Sunday, July 23, 2006

Sunnight Re: .... if they didn't have Israel to pull them together...

Sunnight ~ Hola Sizzlin' Linda! We had a great CASA Meeting. Word about our unique CASA meetings just gradually spreads through word of mouth as they are a refreshing difference from the regular A.A. Meeting format.
The CASA Format is to start with a moment of silnece when we really put our minds at rest, then, we recite the CASA 12-Steps, the 10 Commandments and any group announcements. Then, we 'check in' by going around the room with each of us sharing our name, our poison of choice and our recovery status.
Today at the end of the Meeting, we added a prayer for peace in the Middle East and for the peoples of Lebanon and Israel. A lot of Americans are aware of the general course of events with the thought of the Iraqui insanity in the back of their minds.
Good article that came out today:
Sunday, Jul. 23, 2006: Time for Real Diplomacy:
Viewpoint: Former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brzezinski argues that Secretary Rice must stay in the region as long as it takes - and talk to everyone.
I usually just have CNN on TV as it gives the best news we can get, though, I wish we could get Al-Jazeera Cable.

The pictures of Lebanon really say a lot about what is going on over there.
The Heartbreak of History: Posted Sunday, July 23, 2006
By Fouad Ajami
Love and Peace to You & Littl' Squirt! ~~Peta

Linda Whittaker <> wrote:
Definitely not a people's war. I haven't seen anything like that since the first intafada, which ended with the Oslo agreement. That was a matter of fighting for statehood.
Lebanon is all about ethnic groups and warlords, always has been. They barely understand the concept of a nation, which is why their central government is so weak. Nobody supports it, the original model was set up by colonial powers. It's more like Africa in that respect.
Palestinians did evolve the concept of nationhood during their struggle. However the current conflict is with an extremist religious group that the Palestinians themselves are worried about turning loose, Hamas. However, Hamas has its good points (as I've noted while dodging their efforts to kill me). They are not corrupt, and they have done a lot in providing social services as a private charity. Cannot compare them to Hezbollah, which exists to kill and control.
The ordinary people all round just want to get on with life, make money, send the kids to school, have a better standard of living, get governemt off their backs, pretty much like anyone else. However, both Lebanese and Palestinians lack the concept of community action by private citizens resisting evil. They just try to avoid it, one by one. How different it would be if they had strong trade unions or something like that to pull them together, but as long as the only really functional social unit is the extended family, that will not happen.

"Peter S. Lopez de Aztlan" <> wrote:
Time for my catnap. I'm an old dog.
Sad but true. All my research, readings and stuff keep bringing me back to their fratricide phenomena of those who should be brothers kiling each other off. I could say that the billions of U.S. dollars being thrown around helps, but there is still a kind of war-lords mentality going on over there. There is no typical people's war going on by any means, not with all that random violence and killing of civilians. More later... Love, Peta

Re: Private: Saturday: sabbath: shabbat shalom
Linda Whittaker <> wrote:
You got it, Peter. The only reason Israel still exists is the fact that the opposition is militarily worse than we are, despite outnumbering us 100 to 1. I don't see Arabs liking us any time in the near future, either. And frankly if they didn't have Israel to pull them together, they would be killing each other, as witnessed in the Iran-Iraq conflicts, internal Iraq wars, internal Lebanese wars, etc. With the possible exception of Egypt, it seems like chronic warfare is a way of life for them and they can't imagine life without it. Look at Arab history if you don't believe me. Now that's a real cultural problem.

"Peter S. Lopez de Aztlan" <> wrote:
Saturday Afternoon ~ Going through some changes here, but my continued recovery gets stronger.
I liked that Stratfog bulletin and see so much mere black and white thinking in Internet groups. I think both sides are like major fucking up. Imagine if Hezbollah had far greater military might as Israel does!!!

Peter S. Lopez ~aka Peta
Sacramento, California, Aztlan

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