Comment: Today was a good day. It was a trip catching the Light Rail, then the Bus and being around my ol' dope fiend area in DPH Fool! I am glad that I have matured a lot since those days some years back. Of course the world has changed a lot too. Had my HPRP Assessment this afternoon. I do appreciate my blessings and do not take any for granted. I live like a humble Prince in Aztlan Sanctuary.
In relation to Twitter I see it as my main micro-blogging website for sharing with family (I consider humanity as my larger family, beyond just immediate blood relatives). Before I was only going to Follow hard core radical or News Sources. Now I see the wisdom of just sharing stuff with regular folks who may not really have any kind of psycho-social-political consciousness. I must always keep on guard for any manifestation of arrogance by me. Humility is such a good simple way to be, to learn, to interact and to evolve with family. Free Leonard Peltier!
~Namaste, Che Peta
Twitter Timeline for December 1, 2010
@Peta_de_Aztlan ~ http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Ancient Cosmic Being Who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Come together! Help Create Peaceful Revolution! Raise Cosmic Consciousness! Take Action Now! Be Humane!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+> Love all the truth you are. Keep it real. Venceremos! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+> Love all the truth you are. Keep it real. Venceremos! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
@Le_DeesseJaana Fake smiles are so... so... fake and often transparent ~good for children I suppose ~and the naive. Smiles should be real.
»lovepeaceunity Matthew∞Fry by Peta_de_Aztlan
"Love is intelligence; it contains information. The more Love flowing thru you, the more Divine Information you access." ~@EasyWorldJulia
#Favorite #Tweet #Today from >@Femimikiki: @Peta_de_Aztlan Shhh.. Im reading... wiki wiki!! :) ........../That's #WikiLeaks!
»@earthservant I appreciate the term 'Silent Voice of Inner Knowing' ~emotinal intuition ~words alone often miss meaning
We should keep a worldview about what is going on ~raise consciousness ~nurture relationships ~avoid useless information
A lot of My Tweets this week since Sunday have revolved around #WikiLinks and #Cablegate ~want to do a video ~other issues
@Le_DeesseJaana Me too. I can't fake a smile ~sometimes I will bear a grin ~all my smiles are usually flashes, sometimes within
Tweet to Self: Tomorrow I want you to get more radical ~more reasonable ~more 'for real +read a hard copy book (your pile is growing)
@Le_DeesseJaana Human nature is to appreciate acceptance ~many judgments are mean-spirited ~I Love You Anyway ;->~~
Good Advice RT @NewMindMirror: Dealing With Sarcastic Remarks (ADVICE) via @beingswell http://su.pr/2mznFc #interpersonal#relationships
LINK: Progressive Recovery Today! Bloglink= http://prorecovery.blogspot.com/ ~
LINK: Christians Against Substance Addiction Bloglink= http://casa-12steps.blogspot.com/ ~
LINKS: Group & Blog ~ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/THIRD-WORLD-NEWS/ + http://third-world-news.blogspot.com/ ~
LINK: Humane-Rights-Agenda Yahoo Group: http://yhoo.it/4t9jtj + http://humane-rights-agenda.blogspot.com/ ~
LINKS: Network Aztlan News Yahoo Group ~ http://yhoo.it/cVdPXg + http://bit.ly/aoHZJV + http://bit.ly/FNmwH
@NewMindMirror I agree ~went through a lot of -isms already @ 59-Earth years. ~science and spirit matters merging ~Thanks
#Followers: I find that #Twitter is the easist quickest way for micro-blogging and sharing with others online.
Folowers: @addthis ~ http://twitter.com/#!/addthis ~ http://www.addthis.com/ ~ ONTO YOUR BROWSER ~ FOR EASY POSTING
Followers: When I post a good News Link on Twitter I also post it on My Facebook Profile http://www.facebook.com/Peta51 ~
Followers: I Monitor a few progressive Yahoo Groups, but feel I get better feedback from Twitter ~though combo shot is good to do.
@AmazonMarket I oppose your failure 2 support 1st Amendment and #WikiLeaks Am no longer buying online from your corporation.@Peta_de_Aztlan
@krisraphael Make Life better with conscious intention and smart hard work and it will be ~not wishful thinking. ~Love @Peta_de_Aztlan
@AmazonMarket I oppose your failure to support 1st Amendment and #WikiLeaks and am no longer buying online from your corporation.
RT @Peta_de_Aztlan: Use Hashtag #WikiLeaks @wikileaks ~ http://twitter.com/#!/wikileaks ~ http://wikileaks.org/ ~
tweetmeme TweetMeme by Peta_de_Aztlan
WikiLeaks website pulled by Amazon after US homeland security pressure | Media |.. http://retwt.me/1PXG3 (via @GdnCables)
mashable Pete Cashmore by Peta_de_Aztlan
Amazon Bans WikiLeaks From Its Servers - http://on.mash.to/hZZwvZ
sunshineejc sunshineejc by Peta_de_Aztlan
Rush Limbaugh makes a living scaring white men as they get into their truck at lunch time"..#BillMaher.#p2 #tlot #topprog#politics #sgp
earthservant David Wodtke by Peta_de_Aztlan
Follow your Core Heart to Earth Service http://facebook.com/earthservice
@Femimikiki Actually I am working on developing 'the Flow' to go with 'the Force' ~free flowing #natural expressionism!.
Now my homeboy @zfree suggested we be readin' these #WikiLeaks #Cablegate stuff before we Comment on them! ~not just RTing ;(
Judy Marie @Femimikiki EarthTruth Seeker for Change! Sharing & Healing Planet Earth w/Love! N.E.S.A.R.A = World Peace! Im using Yoono.com...
@Femimikiki You cracked me up ~needed the laugh ~just for that I am Following YOU Judy Marie ~ http://twitter.com/#!/Femimikiki/ ~
@joanie399 Leonard Pelter and All #POWs will not be free until #Mass #Movements demand their freedom or they are broken out!
@joanie399 Yes, we need to get serious ~think cosmic ~see global ~work local as we build up #Vanguard #Movements
#Twitter: Wish I had Stats on how many people actually CLICKED the damn WEBLINKS I post!
RT @uruknet: #WikiLeaks reveals more than just government secrets ~Click & READ ~http://bit.ly/hnTrer
VIA @uruknet: #WikiLeaks reveals more than just government secrets By Glenn Greenwald> http://bit.ly/gxInZy ~exposes media fascists
60,000+ dead American soldiers behind #Vietnam ~Amerika has not learned a damn thing! #Afghanistan http://bit.ly/dOTw6u ~
Call it AfghanisNAM RT @uruknet: US Continues to Escalate Air Strikes in #Afghanistan > http://bit.ly/dOTw6u ~
@oshum Part of our enslavement is having to have the last word on matters. We are both explorers. Strangers in a strange land.
Spiritual Practice of a Truth Seeker must be imbued with life-and-death commitment to Spiritual Liberation here and now.
@oshum As a little policy of mine I recognize all Mentions @Peta_de_Aztlan ~Watching Criminal Minds ~Love, Che Peta
@oshum Need to keep my Twitter Stream clear and focus more on other matters. 1st Amendment #WikiLeaks
@oshum Good. Met his nephew. I replaced his Everything with Anything. Big difference. Contradiction is inherent in 'all'.
@oshum Yes, we understand quantum physics ~much more. Ancient wisdom foretold so much. I am in connected reality here to help NOW.
@oshum 4 Agreements 1. Be Impeccable Word 2. Don’t Take Everything Personally 3. Don’t Make Assumptions 4. Do Your Best
#WikiLeaks #Cablegate Reveals U.S. Tried to Thwart Spanish Probes of Gitmo Torture and CIA Rendition http://bit.ly/h1QxNk ~
Hope you are watching Democracy Now on the West Coast! http://www.democracynow.org/ ~
#Cablegate: Brazil frames suspected terrorists on narcotics charges~Natalia Viana~29 November 2010, 05.11 GMT http://bit.ly/edyomb ~
#cablegate ~2009-01-23 13:01~ 09LAPAZ96, BOLIVIA'S REFERENDUM: MARGIN OF VICTORY MATTERS http://bit.ly/fe1yQV ~
cableleaks Wikileaks Cablegate by Peta_de_Aztlan
If a Wikileaks page won't load, please use the "Cache" link to get a local copy of the text: http://rpgp.org/cable/
cableleaks Wikileaks Cablegate by Peta_de_Aztlan
Julian Assange speaks http://ow.ly/3iu4e
cableleaks Wikileaks Cablegate by Peta_de_Aztlan
New #wikileaks #cablegate discussion forums now live, feel free to register and contribute so that they take off quickly http://ow.ly/3ivvV
@zfree Yes, we should read #Wikileaks #cablegate @cableleaks / http://cablegate.wikileaks.org ~All Are Free to Comment
#WikiLeaks Loving humane beings with good intentions should have courage to support Truthtellers and Oppose Evil Empire
#cablegate ~ All Americans Recall the 1st Amendment ~Bill of Rights~ http://bit.ly/y0RTj ~ Support #WikiLeaks
RT @uruknet: RT @amnesty #Wikileaks corroborates evidence of US airstrikes in #Yemen http://ow.ly/3i6AD
RT @Tosfm EXCLUSIVE:Controversial Drug Given to All Guantanamo Detainees Akin to "Pharmacologic Waterboarding" http://bit.ly/gPQeO6
@BiancaJagger Good time 2 C how much impact positive people can have via Social #Media in Support of flood by #WikiLeaks#cablegate
@BiancaJagger: #WikiLeaks being attacked by regimes out front, esp Obama Regime and behind scenes by corp. execs #cablegate
BiancaJagger Bianca Jagger by Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @GuardianUSA: WikiLeaks is holding US global power to account | Seumas Milne http://gu.com/p/2ygb8/tf
BiancaJagger Bianca Jagger by Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @arusbridger: British and Us officials colluded to sidestep cluster bomb ban #wikileaks http://is.gd/i4cKJ
VIDEO~19:34~Posted July2010 ~Julian #Assange: Why the world needs #WikiLeaks: http://bit.ly/dnOBgp ~
@oshum In real world we are NOT all one ~many contradictions exist ~we strive 4 Unity Among Humanity, not #OP~New Age Bubbish
http://bit.ly/gU9M1B RT @wikileaks: #WikiLeaks 1st global Samizdat movement. Truth will surface even in face of total annihilation.
#cablegate VIA @wikileaks: KEEP WIKILEAKS STRONG: http://wikileaks.org/support.html ~Support #WikiLeaks
Agree RT @wikileaks: If Amazon are so uncomfortable with the 1st amendment, they should get out of the business of selling books.
@NewMindMirror Idea that mind can focus on ~deep thoughts ~burnings questions that can be transmitted via thought waves. Crazy?
Never too late to love! To: @figmentspot: @jenchandlerLA, @AnthonyLawlor, @laffingbuddha, @LFreshwater, @LoriMockson, @trishlet ~Sweetness
Our perception of people is often limited by ~our immediate existence ~our personal relationships ~our interactions with people
Tweet to Tweeters: I Love my Twitter Family ~ Twitter has helped to renew my faith in the basic goodness of people, honestly.
#WikiLeaks @wikileaks / http://twitter.com/#!/wikileaks / http://wikileaks.org/ + #cablegate @cableleaks / http://cablegate.wikileaks.org *
"#Wikileaks and people that disseminate information to people like this are criminals.” ~ Robert Gibbs, #Fascist WH Press Secretary
RT @pixiemona: Watch "Incident at Oglala" ~Documentary #film by Robert Redford http://tinyurl.com/m2hybn (90min) #FreePeltier #indigenous
@NewMindMirror Could our collective #intelligence be enhanced on a #subconscious level by #psychic methods?
Are we criminals now? VIA @EmergentCulture: Obama Administration Seeks to Criminalize #WikiLeaks. http://bit.ly/gYnKZq#cablegate
NewMindMirror Edward Craig by Peta_de_Aztlan
2,600-year-old Buddhist monastery unearthed in Afghanistan (TEXT & PICS) http://su.pr/22pegY #archaeology #Buddhism
NewMindMirror Edward Craig by Peta_de_Aztlan
Forget IQ: The Emerging Science of Collective Intelligence - TIME http://su.pr/1eTjui #intelligence #brainstorming
@SacraApache Just came back from #DelPasoHeights ~ Family Services with Salvation Army for HPRP Assessment.
12/01/2010 @ 3:15 PM ~#cablegate ~Website is now up ~ http://cablegate.wikileaks.org/ ~Important to Interact Support #WikiLeaks
#cablegate Sign of Amerikan Fascism ~Russia has access to #WikiLeaks Website ~ http://cablegate.wikileaks.org/ ~not HERE NOW in USA
@Wuxia I have faith that the Truth will come out one way or another ~dirty laundry comes out in the wash! #Wikileaks
mosharrafzaidi Mosharraf Zaidi by Peta_de_Aztlan
"i don't know how to secure 251,000 secret documents. but i'd like to lecture you about preventing the theft of your nukes" #cablegate
zfree zfree by Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @ileducprof: We must take time to rethink what is purpose of education, schooling, and learning in a democracy? Global economy? #BlackEdu
EmergentCulture Rohaan Solare by Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @Forex_Wars: Currency Wars is out! http://bit.ly/cLSmZh ▸ Top stories @EmergentCulture @LinksSocialism @PambazukaPressthe_world_news @
RT @BreakingNews: WikiLeaks website down; Web host http://amazon.com won't say whether it forced site to leave http://on.msnbc.com/exyzEk
House Democrats set Thursday tax vote> http://politi.co/eowXwG ~Amerikan corruption of humane morals
Open Invitation! Let us come together! Join HELP-Matrix via HumanE Liberation Party> http://ning.it/bO36Rt
@Le_DeesseJaana LAMO ~I don't worry about my enemies because I know how they are, but sometimes my friends terrify me!!!
Help the poor, shelter the homeless, feed the hungry, cloth the ragged and give a damn about living beings who suffer!
Many New Age Gurus and Followers are ultimately frightened eerie escapists from our social responsibility as #humane #beings.
How easily we often get distracted by the flutters of a butterfly, shiny objects and #mindless #entertainment.
Don't worry so much about what our enemies are doing! Worry about you and your friends! What are your spiritual practices?
We require vanguard organization, physical infrastructure in our local community and spiritual liberation!
We must make a revolution and overthrow our own character defects ~vanity ~greed ~hatred ~gluttony ~sloth ~lust ~jealousy
In truth, our enemies are ~our own ignorance of real truth ~our own wicked hatred ~our own false judgments ~our own ego-vanity
In truth, our enemies are not mere mortals to be killed ~it is always easier to kill than to heal ~easier to hate than to love
@paulocoelho Many times a man of integrity is valued by the slander and vulgarity of his enemies.
LMAO! RT @paulocoelho: If everybody loves you, something is wrong. Find at least one enemy to keep you alert.
@hughgreen Revelations of #WikiLeaks via #cablegate has and will continue to expose hate and hypocrisy in the real world.
@FatimaDasNeves POTUS Obama and Sec.State Clinton are fascist architects of Mass Murder and Genocide! #Iraq #Afghanistan
Echo: Welcome to All Our Followers/Co-Creators of Creative Consciousness! Join the Twitter Revolution! Unity to Magnify!
#cablegate RT @CSMnational: #WikiLeaks 101: Five questions about who did what and when > http://bit.ly/fyZVqA
#TrackTuesday ~ @zfree @Jah_Empress @lurainpenny @CharmingJerk @dbudlov @oshum @VivirLatino @indigenous_newsdemocracynow ~ #Follow @
StoryScarves StoryScarves♥Africa by Peta_de_Aztlan
Story Scarves harnesses hope and empowers girls in #Africa who are affected by HIV/Aids #WorldAidsDay
intifada Electronic Intifada by Peta_de_Aztlan
WikiLeaks exposes Egypt's duplicity in Gaza siege http://bit.ly/i8iUH4
Let us pray that we take the time to carefully listen to the stories of others without being trapped on the throne of thought.
Let us pray that we use social media to provide information, raise spiritual consciousness and seek truth with wisdom.
Let us pray that we use the magic of our minds guided by the spirit of our beings in harmony with love of all living beings.
SacStepsForward Sac Steps Forward by Peta_de_Aztlan
Today is the first day of Winter Sanctuary! But we still need to raise $23,000. Donate here! http://bit.ly/cXBcYI
Let us pray that we heed the wise counsel of our elders and respect lessons they already paid for in blood, sweat and tears.
Let us pray that we clean the mess in our own house before we peek over the fence of our neighbor's back yard and complain.
Let us pray that we are responsible humane beings with the ability to respond to the demands of connected reality. Be real.
Let us pray for all who suffer from the affliction of addiction and let us all work on our continued spiritual healing.
oshum oshum by Peta_de_Aztlan
Sometimes the simplest truth is the hardest to comprehend. #OP
Let us pray that we are aware of the urgency of the moment, many suffer around the world struggling to survive the day.
Let us pray for the family of humanity, that we agree on the basics of life and settle our differences. Seek unity, not discord.
Let us pray that we open our eyes to the big picture upon Mother Earth, not only our personal snapshots. Think of the masses.
Let us pray that as we seek to change the external world for the better that we not forget to change within. Change is constant.
Let us pray that we are in harmony with our inner spirit, in tune with our loved ones and open to noble truths.
Let us pray for divine discernment so we can distinguish between basic truths and disguised lives. Be aware without prejudice.
Let us pray that we stay in constant mindfulness of the here and now of connected reality. Be whole within yourself.
Let us pray that we pay attention to our basic survival needs as humane being with common sense wisdom. Is my neighbor hungry?
@oshum Relevant Revolution is a social process of natural evolution based upon life already in movement, not a final conclusion.
oshum oshum by Peta_de_Aztlan
Let’s start a Revolution for a Lovelution so we can have a Evolution that brings us to the highest expression of Creation. #OP
@oshum Eternity of Time is spread out over the existence of all beingness ~reference points limited by 3 dimensional focus. #OP
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: Blogpost: November 30, 2010~Tuesday/Martes: http://bit.ly/eUIqLb ~
A relevant socialist revolution is the ultimate solution for our social problems, not mere economic reforms. #HELP
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S Lopez
#cablegate RT @truthout: Why #WikiLeaks Is Good for Democracy http://bit.ly/f3PSLO #Truthout #p2 #p2b
RT @democracynow: Thousands Attend Climate Change Demonstration #MexicoCity Rally for #Climatejustice. NEWS: http://ow.ly/3idiQ #cop16
RT @indigenous_news: Guarani people found Continental Council of the Guarani Nation http://is.gd/i3gWm #indigenous *
And you will know the truth, and that very truth will make you free.~John 8:32 @wikileaks ~ http://cablegate.wikileaks.org/#cablegate
Don't Murder the Messenger for the Message ~Support Julien Assange and the Truth #WikiLeaks pours out via Internet Power @wikileaks
Let us pray that we help others to get online as we advocate #literacy, computer literacy and #Free #Internet Access!
<+>December 01, 2010_Miercoles/Wednesday<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Morning Family!<+>Liberate the Power of Truth Now! @Peta_de_Aztlan <+>
Come let us gather up what this wicked world has left of us and venture onward into the vastness of the unknown with faith.
We do not have too much time ~to fool around ~to play the sleeping beauty ~to pretend this is the best of all possible worlds.
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
That is magnificent how you contrived to totally reveal the theme that you have selected for this precise entry. BTW did you use some alike blog posts as a source of knowledge to fully show the whole situation which you posted in your article?
ReplyDeleteIt's called being creative and sharing. Appreciate your comment. I just find it healthy to open up and share what is going on in my life without stupid hangups. Follow on Twitter @Peta_de_Aztlan