Sunday, November 11, 2007

Reply to Major Mary: Report: Homeless In Sacramento!

Sunday Morning, November 11, 2007 @7:17 AM

Greetings Major Mary~

Blog Link to Original Report: Homeless in Sacramento!

I do appreciate your response and to know you are alive and well on this cold, cloudy Sunday morning. You have your Church services this morning and I have my CASA 12-Steps Meeting this evening.

We always do worry about you when you journey out of country, though we know the Lord watches your every step and guides your way safely through the wilderness of these times.

Being a Republican you have always been in support of Bush and his Oval Office Cabal. I think much of it is patriotic on your part and not endoring evildoings. Not speaking out against Evildoers can be a form of silent compliance with their undertakings that make glad the gloomy undertaker. Fuhrer Bush is evil, plain and simple. He and his ilk have caused great harm, death and destruction to many people on a global scale and must be opposed by all humane beings with a clear mind and pure heart.

I do NOT believe in the dictum of My Country Right or Wrong or our government right or wrong. Right is right, wrong is wrong. Good is good and evil is evil.

Isaiah 5:20
Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!

Isaiah 32:7
The instruments also of the churl are evil: he deviseth wicked devices to destroy the poor with lying words, even when the needy speaketh right.

I know that working at the Salvation Army in what is ultimately an Emergency Shelter for the homeless has a tendency to constantly radicalize me as I search for solutions for the problems to help end the horrors of homelessness. Our meager resources always outstrip our vast humane needs.

Then I turn around and see the the whole Iraq-nam War at a monetary cost of nearly a trillion dollars and know that we must all pay for that insane war in many ways, including the phsycail costs, the spiritual costs, the political costs and the endangering of all of us decent folks.

I love much of what I see at the shelter when we help people and the happy beauty I see when someone leaves dangling their 'home' key in front of them with smiling happiness on their faces. We do what we can with the little we have and it is God's amazing grace that helps us make it through each day.

I believe that much of it is a matter of helping to heal the wounded souls with love, compassion and spiritual education. Plus, teaching them how to fish for themselvs and empowering their natural life-energies.

However, the Salvation Army itself is really conservative in these radical times of transition. A while back Director Elizabeth called me into their office to let me know that as an Employee I cannot partake of any kind of political-related presentations at a public forum, though, I never have. However, I do speak my mind as a humane being no matter what the situation as ultimately all this is a matter between me and my Maker. not mere mortals.

VOA is a lot more liberal and without the burden of tradition that TSA on it. Yet, if we look at some of the revolutionary writings of General Booth a different profile emerges.

This is an extract from his last public address given on May 9th 1912:
While women weep as they do now, I'll fight; while little children go hungry as they do now, I'll fight; while men go to prison, in and out, in and out, as they do now, I'll fight; while there is a drunkard left, while there is a poor lost girl on the streets, while there remains one dark soul without the light of God, I'll fight – I'll fight to the very end.
Blessings for the Holidays! More will be revealed!
Lovingly ~ Your Servant Peter S. Lopez
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ wrote:

I appreciate you and agree that Sacramento needs affordable housing,programs to help the homeless help themselves , and immediate attention by those in power in this community to get folks out of the coming cold weather. Thank God the overflow program has begun early but it is still just a bandaid on a festering wound.

However, with all due respect I take issue with your language describing our President and the very unfair comparison with Hitler and his regime. My Mother was born in Holland and her people suffered greatly during WW2. Believe me, what the German fanatics did to Jews and others who befriended them as well as those they considered unfit has no resemblance to our local or Federal govt leaders. It gives me great sorrow to see and hear the hatred in the hearts of those who oppose our present President. Hate talk, like this, never solves our problems.Name calling only clouds the real issue and that is each one of us must do what ever God calls us to do to alleviate human suffering. Change always begins in "our own backyard"

I would like to see TSA do much more and get into transitional housing programs and am happy, our shirttail relatives , the VOA are covering a lot of ground in this regard.

Trust you will take this email in the spirit in which it is written. You believe in freedom of speech and so do I

A companion in the care of our friends , the homeless and hurting,

Major Mary.


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