12-27-2010~Monday~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
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Peter S Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Get Ready for New Year’s Eve! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
@steevesamslife Thanks for your interaction brother. We got to fight back if we are ever going to have a chance to win!
We need to question all our assumptions ~subject everything to criticism ~not be afraid of mutiny ~none dare call it treason
Go with the flow ~exercise your humane rights ~esp. freedom of speech ~esp. freedom of expression ~esp. freedom to speak freely
Many see the whole situation is screwed up! Hell we're getting -ucked without an orgasm! So many are scared cowards! RESIST
I am NOT going to walk passively like a good slave into the ovens or be killed in my sleep like Fred Hampton! It is right to rebel.
If I go down I am going down fighting ~expressing my grievances ~writing about my disagreements ~raising consciousness
Any given democracy is only as good as the participation of its people ~otherwise we're just being good quiet sheep
People need to participate in ~government processes ~public affairs ~electoral politics on at least a weekly if not daily basis.
@steevesamslife This status quo does not really govern ~more like a barely managed controlled chaos ~folks going insane
Government= agency through which political unit exercises its authority, controls and administers public policy > http://bit.ly/dMawPf
People passsively let government do things the way those in power want things done like they're patriotic Nazi Germans!
When we see that certain ways of government ~enforcing laws ~managing systems does not work we need to change them!
@Femimikiki Believe in abolishment of prisons as they are now constructed and structured. ~humane therapy in Medical Clinics
@Femimikiki She did 5 yrs in prison ~now in jail for 23 hours lockdown ~when is she out?
Heaviest December Snows in Six Decades to Further Disrupt New York Commute > http://bit.ly/eW7Fbq ~
MULTI-MEDIA: It's A War! ~Mexico Under Siege ~The drug war at our doorstep > http://lat.ms/DPEME ~
LA Crime Rates for:six months ending Nov. 21, 2010= 17,675 violent crimes /70,709 property crimes > http://crime.latimes.com/
Corrections costs up from $9 billion 25 yrs ago to $60 billion today ~1.5 million prisoners—yet recidivism rates remain high.
5/16/2010 ~Prison Count 2010: State Population Declines for the First Time in 38 Years > http://bit.ly/i15rLB ~
Objections raised to caging inmates during therapy > http://lat.ms/efldiP ~More Amerikan insanity!
@ishtarmuz We need to liberate our minds ~separate our true interests ~interests of U.S. Government which works against us!
@ishtarmuz 10:28 AM ~Who is the 'we' brother? All these conflicts center on natural resources for super-rich, not gov'ts.
Busy With #Afghanistan, the U.S. Military Has No Time to Train for Big Wars > http://aol.it/eoX1HE ~
We have learned through painful experience that the wars we fight are seldom the wars we planned. ~Sec Def Robert M. Gates~Feb. 1, 2010
The Year in Review: Immigration Law, Health Care and More, Arizona-Style ~Andrew Cohen-Legal Analyst > http://aol.it/i0nPLt
Justice Sotomayor Guides Court’s Liberal Wing > http://nyti.ms/hh0JU7 ~
RT @BreakingNews: Iran hangs man convicted of spying for Israel's Mossad - state news agency via Reuters
#Mississippi to teach civil rights history in all grades > http://bit.ly/hM7Dmm ~
Special Educators Look to Tie IEPs (Individualized Education Programs) to Common Core > http://bit.ly/gmoEYU ~
Anybody have any predictions about #2011? Any #psychics out there?
US steps up embassy security > http://bit.ly/hvRTnC ~cost of trying to be the world's cop
@ARenaissanceMan Sense more people are sensing the love and logic of coming together, engaging in dialogue and helping others.
Photo Gallery ~A Look Back at the NAACP > http://wapo.st/fEnJDw ~
@ARenaissanceMan @joanie399 ~Hope you are doing well this evening. Gearing up for the New Year and it is going to be a blast!
LINK: Presente.org seeks to strengthen the political voice of Latino communities. > http://presente.org/ ~
LINK: ColorOfChange.org exists to strengthen Black America's political voice > http://colorofchange.org/ ~
VIA WashPost #Activist groups take full advantage of new media outlets to spread their message > http://wapo.st/dL5o8J ~
8:35 PM ~Just came back up from beautiful White Bison Graduation Ceremony ~8-week recovery course ~SNAHC > http://snahc.org/
@ishtarmuz Yeah, most Americans know where Mexico is but learn world geography by Amerikan Invasions and Occupations
@ishtarmuz ~Seek and ye shall find > http://news.google.com/news ~ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NetworkAztlan_News/
Undocumented California youths vow renewed activism~Support DREAM Act~will work for electoral change > http://lat.ms/fTLPOc
@ishtarmuz Now #Mexico is really experiencing homegrown terrorism. Wonder if U.S. Military will openly invade by border?
Many Americans still reentering U.S. from Mexico and Canada without proper documentation > http://lat.ms/fv2Pg5 ~
2 Dismembered bodies found outside bar in southern #Mexico > http://bit.ly/ht7OLB ~
#Sacramento: For Jerry Brown inaugural, free hotdogs and chips! > http://bit.ly/hrGoRK ~
@USA4USAfrica I would think this would originate from Africa, not Kailua-Kona, Hawaii. Was already got POTUS from Hawaii.
RT @USA4USAfrica: Mission Impossible? Formation of United States of Africa on July 4th 2012: See http://UnitedStatesAfrica.com "Make It So"
Intel U.S. DEA shared with Mexican marines ~series of "capture or kill" operations against high-value targets in Mexican drug world
VIA WashPost #Mexican request for U.S. help in drug war detailed > http://wapo.st/edmc0R ~
@JaiDaveon I thought something was up right away when he kept on Bush Sec. of Defense Gates. Convinced it is the POTUS Position.
@JaiDaveon: You are so right. Cracked me up! "Dont look 4 diamonds n toilets." ~ @ileducprof
Israeli activist Jonathan Pollak imprisoned for protest against Gaza blockade > http://bit.ly/fRwDKl ~
YES RT @EmergentCulture: Seeking~How brain hard-wires us to love Google, Twitter, and texting. http://slate.me/mCyfl ~ #knowyourbrain
12:52 PM ~ Gotta get out of Twitter Stream ~get dried up! ~Twitter stream is endless ~more will be revealed
@EmergentCulture Yes, I have been interested in brain science for a few years, but it too is over-rated ~same as man's knowledge.
@JaiDaveon No not as POTUS. But Obama has turned out to be a great disappointment to me. Expected more consistency. Naive or believe?
12:46 PM ~OK. I got my dopamine dose for this morning! Other stuff to do > http://help-matrix.ning.com/
@ileducprof As touchy-feely as I get with folks I am not blind to operating racial-ethnic dynamics going on. Racism exists!
@PolishedSuite I insist that much of the work to be done is with ourselves on a personal individual level ~our own homework!
@PolishedSuite When we see that there is only so much we can do on an individual level with limited resources life changes.
@ileducprof I am NOT going to Vote for POTUS Obama in 2012 ~assuming he makes it that long ~huge vortex around him ~lot of EM fields
@ileducprof I am so sick of compromising my basic beliefs and choosing between the lessor of two evils for Presidency.
@ileducprof After Obama escalated war in AfghanisNAM I decided to quit Democratic Party and will not ever vote for him again, period.
@ileducprof Brother Mandela is in a whole different category than anyone else ~more akin to Gandhi and Jesus Christ.
@ileducprof Yes, POTUS Obama got in over his head ~the position of POTUS perverts whoever is in the White House.
@ileducprof I use the term Amerika so we do not get selective amnesia about the KKK and continued widespread White racism.
@ileducprof It is easier when we make up our minds to truly love all people ~despite character defects and personal shortcomings.
@ileducprof Personally I still love Obama and his family ~ just strongly disagree with his foreign policies and financial policies.
@PolishedSuite Three levels to be aware of: Global level, local community level and the personal level, esp. personal level.
@ileducprof Man, that would be a hard explanation ~esp. considering the pride of there being an African-American President. Whew!
@ileducprof Tell him to look at the person's action and character, not racial identity alone. #kujichagulia
@PolishedSuite We should help ourselves, help each other out. Quit begging for any kind of government bailout. We are not Wall Street!
Four Agreements: #1. Be Impeccable With Your Word #2. Don’t Take Everything Personally #3. Don’t Make Assumptions #4. Do Your Best
@Joanaroo61 After we go beyond the blame game the question is: What is to be done? What are you doing? > http://bit.ly/hpreoQ ~
@Joanaroo61 I know the domestic scene in CONUS. Do not belong to or subscribe to either major political party. Am independent.
@accessglory There are many forms of consciousness. No ultimate singular form. Tweet a Link. I am so weary of online gurus.
@Joanaroo61 There is no one and only way. There are many ways up the mountain top. Expand consciousness. > http://bit.ly/go63dj
Watching CNN News. Glad I am not in the U.S. Northeast. It is just cool and lightly cloudy here in Sacramento. How is it where you are?
@Joanaroo61 Think it is more reactionary backward people fearing the future than conservatism. We need to patiently educate.
We need to stop being beggars for mere crumbs from the Master's banquet table. Stop playing perverted Amerikan patriot game.
We must combat liberalism as ultimately being reactionary in its cumulative effects, giving people false hopes in a failed state.
A clear memory of history will help give us a guide to action ~but wait for no Messiah, guru, blueprint or crystal ball.
RT @uruknet: In Pictures: the slaughter of Gazan children. Victims of IOF in the 10th day of their attacks on #Gaza http://bit.ly/5KOdhs
Let us not fear the future because it is coming upon us whether we recognize it or not. Be prepared for great changes to come!
@PEACENOW_ We are going to have to fight for peace. Yes, a contradiction. We should not have to fight for it. Prayers are not enough.
Per CNN News there have been 108 drone strikes so far ~but who in the hell really knows? Who knows how many billions of dollars?
Let us not fear the future. There are big battles to come. These are times of great shifts in power, in spirit and in consciousness.
VIA @JulianAssange_: Best One-Liners About Julian Assange's Book Deal: The Wall Street Journal reports Monday... http://yhoo.it/fG0Vqi
United with all peoples of all lands we have the potential power to put an end to the Evil Empire ~but potential is not manifest.
I always look to the distant horizons around me, see the big global picture, am aware of the domestic scene and am here now.
Hell if I had to depend on only the contented sleepy folks in the USA I'd go get drunk, slam up some hard dope and say, "_uck it!"
If we look at all the beautiful people who support our general goals in the Third World we can be inspired and delighted.
We can only get depressed and down in despair if we only look for help by an apathetic general population inside the USA.
If we are depending on U.S. Citizens to wake up ~most of whom have middle-class goals even if dirt poor~ we are still screwed!
Of course if we limit our collective struggle for better schools, better court systems and better lives to USA we are screwed.
@BE_PURE We are definitely not alone, not if we unite with the billions in the Third World: Africa, Asia and Latin America.
It should no longer even be a sterile debate about the relevancy of revolution, but more of what kind and what template.
@BE_PURE We will not get community control of the system and institutions that impact on our lives with a zillion reforms.
@BE_PURE All these issues hark back to revolution ~people's social control and power of the land and all the institutions thereon.
#Pakistan's blasphemy law seen as tool of oppression > http://lat.ms/hSTwxe ~
@sarakh7 Trite but true that it takes a village ~all of us ~tribal leaders, families and students to spur Community Education.
Comprehend that POTUS Obama's Violent Terrorist War is spreading to Pakistan! We should get the hell out of the Graveyard!
U.S. drones Missile strike in Pakistan kills 25 suspected insurgents~~carrying fighters-weapons to Afghanistan > http://lat.ms/eO7Lla ~
@sarakh7 Parents and teachers working together is a dynamic duo ~with youth-students it is a terrific trio ~power of harmony
RT @BlogsofWar: Turmoil and dissent in North Africa's al Qa'eda - The National http://bit.ly/ij24xk
VIA @Raul_Ramos: A pen is a torch that can shed light into the darkness many want to turn away from.
Bradley Manning Support Network http://ow.ly/3uLTX #wikileaks
See @Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 12-26-2010-Sunday~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan: http://bit.ly/fNxcNY ~Save Good Tweets!
Now Following Author @Raul_Ramos ~ http://twitter.com/#!/Raul_Ramos ~ http://www.raulramos.com/ ~We need new writers!
True interactivity is not about clicking on icons or downloading files, it's about encouraging communication. ~Edwin Schlossberg
The skill of writing is to create a context in which other people can think. ~Edwin Schlossberg
All repressed people who seek liberation value the right to define themselves and their own situation in their own terms.
RT @ileducprof: Kujichajulia: The African people value to the right to define ourselves, name ourselves, (re)create and speak for ourselves.
Get Active In Your Life! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party! > http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~or start your own group or party!
Proverbs 1:7 "The reverence of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise knowledge and instruction."
Echo: "What is to give light must endure burning." ~Viktor Frankl > http://bit.ly/oGC2A
#Follow @PeltierHQ ~ http://twitter.com/#!/PeltierHQ ~Official Site http://bit.ly/12ZYRc ~Free Leonard Peltier Now!
Welcome New Followers AKA Co-Creators of Consciousness. Will Respond to Direct Questions ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Let us pray we love truly people with humane kindness for all humankind ~far beyond divisions of -isms -wings and -ologies.
Let us pray we come together in unity as one family of humanity based upon our common needs, common dreams and common visions.
Let us pray we see the truth that what first needs to be changed in the world is creative change in our own personal lives.
Let us pray ~with a loving pure heart ~for Cosmic Peace ~for Peace on Mother Earth ~and goodwill towards all living beings!
@EmergentCulture Today we need to look at cultivating our Online Relationships, Movement Matrix building and Personal Inventory.
@BE_PURE Please Blog a Profile @ http://help-matrix.ning.com/ We need to know better just who we are, priorities, personal interests.
@BE_PURE A love-sex session, a cup of strong coffee or an apple. You know how 'they' are! Want to write more, Tweet less today.
@BE_PURE Buenos Dias Mi Bonita Hermana/My Beautiful Sister! Just got cup, on my 1st cup. Stirring my brains cells to awaken!
VIA @ileducprof: The dr-v-critical-community Daily is Out! http://bit.ly/gHrd8N ▸Top stories @socwomen @peta_de_aztlan @ethnicconflict
<+>December 27, 2010~Lunes/Monday<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Rise and Shine!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan
Floating downstream in the flow of your feelings could be idyl... More for Scorpio http://twittascope.com/?sign=8
@GaianCollective Planetary Citizens
@thereisawayjose Jose J Castillo
@DeepakChopra Deepak Chopra
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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