Wednesday, February 23, 2011

2-23-2011 Wednesday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Libya

2-23-2011-Free Libya
2-23-2011 Wednesday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Libya
»!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Healer who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+> Buenas Noches Familia/Good Night Family~ <+>Pray for the People of Libya! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan
@Masriyah25 Plan to spend more time writing stuff as distinct from being strung out on Twitter, though I obviously love Twitter.
@Masriyah25 My main chemical addictions now are rolling tobacco and coffee. Of course there are many kinds of addictions, even to power.
@Masriyah25 10:36 PM ~I openly admit to being a recovered drug addict suffering from concomitant character defects. It is now global wide.
@SVE13 Thank you Love. I love the News ~Love the New ~Hope it helps ~Many ways of raising Spiritual Consciousness ~Love, Peta
@Masriyah25 Certainly Ghadaffy is a psychopath. I want people to see deeper character defects that warp many of us. Roots! Causes!
@Masriyah25 #Gaddafi had concept of Islamic socialism ~got sucked up by character defect of greed. Tragic dangerous. #Libya
#LIBYA Countries move to evacuate citizens from Libya:
@TheAngryindian: China need a new People's Cultural Revolution ~it is state capitalism:
@temirporras POTUS Obama in @whitehouse: appreciates the necessary distraction from #Iraq #Pakistan and #AfghanisNAM in #Libya
#AGFHAN These guys don't look like they're losing to me!
#Afghan fighters near Kandahar city say they will expand their operations in the summer:
#LIBYA Muammar Gaddafi's 25 Strangest Moments by David A. Graham: VIA @TheAngryindian
#LIBYA Khadafi On the Outs ~Black Agenda Radio commentary by Glen Ford: VIA @uruknet #FreeLibya
#AFGHAN Huckabee sees no endgame in Afghanistan: RT
@ishtarmuz The People's Revolution never sleeps ~we just take turns sleeping ~while others continue to raise consciousness!
@ishtarmuz Good Night?!?! Hell who is going to do the Night Shift?
I spell it Afghanisnam because anyone who has learned anything from Vietnam should see when the USA is involved in a losing doomed war.
Mike Huckabee expresses deep doubts about #Afghan war via @huffingtonpost ~Man has brains!
12/02/2010 Jeremy Scahill: WikiLeaks Cables Confirm Secret U.S. War Ops in Pakistan: #FreePakistan
Arrest of CIA Agent Sheds Light on American Covert War in Pakistan, Straining U.S.-Pakistani Relations:
#LIBYA “The world now is watching a massacre, and history will hold the international community responsible,” ~Libyan Novelist Matar
 “We’re Witnessing the Violent Lashings of a Dying Beast”: Libyan Novelist Matar on Gaddafi’s Brutal Crackdown in Libya:
"People Have Finally Found Their Voice”: Democracy Now!’s Sharif Abdel Kouddous on Egypt After Mubarak:
#LIBYA 2/23/2011 #Gaddafi loses more Libyan cities ~despite Muammar Gaddafi's threat of crackdown:
#EGYPT Echo: 2/19/2011 Women of the revolution ~Egyptian women describe the spirit of Tahrir:
#GAZA Rocket from Gaza lands in Israel: VIA @AJEnglish
#LIBYA Obama Condemns Libya Amid Stalled Evacuation: #FreeLibya
Download LINK: ~Best Twitter app. Gives broad picture ~Direct Messages ~Mentions ~All Friends ~Columns
@spiritdance33 A lot of these events impels us to look at the original nature of human nature. Believe we start out humane. #Iran
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S. Lopez
#MEXICO Calderon says Mexico has caught 'main suspect' in U.S. agent's killing:
#UN's duty to Libyans: statement completely inadequate. Gaddafi needs a tough resolution ringing in his ears:
@ArabRevolution: Looks like a mobile cannon. I am not weaponry expert. Definitely weapon: #Libya
@lostrelics Thanks Brother. I have mellowed and matured over the years ~tremendously love people with all their ways.
@lostrelics Yes, I am into HUMANE REVOLUTION. I would have to be humane, not Marxist or old vanguard.
@lostrelics I remember that about you now. You are a remarkable humane being.
@lostrelics Now my religion is revolution ~I am a Missionary for the People's Liberation Movement!
Catch ya later. damn.... Twitter is addictive if I am not mindful.
@lostrelics Well the truth is I usually buy store bought tortillas. With bread I prefer wheat bread.
@lostrelics Local Priest wanted me to get into the Priesthood! I had a way with other believers, still do. Must be the name.
RT @hrw: Italy shld support immediate EU embargo on exporting arms & security equipment to #Libya & targeted sanctions:
@lostrelics Crack me up! I'd like a tortilla with butter actually. We're cool. Gotta go outside and play!
@lostrelics Never even got into actually reading Holy Bible until I go involved with a Pentecostal experience Church long ago.
@lostrelics Church is another whole can of serpents. I was raised going to Catholic Church ~another great division:religion.
We need to root out all forms of negativism: individualism, racism, nationalism etc.
@lostrelics In my line of work I have brought people together who can have initial hatred but I break down barriers with mirrors.
Gotta go to hood store ~get a few things ~than to my Favorite store: the local SPCA Thrift Store.
@lostrelics Yes, we are carefully taught my parental figures ~early childhood environment ~peer pressures. It is getting better.
@lostrelics Living in the real world I have never been friends with 'everyone'. I can relate to all peoples but am not blind.
@lostrelics Funny, in my dope fiend days it was Whites who took me into their homes more than any other people. Go figure!
@lostrelics Of course it requires transformation in realm of revolutionary consciousness ~also breaking bread together.
@lostrelics Being seen as native growing up I witnessed racism from all peoples ~not even including self-hatred. Old Roman Empire formula.
@WakeUp2Wellness Most people do not want to discuss the 'r' word, but it still impacts and influences our interrelations.
Trust me ~despite human beings really only being of one real race of people ~racism is alive and well inside the United States.
@lostrelics Read: North From Mexico: Carey McWilliams ~should be standard textbook:… (cont)
@WakeUp2Wellness Who decides who is a Westerner or not? From who's geo-political location? Many assumptions are just assumptions.
@lostrelics Racism has been used for long centuries to keep us divided and is still a strong factor in human relationships in USA.
@lostrelics In general, most people are racist ~whether subconscious or not~ I live in one of the most racial-integrated cities in USA.
@WakeUp2Wellness Thanks for your response. Many do or many don't?! Wonder about the majority in USA?!
@lostrelics Need to write more. Tweets do not do certain subjects justice ~need further explaining and elaborating.
@lostrelics I apologize. I know a lot of White people ~know dinner conversations in homes ~it's complicated.
@lostrelics Whites do not have a monopoly on racism. I know damn well many Chicanos-Mexicans are racist against Blacks privately.
@lostrelics Do you think most White Amerikans are non-Racist? Many colors of Racism you know.
CNN Wolf talked about tangibility of pin-point drone strike on Gadaffy and his threats of blowing up oil wells!
@TheAngryindian Amerikans want to make sure they have #OIL to keep their polluting cars going. Not so much Middle East democracy!
@TheAngryindian Am I wrong or what? Do not want to seem bombastic! In the back of the Amerikan mind is an Oil Well.
Amerikans are mainly concerned about the access to Middle East Oil ~let us not be under any illusions about a love for Democracy.
Think Amerikans do not really give a shit about Middle East people ~most Whites still have remnants of racism against non-White peoples.
2:41 PM ~Awake. Time for shower, Thinking about democracy. Who is your Senator? Your Representative? Your Elected Officials?
1:33 PM ~Time for my afternoon siesta. When I catnap, meditate, plan and plot! @Peta_de_Aztlan
I Trust this man RT @ElBaradei: مازالنا فى إنتظار الإعلان عن التحقيق مع الرؤوس الكبرى للنظام. هل إقتصر الفساد على قيادات الصف الثانى؟!
@BE_PURE Sometimes we are like a bunch of little ants each waving our little flags. We need to build up a People's Army!
@TheAngryindian I see the Third World from where I sit. Objectively we are all in this one world here now. Let's work on that. #1
Welcome to all our new 'Followers'! Our expanding #Twitter Family is growing more and more each day, May our Tweets be meaningful.
@starZship I guess some days the Twitter Birds are out more than other days!
Ours is not the only way, it is another way. > >
We need to be able to shift to another website for better communications besides Twitter >
@BE_PURE I am glad @JulianAssange_ finally exhibited some personification. People need that online. We are not robots.
RT @JulianAssange_: Accept that some days you're the pigeon, and some days you're the statue.
RT @JulianAssange_: Be who you are and say what you feel because those who mind don't matter and those who matter don't mind.
1 John 4:8 ~ He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
RT @venanalysis: What are the Tasks of Revolutionary Communication? #venezuela
@dokhtofkoroush A revolutionary movement must move with its momentum as it is in process, not dwindle but agitated by activism.
@dokhtofkoroush #Tunisia was the trigger ~ #Egypt Uprising shook the pillars of evil powers worldwide ~We must look at our local areas.
#SACRAMENTO LINK: La Raza-Chicano Cultural Center:!/larazagaleria
@ArabRevolution Here in the USA I hope POTUS Obama has the bold courage soon to strongly condemn Gadaffy in #Libya.
@dokhtofkoroush These recent global events are exposing the selfish greed and hypocrisy of many 'rulers'. #IRAN #FreeIran
#Egypt is a marvel in the New Millennium: a relatively Peaceful Revolutionary Process ~still needs power transition
#Trauma and Addiction Recovery: VIA @stensonbodytalk
Review: How the Internet Is Being Used to Hijack Medical Science for Fear and Profit: VIA @stensonbodytalk:
#LIBYA: Who is propping up Gaddafi? #FreeLibya
RT @AJEnglish: Global community isolates Gaddafi: European Union calls investigation into crimes against humanity...
#BAHRAIN Of malls and mosques: Bahrain's twin personalities:
#IRAN Iranian President Slams Libya Killings ~calling kettle black: #FreeIran
#MEXICO 34,000 people killed in drug war since President Calderon took office 2006 ~began crackdown on cartels!
#MEXICO Criticizes US Coordination in Drug War ~rivalry within U.S. intelligence agencies:
#LIBYA: Reports of 1,000 killed are 'credible,' Italian foreign minister says: #FreeLibya
RT @amnesty: #Congo general's rape conviction first step toward justice
#LIBYA If Libya Falls, What Happens to All Those Twitter Links? By TechStaff: #FreeLibya
RT @Ghonim: Thats the real face of Egypt. Young Egyptians connect a mosque and a church with the Egyptian flag:
RT @Ghonim: Team behind #Egypt2030 vision has Facebook fanpage. Please join it ~contribute ideas and support them:
#MEXICO RT @hrw: Mexico: Investigate Attacks on Chihuahua Human Rights Defenders
@English103 ...LINKS to Blogs ~LINKS to good websites ~LINKS to News Articles and ~LINKS to other good people on Twitter.
@English103 Aware of what we are Tweeting ~Trains us to get to the point ~Be less verbose ~Define terms more clearly ~Plus we can insert...
@English103 Naturally, Twitter has its limits with only 140 Character spaces to work without cheating with extensions. It makes us...
@English103 I am nearly 60-Earth years ~still in good shape ~must be the Apache blood ~learn every day ~go with the flow. #Peace
New Zealand earthquake preparedness: Authorities battled complacency:
@English103 Let us liberate the day from all our fears, insecurities and difficulties we face in life. I try to be practical. #Peace
Life is a fluid experience ~times move on ~let us go with the flow and pray no one drowns! Revolutionize!
Let us stay in the here now of connected reality. Take care of our own immediate situation. Help others as we can. Use common sense.
Twitter Family: I will try to respond to Direct Mentions. Suggest we balance our lives online, offline and inline in a trinity.
Followers ~Thanks for the Follow, though I still am not comfortable with the Follow term. Let us raise spiritual consciousness!
#LIBYA Qaddafi's ties to rebel groups scrutinized as 'African mercenaries' patrol Libya:
@ArabRevolution تباً لكم ياطواغيت by Peta_de_Aztlan
Baby Killed by Gaddafi Being Washed & Prepared for Burial [GRAPHIC VIDEO] #feb17 #graphic #libya #martyrs #video
@PacificTouch Pacific Touch by Peta_de_Aztlan
New post: What Mao's Last Dancer Have to Say about Shen Yun
@PacificTouch I am into spiritual healing, helping people and exploring connected reality, not hocus pocus scams.
@ArabicDemocrati These are great times of turmoil. Let us use social media to foster unity among all loving peoples. #FreeLibya
@jan15egy Jan15Egy by Peta_de_Aztlan
#Egypt #Jan25 The Universal Declaration of Human Rights approved by UN Articles19&20 Freedom of expression and assembly.
@mfpineiro Maria Pineiro by Peta_de_Aztlan
#Libya Malta off.sources: plane with Aisha Gaddafi, daughter of #Gaddafi, has been denied permission to land by civil aviation authorities
Now Follow @ArabicDemocrati Libya, Tripoli Every Arabians need an independent state with democratic system without regime...
@English103 Good morning Brother. Let us liberate the day! #Peace
@amnesty Radical is a real loaded word prone to misinterpretation. Radical by whose standards? My agenda is humane rights. #Indonesia
RT @amnesty: As radical groups call to outlaw religious minority, #Indonesia must commit to protect freedom of religion
Join the HumanE Liberation Party HELP > ~Get involved with one group or another
@SVE13 People can check out Google News for themselves ~have tendency to be an enabler ~we must do more than Report and Echo
RT @democracynow: “We’re Witnessing the Violent Lashings of a Dying Beast”: Libyan Novelist @HishamjMatar o… (cont)
@SVE13 I post a lot about the News, but am not sure what good it does for others. Was saving Tweets but also time consuming.
@SVE13 I generally try to go with the flow, not backtrack editing but have a tendency towards perfectionism. Working on it.
@SVE13 Thanks for your tips. I find life, the news and people so fascinating that sometimes I admit I get scatter-brained.
@SVE13 Have been working on one for a long time off and on about progressive recovery, but my interests have expanded. #GuererroDeCorazon
@anjucomet Anjali Kamat by Peta_de_Aztlan
Entering #Libya now. Greeted by army who have all joined revolution. Man checking our passports is an airforce major general #feb17
@anjucomet Anjali Kamat by Peta_de_Aztlan
Graffitti on wall: 'welcome to the new free #Libya.' Everyone wants to know news from Egypt #feb17
@anjucomet Anjali Kamat by Peta_de_Aztlan
All are excited to see journalists. They say #Libya is now 15% free and we are now in a liberated zone controlled by the people #feb17
RT @sharifkouddous: Follow @anjucomet for on-the-ground updates from #Libya
Appreciate your sharing. Let us all communicate better ~as we avoid info. overload. RT @Ghonim: My new e-mail:
RT @Ghonim: Thank you #Tunisia for showing all of us the power of people. You've inspired all of us in the Arab world.
RT @Ghonim: We should launch an international campaign so that the Interpol issue a warrant to arrest #Gaddafi. He is a criminal!
RT @Ghonim: Great job! RT @ranwayehia fabulous work @mand0z #Jan25 Media Library. 3000+ videos, 4000+ pictures.
@SVE13 Be creative! I support you in the quest for truth and your creative expression. Need to work more on my own book. #Can #URock
<+>Wednesday, February 23, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Liberation Now!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
About @Peta_de_Aztlan

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