Friday, October 22, 2010

Blogpost: October 22, 2010~Viernes~Wikileaks Flood

@11:19 PM ~ Well I finally felt well enough to go see about my stuff to get onto General Assistance. I have been ill with a bad flu for the last few days. Life is moving along, one day at a time. It is around a Full Moon right now. I am kind of thinking about what the hell is the use of all the time I spend online and what good it really does anyone. Sometimes I can get so wrapped up thinking I am making a difference somehow somewhere in people's lives yet I really wonder if anyone online is really out there or not. Sometimes it does just seem like dust in the wind.

Maybe I am kind of depressed because of my being ill, being unemployed and not being able to generate the kind of online support I thought I would be able to generate in a few key areas of interest to me. So many people are either so uninterested in my own personal interests or are daily distracted by passing fancy parades. I know a lot of life involves keeping a general balance and avoiding obsessive addiction in any form. We will see what we will see in terms of the fruits of our labors of love in the future.  I know have a lot of Twitter followers but most are not as involved with Twitter as I am. I guess I have always a kind of maverick in my own way.

Well tomorrow is a brand new day. That is what is so cool about a new day ~ one always has a fresh start, even if it is in the same nightmare. Tomorrow I will work on having a more positive attitude. Sometimes I just need a good night's sleep. ~ Namaste, Che Peta

Tweets for Today ~

Ceremony for the Full Hunter's Moon in Aries ~ Choose Your Weapon:

Link Up People! Follow @wikileaks ~!/wikileaks ~ ~ Let leaks of truth flow!

Truth has the power to transform lives, topple kingdoms, crumble empires and unseat Presidents, once embraced by the masses.

Truth has an independent life of its own. Once the truth is learned it changes both the known and the knower forever.

Sometimes people deny what they see because it would mean them having to take responsibility for knowing the truth.

@ricardelico Glad you appreciate spirit-inspired Morning Prayers ~need to focus more on daily practices. Google Email:

VIA Twitter: Now plan to focus more on personal writings, sharing insights and global news reporting.

Mass hunger of people worldwide will be the motivating factor in the toppling of Amerikan Empire, not sleepy AmeriKans.

@lurainpenny People look for stereotype comic-book images of old fascism ~Amerikan Fascism is self-aware, sharp, scientific.

@lurainpenny I have been exposing Amerikan Fascism since early 70's, esp. after 'they' killed George Jackson in San Quentin.

@lurainpenny Get a grip! Fascism has been here inside USA for decades ~since FDRoosevelt Years~ localized from Nazi Germany

Wake Up People! Follow @wikileaks ~!/wikileaks ~ Let leaks flow free!

At 5pm EST Friday 22nd October 2010 WikiLeaks released the largest classified military leak in history. >

@wikileaks LEAK: WikiLeaks releases 400,000 Iraq War Logs

Blogspot: War's Endless Game of Death > via @zfree

RT @TaxCannabis: Did you see our internal poll? #Prop19 winning 56%-41% PRESS RELEASE:

Guardian UK~Iraq war logs: disclosure condemned by Hillary Clinton and NATO >

More than 1,000 California veterans under 35 died after returning home from Iraq and Afghanistan ~ 2005 to 2008

US-trained cartel terrorises Mexico >

Iraq Body Count (IBC) is about to raise its death toll estimates by 15,000: to 122,000 from 107,000 >

@Le_DeesseJaana Yes, water is a primary element in all of life upon Mother Earth with magical qualities and intelligence.

@dHappywhore Do not despair. Keep faith in the humane spirit and the humane mind to discover and act upon the truth!

@dHappywhore Maintain people are good at heart, BUTTT many are living in fear and subdued by social peer pressure.

Truthout: Veteran Suicides Outnumber US Military Deaths in Iraq and Afghanistan > VIA @USRealityCheck

"And you will know the truth, and that very truth will make you free.” ~ John 8:32

Al Jazeera accesses 400,000 secret US military documents, reveal inside story of Iraq war. > RT!

VIDEO 10/22/10~Juan Williams responds to NPR firing 5:53 >

California Full Moon~Friday, October 22, 2010 at 6:36 PM ~

Times like these when I really appreciate being sane, sound and sober. So many are lost in the wilderness of urban Amerika.

Back up in Aztlan Sanctuary ~ lightly raining outside now. Feel for homeless refugees stuck outside in the cold streets.

At Welfare bldg. --Mission Accomplished!

What would opposite be, if it were not true opposition? He who wants to accept himself must also really accept his other.~Carl Jung~Red Book
@cprdoc Then you are as bad as me...Twitter can be addictive. Gotta go...shutting down Twitter here. Can Tweet from Mobile Phone ;->~

@RainforestUS I prefer not to Edit an Original Tweet but can easily though would not want distortion

@RainforestUS Cannot ReTweet if you post does not even leave enough room in original Tweet! Think!!!

@cprdoc On the other hand, if FB and Twitter went down I would probably get other stuff done.

@AResilientWoman Have it on my Desktop ~

Friday, 22 October 2010 ~ISAF: Afghan~Several Insurgents Killed During Joint Operation: ~VIA @blogsoftheworld

RT @ascend08: The energies of today’s full moon are targeting removal of our current ruthlessly self-interested world management team.
@Le_DeesseJaana Maybe boxes remind them on a subliminal level of Mama Cat's womb!

At one level of another all U.S. soldiers in AfghanisNAM VOLUNTEERED to go and fight Uncle Sam's Losing War! No Direct Draft

If I have to go AfghanisNAM to fight an unjust war for a job I would rather be a tramp in Amerika's streets fighting guerrilla-style

@TheDevilsCash I agree. The Truth ~as we know it~ should be TOLD not SOLD like another commodity on the market.

@ileducprof: Huey was one of my First Heroes. God I wish he would of overcome his 'crack' addiction and lived longer.

RT @mrmysterious: A Year In Afghanistan: October 22nd, 2010 - The Passing of Time…

I understand that we all have to make a living in life. However, what we have freely received should be freely shared.

@TheDevilsCash What turns me off about most New Age Gurus is $$$ involved in accessing their Great Wisdom ~ GREED at play.

RT @TaxCannabis: You have to watch this brilliant fan made cartoon for #prop19. SO COOL!!!

What if we do create our own connected reality? Our own version of heaven or our own hell? What are you creating today?!?

RT @davidcnswanson: Check this video out -- US Military: Volunteer or Recruited force?

@DynamicAbstract You can do something like #FF The ones who touch your heart and stimulate your mind, without bunch of @ signs

I am not as ignorant today as I was yesterday. We are ignorant of all that we do not fully comprehend. Humility advances!

Every day I do a Personal Moral Inventory to change, to adapt, to refine myself in light of the new day. Wisdom must advance.

@ileducprof "I am we." ~Ancient African Proverb via Huey P. Newton/Revolutionary Suicide

Sometimes we have to stop thinking and start feeling. Despite our best thinkers we are on the edge of species self-extinction.

@ileducprof: Renenber: A lot of so-called New Age stuff is really Ancient Wisdom in a new shiny wrapping. I dig New Science!

@ileducprof I don't even believe in spooky spiritualism. I prefer a body with my spirit and a thinking mind helps too! #FF

Addiction ruins minds, warps personalities, destroys relationships, plagues communities and yeah...bad for your health!

@AResilientWoman I DO LOVE your new Avatar and insightful Background Image

Pakistannews Pakistan News
Pak court orders repatriation of 142 Indian fishermen - Daily News & Analysis

@ileducprof I am touched. Did not know I was a spiritual mentor to you. Guess I better polish my crystal ball. I'm just stayin' alive!

womenadvocates Women Advocates
FULL REPORT: Afraid and Forgotten-Lawlessness, Rape, and Impunity in Western Côte D’Ivoire:

Photoblog - Smoking is dangerous. So is Afghanistan.: ~ RT

AfghanistanDocu Rethink Afghanistan
If we brought home just 243 troops, we'd save enough money to fund *all* higher education across Afghanistan this year.

@ileducprof: At best I am only an expert on myself, since I know the subject better than anyone. And that 's on a Good Day!

Twitter Tip: Twitter is a Social Network for socializing and networking online, not a damn popularity contest.

Twitter Tip: You must be more secure in your being that to take personally whether anyone Follows/Unfollows or not.

Actually any Tweeter can go to My Twitter Bio @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ see who I Follow and feel free to Follow and/or Unfollow whoever you want

#FollowFriday @AnthonyLawlor @ileducprof @democracynow @indigenous_news @cprdoc @BE_PURE @SacraApacheRefugeesIntl @Rotivation #FF @

RT @reflexionfidel: El uso de las armas nucleares en una nueva guerra implicaría el fin de la humanidad

RT @reflexionfidel: The use of nuclear weapons in a new war would mean the end of humanity

USA should get the hell out of AfghanisNAM ~ RT @waddatwit: Oct. deadliest month in 2010 for USMC:

Gracias for RTs of Prayers ~ @lurainpenny @at1_ment @starZship @dbudlov @ntiveheart @_Jesus__Christ @satori06 @cprdoc ~Stay Focused

Twitter Tip: You know you can use Twitter as a kind of Instant Message device during the day.

Take a giant leap forward! Join the Humane Liberation Party online >

Let us pray that we all evolve as humane beings with care, concern and compassion for all living beings without evil racism.

Let us pray that we think of ourselves as one huge global family upon Mother Earth, not narrow-minded Amerikan nationalists.

Let us pray for the innocent victims of the evil Amerikan Empire anywhere in the world, especially the children who suffer.

Let us pray that we utilize Social Media to share information, enlighten each other and raise revolutionary consciousness.

Let us pray that we allow our subconscious thoughts to rise up to a conscious level so we better know our own motives in life.

Let us pray for a better understanding of the basic principles of democratic socialism with an open mind without prejudice.

Let us pray that we survive today, help others to survive and be ever mindful of the people's basic survival needs in life.

Let us pray that we go with the flow in life as brave warriors of the people and conscious humane beings, not blind sheep.

Let us pray that we focus our natural energies on helping one another, loving one another and spreading true enlightenment!

Let us pray for all those caged in Amerika's concentration camps, the abolition of prisons and an end to the death penalty.

Let us pray with love for the redemption of all those who are suffering from the affliction of addiction in any form.

Let us pray for the elimination of our gross character defects and a higher awareness of our personal shortcomings.

Let us pray for homeless refugees that they are able to marshal the fundamentals to find a safe home and sanctuary today.

Let us pray with humble obedience for a closer communion with the Creator of the cosmos as conscious creatures of Creator.

Let us pray for the greater consciousness of ourselves as family members of the family of humanity, not as an individual.

Let us pray for greater faith in Creator in our hearts to help us handle any passing storm and the daily stress of life.

Let us pray up to guide our spirits with love, protect our bodies with good health and enrich our minds with fresh wisdom.

@SacraApache Still suffering from my cold, having a cup and just got up. Slept fitfully. Enduring.

@SacraApache 8:32 AM ~Need to go to RT, then Welfare Dept. to drop off stuff at Window 5. Thus, am not at N.A. Meeting now.

<+>10/22/2010-Friday<+>Good Morning Family!~Buenos Dias Familia!~Let us liberate the day in tune with truth~ @Peta_de_Aztlan <+>

Twitter Link~

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