Tuesday, August 01, 2006

Venceremos! Re: Cesar: Por Vida Para Todos!

Sabado ~ Good to hear from you. No big deal. The word gets around. If you add one, just add Humane-Rights-Agenda Blog. More later.. My computer is down with all my stuff on it, but I am ordering re-store disks from Hewlett-Packard. So I hope to be up and running next week. I am using my friend's now. I got a call on my cell phone from the Hermano that runs the AztlanNet Matrix and he wants me to help with that matrix. Have you seen it?Join Up!
I have been thinking about how we can link up Internet Power, computer literacy and get involved in real literacy programs in our local barrios and communities. The language divide is a real existing division among many of La Raza and one that the Movimiento has long neglected.
Indeed, the harvest is bountiful but the laborers are few.
Liberation Now! ~Peta

Cesar Soriano <cesarsorm@yahoo.com> wrote:
How are you Peta!!

I just realized talking with a friend that I never added a link to your blogs @ detodos-paratodos. My bad. That should be corrected soon.

I hope everything is well, and take care,

----- Original Message ----
From: Peter S. Lopez de Aztlan <sacranative@yahoo.com>
To: Cesar Soriano <cesarsorm@yahoo.com>
Sent: Thursday, June 15, 2006 2:22:34 PM
Subject: Cesar: Por Vida Para Todos!

Thursday ~ Hermano Cesar... I am here POR VIDA! I appreciate you inviting me into the blog in the first place so I can post better than just an Email Blog Post.
I am learning a lot about the immigrant rights movement and see the interconnections to questioning the whole idea of national borders! We need world wide revolution, liberation, freedom!
We have a small group here in Sacramento, but there needs to be more direct work with acutal immigrantes. I find a few at the Salvation Army who are really worried these days and always afraid of deportation. Worse than before the Marhcas!
I love Vida en la Valle from Fresno. Lots of gente there.
I believe we must all walk the talk, integrate theory with practice and take care of our health in general. It is all related.
I am slowly learning Espanol mas bien and that is my shame, but I have done well in Ingles.
Cuando yo soy un nino mi madre dice that I would aprender Espanol later, but being around gente que hablan en ingles todo tiempo es diferente.
Posible necesito un Latina! Pero ahora, no tengo mas tiempo con mi otro responsiblidadfes. Con tiempo y paciencia!
Tu Companero Che Peta

Re: email de detodos-paratodos + IndyMedia
Cesar Soriano <cesarsorm@yahoo.com> wrote:
thanks for the info! and please don't leave us without those great weekly immigration updates :) !!

"Peter S. Lopez de Aztlan" <sacranative@yahoo.com> wrote:
Gracias Hermano Cesar ~ Estoy bien. Aqui nada mas. Un otro LINK para el futuro con actividates aqui en Sacramento.
Report from Sacramento IndyMedia Kick Off Meeting
by Random IMC member
Sunday Jun 11th, 2006 7:34 PM
50 Gathered for Sacramento IndyMedia Training at Access Sacramento.

Great turnout to the Sac IndyMedia potluck and training. The food was great, so was the training. As one participant said, "they came for the food, and stayed for the training'. 'This was an incredible experience,' said another. Participants learned to publish stories. Many committed to tell friends and family about this meeting, and coming to future one.

Comments (Hide Comments)

by sacto
Sunday Jun 11th, 2006 9:27 PM
actually it was more like 1,000 people. everyone go home and post a story!
Sacra Indy Media Kick Off
by Peter S. Lopez
( sacranative [at] yahoo.com ) Sunday Jun 11th, 2006 11:55 PM
It was good presentation put on by the IndyMedia folks and I am sure this will help greatly improve communications among humane activists in Sacramento. My main beat is working with the homeless, especially homeless addicts. It was good to see a few friends there and all in all it was a great evening.
by monica
Monday Jun 12th, 2006 6:41 AM
it was great to have so many good people in one spot. this is just stirring the pot. expect more great things to come from this group.

Cesar Soriano <cesarsorm@yahoo.com> wrote:
Que ondas compita,

Ojal� todo est� bien contigo y en general por all� en Sacrastl�n.

Creo que no te hab�a avisado que he tenido que cambiar un par de veces el email para publicaci�n autom�tica en el blog detodos-paratodos por que ya nos estaba llegando spam.... Cada que lo cambio lo actualizo en el blog, o sea que el que diga el blog ser� siempre el vigente.

The current email for auto-posting is

Take care and good luck with everything!
Your friend C�sar

Peter S. Lopez ~aka Peta
Sacramento, California, Aztlan
Email: sacranative@yahoo.com

Peter S. Lopez ~aka Peta
Sacramento, California, Aztlan
Email: sacranative@yahoo.com

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