Twitter Timeline 12-06-2010 @Peta_de_Aztlan
Follow ~ http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan @Peta_de_Aztlan
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Join Humane-Liberation-Party!
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Keep fighting for peace! Stick to your guns! Love heals! Venceremos! ~Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Time to go to my corner of the cosmos ~light a candle ~say a prayer ~have a smoke ~reflect and deep sleep.
@Kineret_Aguirre Gracias for your RTs ~We look to be in Spain, across the pond ~Buenas Noches! ~Che Peta #Twitter
Living a truly ethical life, putting the needs of others first and providing for their happiness, has tremendous implications for society.
Remember: No matter how dark the times ~how down we feel ~with love, faith and hope we will endure and win! The sun also rises!
Tonight I think We are going to make it ~there are a lot of good intelligent people with heart on #Twitter ~we come here as equals
Just seeing all these Tweets from relative strangers ~seeing common opinions ~open polite disagreements ~helps to give me hope!
We got to learn to open up and share more as humane beings ~many of us rant and rave ~vent on Twitter ~talk shit but that's OK.
Well it has been another crazy day for me ~we got to be a littl' crazy ~poco loco~ to combat the fascism of the Amerikan Empire!
RT @invisiblepeople: S. Fla groups move to help homeless as chilly weather sends temps plunging http://ow.ly/3l2A9
What Media Does Not Say About Anti-Iran Leaks~by Muhammad Sahimi~12-07-10 > http://bit.ly/dKtuIb <
Now Follow @Antiwarcom ~ http://twitter.com/#!/Antiwarcom/ ~ http://antiwar.com/ ~Good source for anti-war news and analyses
@ishtarmuz Better find a dictionary to more accurately define your terms ~don't get -isms twisted.
@silvermaneman 10 PM~Watching News about Tax Cuts, Obama Etc. ~at least people like us are sharing ideas and opinions.
VIA @Antiwarcom: http://Antiwar.com Government Forced to Release Docs on #Spying Program~12-07-10 > http://bit.ly/hO78rs <
@silvermaneman Corporations with global power think they are no longer accountable to anyone but Corporate Stockholders.
@donnabrazile No longer have faith in the Government of the Divided States of Amerika ~Keep faith in the People ~the People!
@donnabrazile Suspect most American think calls. Emails, letters to Congress are futile and fruitless. Better as Lobbyist.
My New Co-Creator! RT @marketmistress: Automatic Blogging - Blog Creation Make money blogging now. http://bit.ly/bANq7Q: Ad
@ReThePeople Think that sometimes the 't' in trillion instead of the 'b' does not quite sink into people's heads.
@ReThePeople Hell, I didn't even qualify for County Welfare General Assistance because I had a few hundred in the bank. Told truth.
@ReThePeople POTUS Obama will drop his own professed principles if it serves his personal power ~great smiler!
@ReThePeople Karzai is such a blatant con-man, crook and corrupt killer ~Think even POTUS Obama was ashamed to meet with him.
RT @consciousskillz: Don't follow me, walk with me. #Sixwordstories
RT @gemswinc: The economic anarchy of capitalist society as it exists today is, in my opinion, the real source of evil ~Albert Einstein 1949
@ReThePeople Flawed new $100 U.S. Benjamin already in Print Out~ just saw on CNN ~ Where's my Monopoly Money?!?!
@EmergentCulture Bank robbers know where the money is! Might take 3rd World Invasion to WAKE UP WHITE AMERICA!
@ReThePeople It was fun...BTW... when are you going to shave that damn beard?!? Reminds me of my Grandpa!
Twitter Co-Creators: Lifeblood of #social #networking is ~interaction ~coherent replies ~feedback worth chewing on ~the stream
From a Co-Creator: @ReThePeople ~Badiou’s “Communist Hypothesis” Considered ~Draft~Comments? http://bit.ly/eKSIpe
@tatitosi See you have lot of Followers ~ how many actually Tweet you? ~think most of my Followers are victims of #alien#abduction!!!
@ileducprof ...100 Fools. I try to be mindful of Information Overload from people I Follow, esp. as I am unemployed now. TIME!
@ileducprof So many #Twitter folks trip on getting a bunch of Members as if it is a popularity context. Harder to catch 12 Wise Men than...
@salys 8:31 PM ~No, but maybe we can get a fund raiser going! ;->~~ Good try though. Remember the days when Obama raised millions online.
@salys Does not work for me either. Too much hassle. Who cares? I already Monitor a few Yahoo Groups. Enough is enough.
@journalproject As a rule QUALITY is of more importance than QUANTITY in most social relationships, including Twitter.
@journalproject Tracking Tweeters does not work for too many Followers. I like being surprised. http://goo.gl/kLE5M
RT @indigenous_news: Huicholes Form Alliance to Fight Mining on #Sacred Land http://is.gd/ijNyI #Wixarika
just found the easiest way to track who follows and unfollows you - http://goo.gl/kLE5M
Matthew 13:25, "But while men slept, his enemy came and sowed tares among the wheat, and went his way."
#WikiLeaks ~"Somebody should study Mrs. Clinton's mental state," said President #Hugo Chávez > http://bit.ly/hl5gLm <
#WikiLeaks #Cablegate Diplomatic frictions between US and #Brazil due to #Chávez > http://bit.ly/e2Ines <
VIA @democracynow ~Pablo Solón Responds to Secret U.S. Manipulation of Climate Talks Revealed in #WikiLeaks Cable > http://bit.ly/fdB2of <
VIA @democracynow ~ Pressing Silence: U.N. Climate Change Conference, Media Center Oddly Quiet > http://bit.ly/gjqrpk <
@democracynow ~#Climate Talks in Jeopardy as Industrialized Nations Threaten #Kyoto Protocol > http://bit.ly/hfzCNH <
More alternatives the better ~RT @uruknet: Alternatives to Paypal: http://bit.ly/bS4TWV #boycottPaypal #imwikileaks #wikileaks
@sambe11 You are blessed to have a charmed life! Treasure it and help others as you can. Be whole.
@BorriUPS Are you Tweeting while at work? Beware the cyber goons! Free Leonard Peltier! Free ALL POWs! Free yourself!
@OverTheStatic Jesus reason for season ~Your birthday is most important to you ~God is nickname for Creator ~Meditate within
#cablegate Good research~VIA @cableleaks: List of people who have criminalized #Assange or #Wikileaks: http://is.gd/iiKhc ~
VIA @Ojibray: New York City Mayor Michael Bloomberg gives 'non-apology' apology > #indigenous
@oceanshaman It is the ancient 'might is right' justification ~who will dare unseat the Emperor? ~who will topple the Empire?
@oceanshaman We are seeing more of a global fascism ~ideology of fascism is opportunistic ~not coherent ~asks no permission
@BiancaJagger Suspect #WikiLeaks Media-Organization VIA #Cablegate will be excuse for cyber-repression ~Remember #911 aftermath
VIA @uruknet: Taliban not responsible for cutting Aisha's nose, ears: AIHRC > http://bit.ly/fwpUCp > http://twitpic.com/3dlxgw
@Skaffen_Amtiska In connected reality we certainly need to empower ourselves, our local communities and the masses long-term.
@cognitivedis #Assange with #WikiLeaks has already made him the most controversial Person of the Year! http://is.gd/iikeR ~
@JosephAGallant Who decides who are Believers, Non-Believers and Make-Believers? Cast not stones.#HELP
@oceanshaman #Assange #WikiLeaks scenario may be fascist rationale for curtailing aspects of Internet. #Firewalls.
@_Jesus__Christ In the real world, I think that ultimately we ourselves make our own Heaven or our own Hell.
@_Jesus__Christ Guess you didn't get the Tweet. Good atheists can go to Heaven, lay claim to redemption through His Spirit.
@Skaffen_Amtiska Gracias. There are no roads to the stars. All roads on Mother Earth lead to revolutionary transformation.
#Cablegate ~12-01-2010~ U.S. views Chavez in "axis of mischief" - leak http://reut.rs/hJnRBT ~
#Cablegate ~12-06-2010~VIA NPR: Leaked U.S. Cables Prompt Latin American Furor > http://n.pr/eWNu2t ~
@Laura_Will2 To love to garden and read books are noble occupations ~Wish I had more free time to watch flowers grow. @Peta_de_Aztlan
Followers/Co-Creators: What are you interests? Goals? Priorities? Agendas? Why Follow me? Curious cat @Peta_de_Aztlan
#Obama Made ‘Big Mistake’ on Climate Bill, Ted Turner Says > http://bit.ly/hPFlf5 ~
@JulianAssange_ Suggest Brother #Assange leave Europe ~seek cover with #Chavez in #Venezuela! Stay alert, stay alive!
@oceanshaman #Wikileaks and #Cablegate is a barrel of serpents ~transforming many areas in drastic and subtle ways.
@jimlegge Legalize Marijuana ~Focus on drug treatment ~Combating ill effects of drug addiction ~Leaves herbs alone.
2 My Followers: Let us look at ourselves as Co-Creators ~ I mainly post ~News Links ~Analyses & ~Insights ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
#Wikileaks cables: US looks to prosecute Julian Assange=12-06-2010 21.15 GMT > http://bit.ly/h5Rjib ~
#WikiLeaks founder to talk to UK police: lawyer ~LONDON~Mon Dec 6, 2010 3:01pm EST > http://reut.rs/e3kqQE ~
Barack #Obama gives way to Republicans over Bush tax cuts ~extending tax cut for wealthier Americans > http://bit.ly/fxwjB5 ~
They All Look the Same: How Racism Works Neurologically - TIME http://su.pr/2fmn2c #neuroscience #racism
Bluestem Foundation receives $20,000 contribution- http://bit.ly/ie9sSM
TAKE ACTION- Don't let Interior Secretary Salazar strip #wolves of ESA protection http://bit.ly/gAv2BP
RT @BLAKOBEN: As long as your household ritualizes sports & award shows over Knowledge, Wisdom & Understanding, youll continue 2 get FUCKED!
@PeaceQuotes In real mankind's history, there have been just moral wars and unjust immoral wars. I am not a pacifist. #HELP
I rated Julian #Assange 100 in @TIME's 2010 Person of the Year poll. Cast your vote! > http://tinyurl.com/22w955m
@lucorico Sad because many had high hopes in POTUS Obama ~still like him on personal level. He has failed to deliver!
#WikiLeaks' Assange Threatens to Go 'Nuclear' With New Leaks IF... ~Monday, 06 Dec 2010 01:00 PM > http://bit.ly/i8cKQL ~
RT @intifada: Will Israel's effort to muzzle The Electronic Intifada & Palestine solidarity movement work? — @AJEnglishhttp://j.mp/gecviT
@English103 Thank you Brother. Glad we are in the same world if in different locations We Will Win! #Wikileaks
Between 1973 and 2007, oil imports have risen from 36% of energy consumed in the U.S. to 66%. > http://bit.ly/fW9Okw ~
Nearly half of all graduate students in sciences in U.S. are now foreigners, most of whom will be heading home,,, http://bit.ly/fW9Okw
@lucorico At this rate think it will be POTUS Obama's first and last term. I myself am NOT VOTING FOR OBAMA AGAIN!
RT @JulianAssange_: #Wikileaks #News: WikiLeaks Head Julian Assange Will Release Huge File If Arrested > http://yhoo.it/h7t31f ~
@ReThePeople It put HUMANE. Many human-beings are mere two-legged carnivorous animals. I am a Humane Being!
Check any ADHD ~Read RT @truthout: The Decline and Fall of the American Empire http://bit.ly/dLnSuF #Truthout #p2 #p2b
RT @truthout: News in Brief: DREAM Act in Jeopardy, and More ... http://bit.ly/hjaiYO #Truthout #p2 #p2b
@ReThePeople Progressive= One who supports, advocates for and engages in positive social activities with humane values.
Bernanke: Income inequality is "creating two societies" http://huff.to/esENNe ~creating? Has been haves vs. have-nots!
Library of Congress blocked #WikiLeaks content, American Library Association strongly against block http://ow.ly/3kIWE VIA @andrewrosenthal
The Information Revolution: saving money, saving lives > http://bit.ly/gsQqGA ~
Dozens Killed in Twin Blasts in Northwest #Pakistan ~suicide attack > http://bit.ly/i71iY5 ~
@English103 We must mobilize ~small local groups ~build infrastrucutre ~protect humane rights. Fight Back! #WikiLeaks
@lovepeaceunity Time is the quintessence of all that exists in the cosmos. #Time is in the eternal now.
Swiss cut off bank account for WikiLeaks' #Assange > http://bit.ly/gorSVb ~must be Swiss resident to open account?!?
@English103 Our humane rights are bestowed upon us by Creator, not governments. We must fight to protect them! #Wikileaks
LINK: Read Twitter as a Daily Newspaper paper.li organizes links shared on #Twitter ~ http://paper.li/ ~
Twin Flames *above soulmates* 1 twin flame - many soul mates http://twitpic.com/3diwht
VIA @lovepeaceunity ~ WorldShift-20 Declaration ~11/21/2010~Initiative Club of Budapest > http://bit.ly/gQV4ym #Peace ☮
The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily ~shared by PETER S LOPEZ + 52 followed people on Twitter > http://paper.li/Peta_de_Aztlan ~
The #cablegate Daily ~shared by 429 people on Twitter > http://paper.li/tag/cablegate ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Every morning we are born again. What we do today is what matters most. ~ Buddha ♡
@theredpillpusha We are #spiritual beings, not human-doings. We are beings who should strive to be evolving #humane beings!
@English103 Whole #WikiLeaks controversy should get us to question how secure our 1st Amendment Rights are today.
Geneva hosts #Iran nuclear talks ~#Tehran discusses its nuclear programme with global powers > http://bit.ly/fPirIR ~
Introducing Google eBooks: more than 3 million titles from your choice of booksellers & devices http://goo.gl/iEdK1
Many killed in #Colombia mudslide ~Up to 145 people feared dead ~already killed at least 12 > http://bit.ly/haSMYa
Native and African-American Farmers Finally Get Their Due #HumanRights #FarmWorkersRights #p2 http://fb.me/ODVCkMUR
IF you are still debating the validity of a relevant revolution by toppling the Amerikan Empire you are part of the problem.
VIA Times of India~ #WikiLeaks strikes a blow at US global interests > http://bit.ly/e3lPzk ~
WikiLeaks servers in Sweden under attack http://is.gd/iiofj
Correction, UK has only received warrant, but may issue it shortly.
Google opens e-book store in challenge to Amazon (AP): AP - Google is making the leap from… http://goo.gl/fb/qgpjJ
Each problem that I solved became a rule, which served afterwards to solve other problems. ~ Descartes
Think about any attachments that are depleting your emotional reserves. Consider letting them go. -- Oprah Winfrey
@Synolve Most of the people I know in real life around me do not have a computer and have no #Internet #Access.
@Synolve So many times progressives get obsessed with a few basic causes and issues ~forget our basic survival needs.
@Synolve We mobilize people around basic survival needs ~ food, clothing, shelter, health care and quality education.
@Synolve #1. We demand our basic humane needs for the survival of our species > http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~
#WikiLeaks RT @wikileaks: Same day Swiss defense fund is frozen, UK issues arrest warrant for Julian #Assange http://tl.gd/7bg5kc
Let us come together in unity to create Peaceful Revolution in the world, fight for peace and utilize all methods of struggle.
Family Follow @PeltierHQ ~ http://twitter.com/#!/PeltierHQ ~Official Site http://www.whoisleonardpeltier.info/ ~Free Leonard Peltier Now!
“Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.” ~President John F.Kennedy #Quote
Echo The Four Agreements #1 Be Impeccable With Word #2 Don’t Take Everything Personally #3 Don’t Make Assumptions #4 Do Your Best
Let us pray we meet our family's basic survival needs: good food, proper clothing, decent shelter, health care and quality education.
Let us #pray as #spiritual beings that we are awake, aware and mindful of connected reality here now. Be whole within yourself.
Let us pray for Loving Unity as one Family of Humanity, agree on survival basics and settle our petty differences. Seek UNITY.
Let us pray for guidance from the sacred spirit of our inner being as we use the magic of our mind in harmony with pure love.
Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan: 12-05-2010~Domingo/Sunday > http://bit.ly/en8MGB ~
Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/ or any progressive party that helps raise consciousness.
<+>December 06, 2010_Lunes/Monday<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Educate to Liberate! @Peta_de_Aztlan <+>
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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