Friday, February 25, 2011

2-25-2011 Friday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Revolution

2-25-2011 #FreeLibya
2-25-2011 Friday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Revolution
»!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Healer who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
"To dare: that is the whole secret of revolutions." ~Antoine Saint-Just
"Everything I see about me is sowing the seeds of a revolution that is inevitable... " ~Voltaire
"He who would be free must strike the first blow." ~Frederick Douglass
"You must have a democracy in order to have a revolution." ~G.K. Chesterton
"All the higher, more penetrating ideals are revolutionary." ~William James
"A society of sheep must in time beget a government of wolves." ~Bertrand de Jouvenel
"All civilization has from time to time become a thin crust over a volcano of revolution." ~Havelock Ellis
"Those who profess to favor freedom, and yet depreciate agitation, are men who want rain without thunder and lightning."~Frederick Douglass
"This radical change in the principles, opinions, sentiments and affections of the people was the real American Revolution." ~John Adams
"The Revolution was effected before the war commenced. The Revolution was in the minds and hearts of the people." ~John Adams
"The sin of silence when they should protest makes cowards of men." ~Abraham Lincoln
"Revolution means democracy in today's world, not the enslavement of peoples to... totalitarianism." ~Ronald Reagan
"Revolution is impossible until it's inevitable." ~Leon Trotsky
"Revolutions are the locomotives of history." ~Karl Marx
"When dictatorship is a fact, revolution becomes a right." ~Victor Hugo
"The most heroic word in all languages is revolution." ~Eugene Debs
"Revolution is not a onetime event." ~Audre Lorde
"The tree of liberty must be refreshed from time to time, with the blood of patriots and tyrants. It is its na… (cont)
"All oppressed people are authorized, wherever they can, to rise and break their fetters." ~Henry Clay, March 24, 1818
"Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable." ~President John F. Kennedy
"The Revolution will not be televised. The Revolution will be no rerun, brothers. The Revolution — will be live." ~Gil Scott-Heron, 1971
"The first lesson a revolutionary must learn is that he is a doomed man. Unless he understands this, he doe… (cont)
"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary o… (cont)
"In a revolution, one triumphs or dies (if it is a true revolution)." ~Che Guevara, Letter to Fidel Castro~1965
"Rebellion without truth is like spring in a bleak, arid desert." ~Kahlil Gibran, The Vision
"The successful revolutionary is a statesman, the unsuccessful one a criminal." ~Erich Fromm
"The revolution is not an apple that falls when it is ripe. You have to make it drop." ~Che Guevara
"A revolution is an idea which has found its bayonets." ~Napoleon Bonaparte
"A revolution is an insurrection, an act of violence by which one class overthrows another." ~Chairman Mao Tse-tung
"There are periods dare, is the highest wisdom." ~William Ellery Channing, The Union (1829)
CATECHISM OF A REVOLUTIONIST by Sergei Nechaev [and Mikhail Bakunin]:
@GibranX #Revolution, Rebellion, Resistance-The Power of Story, by Eric Selbin: ~Free tease. Experts!?!
@GibranX 2082011 VUA NYTimes ~School Project: Revolt! Comparing Historical Revolutions:
@Raul_Ramos I am always glad to help in whatever little way I can. Keep up the good work ~Keep raising consciousness! #Latism
@SaloumehZ SaloumehZ by Peta_de_Aztlan
Protestors are continuing to gain strength from inside and outside of #Libya @AJELive
@unido1931 Idea was to share how long and varied is history of revolutions and rebellions ~still inaccurate and incomplete.
@unido1931 Thank you! I was on a roll ~so much is unknown by so many ~often blog my Tweets of today come tomorrow. Save Tweets!
@aglb66 We should try to keep it simple. In these times we are often in uncharted waters ~blinded by sandstorms ~subjective.
#LIBYA World powers struggle to find way to stop Gaddafi ~amateur video/text:
As Uncle Ho said, "... So life, you see, is never very smooth business, And now the present bristles with difficulties."
Our 'enemies' are NOT mere mortals ~combatants. Our deeper enemies are our own internal character defects. It all begins within.
Revolution is significant historical starting point of true liberation ~hard struggles involve new relationships between people!
Revolution creates another established order ~must lay new economic foundation ~macro starting point, BUTTT I am no expert!
After failed revolutions of USSA ~People's Republic of China ~internal corruption in other regions revolution must be re-analyzed.
@SoCoLaura Valid revolution requires fundamental transformation of property relations ~relevant for only a specific stage of history.
Ideal revolution would be a peaceful revolution ~as much as possible ~to avoid resentments from violence & seeds of counter-revolution.
It is simple, but it is not easy.
Each of us must determine in our minds what is or is not a relevant sustainable revolution. Often seeds of counter-revolution are planted.
There is no permanent revolution. Revolution by its very nature is quantum leap in evolution, not a fixed state of affairs.
Social history is a basic guide to action ~not a blueprint. Revolution is an on-going process, not a fixed state or final conclusion.
Climax of democratic revolution is seizure of state power ~army becomes people in uniform ~redistribution of society's wealth.
FYI: List of revolutions and rebellions VIA WikiPedia:
2000–2004: Second Intifada, continuation of First Intifada, between Palestinians and Israel.
1998: Election in Venezuela of socialist leader Hugo Chávez ~called Bolivarian Revolution.
1994: Zapatista Rebellion: uprising in Mexican state of Chiapas demanding equal rights for indigenous peoples.
1986: People Power Revolution peacefully overthrows Ferdinand Marcos after his two decade rule in Philippines.
1962: Revolution in northern Yemen overthrew the imam ~established Yemen Arab Republic.
1959: Failed Tibetan uprising against Chinese rule led to the flight of the Dalai Lama.
1958: Iraqi Revolution abolishes British-backed monarchy, executes many of its top officials, begins to assert country's independence.
1956–1959: Cuban Revolution led by Fidel Castro removes government of General Batista. By 1962 Cuba transforme… (cont)
1954–1962: Algerian War of Independence: revolutionary war of independence against French colonialism.
1949: Communist-led Chinese Revolution under chairman Mao overthrows ruling Nationalist Party ~establishes People's Republic of China.
1947: Mohammad ali jinnah's struggle against British and Pakistan came into being.
@nNomad_ Better late than never. Hope life is going well for you and your loved ones. #ff= Finish Friday ;->~~
1945: August Revolution led by Ho Chi Minh declared independence of Democratic Republic of Vietnam from French rule.
1927–1933: Rebellion led by Augusto César Sandino against USA presence in Nicaragua.
1917: October Revolution in Russia: Bolshevik seizure of power in Russia ~establishment of Soviet Union, sparking Russian Civil War.
1916–1918: Arab Revolt ~aim of securing independence from Ottoman Empire.
1916: An anti-French uprising in Algeria, Africa..
1910–1920: Mexican Revolution overthrows dictator Porfirio Díaz; seizure of power by Institutional Revolutionary Party.
1893: A liberal revolt brings José Santos Zelaya to power in Nicaragua.
1862: The Sioux Uprising in Minnesota, USA.
1861–1865: American Civil War in USA ~between US and Confederate States of America, which was formed out of 11 southern states.
Taos Revolt ~part of Mexican-American War:
1847: Taos Revolt ~popular insurrection by Mexicans and Native American allies against US occupation of now northern New Mexico.
1847: The Taos Revolt in New Mexico against United States.
1847: The Maya Rebellion in Yucatán, Mexico.
1841–1842: Afghan uprising. Hostile Afghan tribes massacred Elphinstone's British army including 12,000 civilian dependents ~camp followers.
1835–1836: Texas secedes from Mexico in Texas Revolution.
1822–1823: Republican revolution in Mexico overthrows Emperor Agustín de Iturbide.
1820–1824: The revolutionary war of independence in Peru led by José de San Martín.
1810–1821: Mexican War of Independence ~revolution against Spanish colonialism.
RT @andersoncooper: A fmr translator for Gadhafi who says he tried to take part in a coup years ago breaks his silence #ac360 10p
1791–1804: Haitian Revolution: Successful slave rebellion, led by Toussaint Louverture, establishes Haiti as first free, black republic!
1789: French Revolution: One of the most influential socio-political revolutions ~rise of bourgeoisie ~downfall of aristocracy.
1775–1783: American Revolution establishes independence of 13 North American colonies from Great Britain, creating USA.
1722 AD: Afghan rebels defeated Shah Sultan Hossein and ended the Safavid dynasty.
#Gates warns against future land wars like Iraq, Afghanistan: VIA @iraqigovernment
Now Follow @iraqigovernment Iraqi Government ~source for Iraq breaking news...within country:
OK RT @iraqigovernment: @Peta_de_Aztlan stay tuned to us for the latest Iraqi News
1390s: Revolts all over Persia ~repressed with ruthless vigour; whole cities destroyed, populations massacred, towers built of skulls.
869–883 AD: The Zanj Rebellion of black African slaves in Iraq. The Zanj Rebellion was crushed in 883 by the Abbasids.
824–836 AD: The revolt of Arab troops in Tunisia against Aghlabids was only put down with the help of the Berbers.
740–743 AD: Great Berber Revolt in Maghreb against Umayyads 1st successful secession from Arab caliphate (ruled from Damascus).
685–699 AD: The Azraqi Khariji revolt in Iraq and Iran against the Umayyad Caliphate.
@GibranX OK. We are Co-Followers for now. Try to curb my Twitter stream. Good avatar! @Peta_de_Aztlan
496 AD: Mazdak led a Persian socialistic movement and overthrew Shahanshah Kavadh I of the Persian empire.
@GibranX I want to write a little article to clarify for others and myself. Social Revolution is quantum leap in humane evolution.
#EGYPT 570 BC: A revolt broke out among native Egyptian soldiers, giving Amasis II opportunity to seize the throne.
@GibranX What is the difference between a revolution and a rebellion? ~General idea only
RT @Raul_Ramos: My CNN TV interview with Juan Carlos Lopez. (English subtitled version coming soon.) #latism
@GibranX Gracias. Lots of people are confused about various stages of social rebellion and historical development.
RT @ElBaradei: After episode today "independent" media should stop misleading people that they are free. Prime Minister must go !
Learn the subtle significant differences between rebellion, a mass revolt, a sustained uprising and deep social revolution!
Liberation is a way of living in the world ~not an 8-to-5 job ~it is a lifelong way of being alive, of interacting with the world.
Liberation is not a single act ~Liberation is a way of being ~a way of interacting with the world ~enhancing culture of Liberation
#EGYPT Opinion ~Post-Mubarak revolutionary chances ~Egypt's revolutionaries must guard against army and west:
#ARAB Al Jazeera has been suffering interference on its Arabsat satellite frequency:
@AJELive AJELive by Peta_de_Aztlan
Heard all about the mass protests & prayers in Benghazi? Need a visual? Check out the inspiring photo gallery on
#BAHRAIN RT @wikileaks: Iran Has Little to Do With Bahrain Protests
Let people in your life now that these are extraordinary times ~explain stuff to others ~be an active listener, not passive.
Let people know what you are thinking ~how you feel about current events ~encourage them to question authority and power!
Talk about current events in the world ~keep your conversations relevant to what is going on ~avoid useless dry bullshit.
Secret of a Liberation Movement is to keep the momentum going ~understand what is going on ~help explain current events to others.
At 59-Earth years current events and protests in the world remind me of the late 60's and early 70's. Much still to be done.
Waves of Liberation across Arabia and in North Africa has me feeling better than I have about the world for a long long time.
#IRAQ Iraqis stage 'day of rage' despite government lockdown ~burned or tried to storm Govt bldgs:
#WISCONSIN Democratic governors criticize Wisconsin's Walker: #Democracy Now!
2:21 PM ~The Sun and Storms clouds are fighting over dominant in the skies above Sacramento now.
@NCLR Please put something in Link to encourage people. THINK! Ay Dios Mio!
MAP: Malta ~
@MikeyEnergy Remember: power is dual capacity to correctly define connected reality and transform it. No merely defining.
@MikeyEnergy Organizing working class into Unions ~fighting for Unions is part of the whole idea of People's Politics!
RT @gme11: This scary how much it describes today's Republican party: Fascism - Wikipedia, #fascism
RT @WorldPeace2Day: Peace is not merely a distant goal that we seek, but a means by which we arrive at that goal.~ Mahatma Gandhi
@morsemusings Yes, American refugees stuck in Libya for days ~about 300~ landing in tiny Malta VIA CNN
RT @ElBaradei: Issa program today criticizing PM suddenly interrupted:Mubarak authoritarian regime alive & well.Free media remains a myth!
#WISCONSIN Protesters Expect 100,000 in Madison as Assembly OKs Anti-Union Bill:
@morsemusings And you are a blessing. Still in my shorts here.... Twitter is addictive. Watching CNN ~Americans landing in Malta.
@love8rockets Had to backtrack to see who you meant. Yes, great website @uruknet Heavy truth comes out of there.
#LIBYA Thousands Feared Dead in Gaddafi’s Crackdown on Libyan Uprising VIA @democracynow:
#ARAB The truth about Twitter, Facebook and the uprisings in the Arab world:
@malonerose #Wisconsin is a big example of what is going on across the United States. #Rebel #Revolt #Revolutionize
#IRAQ RT @truthout: Demonstrations Turn Violent in Iraq #p2
@morsemusings Repressed people are often silent in suffering. Our own personal suffering can give us empathy for others.
11:04 AM ~Time to shower and get ready. Today is my Brother Tata's birthday! Evening going to Galeria Posada
@morsemusings Many women who suffer rape are burdened with low or no self-esteem. Many people are afraid of the 'r' word.
@Rush1862 We need to be humble, patient and exhibit humane qualities. I was once lost in darkness. #sleepinggiants
Gaddafi defiant amid Libya turmoil: ~Down With All Dictators! Make the Revolution!
@AI_808 I believe in dreams and the dreamer. #thatisall #warmth808
Join the HumanE Liberation Party HELP > or another progressive group. Get involved now!
RT @amnesty: 45 Zimbabwean activists charged w treason and could face the death penalty #zimbabwe #humanrights
RT @wikileaks: Demand open justice for Julian Assange
#Lebanon Army Commander Meets With U.S. Ambassador:
#LIBYA Muslim Brotherhood Reject U.S. Intervention In Libya ~remember #Iraq:
@Rush1862 We may find that the dwarfs who thought they were of little significance were really sleeping giants!
@casanoga2001 There has been a mass revolt and mass rebellion in #EGYPT ~not yet a relevant revolution= seizure state power!
RT @Raul_Ramos: Allegedly blacklisted Latino activist wrongfully arrested inside AZ capitol bldg #latism
@Dhana77 Sounds like a good Pastor. The good Shepherd's rod is to guide sheep ~strike off wolves.
RT @GOOD: Costco agrees to sell sustainable seafood: Victory, paradox, or both? ~Agreement
@AI_808 First started Volunteering around 16 years old ~MAYA, UFW, Brown Berets... Opened up new worlds for me! #warmth808
#EGYPT Protesters fill Cairo square ~urge new rulers to implement reforms:
#BAHRAIN Opposition Leader Hassan Mushaimaa says he is being prevented from returning to Bahrain:
#LIBYA Why we're escaping from Libya By Yusra Tekbali, Special to CNN:
RT @TheAngryindian: Dozens slaughtered by US forces in Afghanistan-Pakistan air attacks
@TheAngryindian Nothing inherently wrong with being cautious and conservative. It is ruthless reactionaries we have to watch out for!
RT @AI_808: creative visualization! #thatisall #warmth808 ~I am good at visualizing, scary sometimes. ;->~~
@ricardelico Remember: our mortal mind can often betray us ~we 'get it' wrong. How can a feeling lie if it is a feeling?
BOOK: Genesis: Memory of Fire, Volume 1 ~Eduardo Galeano (Author):
Can you feel it? Before you had a mortal thought you have a feeling. Be sensitive to feelings emanating from being.
I feel the people of Mother Earth are undergoing a great spiritual awakening ~many have been sound asleep or sleep walking.
@BuddhaBaggins Flowers in the field are receptive to the rain or the sunlight ~one with nature without prejudice.
@BuddhaBaggins Remember: grave gives and grace can take away. Sharing is caring, be it a morsel of bread or a mere thought.
@BuddhaBaggins Wise ones know that what is freely given must be freely shared with others and do so. Others are charlatans.
@BuddhaBaggins READ: Tao of Jeet Kune Do via Bruce Lee: ~Have my copy here by me.
@BuddhaBaggins Abstain from thinking in absolute terms. Some people have gifts, have been bestowed grace, but not 'everyone'.
@PositivelyZen Typed words are symbols that transmit our thoughts. Do not worship them. From where is the need for worship?
@PositivelyZen I sometimes work with homeless drug addicts with loads of negativity. I love them, help them with positivity.
@Dhana77 I especially get turned off by Spiritual Leaders who refuse to take a strong stand on social justice issues. Cowardly!
@BuddhaBaggins I relate to the Tao of Jee Kune Do by Bruce Lee ~that does not make me Leean. Have self-confidence. Be the best you.
@BuddhaBaggins Do not subscribe to any single belief system, especially one with a fallible mortal's last name. Marxism etc.
@BuddhaBaggins Each of us are a unique product of history ~I strive to keep my consciousness in the HERE and NOW ~with vision.
@BuddhaBaggins No Jesus was not an incarnation of Buddha ~though he was a Christ or Messiah ~there have been others..
RT @amnesty: We delivered 52,000 petition signatures to #UN this week demanding in inquiry into war crimes in #SriLanka.
@TheChiqSuite In general, the advice I give to others I also give to myself. Strive to be mindful of mere suggestions.
@soneternal Many times the outside external world is full of pointless distractions from the attraction of wisdom within.
@honeynoir Many have foolish fears without any real foundation ~Imaginings of our shadow aspects ~Stress is a killer
@Dhana77 Many seek answers from a guru or spiritual leader without consulting their own inner soul and divine intuition.
@gintahar Yes, we need to take care of our health in all ways ~Look at the long-range perspective. ~Big Picture on a global scale.
#LIBYA 9:14 AM ~Just got back on Twitter. Did Ghastly Ghadaffy commit suicide yet? At least Hitler had the balls to do so!
@BuddhaBaggins I am inspired by Jesus Christ and others. Believe there are many sons and daughters of God/Creator! Not a fanatic.
Family Follow--> @savebradley Pfc. Bradley Manning The brig, Quantico, VA ~arrested for uncovering awful things done by the US Army.
@firedoglake Firedoglake by Peta_de_Aztlan
Sign our letter to PayPal: don't block accounts of Bradley Manning Supporters. Add your name: #wikileaks
@maymaym maymaym by Peta_de_Aztlan
At #Berkeley @SaveBradley event, @DanielEllsberg speaking passionately. "Manning has set the example here."
@morsemusings Bless our time of confusion, for surely in search of truth, we will find clarity.
@mzsafiya We need to patiently and convincingly educate American people and others about #LIBYA and related global issues.
VIA Rolling Stone! Another Runaway General: Army Deploys Psy-Ops on U.S. Senators: #Fascism
6:00 AM ~Time for inner prayer. @Peta_de_Aztlan
#LIBYA RT @hrw: UN: Suspend Libya’s Rights Council Role #FreeLibya
Blessed is the man who is willing to help; more blessed is he than he who merely rests in hope, as a tree of life he bears fruit. ~Proverbs
Let us pray that we heed the calling of our inner soul ~fulfill the mission for which we are here and honor our truths.
Let us pray that we are open and receptive to divine inspiration because the spark of divinity is already within us.
Let us pray that we comprehend ourselves as creatures of the Creator with the sacred responsibility of free will.
Let us pray that we engage in honest self-criticism before we rush to criticize and condemn others ~King or pawn.
Let us pray for all who are too proud to pray ~yet their souls whisper to God in their deepest darkness.
Let us pace ourselves for the long marathon of life, breathe well and realize life is not a quick sprint.
Let us pray for all who struggle against injustice in the world, that they are prepared for the protracted war of life.
Let us pray that we work together to liberate the day of its fear, of its anxiety and of its ignorance with loving wisdom.
Let us pray that our spirits are sensitive to daily sufferings, that our thoughts are thoughtful and our minds meaningful.
Let us pray that we take the time in our busy hectic lives full of comings and goings to remember we are beings, not doings.
Let us pray for all the lost souls who fight in wars not worth winning for reasons they do not fathom. Misspent ammo.
Let us pray that we get our priorities straight. Love the Creator, love your neighbor as yourself and help others.
Let us pray for answers first found within ourselves in quiet meditation and reflection. Seek the truth within your being.
@RANKIS ANDREW by Peta_de_Aztlan
Plutocracy, Oligarcy, Corporatism. They all spell the same thing. Fascism! The #GOP American Bund is alive and well.
Let us pray for those who are poor in spirit, hungry of mind and weak in body. We are spiritual beings living out a lifetime.
Let us pray that we remain humble, open to positive suggestions, be honest with ourselves and others in all our ways.
Let us pray that we overthrow our own false beliefs, our own mistaken ideas and our own stubborn stupidities.
Let us pray that we do our own personal inventory, aware of our assets and liabilities, not trip on judging others.
Let us pray that we live up to our own best expectations of ourselves, not worry about the expectations of others.
Let us pray that we are all authentic, as original as possible, in tune with our spirits and in harmony with the people.
Let us pray that we all have a positive, prosperous and productive day. Be here now, then go with the flow and let it go!
4:44 AM/PST ~Spirit woke me up about 3:30 AM ~Feel the need to start my day early ~Cold with whistling winds ~Be well all.
@Ghonim Wael Ghonim by Peta_de_Aztlan
Today I chanted with the crowds: Egypt & Libya are one hand against dictators!
@Ghonim Wael Ghonim by Peta_de_Aztlan
Amazing crowds in Tahrir and was honoured to hold #Egypt, #Libya and #Tunisia flags all together. We all deserve freedom and democracy.
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 2-24-2011 Thursday ~Twitter Timeline #LIBYA: ~Use Internet Power!
#ARAB RT @Ghonim: We are not slaves. We don't accept dictatorships. We are the new generation of the Arab World. We are FREE!
RT @Ghonim: Head Police Buhaira addressing officers: "We are their masters, and those who mistreat their masters must get their hands cut!"
#LIBYA RT @Ghonim: Praying that #Libya brothers and sisters put an end to the dictator today. Reminder: #Qaddafi, Its Friday!
#EGYPT RT @sharifkouddous: My interview with Arab League Secretary General Amr Moussa is online here:
#LIBYA 2-22-2011 Shocking Photos and Video From Libya by The Daily Beast: #FreeLibya
RT @DalaiLama: If our spirit is turned towards kindness, the positive side of things, loving our neighbors, th… (cont)
Join the HumanE Liberation Party HELP > ~Get involved with one group or another
<+>Friday, February 25, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Liberate the Day!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
On Internet Power for Peaceful Revolution via @Peta_de_Aztlan:
Liberate Leonard Peltier! RT @PeltierHQ: Peltier Update: Medical Treatment
Join the HumanE Liberation Party HELP > ~Get involved with one group or another
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