Monday, September 13, 2010

Blogpost: 9-13-2010-Lunes

@6:48 AM ~ It is another Monday here at Globe Mills in the Aztlan Sanctuary. I awoke as a warrior of Aztlán. We will see how the war is fought today.

@10:21 AM ~ Just got back from the N.A. Meeting at Shasta Hotel Conference Room. Happened to see Sister Shelly who joined me at the meeting. Pray for her! Tata and I caught the Light Rail back into this area ~Alkali Flats~ then we went our different ways, he to Loaves & Fishes and myself up here into Aztlan Sanctuary. I plan to chair at the A.A. Meeting at VOA-Detox tomorrow.

My Tweets for 9-13-2010-Lunes

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<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia~Time 4 candlelight prayer & safe sleep. Mas manana. ~Namaste, Che Peta<+>

Diversity, diversity, diversify.

We need timely global news, local awareness and compassionate action that helps others.

Know that the Amerikan Empire is very threatened by all this Information Sharing going on.

We will not always have Internet Power as we know it now. Let us take advantage of it now. Help others.

Let us never tire of sharing relevant news, raising consciousness and educating people one Tweet at at time.

Surely the power of truth will win out over deceits, lies and distractions of fascist media-propanda. We are not stupid.

On a rock hurtling through space, water, heat,soil, and wind swirled together into plants, animals—conscious beings that boggle the mind.~AT

Remember we are conscious animals & think of what we have created—the ability we are using to communicate globally, Earth speaking to itself

IF U.S. citizens can overcome Amerikan Nationalism they can see the U.S.A. is NOT the center of the cosmos!

It has not escaped my perception that many of OUR people in the Middle East look like Chicanos-Latinos-Mexicans

RT @SVE13 Your spirit did not come here to compromise. ~ M.K.Trivedi ~LINK> about 10

RT @newswatchoz US Budget Deficit Is $1.3 Trillion, but War in Iraq Has Cost More than $3 Trillion

@morsemusings I believe there are mutual influences and sometimes impacts going on here. New synapses in the brain!

@ProtestingWar Thanks for your Follow for now. We should wage a war for justice, for global peace and oppose Amerikan Fascism.

In 140 characters or less: What does spirituality mean to you in your life, if anything?

Talking Circle went well. Elder Lee had power words on the core essence of native spirituality. > 

@SoulFya Many people have not read all of Gandhi. Manic violence killed him, same as Dr. King. Malcolm X should of been better protected.

@SoulFya Yes, I am not a pure pacifist. Pacificism taken smacks of being cowardly. It is right to rebel. Violence is raw brute force.

@SoulFya We need to distinguish between the violence of the repressor and the violent self-defense of the repressed.

@sacbee_news: Sacramento County wants public-private partnership to help the homeless > 

Some people say that I am obsessed, if so, love for the people is my obsession and I can live with that.

As for myself, I use Twitter to help educate others and to be educated by others about diverse subjects.

I am a curious humane being. Why do you use Social Media? Why do you use Twitter?

I confess I Love POTUS Obama and his family ~ BUTTT his foreign policy is anti-humane, esp. in AfghanisNAM

ReTweet @mparent77772: 101 Twitter Tips For The Professionals >

@Peta_de_Aztlan: Blogpost: 9-12-2010-Domingo @Peta_de_Aztlan

50,000 U.S. military troops remain in Iraq. 4,500 U.S. Special Forces troops continue to fight and kill with Iraqi special forces. 7:11 AM Sep 13th

Willl attend Narcotics Anonymous Meeting at 8 AM ~Shasta Hotel Conference Room~1017 10th StreetSacramento, CA 7:06 AM Sep 13th

Let us pray that we not hide behind Holy Bibles and Qur'ans to avoid our duty to rebel against injustice.

Let us pray for righteous rebellion among all those suffering in the Third World: Africa, Asia and Latin America.

Let us pray for cowards that they find their courage deep inside the inner soul where love dwells.

Let us pray for wise warriors to help fight the good fights for justice, democracy and liberation.

Let us pray for peace upon Mother Earth yet not be afraid to wage war in defense of innocents.

Let us pray for us to be bold, strong and to tell the truth in all our exchanges.

<+>Monday, September 13, 2010<+>Good Morning Family!~Buenos Dias Familia! <+>Create your day in harmony with love and truth.~Che Peta<+> 6:35 AM Sep 13th

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