Thursday, November 25, 2010

Blogpost: November 25, 2010 - Jueves/Thursday ~ Thankful Thanksgiving


11/25/2010 ~To me the best event today was to read the letter from prison of our beloved Brother Leonard Peltier on The Day of Mourning ~Thursday, November 25, 2010 > ~Yes, we must mourn when it is time to mourn, then we must gather our courage and help mobilize the masses in as many ways are we can.

The emphasis today is on seeing Thanksgiving Day as a day of mourning in light of the past genocide of the original inhabitants of Aztlan/Amerika. By 'gringo' scholar definitions of genocide it may not of been a systematic genocide as in the case of the Jewish Holocaust under Hitler's Third Reich, but it was systematic in terms of the cultural acceptance of the slaughter of millions of so-called Native Americas. It was culturally accepted by the invading White hordes that indigenous peoples/tribes of these lands were not really considered as regular human beings. Whether they all believed it on an individual basis it helped them to rationalize the genocide, the theft of lands and the cultural devastation upon indigenous natives of Aztlan.

Free Leonard Peltier! Venceremos Unidos! We Will Win Together ~Che Peta

Follow!/Peta_de_Aztlan @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Ancient Cosmic Being Who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Come together! Help Create Peaceful Revolution! Raise Cosmic Consciousness! Take Action Now! Be Humane!
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Be in love with your beloved ones and show it! ~Namaste, Che Peta
BOOK: Andean Awakening: Inca Guide to Mystical Peru~Jorge Luis Delgado (Author)/David Morehouse (Foreword) > <
RT @Rotivation: RT @DanteBello: #WHO: During the conflict in Bosnia in the early 1990s, between 20,000 and 50,000 women were raped.
@proparations Cool. Hope life is going well with you. Take Care, Che Peta ~
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S Lopez
LINK= Andean Awakening ~ An Inca Guide to Mystical Peru > <
@proparations How are you doing? Let's see what yo got! Watching Ancient Aliens on History Channel ~3rd Reich Stuff
Expert: Drug Cartel 'Perfect Storm' Brewing In Mexico~Zetas Confronted By 'Unholy Alliance' > <
Mexico grows, with migrants' numbers falling ~July=112.3 million inhabitants> <
BOOK: In the Spirit of Crazy Horse~By Peter Matthiessen~Story of Leonard Peltier > <
There are losses that can be regained. But we must organize to do it. ~Free Leonard Peltier > <
RT @PixieMona: v @FreePeltierCD Free Leonard Peltier: Hip Hop's Contribution to the ... - #iTunes | #FreePeltier
In the Spirit of Crazy Horse, who gave his life for what was right and tried to right what was wrong. Your Brother,Leonard Peltier
FreePeltierNow Friends of Peltier by Peta_de_Aztlan
Leonard Peltier on The Day of Mourning
Good Choice! RT @JoyLizette: Meet Anuradha Koirala, 2010 CNN Hero of the Year. > ~
VIDEO ~3:53~ Call to Action Release Leonard Peltier ~REMEMBER LEONARD PELTIER TODAY!
LINK: Facebook Friiends of Leonard Peltier > ~
@Starseed52 Today we need a Shout Out to FREE LEONARD PELTIER! >
Cancún, Mexico is indeed a nest of serpents – sitting in a vast, toxic rubbish dump > ~
Be thankful all year for blessings, not with selective amnesia. I cannot celebrate a form of genocide suffered by Native Americans.
Thanksgiving: Celebrating The Genocide Of Native Americans > ~
@lild_on_air Gracias/Thank You ~As for me, I do not hate Ameica, I love America. I want Amerians to remember true history of Thanksgiving.
@laylaanwar Don't worry. Am recovered dope fiend with remnants of OCD & ADHD. So much is relative.
VIA @EmergentCulture: American Indian Sailed to Europe With Vikings? Centuries before Columbus... ~Fascinating
Cancún is indeed a nest of serpents – sitting in a vast, toxic rubbish dump > ~
@laylaanwar Yes, Power of Belief ~Believing in so-called placebo effect can be mental-spiritual healing in some cases.
@laylaanwar Interesting Tweets ~good for a blogpost collected together ~Gracias/Thanks @Peta_de_Aztlan
@KiaKock8497 As for me, I do not participate in #blackFriday and oppose corporate conditioned consumerism.
@ungaro We support each other by sharng information, spreading awareness and working in our local communities. #americas #mexico
RT @uruknet: Video: Mumia Abu-Jamal "Some Who Feel No Reason For #Thanksgiving" #FreeMumia
RT @uruknet: Israeli police blasted for abusing Jerusalem children #palestine
RT @wikileaks: Should WikiLeaks expose the world's secret diplomatic backroom dealings? Put it to the vote!
RT @derekmarkham: We're stupid Americans: The President will pardon a turkey, but not a political prisoner like @LeonardPeltier. Sad.
Good Question! RT @_NealeDWalsch: If the whole world followed you, would you be pleased with where you took it?
@dawn_ Our Liberation Movement needs lots more researchers and journalists. Keep uo good work. >
MONTERREY, Mexico ~modern city succumbs to drug violence > ~
Do exactly what you would do if you felt most secure. ~Meister Eckhart
"Only the hand that erases can write the true thing." ~Meister Eckhart
monaeltahawy Mona Eltahawy by Peta_de_Aztlan
Shame on #Facebook for shutting down #Egypt anti-torture & pro-democ pages. Egypt is #1 user of Facebook in Arab world. Big #FailFacebook
uruknet uruknet by Peta_de_Aztlan
One Conman Falls for Another: Why Gen. Petraeus was Snookered by the "Taliban" Imposter #afghanistan
laylaanwar Layla Anwar by Peta_de_Aztlan
Armed groups are springing in different neighborhoods of Baghdad terrorizing people. Families interviewed said they 've been asked to leave.
@Peta_de_Aztlan: Blogpost: November 24, 2010 - Wed./Miercoles: ~from Sacramento, CA
SagesScientists Chopra Foundation by Peta_de_Aztlan
"Every child that is born is proof that God has not yet given up on human beings." --Rabindranath Tagore
DeepakChopra Deepak Chopra by Peta_de_Aztlan
"That I exist is a perpetual surprise "- Tagore . For this I give thanks on Thanksgiving day
DeepakChopra Deepak Chopra by Peta_de_Aztlan
What is mind? Not matter ! What is matter? Never mind !
RT @thomasart: "Nothing is more honorable than a grateful heart." ~Seneca
RT @BlackInformant: Despite years of talk, Mississippi still lacks museum paying homage to civil rights fight
RT @N8civilrights: FREE LEONARD PELTIER. It is the RIGHT thing to do! #POW #PELTIER #FreePeltier
@rabbits_hat Today I am nurturing this present feeling of thankfulness ~despite all troubles~ life goes on. Let us live to the fullest!
RT @democracynow: British #spy novelist John le Carré on #Iraq War, #corporate power, Africa & new book. Watch DN! #FBI
RT @Rotivation: RT @Eiro_Fitness: "Maturity doesn't come with age. It begins with the acceptance of responsibility." - Ed Cole
@rabbits_hat @Traphik @Rookbeats @kendruuhh @dbraines Being Thankful on a Thanksgiving Day of Mourning ~: ~
@XtyMiller Pray you and yours loved ones have a Thankful Thanksgiving! ~HELP US Free Leonard Peltier! ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
@AnthonyLawlor Yes Brother Anthony ~ Glad we can meet at least here. Someday we will meet in the flesh in person. ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
VIDEO ~0:43~: Happy holidays from Refugees International >
Being Thankful on a Thanksgiving Day of Mourning ~ November 25, 2010 via Peta_de_Aztlan - HELP-Portal: ~ from Sacramento, CA
@goodfox An agreement of Spirits in the Spirit World. @jpmontano
VIDEO ~3:24~ John Trudell " Religious vs Spiritual" Perception of Reality> <
gypsygirlbliss Imani Uzuri by Peta_de_Aztlan
John Trudell, Crazy Horse -The Original Video! Speaking Truth to power!
LINK: Native American Warriors ~ ~
RT @truthout: An Overeager Petraeus Ignored Danger Signs on Taliban Imposter #Truthout #p2 #p2b
RT @truthout: Jim Hightower | Giving Thanks to Citizens and Grass-Roots Progressives #Truthout #p2 #p2b
@Toltecatl85 Yes, but let us not be naive with selective amnesia. For me Thanksgiving Day is a day of being thankful and mourning.
@lurainpenny To be fair, POTUS Obama did his symbolic serving to the poor yesterday, Wednesday. ~
Native American Genocide ~Raina Delema~ History behind the News~Spring 2005 >
Women march in Tel Aviv to mark int'l day against violence > ~
Obama's Thanksgiving: Turkey and all the fixings >
@dawn_ dawn by Peta_de_Aztlan
Analyst says Santos will sacrifice Uribe in quest to legitimize Colombian state: (spanish)
Follow @dawn_ ~!/dawn_/ ~ Journalist & researcher, tweets on latin america...>
@dawn_ dawn by Peta_de_Aztlan
Here's the text of the talk I gave at #parkconf: Global Capitalism, Oil, and the Canada-Colombia Free Trade Agreement
FYI: Turkey (bird) From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia>
The Real Thanksgiving ~by Daniel Paul >
Nearly 70 percent of all crops grown today were originally cultivated by Native American peoples. > ~
Thanksgiving Day Celebrates A Massacre ~Research compiled, October 19, 1990 by Johyn Westcott and Paul Apidaca > ~
"We are uniting We're standing not in our wigwams but in your concrete tent." ~WAMSUTTA (FRANK B.) JAMES, WAMPANOAG
SUPPRESSED SPEECH OF WAMSUTTA (FRANK B.) JAMES, WAMPANOAG To have been delivered at Plymouth, Massachusetts, 1970 >
goodfox julia good fox by Peta_de_Aztlan
"A poem to progressives plotting mass exodus" - a poem out of Oklahoma published in OK Gazette:
Dismantling Thanksgiving myths: a Native American story > ~
<+>November 25, 2010_Thursday<+>Buenos Dias Familia!~Good Morning Family! Thankful Thanksgiving! Free Leonard Peltier @Peta_de_Aztlan <+>
About @Peta_de_Aztlan

Personal Daily Horoscope of Thursday, 25 November 2010
for Peter Lopez, born 15 November 1951

Altered goals

During this time the demands of the ego are not very great, and you are able to see the world around you with greater sensitivity. Also you are more perceptive to the needs of your friends and neighbors and more inclined to help them. Your greatest fulfillment will come through activities that benefit others. You will enjoy being involved in group activities for charity. The insights you gain under this influence may very well alter your goals. You may learn that a course of action that you have been following has served no real purpose at all, even in terms of ego-gratification. With this insight you can adopt a more enlightened course of action that may also be spiritually superior. Your physical energy is likely to be rather low during this transit. This is a good time to relax.

The interpretation above is for your transit selected for today:
Mars Sextile Neptune, activity period from 23 November 2010 to 26 November 2010

Other transits occurring today~
Moon Square Neptune, exact at 05:25
Moon Trine Sun, exact at 09:59
Moon Sextile Mars, exact at 13:58
Important long-term influences (overview)

"Radical actions" (Saturn Square Uranus)
"Basic optimism" (Pluto Square Jupiter)
"Cloudy communication" (Mercury Opposition Moon)(L)

Twitter Link~

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