Blogpost for Today
I love the Sabbath because it is a sacred day of rest. I can put off doing certain tasks because it is the Sabbath. The Sabbath should be a day of quiet worship, inner reflection and weekly inventory. A time to recharge our spiritual batteries.
I want downtown in the early evening and ran into a few people. Brother Sonny from the WIND Program who works with troubled street youth who was 'on duty' on the mall. Sister Teresa who is now a downtown Navigator with the Downtown Partnership who is also a kind of street worker, helping homeless folks who wander around and need direction. Obviously homeless people who are visible are 'bad for business'. I saw Brother Freeman, Goyo and a few other folks I know.
I am getting low on money for Food via my EBT Card. We use to call them Food Stamps but now our food allotment is given to recipients via our EBT Card that we use like a credit card and certain stores that accept them. Saw Brother Tinker in the elevator here at Globe Mills, he told me about the Food Closet on Thursday morning that I need to check out. All this concern about basic foodstuffs is new for me that days. Before when I was working at the Salvation Army Shelter my main meals were at work, especially lunchtime where they serve great lunches. Then I would get cookies and snacks. Now I have to cook for myself when I do and prepare my own meals.
Next week I have to go through the dreary business of seeing about getting onto full General Assistance. I hope to get cash on my EBT Card and hopefully a Monthly Bus Pass. When I first applied I had some savings that I told the truth about having and that hurt me. Nevertheless, I can live with the truth and lying creates bad karma.
I need to write stand alone articles about different subjects not get them just stored in these blogpost entries. My big dream is to make a living from my writings. I have a lot to learn about writing, am getting more and more into going with the flow of writing. One way of enhancing my writing capacity is to stay in the present, go with the natural flow and pour it out, then do my editing. I have a maddening tendency towards perfectionism and need to remember that with writing it does not always come out 'perfect' the first time. Thus, much of finished writing on a topic is actually re-writing. Many times we have to return back to a subject over and over again to refine our thoughts, polish our writing down of our thoughts. Actually, nowadays it is not really writing, but typing. I am glad that I type like a wizard. I have the Dragon Naturally Speaking Voice Recognition Program but rarely use it now. Something about the feeling of typing that connects me up good. However, I need to be mindful that in the beginning was the word and it was a spoken word before humans learned to write. Plus, an ancient tales and stories were first transmitted via the spoken word, not the written word. I will get better and know that practice makes a professional!
I did a couple of videos the other day. Here is one of them ~
~2:39~ December 03, 2010
Life is a series of changes, adapting to changing circumstances and being aware of background factors in operation. We must live our lives one day at a time with a vision for the future. Many people dwell on the past and their past mistakes and this often causes pain. It is good not to have selective amnesia but we need to do what we can where we are at in the here and now of connected reality, not be lame with nostalgia about the past that we cannot go back in time and change (though we can change our memories of the past and how we look at the past). We must learn from past mistakes to prevent repeating our mistakes in life. At the same time we need to look at the future as where we will spend the rest of our lives. All that is in the future is in the future. It is up to us to build towards creating a safe, happy and successful future in the here now of the present.
~Namaste, Che Peta
Coordinator, Humane Liberation Party de Aztlan
Links: ~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan ~
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~
~ http://www.facebook.com/Peta51 ~
Twitter Timeline= December 04, 2010~Sabbath
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan @Peta_de_Aztlan
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Ancient Cosmic Being Who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Come together! Help Create Peaceful Revolution! Raise Cosmic Consciousness! Take Action Now! Be Humane!
@Femimikiki I am up way past my Nightdream time. Love, Peta 12:31 AM ~Usually up before dawn. ;->~~
RT @NewMindMirror: Oliver Sacks and 'The Mind's Eye' - a desktop view of neurologist and writer http://su.pr/2njd1y #creative#writer
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Love all the beauty you are. Keep it real. Venceremos! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
17-Page Info-Packed F.REE Report with life changing strategies http://budurl.com/qntmcnf
Not what we say about our blessings, but how we use them, is the true measure of our thanksgiving.—W.T. Purkiser
@MostRadicalMan I am a radical in fascist reactionary times. Jesus is the reason for the Holiday Season! ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
“Obstacles cannot crush me. Every obstacle yields to stern resolve. He who is fixed to a star does not change his mind.” — da Vinci
Heaven never helps the man who will not act. - Sophocles
“Take time to deliberate; but when the time for action arrives, stop thinking and go in.” Napoleon Bonaparte
"What Single Compound is Crucial for Every Cell in Your Body and Concentrated Most Heavily in Your Heart?" http://bit.ly/i4QaZt
Vision without action is a daydream. Action without vision is a nightmare.
@LarryRivera What I do is work on my being a better more loving and compassionate humane man every day.
@DivorceDoctor ~Thank you for the Follow. Let us be co-creators of new ideas and ideals. ~Namaste, Che Peta
@HipHop_Zombie Let us do what we can to wake up the walking dead of Amerika!
RT @davidcnswanson: The world's largest invertebrate is: a) the giant squid, b) Rush Limbaugh, c) Democratic Party, d) U.S. labor movement
@KLTLUVRLT1 Hillary Clinton is a hypocrite and party to mass murder. She is an architect of attacks against innocents. We just disagree.
@synergonacademy Let us evolve as trinity beings of the mind-body-soul. Develop good potential.
~Exposing War Crimes is NOT a crime, it is a humane duty! ~Bradley Manning Support Network: http://www.bradleymanning.org/
Sweden's reputation is on trial in Julian Assange case | Herald Sun: http://bit.ly/gXfKhe LINK via @edwardvirtually ~both?
@GildaMay Will try to respond to mentions @Peta_de_Aztlan. What turns you on? Interests? Writings? Activities?
@Reberholt Let us be co-creators of revolutionary consciousness! ~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
Now Follow @savebradley ~ http://twitter.com/#!/savebradley ~ http://www.bradleymanning.org/ ~Truth Warrior!
Courage to Resist: Send a holiday message to Bradley Manning! - #cablegate - #p http://ping.fm/inqvA 2243
@savebradley SecState Hillary Clinton is a fanatical fascist fool and, along with Potus Obama, an architect of mass murder.
by Peta_de_Aztlan
Hillary Clinton promises retribution for leakers - "aggressive steps" will be taken. http://bit.ly/hX2N22
Read The #War Daily ▸Suspect we need to wage war to have #Peace today @Kintobor @Peta_de_Aztlan and @DustinLaBarge ▸paper.li/tag/war
10:35 PM ~ Time flew today. Edited a long Group Email from Comrade Enrique Ferro ~posted on HELP-Matrix Blog: http://bit.ly/epV5rh ~
HELP-Matrix Blog: Reads: WIKILEAKS, a Comprehensive View + via Enrique Ferro: http://bit.ly/epV5rh ~
“They have succeeded in dominating us more through ignorance, than through force.” ~Simon Bolivar
"Those who can make you believe absurdities can make you commit atrocities." ~Voltaire
Homeless shelters need socks. Send some with a simple click from Hanes - http://ow.ly/3jV0Z
Computers Stolen From Anne Arundel County Food Bank http://bit.ly/ejB9PQ
Six killed in internet cafe blast in China - A blast at an internet cafe in southern China killed six people and inj... http://ow.ly/1aj2Ya
Great for Al Akhbar RT @uruknet: Lebanese Newspaper Publishes U.S. Cables Not Found on #WikiLeaks > http://bit.ly/h0ShrP ~
One good think about being #Unemployed now! I can't get fired by anyone for reading about #WikiLeaks #Cablegate
Martin Luther King Jr.'s legacy of grassroots activism ~key to social change ~powerful lesson for contemporary American progressives
RT @dbudlov: #War Daily is out! http://bit.ly/gqL56U ~Top stories today by @Kintobor @Peta_de_Aztlan @DustinLaBargeLibertana @adrianslew @
Commerce Dept. Report 11/23-2010: American corps. had best quarter ever ~earned profits at annual rate of $1.659 trillion 3rd quarter~
We need ~to look at what worked before ~learn from past historical social experiences and ~quit thinking we know everything.
Good historical/contemporary analysis ~READ Revisiting the Politics of Social Change: http://bit.ly/h7NNju ~
Bid to Limit Tax Cuts to Middle Class and Poor Fails in #Senate > http://bit.ly/dNO3c7 ~
Why Isn't #Wikileaks Trending on Twitter, and Should We Care?: wp.me/pey3t-1rg ~Interesting to know algorithm of trends
RT @wikileaks: WikiLeaks strikes back. Cut us down and the stronger we become: http://twitter.com/search?q=imwikileaks ~
We elect Governments not to dictate our freedoms, but to support our liberty. They serve us, we do not serve them. #imwikileaks
@AndyeIsTheNews LINKS: http://third-world-news.blogspot.com/ ~ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/THIRD-WORLD-NEWS/ ~ #GreatStudy #Latin
@uruknet Gracias ~I have been cross-posting on My Facebook Profile too ~ http://www.facebook.com/Peta51 ~ #Media#Integration
#Latin America saw 41 million emerge from poverty since 2002 > http://bit.ly/f93siQ ~
@Malt_bia Oh yes, I see colors, shades and tones among humans, but look deeper at the character of one's soul.
@Malt_bia It can be a gray area between being partial for a particular race and having racial prejudice. #ILoveMyBlackness
@MzAmbitious Thank you. I understand. I'm a recovered dope fiend, have a Ministry and try to keep it simple. Unity is Key!
“I paid a price, but it’s worth it to speak the truth!” ~Former White House Reporter Helen Thomas > http://bit.ly/f6IAwX
Bahrain - Hillary Clinton urged to press for release of detained netizens during visit: Reporters Witho... http://bit.ly/gsx9Ng
Venezuela - Proposed law on international cooperation needs more discussion: Local, national and intern... http://bit.ly/fyvZQh
Iran - Talks on nuclear programme cannot ignore terrible situation of human rights and free speech: Rep... http://bit.ly/fLydLD
- Wikileaks hounded?: Reporters Without Borders condemns the blocking, cyber-attacks and political pres... http://bit.ly/ieR5OU
@MzAmbitious Am Apache-Yaqui-Mexican and Lost Tribe of Chicanos ~first and foremost a humane being of human family.
@MzAmbitious Wow! That is pretty ambitious! May you do well in all your endeavors! @Peta_de_Aztlan
VIA Reporters Without Border @RSF_RWB ~ Wikileaks hounded? > http://bit.ly/dI66V9 ~
@MzAmbitious What is a hue? What are pastels? I love diversity of all colors ~raised in Sacramento, CA~ What colors are souls?
RT @PrisonReformMvt: ACLU and Experts Slam Findings of Colorado DOC Report On Solitary Confinement http://fb.me/MpluIoY0
Honduras Government Hires Pro-Coup Lobbyist Lanny Davis ~Posted by Erin Rosa > http://bit.ly/i34e4s
YES! RT @jpbarlow: Support Pfc. Bradley Manning, the real, forgotten, and jailed hero of the #WikiLeaks saga! http://standwithbrad.org/
Forgiveness can allow the evolving process to begin for both parties. ~VERONICA > http://bit.ly/g4kDoi *
#WikiLeaks Document Exposes US Complicity In Sri Lankan #War #Crimes~By K. Ratnayake~12/04/2010~ http://bit.ly/f2b7Dy
RT @ileducprof: Has there been any scientific studies conducted on twitter (i.e. positive reinforcement, Pavlov's dog, addiction....)? :)
Reply @GregMitch: Rest? I just took a catnap and am good to go! Support #WIkiLeaks flood! > http://bit.ly/ez7tYb ;->~~
@MzAmbitious Black is Beautiful ~ Brown is Beautiful ~ Yellow is Beautiful ~ Red is Beautiful ~ummm... what others? ;->~~
@kacike1931 Suggest you Follow @TheAngryindian ~lots of good LINK ~ Who are your Favorites? Keep it real @Peta_de_Aztlan
Stop being a parent by the book and start being a parent from the heart.
#Love Is acknowledging and celebrating the little things.
Black Unemployment Rate Up to 16 Percent http://bit.ly/fG79Bh
RT @davidcnswanson: @Peta_de_Aztlan repeal taft hartley ~Is that it?!? Appeal to Mass Consciousness!
Interesting RT @edwardvirtually: "5 Things You Won't Believe Aren't In the Bible": http://tinyurl.com/29vdgue
RT @TheAngryindian: Honduras Government Hires Pro-Coup Lobbyist Lanny http://Davis-narconews.com http://is.gd/icKEG
@joanie399 We need to create a strong People's Mass Media ~learn better how to spread our Messages ~get serious or go outside and play.
@joanie399 Since the recent gov't attacks on #WikiLeaks I am really disgusted by corporate media sites like #CNN and other lackeys.
We need to blend our various websites together to create more of a Mass People's Media, esp. in light of recent attacks against #WikiLeaks ~
YouTube VIDEO ~0:29~ Sacramento: SEARCHING FOR SAFEGROUND * Teaser!*: http://bit.ly/fNWPxW via @addthis
Guardian: Cancun climate talks in danger of collapse over Kyoto continuation #cop16 http://bit.ly/dGe0yv
YouTube VIDEO ~2:01~ Stages_of_Addiction~via_Peta_de_Aztlan: http://bit.ly/gWjglg via @addthis
'in a world of universal deceit, telling the truth is revolutionary" George Orwell 1984
Come Check Out Open CASA 12-Steps Meeting Every Sunday @7 PM ~Salvation Army Emergency Shelter~1200 North B Street~Sacramento, CA
@GregMitch Media collaboration is good, though it depends on who is doing it. We need to develop a Mass People's Media!
YouTube VIDEO~2:39~ Developing_Mass_Internet_Power: http://bit.ly/en8EZM via @addthis
Since 1999 we have worked in 6 state prisons 3 times a year to create videotapes from parents to children http://tinyurl.com/4mmtcr
Charles Manson had a cellphone? California prisons fight inmate cellphone proliferation « Prisonmovement's Weblog: http://bit.ly/dQBGNy
Obama: South Korea free trade deal will create U.S.#jobs > http://usat.ly/hTYPWQ ~
Ron Paul Defends WikiLeaks on Twitter: Taking to his Twitter feed, Texas Rep. Ron Paul defended WikiLeaks, the w... http://bit.ly/fBbtlL
Herr Hitler is very angry at recent developments. http://goo.gl/36oMB
India is witnessing not mere corruption but national plunder. India tops the list of stolen national wealth stashed in Swiss bank accounts.
The arabic cult 101. http://goo.gl/3onHM
@davidcnswanson What do you think should be done to revive the American labor movement? New unions? More jobs? Revolution?
Be sure that for all practical purposes we are now in the Great American Depression of the New Millennium.
Many of us are just trying to make it through the day, meet our survival needs and nurture our relationships.
Different ways to get poetry published http://ht.ly/3jWmz
"When I admire the sunset or the beauty of the moon, my soul expands in worship of the creator." -Mahatma Gandhi
Everything that opposes you increases wisdom, energy, intuition & power. Courage is the great transformer. Torkom Saraydarian #quote
Co-Creators~ It you have a good #Tweet you want us to #ReTweet make sure to leave enough room or I will Edit them or not ReTweet.
#Twitter Co-Creators~ Let us our imagination to enhance our communications via ~ Tweets~Instant Messages ~Chat Rooms ~Emails ~Skype!
Co-Creators on #Twitter ~It is 8:46 AM here in California ~I hope we all have a creative, peaceful and productive day ~Let us share!
Support #WikiLeaks RT @wikileaks: Great summary the attacks this week on #WikiLeaks http://is.gd/ibpzu
#StalkSaturday ~with Love! @truthout @indigenous_news @AJEnglish @davidcnswanson @wikileaks @DalaiLamaTheAngryindian @BiancaJagger #Follow @
Let us be aware of who we have been, who we are now and who we want to be. Change, grow, develop and evolve as a humane being!
Let us come together in unity to create Peaceful Revolution in the world, exhaust non-violent methods of struggle and fight for peace!
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.” ~President John F.Kennedy #Quote
“An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.” ~Victor Hugo, 18th Century French Philosopher #Quote
Co-Creators: Feel free to share love on My #Facebook Profile > http://www.facebook.com/Peta51 ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Echo The Four Agreements #1 Be Impeccable With Word #2 Don’t Take Everything Personally #3 Don’t Make Assumptions #4 Do Your Best RT*
Let us pray that we can meet our family's basic survival needs: food, clothing, decent shelter, health care and quality education.
Let us #pray that we are aware of being in our #spirit and ever #mindful of connected reality here now. Be whole within yourself.
Let us pray for Unity among the Family of Humanity, agree on the basics of survival and settle differences. Seek UNITY ~not division.
Let us pray for those who suffer from the #affliction of #addiction as we all work on our good health and #spiritual #healing.
Let us pray that we heed the wise counsel of our village #Elders and learn life lessons paid for in #blood, #sweat and #tears.
Let us pray to be guided by the sacred #spirit of our #being as we use the magic of our #mind in harmony with pure love.
Let us #pray that we take time to listen to family matters with careful empathy, not be trapped on the throne of thought.
Family Follow @PeltierHQ ~ http://twitter.com/#!/PeltierHQ ~ Official Site http://www.whoisleonardpeltier.info/ ~Free Leonard Peltier Now!
<+>December 04, 2010_Sabbath/Saturday<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Educate to Liberate! @Peta_de_Aztlan <+>
Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/ or any progressive party that helps to raise consciousness.
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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