Thursday, September 02, 2010

September 02, 2010 ~ Thursday

@6:31 AM ~ Got up around 5 AM. Feel pretty good, did some Tweeting and a little Facebook. I am a great advocate of social media for a variety of purposes and reasons. I have a great interest in general education for people, including helping to raise the level of consciousness in people so that they have a better understanding of what is, what is going on in the world and how they can change life for the better.

I am a revolutionist in relation to the present fascist power structure inside the United States, that is, I believe that a strong democratic socialist revolution is the ultimate solution for the masses of the people. We must position ourselves in power and in control of state power in order to bring about fundamental transformation inside the United States and throughout the world. Thus, the ultimate aim of revolutionary consciousness today is the seizure of state power by the masses of the people and led by vanguard elements.

@9:10 AM ~ Joined a new Yahoo Group yesterday ~ about Callings ~ a book by Gregg Levoy

My First Post there~

Greetings All ~ I read Callings last year and it came at a time in my life when
I was wondering about my own mission in life. I was seeking to have a clearer
understanding as to why I was on the path with heart that I am on. After reading
Callings I had a lot more clearer path before me. I realized that even if others
may not heed their callings that I must follow mine in order to be authentic to
my true self.

Yesterday, by coincidence or synchronicity, I was Laid Off from my work at a
Counselor-Case Manager at the local Salvation Army Emergency Shelter for
homeless domestic refugees after nearly four years. I called the place Camp
Chaos. The shelter there is switching more to Emergency Shelter for those who
are ill and homeless leaving the local hospitals. Local hospitals will pay for
their stay there and County funds are drying up for local shelters. Thus, I felt
a real sense of relief as my working there was a calling in the first place.

Now I am free to heed other callings in my life, know that sometimes our
following our true callings can be difficult, but my spirit is fine knowing that
I am on a path with heart.

Namaste, Peta-de-Aztlan

11:03 PM ~ A few notes before sleeptime. I re-met an good ol' dear friend of mine named Steven M. at the Rite-Aid downtown. We go back to the late 60's. He was once the head of the BSU (Black Student Union) at Sac High while I was involved with other political-cultural activities. He lives up in Mt. Shasta now and invited me up there for a respite from stuff here in Sacramento. Maybe sometime before Winter. We will see.

Did not do much today. Went to Vitamin World on the Mall and got some supplies of a couple of Vitamins I really dig and other stuff. David Letterman Show is on right now. Before I was usually falling to sleep around this time. So man I am really living it up now, especially after my big bowl of ice creams. Plus, I have some Diet PEPSI left still. My littl' party is really going on now! For us... smile.

At times goes by I will try to keep posting here at least once a day. After all, I have told many people about the value of doing a Spiritual Journal. One should practice what one preaches. Night All and One!


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