12-21-2010~Tuesday~Twitter Timeline @ Peta_de_Aztlan
Follow @ Peta_de_Aztlan ~ http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento California
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento California
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Join Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Tomorrow is Humpday ~ few days until Christmas. ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Good WEBSITE: The Spirit of Resistance Lives ~ http://www.zcommunications.org/ ~
12/11/2010 ~The Charade of Israeli-Palestinian Talks By Noam #Chomsky > http://bit.ly/gdLgOZ ~
RT @JulianAssange_: Breaking News: I'm a victim of leaks: Assange > http://bit.ly/hcUlCb ~
YES RT @repairgirl: Are you tired of paying high electricity bills like me? > http://tiny.ly/PTa4
VIA @JulianAssange_: #WikiLeaks: UK trained Bangladesh 'death squad'> http://on.msnbc.com/f9Og2E ~
VIDEO [55:21] ~ Bringing Progressive Politics Back To The People by George Lakoff > http://youtu.be/38W3ef3QBnc ~
@_AndyBryant Thanks. Learning better how to go with the flow ~the mind alone is highly over-rated. Flowing with Spirit.
VIDEO [3:03] ~12-21-2010~Feliz Navidad~ @Peta_de_Aztlan > http://youtu.be/8QV8zb5_0gY
Regular Twitter users seem to be more aware of a higher intellect ~am I humoring myself? OK. OK.OK >Lots of nice folks here.
Like the Truth in this Tweet ~RT @Glory3875: You cannot depend on your eyes when your imagination is out of focus.
Handing the Reigns of Control over to Government: With a Blind Eye By Nathaniel Hines > http://bit.ly/eSjzI4 ~
@littlebytesnews That was a very significant Protest all true Americans should be aware of that happened http://bit.ly/dSTz3s
@tweeterartist tweeterartist by Peta_de_Aztlan
Add Url | How To Submit Your Website To Google.com: . http://bit.ly/hL1QD0
Help us send a holiday card to the courageous #DREAMAct leaders who've inspired us: http://bit.ly/gu65yz #ri4a #p2 via @americasvoice
@ICDCCOLLEGE We are now Following each other. Believe that good education is essential for us to ever achieve true liberation in life.
@MALDEF I support MALDEF. I believe in Amnesty Now! Have no faith in present day electoral system nor POTUS Obama.
@VivirLatino Let us work on building up a People's Mass Media with creative imagination. ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
@Disarm We are Following each other now. We need help now, but in the long run Revolution is the Ultimate Solution, not mere reforms.
@AmericaStrike Am Following you are Following me for now. Let's see what we can learn, share and activate!
@rotwangig C. A. Rotwang by Peta_de_Aztlan
#Palast: "We'd been surreptitiously filming BP's cancer-making machine, the giant pipeline terminal near #Baku" http://bit.ly/h8jsRF #bpfail
@Lonnieyvk Now 'Following' each other. Responsible mature adults should feel a sense of parenthood towards children/youth who need help.
@Bodewadmi Follow you as you Follow me. Let us unite the people to make it a better world.
@empathzone Am Following your as you Follow me. Plus know difference between empathy and sympathy.
@_AndyBryant I am Following you as You Follow me. Am a creative writer on a good day... oh but those bad days!!
@Survival_Trivia We now Follow each other. Survival is not a trivia matter. Namaste, Che Peta
@Sekharman I am Following You as You are Following me. Let us manifest our potentials together.
@Will_Horton I am Following you as you are Following me. I believe education is a great key for success in life, with other keys.
Tuesday, Dec. 21, 2010 ~The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily as shared by PETER S LOPEZ + 69 followed people on Twitter http://paper.li/Peta_de_Aztlan
@KarlRove You have been 'Following' me, So I am Following you. Let's help save the children. Namaste, Che Peta
#Astronomy Picture of the Day ~Beautiful > http://bit.ly/evKQYO ~
@Rotivation In essence, giving certain conditions, we have the right to make revolution. I am fighting for a Peaceful Revolution.
Family's triple tragedy highlights #Mexico impunity By OLIVIA TORRES > http://wapo.st/fi5OZ9 ~
RT @AvaAcosta: The secret sits in the middle and knows ~Robert Frost
LINK: First Inaugural Address of Abraham Lincoln ~MONDAY, MARCH 4, 1861 > http://bit.ly/gnNlR0
...they can exercise their constitutional right of amending it or their revolutionary right to dismember or overthrow it." ~Abraham Lincoln
"This country, with its institutions, belongs to the people who inhabit it. Whenever they shall grow weary of the existing Government,...
2/21/2010 ~ Guatemala declares 'state of siege' to combat Mexican drug cartel, limiting rights > http://lat.ms/gZ1jHb
Search out for kindred spirits now ~instead of searching for survivors over the scattered ruins of Armageddon! Seek to find!
Of Secrets and Mad Dogs ~Wikileaks and First Amendment By RALPH NADER > http://bit.ly/e4bP8V
Exposing the Think Tank Culture ~Secrets of the Ruling Class ~By SAM SMITH > http://bit.ly/hFmh3I
#Guatemala seizes plane, guns (150 AK-47 assault rifles), cash in anti-drug raids > http://bit.ly/gr8nK9 ~
VIA @democracynow ~ Local Community Radio Act Passes in Congress > http://bit.ly/gE3uq8
VIA The Hindu ~ #Assange threatens to release damaging information about U.S. bank > http://bit.ly/gnVhha ~When? Who?
VIA The Hindu ~ #Iraq gets a new government after nine-month delay > http://bit.ly/hsxBkM
VIA NPR #Pakistan's Military Shapes Relationship With U.S. > http://n.pr/eNH1Cm
#Pakistan test fires nuclear-capable missile ~PM Gilani ~capability "should never be challenged" > http://bit.ly/i2mQpw
#Assange Lashes Out In Interview, Says He's 'Not Promiscuous' > http://huff.to/gdDVdf via @huffingtonpost
#Senate Advances Arms Treaty, 67-28 > http://nyti.ms/h3uu0p ~
#UN Green-Lights New Biodiversity Science Policy Platform > http://bit.ly/e2gKsc ~
VIA @mparent77772: The costs of war ~"We are winning" in Afghanistan =Gen. Petraeus > http://wapo.st/hVY5g6 ~
#Brazil Protects Climate With Record Low Amazon Deforestation > http://bit.ly/ecDIUK ~
Weird weather leaves #Amazon forest thirsty ~consequences huge for planet > http://on.msnbc.com/g0n5O0 ~
Analysis: #Brazil eyes energy and farms for future emission cuts > http://reut.rs/i1wOAz ~
#China's State Grid To Buy 7 #Brazil Power Firms For $1B > http://on.wsj.com/gY4aKB ~
#UN: Civilians are victims in new clashes in Sudan's #Darfur region > http://bit.ly/f4W1I6 ~
UN is preparing for worst-case scenarios in #Sudan ~January 9th Referenum > http://bit.ly/h4J6nC ~
Russia, India agree on defence, nuclear deals > http://bit.ly/gkBCsZ ~Watch India!
VIA indianexpress.com ~ Alimony to women is not a welfare scheme but a right: Activists > http://bit.ly/eF3Jsi ~
No ready solution to #Kashmir, empower people: Interlocutors > http://bit.ly/h5ZXNM ~What a concept! EMPOWER PEOPLE
Always feel free to Follow or Unfollow. We want 'quality' Co-Creators of Consciousness, not merely 'quantity' of Followers!
FYI: I am a radical in these reactionary times ~an educator who 'leads forth'' ~not a teacher who merely imparts knowledge.
@DefenseActions Believe in our being mindful ~our right to self-defense and basic self-defense education.
VIA @JulianAssange_: #WikiLeaks App yanked from iTunes Store: http://on.msnbc.com/e503Fx ~Fascist Demons never sleep
#Death Penalty Down in U.S., Figures Show > http://nyti.ms/gNWdJG ~
Bostom: Body Fell From Plane, Authorities Say > http://nyti.ms/hqpXwO ~should of gone to smuggling school
Yes, recovery is indeed sexy & healthy RT @RecoveryIsSexy: Popular: Changing Roles in Family Disease of Alcoholism http://is.gd/jaQJe
Support @RedScareBot ~one of my evil family members ~pray for him to get a life that uplifts people! Do his folks know where he is?
@DinoAni Many of my friends cannot even afford to have regular Internet Access. Haves and Have-Nots locked in Class War.
@DinoAni You are very kind ~good way to be towards humankind. Many are searching for answers best found within our inner soul.
A fan! @RedScareBot: Pls refudiate RT @Peta_de_Aztlan I'm a recovered drunk, dope fiend, tramp and communist urban guerrilla... recovered!
12/21/2010 2:15 pm EST ~ U.N. quarters evacuated due to suspicious odor > http://bit.ly/emusr2 ~
@DinoAni I'm a recovered drunk, dope fiend, tramp and communist urban guerrilla... recovered! Go figure. #Fact
VIA @JulianAssange_: #Wikileaks News: Apple pulls WikiLeaks app from App Store > http://yhoo.it/dGMLeL ~More repression
#POTUS Obama talks immigration strategy with lawmakers > http://usat.ly/hhN5Zf ~Another manipulation tool for Fuhrer Obama
Time flies. Need to get ready ~put on my combat boots ~go out into 'the Field' ~hunt down demons and dinosaurs!
RT @AvaAcosta: Today's Declaration: I am true to my own heart
RT @AvaAcosta: Your ability to visualize your dreams will serve as a catalyst in their creation
@DinoAni Right now Twitter is my Favorite. Many people do not Feedback as much at other spots. Feedback keeps it alive!
@DinoAni I want to get more into Blog Radio myself, but have Facebook, Twitter, Yahoo Groups, Blogs and Websites.
@jimlegge Glad Mexico has $1B to Build Satellites for Communications ~now maybe feeding and protecting its people! ~same as USA
@DinoAni Let us create a People's Mass Media using all means forms, including the often neglected radio!
Database: #Sacramento Metro Job Outlook ~cater baby-boomers > http://bit.ly/eHpDo3 ~
#Prostitution arrests plunge amid #Sacramento County budget cuts > http://bit.ly/h95Gp0 ~
#Mexico Pays Boeing $1B to Build Satellites for Communications > http://fxn.ws/fSOM22 ~
Was wondering what SOL Meant! RT @DeepakChopra: Soul of Leadership #SOL http://bit.ly/eRqc6
RT @DefenseActions: Your Self Defense Gun Needs to Start with a .22LR http://bit.ly/hzb34U
Sen. Arlen Specter assails ideological 'cannibalism' in Senate in farewell speech > http://wapo.st/ia52Dz ~
VIA @JulianAssange_: "WikiLeaks" enters the English language: It happened to Xerox and more recently to Google... http://yhoo.it/hiQOXb
LATIN AMERICA NEWS: Kidnapped Mexican Politician Is Freed > http://on.wsj.com/hM8I7l ~
DECEMBER 21, 2010, 1:33 P.M. ET ~Earthquake Near #Japan Triggers #Tsunami Warning > http://on.wsj.com/hVvgPa ~
Recall: VOA News 18 December 2010 ~ Pakistan Denies Outing US Spy > http://bit.ly/e6dqnW ~
U.S. Denies Reports of Planned #Pakistan Raids > http://bit.ly/ecs8Pu ~
@ileducprof Sometimes I dread even scanning the Global News ~still... ignorance can kill us in our bliss or catch us unawares.
VIA Auntie Moon ~ Syzygy ~ The Full Moon of the Winter Solstice~December 20, 2010 > http://bit.ly/icWSVv ~
RT @mparent77772: Government Waste: 20 Of The Craziest Things That The U.S. Government Is Spending Money On http://bit.ly/gy2HMI
FYI: Syzygy is means alignment or conjunction ~usually refers to three celestial bodies being “yoked together” as in a lunar eclipse.
It is impossible in the linear to continue giving energy without the possibility of receiving. ~VERONICA > http://www.innerwhispers.org/
Tue Dec 21, 9:47 am ET ~Moonwatchers treated to total lunar eclipse > http://yhoo.it/hmDeCk ~
VIA @ascend08: ~Rejuvenation~ Posted December 21, 2010 by freedom4humanity > http://bit.ly/fqiMEl
VIA @WikiLeakTweets: Reporters Without Borders to host #WikiLeaks mirror site > http://tinyurl.com/3x6kl3z #Cablegate
True ~No courage, no real life! RT @AvaAcosta: What would life be if we had no courage to attempt anything? ~Vincent van Gogh
RT @mparent77772: Brazil donates land for Palestinian embassy http://bit.ly/eaDhAX
#TrackTuesday @JulianAssange_ @DeepakChopra @heidiko44 @mparent77772 @truthout @DrWayneWDyer @uruknet @KristyTallman @BE_PURE #Follow
There is a truth to the ancient adage that ignorance is bliss, but knowledge is power and helpful wisdom is empowering.
Cracks me up how I have such peaceful feelings when prayers come through me, then end up a grizzly bear at the end of the day!
VIA @JulianAssange_: Breaking News: #WikiLeaks's Assange to Publish Memoirs: Report: http://yhoo.it/i5QgPZ ~
True RT @DeepakChopra: When emotional intelligence merges with spiritual intelligence, human nature is transformed. #SOL
Let us pray that in the circles of our comings and goings we keep in mind that we are living human beings, not human doings.
Let us pray that we remember that the birth of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the real Reason for the Holiday Season.
Let us pray that we all wake up to the Amerikan Nightmare that is here now and combat Amerikan Fascism at home and abroad.
Let us pray for all prisoners who spend their lives caged like captured animals instead of being treated as human beings.
Let us pray for insecure illegal immigrants who live in the shadows of the so-called Land of the Free and Home of the Brave.
Let us pray that we never have to be perfect but that we strive to be pure in our intention in the wholeness of being true.
Let us take the time to appreciate the magic of this moment and wonder in our beingness where it all came from in life.
Let us pray that we take the time to listen to our own conscience, to listen to our loved ones and to listen to truthtellers.
Let us pray for those who are too proud to pray and have lost any and all belief in a Higher Power greater than themselves.
Let us pray for abandoned orphans cowering in dark corners of the world who need good strong parenting and tender loving care.
Let us pray for the bold courage ~to condemn evildoers ~to advocate for the voiceless ~to stand up for the truth today!
Let us pray for unity and inner harmony within ourselves as wholistic beings in the mind-body-soul trinity.
Let us pray for the forgiveness of our sins, as we forgive those who have sinned against us and work on global reconciliation.
Let us pray for those who have no prayers because they have forgotten who they are as Creatures of the Creator of the Cosmos.
Let us pray for the people of Afghanisnam ~that they are free to work on their own social issues without Amerikan Warlords.
Let us pray for homeless domestic and foreign refugees ~stranded and abandoned by ruling powers~ that they find their way home.
Let us pray for loving understanding and tolerance among people, despite our different opinions and separate belief-systems.
Let us pray for the spiritual healing of all who are ~lost in despair ~devoid of hope ~enslaved by affliction of addictions.
Let us pray that we approach people with a desire for unity as one family of humanity ~beyond -isms -wings and -ologies
Let us pray that we use our time wisely on Internet to help provide information, network with others and raise consciousness.
Let us pray that kindred spirits see that we live one lifetime at a time and are here now to help create a brand new world.
Let us pray that we unite together as one family of humanity based upon our common survival needs and common dreams in life.
Let us pray for insights into the truth to see that much of what needs to be changed in the world is within ourselves.
Let us pray with a sincere heart for true Peace on Mother Earth and goodwill towards all living beings in the cosmos!
VIA @dbudlov: VIDEO [4:33] ~If We Legalize ALL Drugs What Will Happen To #Mexican #Drug #Cartels? > http://youtu.be/Bpk05p4y7KU
@Libertana Don't panic! Everything is relative. Make sure we are forwards and right side up. Join a democratic revolutionary party!
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 12-20-2010~Lunes~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan: http://bit.ly/h8bHVE ~Save your Tweets!
FYI: Meaning of Namaste~ http://bit.ly/QYIuO ~
VIDEO [13:38] 12/16/2010 ~Veterans for Peace White House Civil Disobedience to End War > http://youtu.be/tOde31QYbI0 ~RT
Open Invitation! Join the Humane Liberation Party > http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~Let's analyze and discuss issues together!
Echo: Let us pray for safety and security for our children and youth from social predators in the world. Let us all be good parents!
Proverbs 1:7 "The reverence of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise knowledge and instruction."
Echo: "What is to give light must endure burning." ~Viktor Frankl ~Let the light of truth shine upon the darkness of ignorance.
Follow @PeltierHQ ~ http://twitter.com/#!/PeltierHQ ~Official Site http://bit.ly/12ZYRc ~Free Leonard Peltier Now!
Echo: Welcome New Followers AKA Co-Creators! Will try to Reply to Questions or Mentions ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>December 21, 2010~Martes/Tuesday<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Educate to Liberate!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan
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Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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