12-17-2010~Viernes-Friday Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Join Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
CIA Gave Waterboarders $5 Million Legal Shield > http://huff.to/fPCpxD ~Have you had enough yet?
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>The Birth of Jesus Christ is the reason for the Season! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
About time to crawl to my corner of the cosmos ~Appreciate the Feedback and Interaction ~You know where you're @ ~We Will Win!
@Femimikiki My Big Family is the family of humanity ~Dad and Big Sis live across river ~younger Brother lives by me here in Sacramento.
So sad how some people are not happy unless they can cling to bitter resentments and remember past dissapointments. Insane!
@Femimikiki Good for you. We should cherish good parents and honor parents just for them being in the bloodline.
@indiquotes Nowadays the foes of freedom want to label you a terrorist ~report you to Homeland Security ~stifle creativity
@BaySideButcher Back in the day if you were a parent and your kid was not involved you thought something was wrong with him!
@Femimikiki You make sure to give her a hug and kiss for me. If she asks why, tell her, "Because you're you!"
It patent that Amerikan Fascism has won the Mass Media War so far ~twisted people's minds ~turned people against themselves.
Back then being involved with a protest rally or public demonstration was a kind of way of exhibiting our own true patriotism.
@ASacred_Monster I am at the level now where I strive for Communion with Creator ~think of my descendants ~how I can help the future now
@Femimikiki How is your Mom doing now? Hope she is fine. Time transforms us in subtle imperceptible ways. Time revolves.
@Femimikiki I remember Mach 1 ~drove my Uncle Larry's silver Mustang ~we are like in another world now ~time moves us on
@Femimikiki Those were the crazy carefree days ~before AIDs ~before the plagues of today ~when we were young the world was ours.
Back then radicalism was more understood ~if not accepted ~way before the gov't hype of terrorism and widespread paranoia of today.
@ASacred_Monster It is slowly coming around. So many gave up the ideals ~settled for piece of the pie ~sold out ~fascist co-optation
Remember Bay Area in early 70's ~Berkeley, Oakland, San Francisco ~like going across town from Sacramento. Now rarely go.
LINK: Quotations from Chairman Mao Tse-tung ~2nd Edition 1967 Peking (Beijing) > http://bit.ly/fXJ2t4 ~
@ASacred_Monster Mein Kampf was boring ~ plowded through Das Kapital ~ favored Lenin's State and Revolution ~ Malcolm X Auto
Classes struggle, some classes triumph, others are eliminated. Such is history, such is tlhe history of civilization for thousands of years.
@ASacred_Monster I'm a die-hard. Still have 1st Edition 1966 of Quotations From Chairman Mao Tse-Tung right by me now.
@__kaybee Many people will not commit to personal involvement in a political party because they are busy living hand-to-mouth.
My 'baby boomer' generation were a lot more aware of political currents and social realities ~we actually read real books!
Many potential leaders of the people are just trying to survive day-by-day with a semblance of sanity in maddening times.
Graceful blessing of being a young Elder. Have lived long enough to see the same stuff roll around again ~long-term mega-trends.
@ASacred_Monster We always have to make clear distinctions between unjust governments and the people ruled over by them!
@ASacred_Monster Yes I respect Russian people. Stalin ruined what Lenin tried to build ~Maoism ruined by revisionism.
@ASacred_Monster Chuckled on that one. Shit, do we kind of miss worrying about the Soviet Red Army?!? Have evolved yet?!?
@ASacred_Monster Miss the Cold War Days when global war went MAD= Mutually Assured Destruction ~ended in stalemate
@ASacred_Monster Anonymous is kind of rogue group ~unknown members, not coordinated with #WikiLeaks that I know of now.
@cr4321 My Facebook Profile > http://www.facebook.com/Peta51 ~FYI: My Tweets cross-post to My Facebook Profile
#Immigration enforcement won't shift if DREAM fails > http://wapo.st/eAZ6y7 ~
#Immigration: Students Urge Senate to Pass the DREAM Act > http://bit.ly/fcGJFI ~
Senate plans showdown votes Saturday on 'don't ask, don't tell' and DREAM Act > http://bit.ly/fUVGjK ~
#SignsWomenShouldCarry "Whine all U wnt U pathetic loser. Just b/c U're cheap, dont mean that I'm easy! Now get off my bra strap!"
10 days in Sweden: Full Allegations Against #WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange > http://bit.ly/exlih2 ~
141 inmates escape Mexican border prison ~helped by prison employees? > http://bit.ly/gBJA9L ~.
For the Twitter Record: I am NOT anti-American. However, I am anti-AmeriKKKan. I was born, bred and groomed in Sacramento, California.
Usually have TV on while I am Tweeting ~default of corporate CNN ~am not watching Frosty Returns! ~waiting for Blue Bloods @ 9 PM
I really do try to be conscientious in life ~sticking to basic Spiritual Principles ~being Honest, Open and Willing to change!
Welcome once again to All Our New Followers/Co-Creators! Will try to respond to Questions or Comments @Peta_de_Aztlan
9/24/09 ~ Promoting Reading and Self Organisation of Women in the Barrios > http://bit.ly/fMoCEj < Dated but still good
#WikiLeaks Support ~ Donate ~ Defense Fund > http://wikileaks.ch/support.html RT
RT @wikileaks: Does your business do business with Bank of America? Our advise is to place your funds somewhere safer.
RT @hrw: Ethiopia: Donors Should Investigate Misuse of Aid Money http://bit.ly/g1BWlp
@wikileaks Try condemning Corporate Capitalism and openly Advocating Global Democratic Socialism via Peaceful Revolution!
I'm not closing my account ~ RT @wikileaks: We ask that all people who love freedom close out their accounts at Bank of America.
Bank of America says it won't process payments intended for #WikiLeaks: http://bit.ly/ht5WpD ~Link VIA @wikileaks
VIA @wikileaks: C-SPAN [VIDEO}~3:15:11~ US Congressional Hearing on #WikiLeaks > http://cs.pn/g9SLQB ~
@joanie399 Soldier should get his self together and not even go to Afghanisnam. No sympathy from me. Just sharing.
LINK: An Experiment > http://www.ustream.tv/user/Peta_de_Aztlan ~
LINK: USTREAM ~ Free Live Video Streams ~ Another Media for the People's Mass Media > http://www.ustream.tv/ ~
RT @hrw: Syria: Free Activist Who Criticized Iran http://bit.ly/giVcfM
A Gay Soldier's Letter Before Leaving For Afghanistan > http://huff.to/f1dGGE via @huffingtonpost
Deadly Medicine: FDA Fails to Regulate Rapidly Growing Industry of Overseas Drug Testing > http://bit.ly/gIn7Ct ~
@WikileaksRT Am glad you are doing this for now. Gets to be a drag to do so many ReTweets myself about #WikiLeaks ~see other News
Now Following @WikileaksRT ~ http://twitter.com/#!/WikileaksRT/ ~ http://mirror.wikileaks.info/ ~Suggest You Follow!
#WikiLeaks Cables: Pfizer Targeted Nigerian Attorney General to Undermine Suit over Fatal Drug Tests > http://bit.ly/hQ7acV ~
#WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange Vows to Resume Whistleblowing After Release from London Jail > http://bit.ly/ihq35e ~
My evil friends help me keep in balance so I don't start thinking I'm too good! Guys I shoot the bull with ~they love butchering!
Man, just thought... what the hell would I do without my fingers! No worries, my evil friends say I have a big mouth! ;->~~
@vallie I am truly blessed to have so many great Followers such as you, but insist we create streams of truth as Co-Creators!
Venezuelan Government Plans to Increase Agricultural Productivity after Floods > http://bit.ly/hShdLj ~
Wikileaks: Documents Confirm US Plans Against Venezuela http://tinyurl.com/2g3bqwy #venezuela
Tweeters~Truth about Venezuela~ @venanalysis ~ http://twitter.com/#!/venanalysis ~ http://venezuelanalysis.com/ ~Follow!!!
@best_on_www Appreciate your Follow from Russia, Lysva Все самое интересное в сети: Лучшие фото/видео подборки. Психология. Наука. Культура.
Chavez government seizing 47 private ranches in Venezuela ~socialist-oriented effort > http://bit.ly/eWaOLE ~
@Wuxia If you take time to examine> http://www.uruknet.info/ from where I get Tweets VIA @uruknet you can see webmaster is sharp!
Image: CyberWar and #WikiLeaks - Scaled (50%): http://bit.ly/gzoFHx ~
RT @uruknet: Amnesty International: 37 Iraqis at risk of imminent execution , 835 ppl on on death row in #Iraq. http://bit.ly/hnCYlm
Strongly Urge All Co-Creators to Subscribe to Twitter Stream @uruknet ~ http://twitter.com/#!/uruknet/ ~ http://www.uruknet.info/
VIA @uruknet: FLASHBACK: Frago 242: U.S. Complicity and Cover-Up of #Iraq Torture Exposed > http://bit.ly/ekyvvz #WikiLeaks
VIA @newscientist: Are states unleashing the dogs of cyber war? #CyberWarfare > http://bit.ly/gePBaC ~
RT @heidiko44: Are states unleashing the dogs of cyber war? http://bit.ly/hsC5NO #CyberCommand #DDoS via @newscientist: #internet
@M0AB We need to determine what are our basic values as a people, stick to the basics of survival needs and unity all humane beings.
@M0AB In these times I do not even think in terms of Left-Wing vs. Right-Wing. We really need to flush such archaic thinking and mature.
@M0AB Some Leftists want to argue over definitions of our opponents ~as to whether this is really really fascism. what is fascism etc.
@EsterTonea We are blessed to have ready access to information via the Internet at our fingertips with a concentrated mind.
@EsterTonea Love to post Tweets on News Items ~LINKS to Information can increase knowledge and give us better understanding.
CARACAS: Fri 12/17/2010 @6:25pm EST ~ Venezuela assembly gives Chavez decree powers > http://reut.rs/ifyM21 ~
1 John 4:8 ~ He that loveth not knoweth not God; for God is love.
@EsterTonea Gracias! The Collective Treasure of the Gems of Wisdom from the Masses surpasses all wisdom of any lone soul.
LINK: http://twittercounter.com/ ~
Now Follow @TerreSpencer ~ http://twitter.com/#!/TerreSpencer ~ http://www.terrespencer.com/Terre_Spencer/svaagatam.html
Poisons and medicine are oftentimes the same substance given with different intents. —Peter Mere Latham, physician (1789-1875) #quotes
The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily ~ Friday, Dec. 17, 2010 as shared by PETER S LOPEZ + Others: http://paper.li/Peta_de_Aztlan ~
Now Follow Activist Mary McDuff de Scotland @MMcDuff7 ~ http://twitter.com/#!/MMcDuff7 ~ http://extradition.org.uk/ ~
We should search out for committed comrades now ~instead of searching for survivors over the ruins of Armageddon!
@RedState420Esq Ya had to of been around in 60's ~early 70's ~such carefree crazy times ~innocent naive fun ~never to return again
Julian Assange: #WikiLeaks faces 'very aggressive' investigation by US > http://bit.ly/dRep9y ~
@joanie399 Nothing lasting will be accomplished until we come together as a unified force for freedom!
@joanie399 Open Invitation! Join HELP-Matrix via HumanE Liberation Party > http://help-matrix.ning.com/ <
12/16/2010 ~ To Turn On, Tune In, and Drop Out by vinyasayogasystem > http://bit.ly/grxkZ4 ~
@RedState420Esq Sure wish I would of had the Drop Out part explained to me before I dropped Acid! > http://bit.ly/grxkZ4
Medical Marijuana and Dr. Oz: Shame for Misinformation Propaganda http://cln.me/bha5 /via @lindayelvington
@M0AB Admit that I sometimes post goofy stuff ~little humor goes a long ways, but I am serious about life among the living.
VIA Auntie Moon ~ Full Moon Giveaway for Gemini ~ December 17, 2010 > http://bit.ly/eiISj0 ~
Well that's my morning venting. Thanks for Feedback and RTs. Go tell your neighbor you love him or her! Keep the faith! @Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @JulianAssange_: #WikiLeaks Chief Assange fears US charges: said Friday it was "increasingly likely... http://yhoo.it/hvTICx
RT @AJEnglish: Pressure mounts on Cote d'Ivoire: UN warns against violence as France threatens sanctions if... http://aje.me/gjgM7A
RT @heidiko44: To 'Turn On, Tune In, and Drop Out' Explained By Timothy Leary (ESSAY) http://su.pr/85OyuQ via @NewMindMirror:
RT @AJEnglish: CIA's Pakistan chief recalled to US: US spy agency has sent its top official in Islamabad back home... http://aje.me/hIyuoo
@dHappywhore We need to understand with love that so much of the negatives are born of inner fear in an insecure world.
@dHappywhore Hey! My Favorite Pagan! Like your new Avatar! We all need to come out from behind our Avatars! Show up!
@JONIRAINES9821 Well start a Free Ipod program in your neighborhood. We can all do a little something! Repair computers, give them away!
Stop and think. Something must of happened 2,010 years ago. What was it? What was it all really about? Who was there?
"Either you decide to stay in the shallow end of the pool or you go out in the ocean." ~Christopher Reeve #healing via @SpiritualNurse
It don't take a brain scientist to figure out that POTUS Obama is ass-backwards ~pimping us for the corporate ruling class!
Let's invest in America ~bring soldiers with tools to build apartment buildings for homeless ~good schools for our children
Amerikan Soldiers fighting in Afghanisnam are members of an evil occupying force ~I am not free until Leonard Peltier is free!!
Each of us can start a little literacy group ~a little political education class ~a little martial arts group ~a little something!!!
@zfree All of it ~all the crap hyped up ~distracting people from real social issues we can do something about together!
@solarpub Yeah, that was part of it. Corporate media pumping up fear ~creating mistrust among people ~suspecting neigbbors
Use your common sense wisdom. Do not live your life ~frozen by fear ~perverted by paranoia ~scared of shadows ~not truly free!
We all need to be aware of what is going on in our local communities. There are true evil demons living amongst us now.
RT @mparent77772: Trash collectors to serve as eyes and ears in the street for police > http://on.msnbc.com/e6jq6Q
Who can you really count on when the Internet is shutdown, doors are being kicked in and humane rights are being violated!?
It really doesn't matter how many Followers you think you have on Twitter or Friends on Facebook. If you hurt, who will help?
I could be out satisfying my own personal gratification but I want to leave my grandchildren a better world than when I came in.
As for me, I post relevant news items I hope will stimulate thought, raise consciousness and give you cause to reflect.
It is not about you and your little dramas and traumas. It is about helping the poor, the hungry, the wretched of the earth.
We are blessed with a high level of communications technology in these times that has transformed human culture in general.
We want to create a true global democracy that requires mass participation by all the people of all lands, beyond nationalism.
If you are not a Member of a positive progressive group, political party or social network your non-involvement is part of the problem.
We here inside the USA are living under a menacing mature corporate fascism now 'in power and secure' ~the Amerikan Empire!
@mindofagenius So much is going on in the world we need to share information about amongst each other as humane people online.
@mindofagenius I am not here spending all these hours just to entertain with witty Tweets ~Unfollow irrelevant Twitter Addicts
@mindofagenius ~Am interested in building up a basic online organizational foundation and communication system via Internet Power.
#FollowFriday Tweet Freedom! @JulianAssange_ @wikileaks @truthout @intifada @AJEnglish @indigenous_news @democracynow #Follow
Open letter to Obama - HRW on Wikileaks | http://is.gd/iUAsd
New Blog Post: GIVING BENEFITS THE BRAIN http://goo.gl/fb/wcKUR
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 12-16-2010~Thursday~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan: http://bit.ly/eTEWxk ~Feel free to Follow Blog
Open Invitation! Join HELP-Matrix via HumanE Liberation Party > http://help-matrix.ning.com/ <
RT @AJEnglish: Russia urges S Korea to scrap drill: Call for Seoul to halt joint military exercises with US Saturday... http://aje.me/hR24Dc
'Now that I am back to assist the directing of our ship, our work will proceed in a faster manner." ~Julien Assange http://bit.ly/gxGbe6
VIA @JulianAssange_: Breaking News: #Assange fears US indictment ~Saturday, December 18, 2010 » 03:05am http://bit.ly/gxGbe6
Tweeters! Follow WikiLeaks News @JulianAssange_ ~ http://twitter.com/#!/JulianAssange_/ ~See Original Tweets
@mindofagenius As a compassionate humane being I love people and all life. In my personal life I love to help counsel people.
@mindofagenius No thank you for stimulating any inspiring words. Inspiration is of the Cosmic Spirit, not individual ego alone.
VIA @JulianAssange_: #Wikileaks' Julian Assange 'fears extradition to US' ~denies Swedish allegations > http://bbc.in/e8imXU
VIA @JulianAssange_: #Wikileaks News: India accused of widespread torture ~Security forces abused prisoners > http://on.msnbc.com/g3GWf7
VIA @JulianAssange_: Breaking News: #Assange Free From Prison, Back to Leaking Secrets > http://abcn.ws/ezXAAZ ~See Videos!
@ungaro Consciousness is mere smart thinking about the world ~higher consciousness requires compassionate action in real life.
@rmuse As adults we should feel a natural love for all of our youth. So many are terribly neglected by their own blood parents.
@mindofagenius Trying to help build up a People's Mass Media using social media and Internet Power. Also interested in #literacy.
@mindofagenius Try not to Follow too many people ~too many trite trifles and meaningless messages ~avoid Information Overload
@Radio_Lady I love Twitter for different reasons. Tweet posts about global news, positive causes, personal insights and just for fun!
@Radio_Lady Nice to 'meet' you. Let's see what you got! Read about Larry King and you. Believe sharing is caring! Each of us I unique.
Following @Radio_Lady ~ http://twitter.com/#!/Radio_Lady/ ~ http://ellenkimball.blogspot.com/ ~ Ret. Radio Talk Show Host...
@rmuse Good Parents know where there children are all the time, especially babes in the woods. Teen within earshot or cell phone.
@XtyMiller How's the weather up there? Suppose to be raining down here in Sacramento for a week! Need to see beauty in rain!
Where is your conscience? It is our right and duty to rebel against wrongdoing, against injustice, against blatant evilness.
Let us pray that all our Tweets are relevant, meaningful and thoughtful. Think with mindfulness before you click send & Tweet.
Let us pray for the safety and security of all our children and youth from social predators in the world. Parents! Be good parents!
Echo: "What is to give light must endure burning." ~Viktor Frankl > http://bit.ly/oGC2A ~
Follow! @PeltierHQ ~ http://twitter.com/#!/PeltierHQ ~Official Site http://www.whoisleonardpeltier.info/ ~Free Leonard Peltier Now!
@lurainpenny Use to work for City Animal Control Center in Office Operations ~know of the selfish evil cruelty of human beings.
@lurainpenny Yes, I could not leave a dog alone all day or stuck in a backyard. My pet would be a family member, not just a kept pet.
Echo: Welcome All Our New Followers AKA Co-Creators! Will try to Reply to Any Questions or Inquiries ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Following @DrWayneWDyer ~ http://twitter.com/#!/DrWayneWDyer ~ http://www.drwaynedyer.com/ ~Wise humane being!
Contemplation is the highest form of activity - Aristotle
Your reputation is in the hands of others.The only thing you can control is your character
Meditation allows you to make conscious contact with your Source and regain the power of intention.
here is my latest blog link - Reinventing Your Holidays http://www.healyourlife.com/blogs/wayne-dyer-blog/reinventing-your-holidays
Take constructive action toward implimenting your inner intuitive inclinations
Monitor your inner dialogue, and match your thoughts to what you want and what you intend to create.
@BE_PURE Great Spirit I refer to as Creator. Jesus Christ was Son of God, not God. You cannot crucify Creator who is not a person.
<+>December 17, 2010~Viernes/Friday<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Educate to Liberate!<+>Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
"Love all, trust a few. Do wrong to none." ~William Shakespeare (1564-1616) ~from "All's Well That Ends Well", Act 1 Scene 1
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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