Thursday, December 23, 2010

12-23-2010~Thursday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan

12-23-2010=Twitter Post
12-23-2010~Thursday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Join Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Tomorrow is Friday! Be good! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S Lopez
Letterman is on. Need to get my dose of silliness for the night. Sometimes he surprises me. Sometimes good, sometimes bad.
@KristyTallman Who has been raised in a sane, humane and compassionate society? Some people are tests for us. Patient endurance.
@KristyTallman Some folks NEED TO BE self-absorbed instead of scattered out. Enlightenment is endless Ecstasy.
@ASacred_Monster Well don't tackle her! Just inquire. My Mom use to use some cracker crumbs for some reason. #FeatsOfStrength #Meatloaf
@KristyTallman Remember we are all Natives of Mother Earth ~some know they have been here before ~heart knows #Native #indigenous
Need to Check Out My Facebook Profile ~ ~we use to use landlines
@theredpillpusha Some Tweets I deeply think and reflect about ~code on a chalkboard that somebody wrote on and I can decipher.
10:35 PM ~Here I am on Twitter when I need to do other stuff. For some reason it seems like a Friday night... maybe it is somewhere.
Normal these days is real real relative ~majority? ~people you know? RT @icpchad: I've learned to appreciate my abnormality.
@theredpillpusha We have to believe in our truth ~even if we have to stand alone or need to search elsewhere ~labeled crazy
@Mr_Christ0pher My sugar level must be high ~that link got complex ~more for hackers ~just be careful to log out of sites
@theredpillpusha When I was young what helped me was wanting to learn so I could better help others learn ~non-selfish motive
@theredpillpusha It involves lots of elements ~including knowing our own deep motives ~observing motives of others ~without judgment
@theredpillpusha You Tweet made me wonder ~What makes one enlightened or not? It is not just being smart ~self-knowledge is key.
Good if we can figure all this stuff out as to why not to Trust Google RT @mparent77772: Don’t trust Google!
@theredpillpusha To be an enlightened being you must know yourself well ~deeply ~honestly ~sincerely ~without selfish vanity
RT @lovepeaceunity: Be realistic: Plan for a miracle! ~ Osho °
VIA @RecoveryIsSexy: Popular: Predictors of Relapse in Alcoholism ~ in 300 Brazilian alcoholic patients: a 6-month...
RT @BreakingNews: Pakistan military says it repulsed attacks on 5 northwest military posts; 24 militants, 3 soldiers dead - NBC News
NEWS LINK: Borderzine: Reporting Across Borders > ~ No Borders On Earth! Build Bridges!
Dec 23, 2010 5:21 PM PT~#Mexico Investigates Alleged Kidnapping of 50 Migrants > ~Who will miss them?
@Betsydraperfl I am still alive and well... going through dramas and traumas... life stuff, but well in Spirit. Usually busy.
MUSIC VIDEO [5:31] ~ Stevie Wonder - Power Flower > ~
MUSIC VIDEO [5:00} ~ Stevie Wonder - Come Back As A Flower > ~
@ESTHEROLogie Come into the matrix and help built it ~ Follow me ~ ~
VIDEO [4:18] Stevie Wonder-The Secret Life Of Plants via johnniewalker23 > ~Sharing is caring...
@_AndyBryant Thank You Brother ~ Well I do not really use a Pen here ~but yes the Power of Truth is its own sword #GRAMMAR
@rachaelmaddox I mainly Use TweetDeck ~prefer 140 Limitation ~challenges my mind to condense, simplify and get to the purpose of the Tweet.
@rachaelmaddox 7:31 PM ~I know. At 1st thought Twitter was just for kids, then I realized that I am still a big kid myself!
Thursday, Dec. 23, 2010~The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily Is In!~shared + 30 followed people on Twitter > ~
@Wheres_My_Zen I need to keep my mind more open to the new mysteries than unfold before me in creative cosmic consciousness.
@Wheres_My_Zen Am We are Following each other now. I always go back to Zen ~or is it forward? Namaste, Che Peta
Love Chicken Soup! RT @RecoveryIsSexy: Popular: Chicken Soup Books ~
@BE_PURE BOOK: Enriching the Brain: How to Maximize Every Learner's Potential by Eric Jensen > ~
RT @_AndyBryant: #GRAMMAR - Put a semicolon between 2 sentences that are joined by a coordinating conjunction.
Love VIDEO [3:17] ~Tony Bennett and Stevie Wonder - For Once In My Life Live! > ~
RT @WilliamHarryman: Sogyal Rinpoche - Glimpse of the Day: Getting lost in the technology of meditation
Did you Vote this Fall? RT @mparent77772: Study: 26 pct in US used cell phones for activism
@ungaro White Lefties seem to not see the deep historical parallels between Jewish Holocaust by German Fascism and Amerikan Holocaust.
@sheponderings You're very nice and have a good questioning mind. Questioning expands intelligence. Question all authority.
@DeepakChopra Goodnite Brother DEEPak ~Your loving wisdom has been a great blessing in my life and the lives of many. Cherry Christmas!
@DeepakChopra When you love you should not say, "God is in my heart," but rather, "I am in the heart of God." ~Kahlil Gibran
@ascend08 Cumulative character defects of human beings continues to be at the core of failures and downfalls, esp. when denied.
@DeepakChopra In the matrix of connected reality what we call the world is so much more than bodily sensations and sense perceptions.
Emergence of Amerikan Fascism over the last few decades has expanded to global proportions ~highly misunderstood by White Leftists
VIA @JulianAssange_: #Wikileaks boss Assange says 'high chance' of US jail killing ~killed "Jack Ruby-style" >
VIA @BreakingNews: State of Emergency declared ~Los Angeles, Kings and Santa Barbara counties ~destructive rains >
U.N. recognizes Ouattara as Ivory Coast's legitimate president > ~
Economy brightens as consumers spend, layoffs slow ~AP Economics Writer > ~
5> Intellect shrivels up if we do not expand it with educational elucidations ~we can still respect each other ~just agree to disagree!
4> On Twitter we can share ideas, ideals and discuss very briefly different subjects ~140 Character Limit + LINK to Blogs, Emmails...
3> It is good when we share on Twitter outside of the usual preaching to Choir I have in Yahoo Groups. ~Monitor a few Yahoo Groups,,,
2> Hell I found out awhile back that Karl Rove @KarlRove has been quietly Following me for months ~he is a shrewd crispy cookie
1> Beauty of #Twitter is micro-blogging ~sharing with strangers ~others who may not even agree ~trains of thoughts ~different opinions...
RT @JulianAssange_: #Norwegian paper has all WikiLeaks cables ~trove of 250,000 U.S. diplomatic documents >
RT @AJEnglish: Bleak Christmas in Haiti post-quake: ~prepare for holiday as country brings one of worst years...
5:36 PM ~ Just came back from Safeway awhile ago. Interesting seeing the faces of concern and even worry on people's faces. Seasons.
@calhardesty Thanks you. I am keeping in mind that Jesus Christ is Reason for the Season ~appreciate true Christian values.
@OrBVIOUS66 Maybe my Brother John @ascend08 was in Persia ~now Iran~ in past life > ~
@sheponderings We can check Twitter Timelines of people. I bounce around, reply to different folks, post news items ~online activsit
@rachaelmaddox 5:27 PM ~It is certain that Tweeting has therapy value for us, something about sharing with a stranger. Safe at home.
@TechCrunch TechCrunch by Peta_de_Aztlan
"The Fastest, Easiest, Cheapest And Universal Means Of Communication" by @robinwauters
@AncientProverbs Motivational Quotes by Peta_de_Aztlan
The longer the night lasts, the more our dreams will be. -Chinese Proverbs
1:36 PM ~Took my shower ~Sunny day here ~Going to put my combat boots on the ground ~Feel street energies from up here ~catch ya later!
@sheponderings It is up to each of us. I mainly post LINKS to News Articles ~Websites ~Insights ~ReTweets ~some silly ones
Reply: Maybe a past life connection RT @ascend08: The Persian countries hold some special interest for me that I don’t yet fully understand
@sheponderings One of my slogans is EDUCATE TO LIBERATE! We need basic quality education, especially for illiterate drop-outs.
@sheponderings I ain't no monitor, but considering the troubles of our times we should be more thoughtful about our posts.
We should see that what happens anywhere in the world can impact on us in our own here and now. Remember the shock of 911!!!
A lot of folks just Tweet little cute posts as if we are in the best of all possible worlds and will always have Internet Access.
We can cross-post ~I can get Twitter Post and post it onto Facebook or vice versa ~Email News Articles direct to my Blogs ~Can use Skype
@BE_PURE Usually have my Buck Knife strapped around my belt when I go out. Worse towards the end of the month like now.
@BE_PURE Let us use Internet Power while we can to reach out, connect to each other and forge alliances now for the future!
Different economic classes suffer under this denied Great Depression to different degrees ~US inner cities are like 3rd World countries
@ascend08 2>... use it as a rationale for us ~being content ~being complacent ~being passive ~being lazy ~being inactive. Live now!
@ascend08 1> Prophecy of paradigm shift is more wishful thinking than actual substance. Changes are coming in the future but let us not...
VIDEO 2:46 ~ Blogging While Brown 2010 Washington DC Highlight Reel #bwb >
@ascend08 Concept of we are all one denies the connected reality that there are divisions we must bridge. Why start with assumptions?
VIA @BE_PURE ~Blogging While Brown > ~Let us develop a People's Mass Media ~while we can!
VIA @ascend08: Today's blog: BALANCE AND HARMONY Direct Link > and #Harmony before #Ascension.
@BE_PURE OK... I am up and refreshed. Feel better, more inside my being. Sometimes I keep weird hours, like I should live on East Coast.
@averitorres Hope you are well. Any psyhic-spiritual vibrations about the next few days? Read earlier posts. ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
@averitorres Averi Torres by Peta_de_Aztlan
Quake Watch high probability 12/22-12/27/10, especially 25th. Not meant to scare - please be prepared just in case. ~Averi Torres
Time for catnap ~been up since 3:30 AM ~time to Meditate, Personal Inventory and re-charge my Energy-Spirit Batteries
We will have Jerry Brown as Governor here in California ~POTUS Obama has proven to be another co-opted politician ~Life goes on
#Mexico Tourism ~Cancun, Puerto Vallarta~ Sees Increase Despite Drug Violence ~some like danger > ~
Hundreds of Gaza Christians leave for #Bethlehem > ~
@ARenaissanceMan Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!~
@_AndyBryant Hope that by providing Global News to people it will stimulate community-based action. Many are just too content.
@_AndyBryant Know we need to have to cultivate better writers and focus on good analyzes of current events. #GRAMMAR
RT @_AndyBryant: #GRAMMAR - Use a question mark only after a direct question. ex. What is your name?
True cognition ultimately involves compassionate constructive action in the real world of connected reality in various degrees.
There will simply be no vanguard cohesion or community-based infrastructure without a structured vehicle. Beyond Twitter.
@rmuse Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!~
@crystalsilver Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!~
@Femimikiki Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!~
@laurenferrell Use Ancient Eastern Text from Aramaic to English for my Holy Bible ~it is reverence, not fear, of the Lord.
#Guantanamo review process in the works~another unfulfilled Obama promise > ~
@MALDEF MALDEF by Peta_de_Aztlan
MALDEF responds to New Census Apportionment Figures...
My Facebook Profile: ~ We must look to ~Raising Consciousness ~Arranging Meetings ~Mobilizing Masses
Tweet to Self: Review 2010 ~what did you learn? ~what did you burn? ~what did you earn? ~where do you go from here now? ~
RT @AJEnglish: UN: 173 killed in Cote d'Ivoire: Human Rights Office ~hundreds others arrested after disputed Nov 28...
12/20/10~ Please Mr. President! Some Truth About Afghanistan By Eric Margolis~Veteran Journalist > ~
RT @mparent77772: More Evidence of Medical Experimentation at Guantánamo
SEOUL~Thu Dec 23, 2010 10:46am EST ~North Korea warns of "sacred war" in standoff with South > ~
Apply yourself VIA @calhardesty: An idea can turn to dust or magic, depending on the talent that rubs against it. ~Bernbach
ROME Thu Dec 23, 2010 9:43am EST~ Police checking embassies in Rome after explosions > ~
Put feelings into words, activate brain's prefrontal region ~see a reduced response in the amygdala > ~
VIA @RecoveryIsSexy: A Problem Shared~Problem Halved - Putting feelings into words ~therapeutic effects in brain > ~
12/24/2010 ~ #WikiLeaks: US slammed NZ MP's Fahrenheit 9/11 outing > ~
12/24/2010 ~ S Korea stages huge show of military force near border > ~
@democracynow Democracy Now! by Peta_de_Aztlan
After GOP blocks DREAM Act, where is immigration activism headed? See interview with @robvato
@truthout Truthout by Peta_de_Aztlan
US Stepping Up Pressure on Pakistan #Truthout #p2 #p2b
RT @AJEnglish: Twin embassy blasts in Rome: No claim of responsibility made for explosions ~two people wounded >
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 12-22-2010 Wednesday~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan: ~
@DeepakChopra Deepak Chopra by Peta_de_Aztlan
The best monitor of well being is our own consciousness. When are bodies are in self regulation we feel joy and pleasure, when not -dis-ease
Open Invitation! Join the Humane Liberation Party > ~Let's analyze and discuss issues together!
Proverbs 1:7 "The reverence of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise knowledge and instruction."
Echo: "What is to give light must endure burning." ~Viktor Frankl
#Follow @PeltierHQ ~!/PeltierHQ ~Official Site ~Free Leonard Peltier Now!
Echo: Welcome New Followers AKA Co-Creators! Will try to Respond to Replies, Questions and Mentions ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Let us pray we remember that the birth of Jesus Christ of Nazareth is the real Reason for the Holiday Season.
Let us pray that we closely listen to our own conscience, listen to our loved ones and listen to truth tellers today.
Let us pray for energetic bold courage ~to condemn evilness ~to advocate for the people ~and to stand up for the truth today!
Let us pray for inner harmony within ourselves in the trinity of the mind, body and soul as wholistic beings.
Let us pray that we relate to people with a desire for family unity ~far beyond divisions of -isms -wings and -ologies.
Let us pray that we use our time wisely online to help share knowledge, connect with others and inspire creative action offline.
Let us pray that we come together as one humane family based upon common survival needs, common dreams and common goals.
Let us pray for the revelation of the truth to see that much of what needs to be changed in the world is within ourselves.
Let us pray for the safety of our children and youth from social predators in the world. Let all adults be good parents!
Let us pray ~with a humble heart~ for true Cosmic Peace and loving goodwill towards all living beings in the cosmos!
<+>December 23, 2010~Jueves/Thursday<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Educate to Liberate!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan

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