Internet Power has enabled a global social consciousness that did not exist before ~kindred spirits connecting
@heidiko44 Tweets to Self are alright ~gotta check in with yourself too ya know. ;->~~
@starZship Assange is getting better at utilizing corporate media ~naturally a bit paranoid #WikiLeaks http://bit.ly/fyySd2
Sunday Night ~It has been a heavy weekend for the whole world and for me in my little world. Heavy month so far. Heavy year ahead!
RT @lindahollier: What's Beyond Reason? Intuition and Well-Being. Susan Smalley. Huffington Post: http://huff.to/g0tJeZ #mindfulness
@lindahollier Thank You Sister Linda ~We have been 'silent' observers sharing these times ~evolutionizing! ~#Love, Peter
LINK: Official Website of Dr. Susan Smalley ~Mindful Awareness~ http://www.suesmalley.com/
RT @lindahollier: Both #mindfulness and #intuition have been described as key components to creativity, wisdom and well-being. Susan Smalley
We had a good CASA-12 Steps Meeting ~recovery group based upon A.A. 12-Steps ~discussed character defects! Prayed for people of Egypt.
@ishtarmuz 8:32 PM ~Good Night Brother. Let the Spirit of Revolution spark up the Spirit of the Masses Worldwide! #Egypt
6:26 PM ~Time for CASA 12-Steps Meeting at local Salvation Army Emergency Shelter at 7 PM
@ShelbyKnox We can with all of us together. Liberated Men and Liberated Women= All as One http://twitpic.com/3uwmpy #Egypt #Jan25
@M0AB It is patent that the Uprising in Egypt has stimulated consciousness among many others in other regions. #Yemen #Jordan #???
@cmtvsmith As online 'reporters' we have a responsibility to honor and devote ourselves to the truth ~best we know it now.
LINK: 1-30-2011 ~Julian Assange, The Man Behind #WikiLeaks: 60 Minutes Interview http://bit.ly/fyySd2
RT @wikileaks: CBS 60 minutes Assange overtime video http://is.gd/s9sTM5
Definition of VERACITY 1: devotion to the truth: truthfulness 2: power of conveying or perceiving trutth 3: conformity with truth or fact
@M0AB We are in troubled times of social turmoil ~many are hungry ~Egypt is just the edge of wider global existences #Israel
Egyptian upheaval a 'complete surprise' to #Israel: http://bit.ly/dJUph1 ~So much for the Mossad
Hosni #Mubarak: 5 Facts on Egypt's Longest-Serving President: http://aol.it/gtf91d
"Even the most individual systems are not absolutely unique, but offer striking and unmistakable analogies with other systems" ~ #cgjung
U.S. set to fly thousands of Americans from #Egypt ~Internet interruptions: http://usat.ly/eawNrF
VIA Newsweek ~Inside the White House's #Egypt Scramble: http://bit.ly/earVHz
Suicide attack kills #Afghan official in #Kandahar: http://bit.ly/eCb8ZH ~Amerikan Warlords Out of Afghanisnam!
LA Times ~White House quietly prepares for a post-Mubarak era in #Egypt: http://lat.ms/efbX1y #Jan25
It's official: South #Sudan set to secede with a 99.57 percent vote: http://bit.ly/hqyw8z #Egypt #Yemen #Libya
'No to Suleiman, no to Shafik' Egyptians tell our correspondent in Cairo: http://bit.ly/eDS0Ze #egypt
RT @ianinegypt: Tahrir Square has two types of army tanks, I believe they are M60 Pattons and M1A1 Abrams. #jan25 #egypt
Let us take the time to pray for the people of #Egypt ~do good work in our own homes, our own communities, our own worlds!
RT @AJEnglish: Security vacuum hits Egypt: Streets of Cairo tense as days of protests result in police leaving posts. http://aje.me/ecrDJs
Protestors will stay in streets until #Mubarak steps down! He need to be taken down! http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/
VIA @SultanAlQassemi: Al Jazeera: number of protesters in Alexandria exceeds 150,000 ~#Mubarak Regime must go now!
@SudaneseThinker Liberation Now! for #Sudan ~Map of #Sudan ~ http://bit.ly/ikg6Kz #Tunisia #Egypt #Libya #Chad #Ethiopia
Befriend @SudaneseThinker ~ http://www.sudanesethinker.com/ ~Liberation Now!
VIA @SudaneseThinker NEWS: Facebook-Organized Protests Have Begun In #Sudan. Stay Tuned Continuous Updates.http://http://bit.ly/g7uuUu
@AJEnglish LIFE will NEVER BE BACK TO NORMAL in Cairo, Egypt. There is NOW a NEW NORMAL that has transformed the old one.
@AuthorNarea Yes, #Internet #Power ~concentration on coordination of communications ~imagination are key elements now
@blogdiva My Vanguard Website is Twitter ~silly as that reads~ and Facebook is secondary. Watch Al-Jaz > http://bit.ly/VGnK
@blogdiva We need to be conscious, coordinate online, establish and nurture mass networks using Internet Power! #Jan25
@AuthorNarea Fascinating to know that conscious masses in their splendid millions are transfixed on #Egypt now. Huge shift!
@SaloumehZ Slaves now in factories, in fields, in streets are wondering what their chances are for Liberation! #Egypt #Jan26
@khakhov Yes, we must express support for #Liberty #Egypt ~Been posting a lot for few days now: http://bit.ly/gCrzqr
VIDEO 2:07 1/29/2011 #Army Deployed to Protect Key Egyptian Sites: http://youtu.be/0tGGn_t-BJ8 #Egypt #Uprising
@khakhov As an indigenous Chicano-Latino in USA ~one of millions~ I support the Mass Uprising in #Egypt #Mubarak must go now!
Vast masses of people all over the world are witnessing what is going on in #Egypt ~looking around at their own situations!
@lostrelics Reactionaries in positions of state power are modern fascists ~many now in fear of Power of the Masses! #Jan25
#Internet #Power functions as a kind of protective layer for masses in Tahrir Square ~against Fascist Mubarak Regime #Jan25
@lostrelics Mubarak Regime is fascist regime ~'in power but not secure' ~world watching ~cannot kill online witness! #Egypt
LINK: Women of #Egypt By Leil-Zahra Mortada · View Photos: http://on.fb.me/hqkdbt VIA @monaeltahawy #Egypt #Jan25
30 Jan 2011 10:01 GMT #Egypt shuts down Al Jazeera bureau: http://bit.ly/edTixv
RT @alexbojalil: @monaeltahawy Mexico is all the way with the Egyptians #Freedom #Egypt #Egipto #jan25
1/30/2011 11:10 am #EGYPT: Human rights group demands government reopen Al Jazeera bureau: http://lat.ms/gyD0QK
RT @sharifkouddous: I have walked though no less than 10 checkpoints and still not home. Pretty sure our house is safe #Egypt
1/29/2011 ~Roots of the Egyptian Revolutionary Moment - http://bit.ly/g8Y97I via @therealnews
@Henry_Kissinger You are a dinosaur fearing extinction. Mass killer of many. I will pray for redemption of your soul. #Jan25
1/30/2011 Live From the Egyptian Revolution: Sharif Abdel Kouddous @sharifkouddous~ http://bit.ly/i21WmG #Egypt
Join Up Humane-Liberation-Party via Portal ~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
1/29/2011~Saudi Arabia Slammed Protesters in Egypt as "Infiltrators"~demonstrations spreading to their countries: http://bit.ly/e2ED5s
RT @AJEnglish: Al Jazeera Audio Update: http://audioboo.fm/boos/266060-al-jazeera-audio-update-9 #aljazeera #jan25 #egypt #cairo
BOOK: Ghost Plane: The True Story of the CIA Rendition and Torture Program by Stephen Grey: http://amzn.to/foRVtZ
RT @sharifkouddous: A few tents in the middle of the square.Some people lying down on grass. Many will sleep here. They refuse to leave.
RT@SultanAlQassemi: El Baradei~Tahrir "As we have stated, we have one main demand: the ousting of this regime & the beginning of a new era"
RT @lindahollier: "We have a key demand, for the regime to step down and to start a new era." El Baradei, Tahrir Square.
El Baradei in Tahrir "Fellow Egyptians, today you must recapture your rights. What we have started will never be turned back again"
RT @SultanAlQassemi: See picture of El Baradei at Meydan Tahrir now http://yfrog.com/h430xcj
@monaeltahawy Certanly @Henry_Kissinger should be arrested ~prosecuted for great war crimes ~he is fascist, as is Obama #Jan25
@monaeltahawy Many here in USA know @Henry_Kissinger is architect of genocide ~Vietnam ~Cambodia ~Latin Americai #Jan25
RT @SultanAlQassemi: El Baradei arrives in Meydan Tahrir. Page grab Al Arabiya http://yfrog.com/h81yiyj http://yfrog.com/gznmqtzj
RT @sharifkouddous: Chanting against Omar Suleiman and Ahmed Shafik calling them collaborators with US #Egypt
VIA @commondreams: Torture Career of Egypt's Omar Suleiman ~Rendition to Torture Program http://bit.ly/hBRDTK #Jan25 #Egypt
VIA @commondreams: Torture Career of Egypt's New Vice President: Omar Suleiman ~Rendition to Torture Program http://bit.ly/hBRDTK #Jan25
@mathaba2 Beware of who are the enemies and friends of the masses ~Amerikan Empire still rules the roost ~is must be toppled!
@sharifkouddous Omar Suleiman is an evil fascist-motivated man ~puppet ~terrorist planner of past renditions #Egypt #Jan25
RT @SultanAlQassemi: "Ashat Al Thawra" عاشت الثورة RT @bakerator How does one say "viva la revolucion" in Arabic? #Egypt
@sharifkouddous I am in USA. There is lack of central leadership ~creates fragile social vacuum ~get help of @ElBaradei #Egypt
RT @bencnn: Beware the day after: Saddam's fall, Mubarak's teetering, focus of attention. It's what comes after that becomes the story.
@sharifkouddous “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.” ~President Kennedy #Egypt
RT @sharifkouddous: Chanting: "Peaceful. Our revolution is peaceful" #Egypt ~Yes, Peaceful Revolution with Support of Masses!
#Friends @SultanAlQassemi @democracynow @sharifkouddous @AymanM @bencnn @AJEnglish @monaeltahawy @truthout @elamin88 #Egypt #ElBaradei
Tune in Monday for a special program on #Egypt w live reporting by @sharifkouddous. Stream 8amEST: http://ow.ly/3MCV5 #jan25
Al Jazeera confirms that @ElBaradei is now on his way to Meydan Tahrir
Chanting: "This is the people's revolution!" #Egypt
In Tahrir Sq: "We won't leave. He will leave!" #Egypt
I am in the middle of a sea of people. Chanting together. "Mubarak get out. We are the children of #Egypt."
@monaeltahawy BBC Arabic estimates 150,000 in Tahrir and Elbaradei is heading there. This is the turning point. Mubarak must be gone tonight
@monaeltahawy Egyptian protesters in front o/t FreedomPalace,The Netherlands. Screaming "Down with Mubarak!"#jan25 http://yfrog.com/h2jberj
Thousands of #egyptian protesters at Tahrir Sq sing, chant & wave Egyptian flags, feels like protesters reached a critical pt 2day #jan25
To watch Al Jazeera English live click here http://english.aljazeera.net then click on "Live Stream" on the right had side of the screen
Mohamed @elBaradei calls U.S. response to #Egypt disappointing; reportedly to address protesters in Tahrir Square. http://wapo.st/hY7aGT
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 1-29-2011 Sabbath Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Egypt #Jan25: http://bit.ly/gCrzqr #Liberty
Watching CNN Fareed Zakaria @FareedGPSCNN ~Program will be exclusively on #Egypt ~ El Baradei was on briefly.
<+>Sunday, January 30, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Rise Up! Revolt!<+> Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
VIA @monaeltahawy: Updated my blog w my work over the past week in print, on radio and TV http://www.monaeltahawy.com/blog/ #Jan25
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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