Tuesday, November 06, 2007

11-6-07: A Moving Creative Balance

Tuesday, October 11, 2007 @7:31 PM

I generally strive to write honestly in my open journal in order to keep a record of 'a day in the life' for me, share with anyone else who is interested in what I am journaling and hopefully give others bold courage to get involved in journaling on a regular basis themselves.

Many people are deeply afraid to reveal themselves to others in many ways for different reasons. Many are afraid to really open up and let others see them as they really are or are they perceive themselves to be on a subjective level. We may not always actually be who we think we are in objective connected reality. The goal is to raise consciousness to a higher level of knowledge and self-understanding by bringing up what is going on in our subconscious up to a higher conscious level so that we can continue to strive upward in our spiritual growth and heal ourselves on the inside of our soul from the wounds we have suffered growing up in this sick inhumane society.

It is in our personal intimate relationships and the many interactions that we have in them that we actually get to know ourselves better in order not to confuse our direct experiences with cosmic truth. We learn by sharing our 'inner self' with others to whom are close to in our private lives so that our inner self and our outer self becomes more and more in harmony as we unite with the universe, yet retain our individual uniqueness. A good healthy life is a moving creative balance.








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Thus, I am an advocate of journaling and ~ for posterity including those coming up behind me ~ online journaling.

I truly believe that we are as sick as our well guarded secrets and these secrets can become heavyweight burdens that weigh us down and haunt our communications and relationships with others. Use common sense and be practical in all your affairs. This does not mean to reveal secrets that it is more realistic to keep hidden as secrets. It does NOT mean letting go of all those secrets that we need to safeguard for safety issues or security reasons. It does mean being honest, open and willing to share with others our personal experiences in ways that will help them and us. All this sharing will help in building up our own self-esteem and encourage others to reveal to the world who are we on the inside, that is, our innermost thoughts, wonders and true feelings. We do not have to be perfect, but we do need to be true to ourselves, true to our own truth and trufhful in all our relations.

Related Information:
Top Ten Tips from a Blog Addict: By Jessica Northrop

1. If you're not tech-savvy, don't worry about it! Blogging interfaces like Blogger, Typepad, and LiveJournal make it easy to set up a blog in less than 10 minutes. However, if you want to do any customization, HTML knowledge is a must. Do a little research and start learning those basic HTML tags!

2. If you wish to remain anonymous, do not create an obvious blogger ID (i.e. your name, a well-known nickname, etc.) that will be easy for people to find if they look you up in a search engine.

3. Find your online niche and your online "voice." Many bloggers write entries that are a mix of personal anecdote and commentary on anything from pop culture to politics. To really draw readership, you have to figure out your writing voice and stick to it. You'll develop reader loyalty with consistency, and you'll come out on top of the heap if you can figure out what makes your blog different (and more entertaining) than the others.

4. Remember that blogging is fast becoming a valid media source. Bloggers such as Wonkette and Matt Drudge have broken incredibly important stories by getting the facts and blogging them for the world to see. If you're looking to be the next Connie Chung, blogging may be good practice. But just like in any journalistic venture, integrity is key. If you do go the j-blog (journalistic blog) route, treat it as you would a freelance writing piece. Always make sure your sources are credible, the facts are correct and your writing style reflects your inner professional. If you want people to take your breaking news seriously, poor copy riddled with typos is not the way to put your best foot forward.

5. Try and blog on a regular basis. Not only is it great writing practice, but if you develop a readership they are going to be looking for fresh content at least once a week.

6. Read other people's blogs to get a feel for what the "blogosphere" is like. There are a lot of interesting people out there with a lot of interesting things to say. What makes you different? Reading other blogger's work is a great way to figure that out.

7. Include links whenever possible. If you reference a past blog entry that is in your archive, find the link and include it so new readers won't be in the dark. If you're talking about the hottest new website or a cool Flash game, then provide your readers with a link so they don't have to do a websearch just to find out what you're talking about.

8. Some bloggers make their killing on gossip, but unless you're a mover and shaker in a major metropolitan area, don't try to be one of them. Make an attempt to protect identities in your blog--it's an unwelcome surprise for your friends to be surfing the web and come across a detailed description of their drunken behavior at your last party, posted for all the world to see. Create aliases for frequent characters in your entries or refer to people in general terms, especially if you have something less than sweet to say. A blog is not a weapon to hurt people with.

9. If you're at a loss for what to blog about, there are plenty of resources to help you. Writing prompts are a great place to start. The Internet is full of resources for writers that offer daily writing prompts, journaling prompts, and story starters. The blogging world also refers to "memes," or contagious ideas or patterns of information, that many bloggers will adopt and write about. It's not a meme until everyone's doing it!

10. Have fun! Blogging is an incredibly unique way to harness the power and scope of the Internet and make your voice heard. Blogging is what you make of it--just don't forget to make it work for you.

Related Links: http://www.journalinglife.com/jl-links.html


Weekly journaling exercises, (4 year archive and current exercises), journaling from inspirational books and a sample of collage journaling (5 collages to create)... this is a neat site!

Join this website for information on Christian journaling for the single person. There is an excellent ebook there as well, called 101 Sadness Busters for Singles... check it out!

Cindy has recently published a book titled: "Journaling for Women: Write, Doodle, Scribe! And Meet yourself up close!" Go and take a look!

Just a Cloud Away is a support website providing gardens, crafts and healing scrapbook kits for early pregnancy and infant loss. This is a lovely website to help parents to journal and remember the little time that they had with their children before they were called home.

This site is designed to provide resources for theological education and dialogue and journaling resources are a large part of what the site offers. The editor has been journaling for over 30 years and the process has made a profound and lasting impact on her life.

A wonderful way for Christians to journal using an inspiring software package that helps organize and prompt daily prayers and journal entries! Go check it out!


Interesting website that you might like to check out!

Award winning personal journal software for you to write, reflect, record and review in a secure and private environment. Free DOWNLOAD for a Demo!!! Be sure to check this out.


A great website to help encourage your Christian faith and journaling to a strong foundation of faith. Based on the LifeJournal.com software!

This site specializes in one of a kind handmade journals and they are STUNNING! Beautiful leather, handstamped and tooled. Traditional methods of working with natural materials make these journals beautiful to behold.


Daily Journal Enties to focus on the highlights of your child's day. A delightful family journaling software product that you should really take a good look at!

If it's about scrapbooking.... you'll find it here at Scrapjazz. THE place on the web for all things scrappy!


A great place to find all sorts of information about journaling and scrapbooking

Explore and Express Your Creativity - in many ways!

The Secret Diary (about the history/practice of journaling)

These pages are dedicated to starting, developing, and maintaining journals and diaries. Contains a Muse Pages section which are sources of journal writing inspiration.


Guide suggests ways of creating a spiritual journal and provides an example of one. Includes links to spiritual conferences and thoughts.

Collaborative effort seeks to preserve memories of early online journals. Read personal recollections, articles, or learn how to get involved.


Read this article to find out how to set and achieve goals by writing in a journal. Follow 6 steps to a new you.

Three-part article recounts writer's experience with starting up an online journal. Provides information on Web rings, site hosting, HTML, and graphics tools

Express yourself in a safe, private, and secure online space and let your own words empower you to make positive changes in your life. Write your daily feelings, thoughts, dreams and hopes in your customized and password-protected journal.

  • +Peta-de-Aztlan+ An Open Journal=

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