Tuesday, September 07, 2010

Blog Post: Tender Tuesday ~ Septiembre 07, 2010

@7:25 ~ It is another day, another way, another opportunity to create my day. I need to make a few appointments while I still have medical coverage. Now that I am unemployed I may be eligible for unemployment. I will have to check. If not I will be eligible for General Assistance, I think. I have my Final Check from TSA. I must use this wisely.

I must have faith in the Creator, faith in my own higher self and faith in the people so us all to know the truth about our Mother Earth. Let us act in accord with our higher truths, not be misled by madmen.

For The Next 7 Generations Trailer from Laughing Willow on Vimeo.

Favorite Tweets for Tuesday, Septiembre 07, 2010 ~
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia~Time for a simple prayer by candlelight and the serenity of sleep.~Namaste, Che Peta<+>

RT @Erin4360: JACK CANFIELD - Spiritual Growth Meditation http://bit.ly/bFrsmL

@aazzure: Let us love the people, live for the people and if need be give up our lives for the people. Nada mas.

@aazzure: Love can be a mystery I still do not fully understand. It takes so many forms, like flowers, trees, clouds.

@aazzure: Intimate love between people is a good union in the wholistic realm of the mind-body-soul.

@aazzure: I love life among the living and the diversity of people in my life. Love should come as natural.

@aazzure: People being people, many confuse sexual intearction with a loving intimate relationship.

@aazzure: Yes, I love people in general of all kinds, but appreciate solitude without energy vampires.

@aazzure: Love is multi-dimensional with different kinds, degrees and qualities. True love is pure without hooks or catches.

Experiment with Social Media > http://www.blogtalkradio.com/peta_de_aztlan

How much burning are we willing to endure to give new light to the world? about 10 hours ago via TweetDeck

"What is to give light must endure burning." ~Viktor Frankl ~ http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Viktor_Frankl ~

There is more than one way to burn a book. And the world is full of people running about with lit matches. ~Ray Bradbury

Gracias for Link to HELP me understand moreRT @aazzure: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/42_(number)

@lindahollier: Light a small candle in honor of the flame you carry within.> http://bit.ly/95M3CH

@lindahollier: Symbolize your intentions with one small flame to light a moonless night, the darkness from which everything is born.

New Moon Ceremony for Virgo ~ Vesta and Hearth~September 7, 2010 > http://bit.ly/95M3CH about 11 hours ago via TweetDeck

@DxPxR: Sometimes seeing global news, reading about wars and all I forget that this is still a beautiful planet. Gracias for the reminder.

Sometimes we just have to stop all our doing, assess what all our doing has done in our lives and be content in our being here now.

RT @HMikeMillions: Intuition is a conduit to the wisdom and compassion of the spiritual realm.

READ: America's Empire and Endless Wars Are Destroying World, and Ruining Our Great Country >

The way to abundance does not begin externally. It begins in that place of wonder called your soul. ~Veronica

It is not simply a matter of giving homeless people homes but teaching them the life-spiritual skills in order for them to keep a safe home.

Homelessness is actually a symptom of deeper psychic-spiritual matters that need to be address by homeless people.

@Koursey: Asking the right questions takes as much skill as giving the right answers. ~Robert Half

@heidiko44 We are creatures who are herd animals ~ we tend to gather together and form groups


@Farfalla9: I went through heavy Maoist stage in my evolution. Love Chinese culture, esp. focus on family & education

Isaiah 45:7 (NIV) ~ I form the light and create darkness, I bring prosperity and create disaster; I, the LORD, do all these things. about 15 hours ago via TweetDeck

@aazzure: Love it! http://www.churchacrossamerica.com/ ~ I use Lamsa's Holy Bible~Ancient Eastern Text ~from Aramaic into

I confess, I suspect I am better at posing critical questions of the day than having ready-made answers.

@Farfalla9: Did POTUS Obama save Amerikan corporate capitalism by throwing economy trillions into debt?

Question: If the U.S. Government is even a dollar in debt does that not make it bankrupt?

Question: Will worldwide collapse of global corporate capitalism level the playing field for the world's workers?

@trinity0679: Isaiah 45:7 (KJV) ~ I form the light, and create darkness: I make peace, and create evil: I the LORD do all these things.

VIDEO: 'America will collapse' via Author-Blogger Dmitry Orlov 3/09/2009.> http://youtu.be/NmTBnhOXufg

PIX: Michelle Rodriguez as SHE in Macheta > http://twitpic.com/2m7iz6

Time to shower up and get ready to go see Machete! ~ http://www.vivamachete.com/

@DesertErrorist Research Links: The Holy Qurán > http://quran.com/ + Lamsa Holy Bible > http://bit.ly/a1ddlh

@DesertErrorist I agree. > http://jahtruth.net/koran.htm #understanding #knowledge ~Feed the soul

@DesertErrorist We do have Free Will as our Birthright as Living Beings, not necessarily Divine Ordained.

That poor ol' Devil Lucifer gets too much credit for our own human failings and imperfections.

I do not believe in the reality of the Devil Satan ~ man's invention exhibitng ignorance and fear of evil and darkness.

Hola All ~ Going to go see Machete this afternoon ~ http://www.vivamachete.com/ ~Wanna come with me?

Take time 2 READ: Right Think And Wrong Think About Muslims by @DeepakChopra > http://bit.ly/bBOoP2

@Si_Jose I myself am building upon HELP 5-Point Survival Platform > http://bit.ly/bKm88p

Time is so precious as we strive to be in harmony with our perception of the Creator. Let our perception be with discernment.

Happy Birthday, @LeonardPeltier: What do you give a guy who has nothing? http://t.co/T0t55vX via @DerekMarkham about 21 hours ago via Tweet Button

@Si_Jose We should look at Followers & Followed as Co-Creators of Streams of Consciousness in evolution.

“Listen to the Revolution with your bodies, your hearts, your minds.” ~Alexander Blok (1880–1921)> http://bit.ly/bHhITB

I am careful not to confuse excellence with perfection. Excellence, I can reach for; perfection is God's business. ~Pankaj Das

RT @mparent77772: Internet as Social Movement > http://bit.ly/9JOsGs

@danielwfloss Have brave heart. Be mindful of investments. The best and worst days are yet to come. ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan

Proceed with Caution: The day is young, potential is yet to manifest and possibilities have no limits.

MUSIC VIDEO via @Farfalla9: May We (Original song) ~Music and Lyrics By Adellana >

RT @ImmortalMasters: Body, Mind, and Soul As One Harmonic Expression in Times/Space

Let us pray for all who live in terror under the wrath of the Amerikan Empire for the courage to fightback!

Let us pray for all the silent souls that yearn for the boldness to petition Creator for prayers.

Let us pray that we are honest in honor of ourselves and honest in all our communications today.

Let us pray for balance in our beings to be aware of the magic of this exquisite moment of eternity.

Let us pray for all lovers of life to come together in harmony to help heal the world around us and within us.

Let us always pray for the power of peace upon Mother Earth and among all its inhabitants.

Let us pray for the revelation of divine wisdom to help guide our lives with love, justice and honor.

Let us pray for peace within our souls for there to be social peace in the world. Peace begins within.

Let us pray that our youth decide to be soldiers of world peace, not soldiers fighting unjust wars.

Let us exemplify our daily prayers in our daily practices in the world today to be in harmony.within.

Let us pray for POTUS Obama that all his decisions are based upon humane love, not corporate profits.

Let us pray for patience, tolerance and understanding towards others to avoid useless conflict. about 23 hours ago via TweetDeck

Let us pray for our voices to be used with a tone of loving tenderness towards our loved ones.

Let us pray for the acceptance of our emotions and feelings so we are more in tune with our beingness.

Let us pray for our wholistic healing in the mind-body-soul trinity as we seek wholistic oneness.

Let us pray for the victims of 911 on both sides of the Atlantic without prejudice. All life is sacred.

Let us pray for the end to hate based upon religious beliefs and pray for love among all believers!

<+>Tuesday, September 07, 2010<+>Good Morning Family~Buenos Dias Familia!~Let us create our day with imagination.~Che Peta<+> about 24 hours ago via TweetDeck

Blog Post: Labor Day Monday~Sept. 06, 2010 > http://bit.ly/b1rfe7 11:30 PM Sep 6th via TweetDeck

Link: http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/


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