Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Blogpost: 9-15-2010-Wed


Today was a pretty good day. Days go by pretty quietly. I have time to be here now, reflect upon the last few years and basically do what I want to do without major distraction. This is truly a blessing for me. I know much remains to be done but I am working on my BEING, not obsessed with DOING as, to repeat, I am a Humane Being, not a human doing.

Tweets for 9-15-2010 @Peta_de_Aztlan

@dHappywhore My Brother Tata and I Chaired at A.A. Meeting yester-eve PIX>

@heidiko44 Arrogance of the prestige of power is key to fascist authoritarianism @KarlRove

"We are sure that the many who have much to say are lacking when it comes to hearing the whispers of their own souls." ~VERONICA

Blessings to All Our New Co-Creators of Streams of Consciousness via Twitter ~ There are many streams and rivers. Go with the flow!

@MzLizaAnn Feelings do not lie ~ they are feelings; what we think we know is often filtered from its essence.

Good Flashback via @heidiko44 ~3 Reasons JFK was Murdered by Len Hart, Existentialist Cowboy >

RT @heidiko44: The most deceitful fugitive in our psyche is the natural predator ~ an innate archetypal contra naturam force.

Gracias Love @heidiko44 ~Avoiding the "Spiritual Sociopath."by Ruthless Compassion Institute >

@tjryu Sometimes we can get insulated from larger social realities because of self-centeredness.

VIDEO: Inside Cathedral of Blessed Sacrament > 12 via

Stay on the path with heart ~ though family abandon, friends walk away and allies betray. To thy own self be true

@DeepakChopra Let's face it. A lot of people are anti-Muslim because of gov't and corporate media propaganda and images. 12 via in reply to DeepakChopra

@dragonsbard As am i am working on my own personal wholistic healing, much of it involves making subconscious conscious.

Ultimately I Spirituality is outside the timeline of past-present-future and is non-linear in the eternal present of Now.

@dragonsbard Work on healing yourself and the whole healing process for all will improve.

@dragonsbard As we evolve as Spiritual Beings we need to re-define our whole concept of what a true Family is today.

@serenitynews Check out my blog ~ Progressive Recovery Today! > ~ Grow!

@dragonsbard Verily, I say to you that the very truth will set us free. Sometimes we have to cut blood family ties loose. 13 via in reply to dragonsbard

@dragonsbard I am not an ordinary do-gooder. It is a balance between our mutual interests and my own personal self-interest.

RT @pixiemona: TWITTER= Time With Inspired Tweeters Together Energizing Reality v/@lindahollier @Peta_de_Aztlan

@dragonsbard How my Liberation Program Works: by being Honest ~ Open ~ Willing ~ no skeletons in the closet, attic or basement

@dragonsbard ...believe that we are as sick as our secrets. I have my private world but I am Honest, Open and Willing to change & evolve.

@dragonsbard ...classes, led workshops and have over time pretty well opened up my life to others. Am well known on local level. Truly...

@dragonsbard I am kind of unique compared to most. I have worked with homeless addicts in recovery for several years now, conducted....

@MedusaWasBeauty Agree #DeathPenalty. It is not a simple Either/Or equation. We allow killers in AfghanisNAM and give them medals!

RT @jeremyscahill: Here is the short film @bignoisefilms and I made the Nisour Square massacre:

@aiman_mania Relate to Mao's dictum: Politics is War without bloodshed; War is Politics with bloodshed...though it is not that simple. 

State of California is in major dysfunction. Budget impasse is routine for us here. Terminate Arnold the Terminator!

@nNomad_ ~ I am fine now. Feel like raising a littl' hell to get to heaven. Decided to Follow more people, let Tweets from others flow.

@aiman_mania Ideally both politically and morally correct would co-exist, but politics is such a loaded word.

I am still adjusting to being unemployed right now. I got more energy for sure, need to work out more. On Sabbatial for September! ;->~~ 

@aiman_mania For sure I love balance, but I have learned a lot from times when I was off balance. Balance being relative.

@aiman_mania I disfavor absolute terms, sometimes we need to get off balance for better balance afterwards.

@MedusaWasBeauty OK. whether politically correct or not, I am in Favor of Death Penalty in Special Circumstances. 

NEWS: SacraBee~ Zavala family mourns violent death of promising young man -- 

@JerryBrown2010 Democratic Party suffers setbacks because it takes its own natural allies for granted. Amnesty Now!

"I destroy my enemies when I make them my friends." ~Abraham Lincoln

"Love is the liberator,” ~Mary Baker Eddy >

Nothing can overcome the will to win for those whose primary motivation is a great love for the people's liberty.

The cosmic maternal forces are ready, willing and able to provide you with a wide variety of nurturing vibrations.

@LynneElmira Be who you are, do what you can and use resources to help others in practical beneficial ways.

@BigfishRadio Usually I do not sweat small stuff, but sometimes the devil is in the details!

VIA Monk Deepak~Muhammad and the Litmus Test > 20 via The Huffington Post

@No1LykR We can help ourselves be self-sufficient by going beyond selfishness, helping others and building up a support system. 

@No1LykR # Love Bio: I don't have to know where I'm going, but I know that I am no longer willing to settle for where I've been.

@KingJustinEsq Many lack a strong heart and Creator God becomes a scapegoat for their own spiritual weakness.

@AgentPaleTail Many people deep down inside want to believe in Creator but are void of faith deep inside.

@CharmingJerk We should treasure our physical life and when we die this life we are dead, but spirit endures!

Do something today you have never done before. Genuine knowledge in life. comes from direct experience. Live!

Join Up! HELP 5-Point Survival Platform > Wednesday, September 15, 2010 6:46:10 AM 

RT @FredericBrussat: If you want to discover who you are, do justice, engaging fully in order to change things. ~Meister Eckhart 

RT @lindahollier: If you are seeking creative ideas, go out walking. Angels whisper to a man when he goes for a walk. ~Raymond Inmon

Let your day begin with a Holy Prayer, a Good Spirit, a Sober Mind and a Sound Body.

@MzLizaAnn Good Morning ~ Help others all you can today to enhance self-esteem. We help ourselves by helping others.

Let us pray for the safety of our children ~ that guardian angels watch of them day and night.

Let us pray for true peace upon Mother Earth in our lifetime and peace in the sanctuary of our homes.

Let us pray for non-believers ~ that they come to know that to believe is to love.

Let us pray for humility ~ that we remain open to valid constructive criticism in order to advance.

Let us pray for clarity in our consciousness ~ that our minds become calm and clear in harmony with spirit.

Let us pray for the poor, the homeless, the hopeless and those without the heart to pray.

Let us stay in a spirit of peace and prayer throughout the day, not easily disturbed or distracted.

Let us pray for all who are asleep that they awaken anew, refreshed with the radiance of life.

Why do people tend to fear death? My life has often been tough. If this is life then the transition of death should be a snap.

RT @heidiko44: The art of living well and the art of dying well are one. ~ Epicurus via @philo_quotes:

"All you have to do is write one true sentence. Write the truest sentence that you know." ~Ernest Hemingway Wednesday, September 15, 2010 6:09:48 AM

Why do creative artists seek the illusion of perfection when we should be satisfied with well done?

N.A. Meeting this morning at Shasta Hotel Conference Room~8 AM~1017 10th St~Sacramento, CA > Wednesday, September 15, 2010 6:04:12 AM 

@MyInspiringMuse I am not sure we ever enhance perfection as creative beings, we express our creativity. Perfect is perfect.

Watching Morning News: Twitter now has 160 Million Users ~ ~ I love the news when its new news

<+>9-15-2010=Humpday<+>Good Morning Family!~Buenos Dias Familia!<+>Let us create our day in harmony with love~Che Peta<+> 5:54 AM Sep 15th



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