Thursday, June 15, 2006

... a gazillion Buddhist ones are after me too ;->

Near Midnight = June 14, 2006
Hola Mod Squad!
I think Buddha said on his death bed that we were all Buddhas.. think he could of been fictional and supposedly was not just one person anyway... something there...

Between my work of relating to real live human beings around me in my physical direct reality {I have to keep that straight sometimes} and checking out my Emails I find that hours slip by... so much to read that catches my eye that I need to be aware of not getting Information Overload... I figure if I really need to know something I will see a big huge orange flash in the skies in the distance rolling towards me.

Sometimes I get invited to join a group, then, I will join it at first to get Individual Emails then shift to daily digest or special notices. I think I will pare down my groups again. I do that every now and then.

I am getting to like the blogs more and now since this whole immigrant rights issue I am relating to that, but I look at the whole Immigrant Rights Legislation as being one big messy bill that won't get settled this year anyways
Actually, it bleeds into the whole reality of individual nations with separate borders for each governmental power and it is all tied into the mass divisions in the world anyways: class, race, nation, gender, tribe, the greater or lesser concentration of melanin and other such real divisions and socially constructed divisions.

I am still working on getting more of a well rounded life.

I get more of my fulfillment offline by working with some homeless addicts that are into recovery. It feels good when I see one getting himself together, moving ahead and making somethng out of his or her life. At least I know I can make a big difference in somebody's life for the better.

Actually, my lonely guitar stands in my room like a neglected step-child. I went to the IndyMedia presentation last Sunday and had a friend conduct my usual
CASA Meeting and it was a good presentation.

I thnk the ideal for me being on the Internet is trying to reach out to as many people as possible, especially key people who can in turn share articles, analyses and other stuff with their key people. Ever widering circles of humane consciousness in upward spirials!.

It is clear that the more people we can reach out to and get involved in mutual learning together the better off the whole world will be. Plus, less armed enemies if all this just simply degenerates into all-out civil war.

If You Meet the Buddha on the Road, Kill Him! The Pilgrimage of Psychotherapy Patients Sheldon Kopp
Killing the Buddha
There's an old saying, "If you meet the Buddha on the road, kill him."
Who's that Buddha? What does it mean to "meet" the Buddha? What does killing the Buddha imply?

Anyways,, that's my story and I am sticking to it... David Letterman is about over.. think I will close up shop for now.

I love you both... stay alive and learning! ~Tu Amigo Peta

P.S. Never underestimate yourself! Manifest potential. Create!
Let our enemies underestimate us!

Re: Humane-Rights-Agenda Moderators + Sunday-Domingo
Puma Claw <> wrote:
LMAO, yeah, a gazillion Buddhist ones are after me too.
----- Original Message -----
From: Michelle
Sent: Wednesday, June 14, 2006 11:17 PM
Subject: Re: Humane-Rights-Agenda Moderators + Sunday-Domingo

Yea a lot new groups I been signed up to a Budhist
group and all plus I found a good aussie one.
Put MSN on for 10 minutes and my old buddy was sending
me all his little ones baby pics.
My poor grown baby of 19 is as sick as a dog.
Five thousand been sent to hospital with a virus here.
Steve had it when he took time off to take me to
hospital. Son had to step in look after mum then.

--- Puma Claw <> wrote:

LMAO, I swear, you two. Hell, at the moment seems to be this frenzy about starting all these e-groups and everybody and his dog is joining me up to theirs, so I've been changing them to webread one by one. Good gravy, I have 500 piles of crap in my mailboxes from people I have no clue who they are and from groups I didn't know I was a member of. I
hope this is gonna go back to normal soon.

----- Original Message -----
From: Peter S. Lopez de-Aztlan;;
To: Michelle<>
Cc: Moderators

Sent: Sunday, June 11, 2006 5:51 PM
Subject: Re: Humane-Rights-Agenda Moderators +

Hell.... I thought you WERE a Moderator... Get with it slacker!
The pigs are coming at us and I am low on ammo! ~~Peta

Michelle; wrote:
Ok Petey you told its like the mafia I cant resign but I didnt take you serious !

Well you will have to reinstate me and I notice
you have been posting Australian news.

Maybe I have been letting you down a little in this department.
Reinstate my membership as moderator but I dont need as much power as you and Puma.

"Cause there are a lot of intellectuals and you two guys seem to understand their mindset and handle them better.
But I can be good reinforcements and back up support should it be required.

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