1-10-2011~Lunes-Monday Twitter Timeline of Tweets @Peta_de_Aztlan
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan/ ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan ~Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Cosmic Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Prayers for Inner Peace and the Security of Sanity! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Let us search our souls ~see what we need to change within us ~be open to self-improvement and keep loving no matter what!
We are only in the 10th night of this New Year of 2011 ~already we suffer the tragedy of Tucson ~more will be revealed about us.
@div4gravity We need to learn not to fear darkness ~to bring light to darkness ~much of life is learned in contrasts #cgjung
@morsemusings Good Night ~Miss Musing ~Sleep in safety and peace. ~Namaste @Peta_de_Aztlan
@PocketParalegal I am the same way. Pleasant dreams of a better brighter tomorrow for all of our humane family. @Peta_de_Aztlan
Timely read ~VIA @heidiko44: Response to Arizona Shooting: Fear Of The Darkness > http://bit.ly/gMLxLW #cgjung
@PocketParalegal Thank You ~Work online with a Chicano Webiste & Yahoo News Group VIA ~ http://www.networkaztlan.com/
After the Tucson Tragedy I am more mindful of the responsibility to be conscious of what I type, to type with clarity.
@PocketParalegal That is very unselfish of you to think about how you can someone tomorrow. Good way of being now.
RT @PocketParalegal: It's a good time to take a moment to think about how you can lighten someone else's load tomorrow. Plan it and DO it!
" ....so life you see is never a very smooth business..."
Flashback! @ 17-Years Arrested ~Inciting Riot & Disturbing Peace ~Pled Not Guilty ~Hung Jury ~Had ACLU Lawyer, NOW U.S. Fed Judge
@papakelt This Tweet is from Seesmic. It is pretty cool too with huge size fonts for us po ol' folks!
Follow Rosanna Tussey @PocketParalegal ~ http://twitter.com/#!/PocketParalegal/ ~ http://www.pocketparalegal.com/
@PocketParalegal Por nada ~Did an RT VIA @Raul_Ramos ~You may come in handy for consult ~Will Follow for now @Peta_de_Aztlan
@papakelt Check out #Twitter #Apps ~http://seesmic.com/web ~ http://hootsuite.com/dashboard ~ http://www.tweetdeck.com/
FYI RT @PocketParalegal: Joseph Pulitzer (yes, as in Pulitzer Prizes) was an immigrant to the US.
@papakelt #TweetDeck is FREE ~ http://www.tweetdeck.com/ ~My Tweets cross-post automatically to My #Facebook #Profile
@papakelt I have examined all main #Twiiter #apps. #TweetDeck is best I have found so far worldwide ~ no browser ~search capacity!
@papakelt On TweetDeck I create a column with single word 'Sudan' with or without hashtag then results stream down Twitterwide
@GutierrezHA Plus it is funny how the mind inserts conjunctions ~of the and or ~to mentally complete sentences ~like broken English
@GutierrezHA If we can't fit stuff in a regular Tweet maybe we are verbose or should just blog it then post a link. I like the Limit Now.
@papakelt Yes, on TweetDeck I do not even need any regular Window open, it operates as a stand alone screen. No browser.
@papakelt If my web browser crashes for whatever reason my TweetDeck will still be up without being affected. It is reliable.
@papakelt Think because Twitter is such a micro-blog with limited characters it helps it thrive ~short, sweet and simple
@papakelt Had 2 Google http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Samizdat ~Barely finished high school you know.
Jeff Biggers: AZ Facing "Lethal Combination" of "Hate-Filled Speech" + "Dangerous Easy Access to Weapons" http://bit.ly/hfUCA8
@GutierrezHA Even I am more mindful now of each word I type ~still believe in a Peaceful Revolution ~need for creative outlets.
"To be free is not merely to cast off one's chains, but to live in a way that respects and enhances the freedom of others." ~ Nelson Mandela
Make this a trending topic for #peace; Be peace, Think peace, Feel peace, Speak peace, Act for peace, Create peace, Share peace #PEACE
@papakelt @purplepeace79 Yes, Facebook is becoming more and more of a corporate media gatekeeper. So far Twitter is the best.
Agree VIA @PeoplesWorld: AFL-CIO: Tucson Shooting is A Warning to Tone Down Violent Political Speech > http://bit.ly/dYfRiQ
We need to be tireless in educating people about what is really going on and what we can do to help all of us unite as one!
@MikeyEnergy Clearly government needs overhaul ~let us spend tax dollars on wholistic health centers, not concentration camps.
Pima Co. Sheriff Clarence Dupnik: "People Who Are Mentally Unstable ~Susceptible to Rhetoric.. in Country" > http://bit.ly/i2ZXaw
"Politics in Arizona Have Become Fueled by Hate...Driven by Anger": Rep. Raúl Grijalva on Shooting of Giffords: http://bit.ly/guI7em
BOOK: The Looting of Iraq Museum, Baghdad: Lost Legacy of Ancient Mesopotamia ~ http://amzn.to/em4OWk
FYI: Obama Regime has denied more FOIA (Freedom of Information Act) requests than that of Bush! ~ http://bit.ly/dUZfyG
@__kaybee We must honor and respect the truth ~seek it behind government lies and false promises offered by the Obama Regime.
RT @AJEnglish: Iran 'uncovers Israel spy network': State television identifies young Iranian as "main element" behind.. http://aje.me/hI3LlM
1/08/2011 ~Transparency in age of Obama Barack Obama via Cindy Sheehan > http://bit.ly/dUZfyG
12/29/2010 ~via Al Jazeera EnglishSouthern Sudan~Degrees of Separation - People & Power : http://bit.ly/f8lQN8 ~Flashback!
Thanks for RTs I see them ~@VegyPower @CosmicDivine @Le_DeesseJaana @danstepich @gizm0bill @xoe_Mancha @unido1931 @koffiekommie
“In truth, we are really alive when we can be at peace within our own skin.” ~Anne LeClaire, Author
We have as much claim to a true humane and compassionate civilization as a pack of baboons on crack!
Today we have Internet Power that never existed before in known history. So we attack each other and have to get the last word.
We are all ignorant of what we do not really know through direct and/or indrect experience. We must gain more experience!
A democracy is only as good as the numbers of people who engage in active direct participation in social-political processes.
People's Politics should be about putting pressure to bear on government and political systems for real fundamental change.
We should always put the survival interests of the people first and foremost in our approach to politics, not political parties.
For a Peaceful Revolution we wage war with meaningful words, with open dialogue, with rational debate and reasonable analyses.
It can therefore be said that politics is war without bloodshed while war is politics with bloodshed. ~Chairman Mao "On Protracted War"
If you think that politics is about who is Left or who is Right you do not know a damn thing about politics in the real world.
Most traditional party members do not even do political work all year ~we are lucky to get voters out to VOTE Election Day!
It is the height of stupidity to determne who your friends or foes are by what traditional political body they identify with.
@truthout We fall right into the hands of dark forces when we attack each other instead of seeing where we can work together.
Amerikan Fascism loves it when the so-called Right Vs. Left Wings beat up on the political body of common sense in the Center.
@truthout: Sign of Political Bi-polarity in Amerika: Left Vs. Right Wings blaming each other for violent rhetoric of hate.
RT @democracynow: "There's concern about the future of participatory democracy," ~Jeff Biggers on Giffords shooting: http://ow.ly/3Bq8R
VIA @democracynow: "#Arizona is victimized by the gun lobby," says Pima County Sheriff Clarence Dupnik: http://ow.ly/3Bqin
Sudan: History of a Broken Land ~maps turbulent history of country on verge of momentous decision > http://bit.ly/hqnxWJ
@christopher_612 Come what comes, we should uphold our right to bear arms and our right to self-defense against all attacks.
Racial discrimination - a tool of occupation ~deliberate Israeli policy > http://bit.ly/eYwSVY
EU envoys in 'East Jerusalem call' ~Brussels urged treat city's disputed part as future capital of Palestinian state > http://bit.ly/hcOIeX
Suicide bombing is evil, reactionary and counter-revolutionary. We should oppose all forms of suicide which are acts of desperation.
At least 19 killed in riots in Tunisia, government official says > http://bit.ly/h54IQe
California's Brown Unveils $12.5 Billion in Spending Cuts > http://bit.ly/eBvVHe
RT @uruknet: RT @RadioYerevan Palestinians to Push for UN Recognition as Independent State http://aol.it/i0k85B
VIA @ascend08: Today's Blog: RIGHT BRAIN SKILLS ~Switching from left to right brain domination > http://bit.ly/giSd8V
VIDEO [46:38] Looting the Holy Land via AlJazeeraEnglish > http://youtu.be/0NY0JF9VBQ8
@k_cycloid Good. I like Tweeting without having to #Follow or be #Followed. Smell lots of lurkers around here. Maybe a few #stalkers!!!
Followers: Do you have any idea how many of your so-called Followers are acually still on Twitter Following you?
Followers: Feel free to interact at My Profile on Facebook ~ http://www.facebook.com/Peta51 ~
@christopher_612 You know I am not a sports fanatic... a long as you keep your gun home!
@MaryJoWagner Do you know a good online test for ADHD you would recommend without favortism?
@BP_Disorder I live in Sacramento. Do you know of a good online test for Bi-Polar Disorder you would recommend without favortism?
California Gov. Brown to ask for deep cuts, five-year extension of taxes > http://bit.ly/fEOMfN
We must nurture the good in us, be ourselves here now and work on our on-going spiritual growth.
Twitter Sense: If people have a zillion Followers and Follow a zillion people is that really a Follower or Follow? No.
Monday, Jan. 10, 2011 The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily as shared by PETER S LOPEZ + Tweeters ~ http://paper.li/Peta_de_Aztlan
Arizona shootings: Must it take tragedy to wake up Washington? > http://wapo.st/gbaDdH
Giffords shooting: the sheriff who turned the focus on rightwing rhetoric > http://bit.ly/ehRFQF
I believe that our underlying or fundamental nature is gentleness, and intelligence is a later development.
It is clear that feelings of love, affection, closeness and compassion bring happiness.
If you want others to be happy, practice compassion. If you want to be happy, practice compassion.
As I see it, compassion is the essence of a spiritual life.
A skillful, balanced approach is helpful for one's physical and emotional health, and it applies to one's spiritual growth as well.
Awareness of impermanence and appreciation of our human potential will give us a sense of urgency that we must use every precious moment.
To increase our altruism, we must motivate ourselves to take into consideration the effects of our actions both in the present and future.
I feel that the moment you adopt a sense of caring for others, it brings you inner strength.
Essay by HHDL "Countering Stress and Depression" originally published by Hindustan Times, India, on January 3rd, 2011. http://bit.ly/ha5KCn
Photo of HHDL taking part in his first video conference with 3 prominent Chinese intellectuals on January 4, 2011. http://twitpic.com/3novoy
Happiness does not come about only due to external circumstances; it mainly derives from inner attitudes.
We cannot overcome anger and hatred simply by suppressing them. We need to actively cultivate the antidotes: patience and tolerance.
Despite Fighting Beforehand, Peaceful Voting in South #Sudan > http://nyti.ms/eSZOPg
Open Invitation! Join HELP-Matrix via HumanE Liberation Party > http://help-matrix.ning.com/
It's tragic that it is easier for the severely mentally ill to get a gun than adequate medical care.
gop planning to screw over farmers: http://tinyurl.com/4hl7249
Tip of the day: Do things today that will prepare you for a better tomorrow. #TweetMyJOBS #JobSearch
The clever reverend endeavors to weather the storm and to break the fetters of the norm and never ever gives power to his crown of thorns..
Let us never tire of praying or pleading with prayers. We need praying, not slaying. All these wars and no one has really won.
Let us pray that we take the time in our busy lives to feel our being, to breathe deep, to pay attention and show our love.
Let us pray for a healing in the world ~for a healing in our hearts ~for a healing of our wounds ~for a healing of humankind.
Let us pray that we all follow a path with heart with true courage. Life begins and ends in the heart, not the mortal mind.
Let us pray that we have humane loving compassion in our hearts for all people and the outer speech will take care of itself.
Let us pray that we look at the errors of our own ways before we let our fears cast false judgments upon others. Be humble.
Let us pray that we are in communion with the divine seed within us. Let your good seed grow with love in fertile clean soil.
Let us pray that we reach out to all who need a tender touch, offer a helping hand to a stranger, give a sincere smile.away.
Let us pray for the day when we can give every innocent child a clean glass of water, a safe warm bed and a loving home.
Let us pray for the time when humane love rules the day, when we can honor and respect each other as loving humane beings.
Let us pray that we can get beyond artificial divisions of Left-Wing Vs. Right-Wing and find truth in the Center of Life.
Let us pray that we are open to honest dialogue, seek to understand before jumping to conclusions and accept valid criticism.
Let us pray that we humble ourselves to uplift our souls. We do not always have to be right, get the last word and divide people.
Let us pray that we see ourselves as Creatures of the Creator of the Cosmos with creative powers we should harness for good.
Let us pray that we have an appreciation of the power of our words, the power of our physical presence, the power of humane love.
Let us pray for all who are struggling for their lives, struggling for their basic survival, struggling to make it a better world.
Let us seek union with each other as one humane family of Mother Earth as we promote unity based upon humane principles.
Let us pray today that we use social media via Internet Power with humane reason, proper respect and loving compassion.
All U.S. foreign aid should be strictly humanitarian with proper supervision and accounting to avoid corruption. Am I naive?
Biden makes unannounced visit to Afghanistan http://wapo.st/hrzStu
"The Becking of @Rep_Giffords:" Analysis by @cberlet, expert on rightwing social movements. http://ow.ly/3BcCI #glennbeck
Paul Krugman: Let’s not make a false pretense of balance: toxic rhetoric comes, overwhelmingly, from the right. #p2 #giffords
As human beings we cannot continue to tolerate the Barbarism incited and perpetrated by our so called leaders!
The creator of the universe is lining up things in my favour. ~ Joel Osteen ✔
“The Facebook Song” Reminds Us How Obsessed We Are [VIDEO] - http://on.mash.to/eE92yn
Pakistan, Afghanistan Promote Stronger Ties in Effort to End Violence http://ht.ly/1aO0SR
Winter Jazzfest - http://nyti.ms/eaLUbx > the pictures to prove it
Let's each of us reflect on how we ourselves can make our country a more peaceful place.
NEWS: #DOJ Subpoenas #Twitter for Info on #WikiLeaks Accounts, Unclear If #Facebook Also Subpoenaed. http://ow.ly/3BdTC
Don' t believe the hype -- the left's rhetorical outrage is a ruse. http://bit.ly/g2sb40
@sacredflow Feng Shui in one's sanctuary should be in harmony with one's balanced, centered spirit to fortify personal power.
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 1-09-2011 Sunday ~Twitter Timeline of Tweets @Peta_de_Aztlan: http://bit.ly/edAME1 ~Saved Tweets
"What is to give light must endure burning." ~Viktor Frankl > http://bit.ly/oGC2A
Proverbs 1:7 "The reverence of the LORD is the beginning of knowledge, but fools despise knowledge and instruction."
Echo: Welcome! To All Our Followers AKA Co-Creators of #Consciousness ~ Twitter is the premier micro-blogging website today.
Each of us must decide for our own self how we want to integrate with the masses and best utilize our energy resources .
Above and beyond an individual level I believe that positive mass mobilization requires a progressive mass organization.
@robiewright I work with homeless recovering addicts with a Group called CASA 12-Steps ~ http://casa-12steps.blogspot.com/
How can we speak of stuff and consider it unspeakable? How can we think of stuff and consider it unthinkable? Consider logic.
#Twitter Followers: Check who are Followers. If we Follow each other please feel free to Direct Message for specific questions.
@robiewright I am advocate that we decriminalize all drugs laws ~provide drug treatment programs ~support progressive recovery
@robiewright I mainly post Global News ~Spiritual Insights ~Personal Reflections ~Relevant Re-Tweets ~Tweet your truth
Tweeters! Download TweetDeck > http://www.tweetdeck.com/ ~Expand your Twitter experience, experiment and try features.
7:37 AM ~Skyline looks like low fog ~sun in distance ~another Monday ~cars starting to drive by more ~I'm on top floor
@robiewright I stay straight so I can work to raise consciousness and help create a Free Palestine! Get to work!
<+>Monday, January 10, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Rise and Shine!<+> @Peta_de_Aztlan
Your daily routine can get out of hand today because there are... More for Scorpio http://twittascope.com/?sign=8
@MzRoseCity · Follow
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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