12-22-2010 Wednesday~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~ Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Join Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
@EmergentCulture Rohaan Solare
@heidiko44 Heide Kolb
@thereisawayjose Jose J Castillo
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Tomorrow is Thursday ~Be good! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
"We have won an armistice on a single battleground, not peace in the world." ~President Eisenhower~1953 Korean War Armistice Agreement
@Mr_Christ0pher Amen! I keep faith ~ seek balance ~ appreciate life as much as I can ~Peta
VIA @JulianAssange_: #Assange warns US journalists: Govt effort to prosecute him should serve as warning... http://bit.ly/g6sqYD
@Mr_Christ0pher Remember when sky was actually like royal blue ~why are so many manic-depressed and/or bi-polar on meds?
@vallie @vallie We need Job Bail Outs ~Emergency Relief for new homeless in Southern California ~Calif budget is screwed
@Mr_Christ0pher USA destroyed what was Iraq before ~Afghanisnam is being ruined ~War will spread to Paksitan.
@vallie Let us pray for all who have lost homes because of natural disasters or the unnatural disasters of foreign wars.
@Mr_Christ0pher Hate the way there has to be wars or rumors of war for us to learn world geography!
@Mr_Christ0pher South Korean Army said drills started at 2 p.m. Thursday ~they are a day ahead of us on West Coast.
@Mr_Christ0pher Korean War never really got settled ~as least Vietnam become unified as one Vietnam
Bad sign of progress ~I'm born 1951 when Korean War going on ~Now sent Tweet about large S. Korea military drills there in 2010.
12/23/2010 1:49 AM EST~South Korea starts large military drills~From Kyung Lah, CNN > http://bit.ly/fR6Hwe ~
The midnight earth sends incense up, sweet with the breath of prayer, Go out beneath the naked night and get religion there. ~Sam W. Foss
Between now and 2012 we need to build up local community infrastructure ~help get others online and promote computer-literacy.
Why do I feel like I am mid-way through Bush Jr.'s First Term in Office ~except now he's Internet savvy and can actually talk?
Arms treaty approval a win for Obama, but GOP critics are gaining momentum > http://wapo.st/g5WqBr ~
RT @mparent77772: Wikileaks Mirror Taken Down: Host Buckles Under Demands from Upstream Provider http://bit.ly/hcpUtu #cablegate
RT @AJEnglish: South Korea stages largest-ever drill ~begins major military exercise involving large-scale... http://aje.me/dGQYk3
I like this Tweet ~My home is my sanctuary RT @heidiko44: Home is the place where you can safely fall apart
VIA @heidiko44: 12/22/2010 ~ Michael Shermer-Stephen Hawking’s Radical Philosophy of Science > http://bit.ly/i5cUSM ~
Following @WilliamHarryman ~Tucson, AZ, USA~ http://twitter.com/#!/WilliamHarryman ~ http://integral-options.blogspot.com/ ~
FYI: Dangers of Ritalin Abuse > http://bit.ly/hHk5cR
Yes. to be inspired is to be in Spirit. RT @AvaAcosta: Inspiration comes from the same word as spirit
“Troubles are often the tools by which God fashions us for better things.” ~Henry Ward Beecher, American clergyman
VIA @serenitynews: 12/22/10 ~Study Finds Link Between Spirituality and Increased Recovery Rates > http://bit.ly/glCBkf ~
VIA @Palidan "There is no challenge more challenging than the challenge to improve yourself." ~Michael F. Staley
U.S. News ~#WikiLeak Assange to media: You're 'next' ~warned other media organizations... > http://bit.ly/hgEvF7 ~
Yeah we all shine on, like the moon, and the stars, and the sun. ~ John Lennon
Let love flow so that it cleanses the world. ~Sai Baba
Nothing is softer or more flexible than water, yet nothing can resist it. ~Lao Tzu
Interesting how things works this way: States with no income tax have largest growth http://bit.ly/fn796k
@4RealSolutions World needs Real Solutions. General discussion about immigration issues and global refugee crisis would be helpful.
11/17/2010 ~Leap of Faith: Meet John of God By Susan Casey~Oprah.com > http://bit.ly/hjN3tH ~
#Colombian police claims mass arrest of 140 drug traffickers~109 firearms~1,363 rounds ammo > http://bit.ly/fxchiU ~
#Colombia asked US for aerial defense system: #WikiLeaks > http://bit.ly/hF19QV ~
VIA Wall St. Journal ~U.S. Senate Extends Andean Trade Benefits > http://on.wsj.com/eogpfZ ~
12/21/2010 VIA NPR ~ Census Data Will Reshape U.S. Political Landscape > http://n.pr/hZi6Ch ~
U.S. Census: Population Up 27 Million in Just 10 Years~ 3/4 Immigration > http://cis.org/2010CensusPopulation ~
Senate Passes 9/11 Health Bill as Republicans Back Down ~about time > http://nyti.ms/fTmJNZ ~
The #war Daily is out! http://bit.ly/gqL56U ▸ Top stories today by @redtupac @colonialwmsburg @zoneasia_pk @fpif @samhusseini
Obama Press Conference: President Discusses 'Season Of Progress' At Year-End > http://huff.to/ednNN0 via @huffingtonpost
Rhodesian Ridgeback gives birth to 17 puppies, all survived > http://bit.ly/dHR5A1 ~
#Mexico activists vow to press ahead after mother seeking justice is murdered > http://bit.ly/flKLy0 ~
RT @wikileaks: Sir David Frost interview with Julian Assange | http://is.gd/jgECL
RT @wikileaks: UN statement on Wikileaks | http://is.gd/jgFHJ
12/23/2010 ~Dozens of immigrants abducted from train in #Mexico, El Salvador says > http://bit.ly/eE4sjB ~
#Mexican polician-lawyer freed this week negotiated $30 million ransom with captors > http://bit.ly/hxw010 ~
@JoeFeagin As educators it is essential for us to be humble, willing to learn more and knowing we ourselves need educating.
@JoeFeagin We need Spiritual Qualities of compassionate love, tolerant understanding and non-judgmental acceptance in education.
@JoeFeagin A lot of the mass division is because of people being in fear of leaving cultural 'comfort zones' that promote racism.
@JoeFeagin Many of us have been raised with Mass Lies that we will do to our death bed believing. Illiteracy is major problem.
Good medicine VIA @shamanswell: Clearing ancestral psychic blocks > http://bit.ly/gyKioR ~
RT @uruknet: Israeli warplanes attack #Gaza refuge http://bit.ly/eLs339 #palestine
@ASacred_Monster Lot of my work to date has been Community Education on the local level. Internet gives me wider spread.
#Cablegate VIA WashPost ~ A breakdown of the 251,287 diplomatic cables > http://wapo.st/fvkDNI ~
#CIA launches task force ~assess impact of U.S. cables' exposure by #WikiLeaks > http://wapo.st/h3MK5d ~
RT @cableleaks: W.T.F = Wikileaks Task Force http://is.gd/jgtmr #cablegate
VIA @JulianAssange_ #WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange named "Man of the Year" by France's Le Monde newspaper > http://bit.ly/fMR6TQ ~
@JulianAssange_ You mean this one? Is it the server? http://www.nytimes.com/2008/03/04/us/04bar.html?_r=1
LINK: Mother Earth Journal > http://mother-earth-journal.com/ ~
12/20/2010 ~ Palm oil used in everyday products pushing Indigenous Peoples off their land > http://bit.ly/fDpNHz ~ReTweet
The Four Agreements: #1. Be Impeccable with Your Word #2. Don’t Take Everything Personally #3. Don’t Make Assumptions #4. Do Your Best
LINK: Free Graphics for Your Social Networking Site ~ http://www.magickalgraphics.com/
Yahoo Group & Blog= http://groups.yahoo.com/group/THIRD-WORLD-NEWS/ + http://third-world-news.blogspot.com/
Yahoo Group & Blog= http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NetworkAztlan_News/ + http://aztlannet-news-blog.blogspot.com/
Yahoo Group & Blog= http://groups.yahoo.com/group/Humane-Rights-Agenda/ + http://humane-rights-agenda.blogspot.com/
@JulianAssange_ ~Clearly Cyber-Warfare continues to be waged by our fascist foes ~we lovers of truth are learning daily.
VIA @OrBVIOUS66 The world has achieved brilliance without conscience. Ours is a world of nuclear giants and ethical infants. ~Gen. Bradley
@jean_nach ~ One indigenous connection~A network driven by communication and protection > http://bit.ly/gVXyGR ~RT
@OrBVIOUS66 Followng you now. Yes, attract the positive ~discharge the negative ~like the electrical metaphor.
#DidYouKnow? ~ “Abya Yala” means “Continent of Life” in the language of the Kuna peoples of Panama and Colombia.
Anything or anyone who threatens ~your balance ~your center ~your inner peace ~your sanity ~or your serenity is to be avoided.
There are many forms of fanaticism these days ~social ~political ~spiritual. Follow no one way ~be open to examing various ways.
@ASacred_Monster To me life is about taking care of our health in all dimensions, including our spiritual health. #Addiction
@ASacred_Monster Now Follow @RecoveryIsSexy @serenitynews & @St0pSmokingNow Am not a fanatic of any one way here. #Addiction
@ASacred_Monster I claim 10+ years off Meth & 6+ off Alcohol, but the day is young. I stay aware, alert and alive! #Addiction
@ASacred_Monster Braggard! Puff... Yes, tobacco is my last great addiction. Roll my own. Proud of you! Puff... #Addictions
Family members should be mindful and help those around them who stay sober and are involved with a basic recovery program.
For those involved with a basic 12-Steps Recovery Program relapses are big dangers during the Holidays. Old habits die hard.
@Jah_Empress A lot of people like to split hairs ~bicker over minor matters ~truth remains the truth in a given context.
@Jah_Empress Denial of a given situation, actual ailment or treatable personal issue can be like a demon. Reality is truth.
"And you will know the truth, and that very truth will make you free.” ~John 8:32
VIA @mparent77772: African Farmers Losing Land to Investors > http://nyti.ms/fYVJrJ ~
@AddictionHealer Alcoholism exhibits a deeper mental disorder, spiritual sickness and physical illness > http://bit.ly/aockz9
Sharing, not endorsing VIA @AddictionHealer: Alcoholism – Drunkeness vs Disease, Dr. George C. Scipione > http://dlvr.it/Bwwhh
VIDEO 90 Tons of Artillery Rigged with C4 ~one surefire way to dispose of their resources > http://bit.ly/gCd0NM ~
Good for Google! VIA @JulianAssange_: #Wikileaks News: Apple drops WikiLeaks app, Google keeps it: http://yhoo.it/ftqGIC
Chemical addiction is a demon that possesses the addicted being ~totally takes over one's being ~mind, body and soul. Stay straight!
Betty Ford Clinic fires worker who accused Lindsay Lohan of assaulting her ~violated patient confidentiality > http://lat.ms/eFWkjG
International Court rules against Mexico's army ~two peasant ecologists illegally detained and tortured > http://lat.ms/gXf343 ~
VIA @JulianAssange_: Breaking News: Cultural Caviar:The Rape Of Julian Assange: by Jim Goad > http://bit.ly/fCUGuZ
Thank you all for your good work for human rights! RT @hrw: UN: End ‘Disappearances’ Worldwide http://bit.ly/hJ2Y5o
11:05 AM ~The weather here in Sacramento is still wacky with huge storm clouds hovering above. No rain here right now.
@Jah_Empress Thank God the Sun always shines upon Mother Earth ~even in the darkest times of depair ~It shines!
Love http://paper.li/Peta_de_Aztlan because I see better what Tweets others are posting ~Get one for your Twitter Stream
@Mr_Christ0pher Now is the time for all the truth to come out to help free our minds of Mass Lies by corporate-controlled mass media.
LINK: http://truthisrevolutionary.org/ ~Revolution is the ultimate solution!
Echo: "In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act." ~George Orwell
RT @Peak_Performer: You cannot solve a problem until you acknowledge that you have one and accept responsibility for solving it.~Zig Ziglar
VIA @M0AB: An inside look at Haiti's business elite > http://bit.ly/iaRhfT ~#Help_Haiti
Food for thought RT @AvaAcosta: Our words have the power to change destinies, both our own & that of others.
@joanie399 Could sure use a slice of that $160 Billion War Money for Christmas Gifts! > http://wapo.st/e9JWvG ~
VIA @JulianAssange_: #Wikileaks Army 'Anonymous' eyes Bank of America with 'Operation BOA Constrictor': http://bit.ly/fwacG7 ~
The Peta_de_Aztlan Daily is a Free Service > http://paper.li/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Wish it had a PermaLink for future reference
Wednesday, Dec. 22, 2010 The http://paper.li/Peta_de_Aztlan Daily as shared by PETER S LOPEZ + 92 followed people on Twitter
@laurenferrell Good to know there are many who appreciate the beauty, spirit and lives of wolves. http://help-matrix.ning.com/
@AddictionHealer True healing of addiction requires and honest search for spiritual truths about one's self in life.
@Nikela_Wildlife Yes, all living beings are sacred. Many suffer from the hands of the two-legged ones.
#Funeral today for Flat Rock man killed on U.S.- Mexico > http://bit.ly/eZQSCY ~
Mass Abduction of 50 Central Americans Migrants in Mexico Is Alleged – MX Government Denies It > http://bit.ly/f5sge1 ~
RT @intifada: Standing together against US government witch hunt http://bit.ly/ewcxwy
VIA @democracynow ~ Census: As Red States Grow, So Do Hispanic Populations Within > http://bit.ly/hZiIQQ ~
VIA @Disarm: #Congress Authorizes Pentagon $160 Billion for Wars in #Afghanistan and #Iraq > http://wapo.st/e9JWvG ~
@littlebytesnews Recall: Chris Hedges: Obama is "Poster Child for Death of Liberal Class" > http://bit.ly/dUwvfY ~
VIA @JulianAssange_: #Wikileaks News: #WikiLeaks Exposes Internet's Dissent Tax, not Nerd Supremacy: http://bit.ly/eKzBOE ~
VIA @JulianAssange_: #WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange to be member of Australian journalists' union (MEAA) > http://bit.ly/epzP54 ~
VIA @JulianAssange_: #WikiLeaks Founder Julian Assange appears on Rap News cameo role > http://bit.ly/hCOXjQ ~
RT @ileducprof: Source: The History of Christmas in America @ http://look.ac/dMCs2e #xmas
Warlocks Unite! VIA @mparent77772: FBI Expands 'Witch Hunt' Against Antiwar Activists > http://bit.ly/epFz5u ~
VIA @robo_blaze: VIDEO [3:34] "Legalize Them" parody of Peter Tosh's "Legalize It" > http://youtu.be/VmmdTIl0SqY ~RT
True, self-possession VIA @Lonnieyvk: Composure - The First Rule of Good Discipline > http://bit.ly/eMKfoV ~
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 12-21-2010~Tuesday~Twitter Timeline @ Peta_de_Aztlan: http://bit.ly/hC37R3 ~Peaceful Revolution!
Let us pray that we remember what we have forgotten ~the gift of our physical presence among loved ones is priceless.
Let us pray for the safety of our children and youth from social predators in the world. Let all adults be good parents!
Let us pray ~with a humble heart~ for true Cosmic Peace and loving goodwill towards all living beings in the cosmos!
Let us pray for insights into the truth to reveal that much of what needs to be changed in the world is within ourselves.
Let us pray that we come together as one humane family based upon common survival needs, common dreams and common goals.
Let us pray as kindred loving spirits ~who live one lifetime at a time~ and are here now to help create a brand new world.
Let us pray that we wisely use our time online to help share knowledge, connect with others and inspire creative action offline.
Let us pray that we interact with people with a desire for family unity ~far beyond divisions of -isms -wings and -ologies.
Let us pray for spiritual healing for all who are ~down in depression ~stressed by the season ~and enslaved by addictions.
Let us pray to be forgiven for our sins, as we forgive those who have sinned against us ~in the spirit of true forgiveness.
Let us pray that we can hold onto feelings of inner peace within as we wage spiritual warfare in the external world.
Let us pray for inner harmony within ourselves as wholistic beings in the trinity of the mind, body and soul.
Let us pray for fearless bold courage ~to condemn evilness ~to advocate for the people ~and to stand up for the truth today!
Let us pray that we consciously listen to our own conscience, listen to our loved ones and listen to truth tellers today.
Let us take the time to savor the magic of this moment and appreciate the divineness of our being.
Let us pray for so-called illegal immigrants who exist in fear in the shadows of the continental United States.
Let us pray for all caged prisoners who exist like captured animals instead of being treated as human beings, no matter the crime.
Let us pray that we keep in mind that the birth of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the real Reason for the Holiday Season.
Echo: Welcome New Followers AKA Co-Creators! Will try to Reply to Questions or Mentions ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Follow @PeltierHQ ~ http://twitter.com/#!/PeltierHQ ~Official Site http://bit.ly/12ZYRc ~Free Leonard Peltier Now!
Echo: "What is to give light must endure burning." ~Viktor Frankl ~Let the light of truth shine upon the darkness of deception
Proverbs 1:7 "The reverence of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise knowledge and instruction."
RT @DefenseActions: AR vs AK #3; History and Facts About the AK... http://bit.ly/fxgVjv
12/22/2010 ~ Women and Revolutionary Transformation in Venezuela By Coral Wynter > http://bit.ly/emjqCi ~
Open Invitation! Join the Humane Liberation Party > http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~Let's analyze and discuss issues together!
<+>December 22, 2010~Miercoles/Wednesday<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Educate to Liberate!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan
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~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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