1-05-2010-Wednesday Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan ~Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Prayers for Peace in Pakistan ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Hope to Communicate more tomorrow @RaverJ @counterwording @USA4USAfrica @DexyMac ~Choose who you Follow wisely.
@counterwording Yes, I have been keeping track for some time. It gets complicated but he is innocent. Worth a reminder.#FreeBradley
Do not be easily swayed by the winds of passing doctrines. Be no easily impressed by fancy words by fast talkers. Talk is cheap.
RT @JulianAssange_: More on the person with the most censored websites in U.S free speech history http://bit.ly/guJqKd
RT @JulianAssange_: Bradley Manning a U.S political prisoner http://bit.ly/f8R1g8
VIDEO [1:33:37] 12/16/2010 ~The War On Democracy by John Pilger ~Abbas92Alamdar VIA @uruknet> http://youtu.be/rpbWNUGUBNo
My intent now is to value my time more and appreciate its power. » Support me http://tinyurl.com/2al2af3
VIDEO [1:36:42] The War You Don't See ~anwar2u20 VIA @uruknet > http://youtu.be/p7wXhN5h_Pg ~RT
US deal with Afghan tribe promises to reduce #Taliban strikes > http://bit.ly/gnTG23
@DexyMac You know we really do not 'talk' or 'write' on Twitter ~we actually type and imagine voices. #sober
#Afghanistan looks to Pakistan for help with Taliban > http://bit.ly/h7ysRc
Capitol Alert: Jerry Brown's second day as governor: A run in the park http://bit.ly/eYYXkw
@BarackObama Was doing to express support for flawed Health Care battle, but had to donate first. What's wrong with this country?
@BarackObama No money to donate now. Take $$$ from Afghan War Budget or Find Billions Dollars lost in Iraq. http://OFA.BO/BSfR1C.
@DexyMac We expand consciousness when we can release it free from the past-present-future linear time zones.
My intent is to appreciate my siesta before I write later. » Support me http://tinyurl.com/2av3qj4
@DexyMac Nope it would say CYL = Catch Ya' Later
Yeah, short siestas are healthy VIA @Intentdotcom: 7 Tips For Effective Afternoon Naps > http://ow.ly/3yXfK
U.S. and NATO allies plan to spend $11.6 billion this year for #Afghan security > http://wapo.st/iaH51M
Convicted Sex Offender Arrested on U.S. and Mexico #Border > http://bit.ly/hG37Pq
U.S. Stimulus to Sustain #Mexico's Record Run > http://on.wsj.com/eBuzvr
#Mexico Added Over 730,000 Jobs in 2010 > http://bit.ly/eP71Dk
Money: #Spain, China sign agreements valued at $7.5 Billion > http://bit.ly/e4dOlU
Health: Swine Flu Kills 8, Sickens 35 in #Ecuador > http://bit.ly/eftOs6
Female Gangster Arrested in Deadly #Guatemalan Bombing > http://bit.ly/fybMNQ
#Mexican Holy Death sect leader arrested ~kidnapping and extortion charges > http://bit.ly/enLZzl
Over 1,200 same-sex marriages performed in Mexico City in 2010 > http://bit.ly/dPjNSz ~Macho Mexico
RT @papakelt: 10 Simple Google Search Tricks | The Social Media Guide http://bit.ly/emVOUS
Ambassador Oliver Stone? Sean Penn? Hugo Chávez offers up his wish list > http://bit.ly/fuJ3SQ
Read Goldman Sachs’ Secret Facebook Pitch Memo > http://on.wsj.com/dXae52 ~Gee, great secret!
Apocalypse (Greek: Ἀποκάλυψις Apokálypsis; "lifting of the veil" or "revelation") ~hidden from the majority of mankind
Mbeki calls Southern #Sudan election a 'decisive moment' > http://bit.ly/hwFRit
We are not even into the first full week of the year and can see the battles coming in the U.S. Congress ~gridlock time again?
Rights groups denounce proposed bills to remove 'birthright citizenship' > http://bit.ly/fQqrgh
#China's Missile and Stealth Fighter Advances Draw U.S. Attention > http://bit.ly/eMAgQA
RT @palestine: A New Year's song of hope for Gaza http://bit.ly/fYeHlv
RT @palestine: Israel asks US to ban Turkish charity behind Gaza flotilla - Ha'aretz http://bit.ly/eNbA38
RT @palestine: Israeli rights groups: Inquiry is war on dissent - Washington Post http://bit.ly/gM0evi
RT @indigenous_news: #BP Forced To Shut down #Alaska Oil Field After Losing #Inupiat Lawsuit http://is.gd/kbG2l
From @AnthonyLawlor ~ Facing Change in Your Cave of Beliefs > http://bit.ly/htY73P
Dying inmate Betsie Gallardo ~27-years~ released from Broward prison to hospice ~born HIV-positive > http://bit.ly/heUgGd
#Kentucky immigration bill is stricter than Arizona's law > http://bit.ly/gMR3Km ~Where's my Passport?!?!?
@starZship I just love people ~have been pretty messed up myself in the past ~sometmes we are 'in season' other times not
Raw Video: [1Tape Shows Bush Aide Before Death > http://youtu.be/ue6fNVjIaJA
@heidiko44 Yes. all those innocent living beings just dying as they have is so sad ~humans will forget after a couple of weeks
@RaverJ Oh yeah! Black Panther Party laid the whole foundation for a lot of my philosophy ~we have developed from it all
@RaverJ I am experimenting with what kind of dialogue can be generated online ~requires focus, attention, cognition
@heidiko44 It sure as hell was not the loud sudden noises from New Year's Eve fireworks! > http://bit.ly/hwY4lp
@heidiko44 Strange incidents ~could be a combination of elements ~military experiments ~poison ecology > http://bit.ly/hwY4lp
The Arkansas blackbirds and 8 other mysterious mass animal deaths > http://bit.ly/hwY4lp ~VIA @heidiko44
@RaverJ It is a basic 5-Point Survival Platform for us to agree on the fundamental basics of engaging in liberation struggles.
@RaverJ #4. We demand equal respect for all humane rights: http://help-matrix.ning.com/
@RaverJ #2. We demand complete employment... relevant job training or a guaranteed income: http://help-matrix.ning.com/
@RaverJ #1. We demand our basic humane needs for the survival of our species: http://help-matrix.ning.com/
@RaverJ #3. We demand worldwide socialist democracy with proportional representation: http://help-matrix.ning.com/
@RaverJ Recall: Black Panther Party 10-Point Platform > http://www.blackpanther.org/TenPoint.htm
@RaverJ I am not a Leftist nor a Rightist. I believe the truth should be in a balanced center ~away from either imbalance.
@RaverJ I appreciate your Feedback. I am not splitting hairs with the Survival Platform. It has been around over 10 years.
@RaverJ It is a Survival Platform ~pending Liberation~ not an ultimate manifesto for all time and places > http://help-matrix.ning.com/
@starZship It is being raised in a sick, mean and inhumane society that warps people out of their original loving nature.
@starZship Some people I can imagine them as when they were innocent babies loved by Mamas ~think Cheney, Bush, Palin etc.
@starZship I love people in their ways, in their differences, in their peculiar ways, in their uniqueness as individuals
@starZship We can spout phony shit about Namaste and loving the divinity in all people ~some do not seem all that divine.
@starZship We can love people in an abstract way, not necessarily in a tangible way. Some are easier to love at a distance.
@starZship We really need to examine what love means to us. I love people, but do not really like 'everybody' I know on personal level.
California spent $254.3 billion last year ~most populous state > http://bit.ly/gW6jTO
1/05/2011 ~Facebook says ignoring Sacramento court order an 'oversight' : http://bit.ly/ieIFen
@ileducprof Well I will be waiting for a Video from you. We need to utilize all forms of media that impact on our senses.
Wed. Jan. 05, 2011~The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily shared by PETER S LOPEZ + 59 followed people on Twitter: http://paper.li/Peta_de_Aztlan
@ileducprof Do you have any Videos of you teaching? Let us know. We need more videos of folks!
All we need know to round out the picture is a suicide bomber in a popular shopping mall ~unless he commits suicide 1st
Losing It! Cops: 2 injured in Omaha high school shooting > http://on.msnbc.com/fgp5wt
Folks are losing it! Police searching for shooter inside Arizona mall > http://bit.ly/dRS4cq
RT @BreakingNews: French Foreign Ministry says explosion reported at embassy in Bamako, Mali - AP
@The119 People are just losing it ~losing their bearings ~losing their morals ~losing their minds ~losing their souls ~Just do you
RT @heidiko44: Interesting > R @sciencedaily: Gesturing while talking helps change your thoughts: http://bit.ly/hJLLpo
Through my eyes I see a lot of global turmoil ~mass divisions ~ecological imbalances ~fools who spout about we are all one!
1 in 3 Americans are obese! yet 9 out of 10 American's believe their diet is healthy -Denial is a killer! http://bit.ly/gv42ql
#Pakistan in Turmoil: Rahimullah Yusufzai: Assassination ~time of economic crisis, war and flooding > http://bit.ly/gzw3s3
RT @BreakingNews: Nigeria Senate leader charged in shooting death of trade union activist - BBC http://bbc.in/ek1aiD
Salman Taseer buried in #Pakistan amid tight security > http://bit.ly/fXbaiz
Mainstream Pakistan religious organisations applaud killing of Salman Taseer > http://bit.ly/fEWpWV
Feelings there are silent shifts going on in the world ~alignments and re-alignments ~ever have feelings without outer evidence?
Al-Sadr makes low-key return to Iraq > http://bit.ly/ev1qhe
Radical Cleric Moktada al-Sadr Returns to Iraq After Years in Iran > http://nyti.ms/fBoJFF
Albany, New York ~Cuomo Sets Broad Agenda in State of State Speech > http://on.wsj.com/gYuF3m
#Boehner elected House Speaker, replaces Pelosi > http://reut.rs/eLBLqw
RT @BreakingNews: Shots fired high school in Omaha; dispatch reports indicate least 2 people injured - World-Herald http://bit.ly/eiQdkB
@Jah_Empress Many times to be kind seems so simple, but when we are angry or upset can be so hard. Be kind to your kind.
Politics is an art and science that engages us in energetic battles for the hearts and minds of the people ~war without bloodshed.
Ol' bi-polar John Boehner is on CNN with a new big gavel as the new Speaker of the House ~good to show emotional stability
When our inner feelings, belief-systems and physical actions in the real world are in harmony we become more integrated beings.
Beliefs are ideas and ideals that are elements in ~our personality ~our mentality ~our psyche ~alone they are not actions
I actually love people in general ~even strangers ~can respect others even though we can have diametrically opposed beliefs
RT @UN: Food from @WFP arrives for #Côte d'Ivoire refugees in #Liberia. One mother's story: http://bit.ly/hMN82Q
On CNN Watching Rep. Nancy Pelosi in her last spiel as Speaker of the House ~a liberal fascist-supporter ~feel ambiguity about her
@LarisaZweigISFB You're stupid! I don't BUY Followers and you only have 60 Yourself. Get a wage-slave job!
Hell I am not allowed to post a new Blog Entry at http://sacramentofordemocracy.org/blog/706 ~Control Freaks!
Until lions tell their tale, the story of the hunt will always glorify the hunter. - Afrikan Proverb
What To Do Today - Take time to be silent, just to BE. Try meditating today. Silently witness the intelligence within every living being.
The secret of genius is to carry the spirit of the child into old age, which means never losing your enthusiasm. ~ Aldous Huxley
@theredpillpusha Love your Background Image! ~ http://bit.ly/eJ16mr
Any Followers who are straight up hard-core radicals and want me to Follow them let me know and I will. Do not need Info Overload.
@theredpillpusha To me major divisions are in our own minds ~stuck in a label rut ~bi-polar political mentality ~closed minds
Found out I have been a Member of Sacramento Democracy for One Year and 38 Weeks ~Just Logged back in ~Will stir the soup!
@theredpillpusha In tough times we need to get tough ~determine what our basic principles are and stick to them ~be bold!
Whatever happens and whichever way I go I am not going to backtrack and join the demented Democratic Party ~liberals at best
LINK: Sacramento for Democracy > http://sacramentofordemocracy.org/
In Sacramento the main progressive activists are liberal Progressive Democrats > http://pdamerica.org/index.php
We need to look at our local situation ~Where are the progressives around us? ~Where are our functional allies? ~What is to be done?
All of us should be centered in our own being ~balanced in the mind-body-soul trinity ~continue to work on ourselves ~evolve
I do not not condemn anyone who thinks to hell with it ~Let me get my piece of the putrid pie ~Let's go get stoned and forget it
A lot of what I Tweet has repetitive themes, especially when I see the same stuff day-by-day. ~Lots of social tensions
All in all, it is the same shit on a different day ~Amerikan public is busy making a living ~sound asleep in the political arenas
Gibbs will be leaving his job as White House Press Secretary ~Obama will need new Chief of Staff ~New blood with old mentality
POTUS Obama has failed in so many key areas of Amerikan life ~society will become more polarized ~divisions will widen ~tough tmes
Reactionary Republicans in Congress will try to repeal flawed Obama Health Care Plan ~another compromise of principles by Obama
9:53 AM ~Sacramento Downtown ~Fog has been burned out by the heat of the Sun ~Sky is light blue with some low clouds
RT @democracynow: NEWS: Netanyahu appeals for Obama to release Jonathan Pollard, American who spied for #Israel. http://ow.ly/3yNBk #spy
Wikileaks: Israeli Blockade Targeted Gaza Economy - NPR http://bit.ly/gCPhVZ
US hails Bashir's Sudan comments: American senator John Kerry praises Sudanese president's pledge to support cou... http://aje.me/dVKQ2K
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 1-04-2010-Tuesday Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan: http://bit.ly/huMfml ~Saved Tweets!
@joanie399 We need to be integrated activists in relation to one kind of movement or another ~a structured vehicle ~organization
@joanie399 That is part of why I want to build up a political-educational party and recommend we all be an active member in one.
@joanie399 After all these years we can see that Leonard Peltier will not be free until a People's Mass Movement helps to set him free.
Open Invitation! Join HELP-Matrix via HumanE Liberation Party > http://help-matrix.ning.com/ <
Welcome New Followers! Tweet your truth with courage. Go with the flow and let it go! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Let us pray we love humanity with a deep humane kindness for all of humankind ~beyond divisions of -isms -wings and -ologies.
#Follow @PeltierHQ ~ http://bit.ly/hmKNDW ~Official Site http://bit.ly/12ZYRc ~Free Leonard Peltier Now!
"What is to give light must endure burning." ~ Viktor Frankl > http://bit.ly/oGC2A
Proverbs 1:7 "The reverence of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise knowledge and instruction."
Echo: 20 Simple Steps to the Perfect Persuasive Message > http://bit.ly/eqgeIg
Echo: The evolution of selfish human beings into being truly humane beings is now essential for us to survive together as a species.
Folllowers: Feedack is the breath and lifeblood of Social Networking Websites. Why do you Follow who you Follow on Twitter?
Thanks for LINK and PICTURES ~I won't complain about cold here! RT @ains: Mount Abu, is 1220 meters above http://bit.ly/gylISf
Followers: Download TweetDeck > http://www.tweetdeck.com/ ~Expand your Twitter experience, experiment and try features.
Followers: If you do not have one now create a Facebook Account for us to have better interaction ~Use Common Sense wisdom!
“In truth, we are really alive when we can be at peace within our own skin.” ~Anne LeClaire, Author
VIDEO [6:51] VIA CNN-Parker / Spitzer: ~Imran Khan: Pakistan is 'going down' > http://youtu.be/aoHPqXllDlE ~RT
VIDEO [26:25] ~ Islam & America: Through the Eyes of Imran Khan ~Pakistan > http://youtu.be/L9fW9jPnjgE
VIA @ains Blackbird mystery deepens: more birds fall from sky in Louisiana > http://bit.ly/eljyUU ~Pay attention to birds!
@lurainpenny Wow! That is nice of you. Thought you were going to a Doctor's appointment with her? Anyways, oneness is good.
@ains Wow! What elevation at you at? You're in India? Must be bizarre compared to my being a Sacramento Valley boy.
8:29 AM PST ~Dense fog here in Sacramento ~Few things to do today out in the field ~Hope all my Twitter Family is alive and well.
<+>Wednesday, January 05, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Rise and Shine!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan
You may be feeling very protective of your feelings now. With ... More for Scorpio http://twittascope.com/?sign=8
@CausesEffects Causes and Effects
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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