Monday, November 22, 2010

Blogpost: November 22, 2010 - Monday/Lunes

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11-22-2010 ~ Monday/Lunes
It was another quiet day for me in my Aztlan Sanctuary. As usual, I was mainly on the Internet posting Tweets on Twitter and onto Facebook. For awhile I worked out some, then in the afternoon went to my favorite little store, the SPCA Thrift Store and browsed around. Met a sister I knew from before, she is in her own place nearby and wants me to go visit her. I just consider her a friend, there is no intimacy going on now. Men need to learn how to be good friends with women. A loving relationship should first be based upon a genuine friendship. Besides, I am glad to see formerly homeless refugees back in their own place.

I Emailed the Director of Salvation Army for shelter and social services, Elizabeth Hudson, to see if I can get a reprieve and help with getting an assessment for the HPRP Program to help me with my rent for a month or so. HPRP stands for Homeless Prevention and Re-housing Program.

So many people in the world I live in have basic concerns, worries and anxieties revolving around being able to meet their basic survival needs; not tripped out on flying around the country or deciding what kind of Christmas presents they want to get. We are just trying to survive in the real world.

A lot Americans are tripping on TSA, airport scanners and Homeland Security checks. Corporate media often gives us a false narrow sliver of a picture as to what is going on. No one I personally know has to worry about any airport drama trauma because they cannot even afford an airplane ticket. Many are happy to be able to make it across town on the RT Light Rail train via Regional Transit and do not have a car. Then, I live right by the new skid row here in Sacramento, California. Different lives, different life conditions.

We need to re-examine and look at what we generally label as homelessness and homeless people. What first brought about that homeless condition? What kind of social factors were in operation?

In a way, homeless people inside the United States are our domestic refugees ~ they are fleeing into the streets because of objective economic conditions in their lives that ends up in with their being in a state of homelessness. They are fleeing into the streets because of a dyfunctional society, an unresponsive governmental system and in many cases because of their own fault or failure to correctly respond to objective changing social circumstances. One of the core reasons why people become homeless is because of low or no self-esteem on one level or another to one degree or another. Many of us are just trying to make it through the day, just trying to meet our own basic survival needs and sometimes we lack the wherewithal to meet our own basic survival needs, including in the area of being able to keep shelter from living outside as homeless refugees under a cruel and unjust government that fails to help meet the needs of the people over whom the system is suppose to govern. The government has its priorities upside down, it is controlled by big corporations who together compose the ruling class in this now corporate-controlled class society.

We are now living under a mature authoritarian fascist society. Once we accept this basic premise of mine about the present existence of fascism inside the United States, then the situation in the 'nation' becomes more clear in our consciousness so that we can better understand why life is as it is inside the United States.

The U.S. Government is spending billions upon billions on so-called military defense ~ actually military offense against small poor countries, such as, Afghanisnam and Pakistan. There are three levels of fascism: at its core there is a relatively small but powerful ruling class composed of corporate capitalists, that is, corporate circles of executive boards who rule over corporations; then we have a core central government on the Federal Level that maintains the whole system with a rigged political system dominated by the two-headed monster of the Democratic Party and the Republican Party, along with the whole electoral collage system; underneath it all, in order to protect this whole corrupt fascist-imperialist system, we have the biggest military machine in human history!

We all need to do what we can, seeing connected reality as it really is and raise our cosmic consciousness to the level of at least seeing and admitting what we see on a global level in relation to what I term 'connected reality'. One thing about reality is that it has a habit of sticking around. It is a matter of us being able to comprehend connected reality and figuring out how we can change it for the better by working together as one human family of humanity. Am I being naive here? I think not.

I believe in the power of the people and the potential power of the people to transform the world, to topple the Evil Amerikan Empire and to create a new world where people work together, play together and come together in the name of love, harmony and unity. Venceremos! ~ Che Peta

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Follow Peter S Lopez!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Ancient Cosmic Being Who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Let us come together to help create a Peaceful Revolution! Get Involved! Take Action Now!
from Sacramento, CA
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Be in love with your being wherever you are upon Mother Earth ~Namaste, Che Peta
@BE_PURE Thank you for your Favor. You are a good woman and good mother. @Peta_de_Aztlan Nite-Sweet Dreams Sister
VIA @PutUp_OrShutUp: Mexican Drug Cartel Gaining More Control: “... heavy with the blood of innocent people.” >
Decent jobs are getting so hard to find ~one must have a variety of tools, skills and talents to make it through these times.
@sarakh7 @BE_PURE Good Tweeting with both of you ~New Age is in the main Ancient Wisdom ~age wisely with grace into Elderhood
Of course, our personal opnions and value systems are in the main the results of our limited personal experiences.
@BE_PURE I know.. because you are a natural Mother ~so many men like making babies but have failed as fathers.
Interesting ~RT @sarakh7: Turmeric Mask recipe
True ~RT @BE_PURE: Our judgment and conditioning, rooted in a number of -isms often leads to missed opportunities to heal and build.
@BE_PURE: @sarakh7 Suspect it is a matter of both mothers and fathers reclaiming parenthood ~accepting mutual responsibility
@sarakh7 @BE_PURE Ways of ancestors still survive because they work well, esp. with adaptations. from Sacramento, CA
@BE_PURE @sarakh7 That is really reassuring to me. Worry about youth/children in my hood ~many predators ~lost/found
VIA @Pairsonnalites: Mexican Senators Want To Renegotiate Drug Cartel Treaty with U.S. >
VIA @globalnews4u: Australian police smash $400 million drug cartel ~34 people + seized 6,000 cannabis plants >
VIA @sabreakingnews: Drug Cartel Smashed in Australia > ~tip of iceberg... more to come ~demand/supply
VIA @sweis: Mexican Drug Cartel Social Network Visualization >
@ungaro Group is mainly based out of Los Angeles Area ~I post articles there etc. #networkAztlanNews #Mexico
@BE_PURE Don't remember last time I saw mosquitos ~Sacramento weather cold now #lifeinthecaribbean
@Wuxia Internet Power coupled with Mobile Phones ~texting ~literacy ~exponential development in global communications
@iamTaylorr Try light Yoga ~meditation in fromt of a few candles ~watch for fire ~you can OCD on that! ;->~~
@Wuxia It is no exaggeration that Internet Power has transformed human/gov't relations on a global scale. #FreeInternet
@ungaro Hell, War in Afghan! Big Money! Drugs=Opium! And let us not forget the Silk Road!
RT @sarakh7: Its perfectly okay to affirm your own loveliness. It's absolutely necessary in such a non-affirming world.
@ungaro I would not get shocked if USA sends in troops into Northern Mexico sooner or later. War happens! Big money! Drugs!!
akvet Ken Jones PhD by Peta_de_Aztlan
The dimensions of this combat PTSD, especially because of our Guard and reserve forces being called up, affect virtually every community
akvet Ken Jones PhD by Peta_de_Aztlan
Local efforts don't have to be crisis interventions. It can be simple things like posting local area resources for families.
akvet Ken Jones PhD by Peta_de_Aztlan
Just found this post about what churches can do to support troops, veterans, and their families locally
akvet Ken Jones PhD by Peta_de_Aztlan
Excellent resource for HR folks and employers to understand issues and assist in hiring veterans
from Sacramento, CA
@JAHnessa That's right ~Checked Your Bio again ~Louisiana's Gulf Coast ~Blessings to You Love!
Mexico: Doctor Mistakenly Killed by Police Seeking Assassins > ~Quess I'll cancel my Mexican Vacation!
VFPNational Veterans For Peace by Peta_de_Aztlan
Support VFP this holiday!
AJEnglish Al Jazeera English by Peta_de_Aztlan
US urged to probe torture claims: New UN expert on torture says US must conduct full investigation into detainee...
VFPNational Veterans For Peace by Peta_de_Aztlan
From Tom Hayden: A Petition Against Four More Years of War
Stand Up With Veterans 4 Peace @VFPNational ~!/VFPNational ~ ~Follow! from Sacramento, CA
Watching Half-Circle TV Program about 'issues' related to U.S. Veterans and services, esp. homeless vets in rural areas!
@_iLoveBee Curious. Is it OCD or premonition about car accident? Past experience/s?
@papakelt Using TweetDeck ~U create Column with Search: TOPIC ~TweetDeck see Twitter Platform ~C U on Twitter via Web
@JAHnessa Wonder how many people think about Gulf Of Mexico Oil Spill now? Memories fade away into the distance with time.
VIA @gallantfew: Major General Speaks Out About His PTSD Battle > ~
VIA @craftivista: Learning (while procrastinating) about elephants ~how they show symptoms of PTSD: Amazing.
@papakelt Twitter has almost instantaneous Tweets on hot news items ~key in Search is relevant words.
@papakelt Had Search column: Spiritual Warfare ~ Sometimes just experiment with topics people are Tweeting on ~gotta get a life!
@heidiko44 Save the fly! Who knows what kind of fly s/he has had to go through? Which incarnation now? ;->~~
RT @BPGulfLeak: Gulf supplies 30% of all seafood in US... not being properly tested for toxic chemicals poured into GOM this summer.
@HolyGhostPrayer #Spiritual #Warfare comes to fruition on physical plane ~involves using Power of Truth in life, no fear.
RT @RaYBaSHMin: In Spiritual Warfare there is no shame in retreating, regrouping, reevaluating, reassessing....
@Eviru Curious. What library was it? Sounds fascist and reactionary to me, but then we're in Amerika! from Sacramento, CA
dresdencodak Aaron Diaz by Peta_de_Aztlan
Quit hassling animals, they are doing the best they can.
RT @Eviru: Library privileges revoked when i tried check out Guerrilla Warfare~Che Guevara & terrorist classic Urban Guerrilla. hmm...
VIA @SustainLiteracy: India~ Guerrilla Urban Planning Meets Resistance > ~Don't lick your chops!
TreeHugger by Peta_de_Aztlan
Water Supply in CA Town Contaminated with Toxic Chemical Used to Make Explosives
TreeHugger by Peta_de_Aztlan
Breaking the Law to Make Streets Greener? 8 Smart Guerrilla Urban Improvements
The Two Most Essential, Abhorrent, Intolerable Lies Of George W. Bush's Memoir > via @huffingtonpost
Long Live the Web! A Call for Continued Open Standards and Neutrality~by Tim Berners-Lee>
"The Web is now more critical to free speech than any other medium." ~Tim Berners-Lee
Tim Berners-Lee: Facebook Threatens Web, Beware ~Worth checking out~Peta
NYTimesOnline NY TIMES by Peta_de_Aztlan
Irish Leader to Dissolve Government After Budget - Prime Minister Brian Cowen of Ireland vowed to stay in power long...
RT @palestine: Palestinians eyeing one Palestinian state, poll finds - Jewish Telegraphic Agency ~
Change ~ Help Create Change ~ Good Change ~ Start a Movement ~Start Revolution ~Start something!!! >
VIA @endhumantraffic: #Trafficking Survivor and #Activist Calls for #Justice for Sara Kruzan >
RT @chinanewsforum: American Teenage Activist Appeals on Tiananmen Square: ~Great idea -Wrong place!
@OxyConservative Think the whole country is getting nuttier + Holidays stress setting in! #p2
RT @ChaelMontgomery: PhysOrg: Netflix shares soar on new streaming-only plan #TAF #TFB ~I got Netflix
VIA @edwardvirtually ~Body Scanner Operator Caught Masturbating at Colorado Airport > ~
@Jah_Empress Yes, we must not forget our collective impact on connected reality via our forms of communication online and offline!
"Man's capacity for justice makes democracy possible; but man's inclination to injustice makes democracy necessary." ~Reinhold_Niebuhr
RT @indiancountry: ‘The Last Indian War. … The Nez Perce Story’ by Elliott West- ~
VIDEO ~9:31~ Black Agenda Report Morning Shot 11.17.10: Who Got Game? ~!
@MissAbsinthe We should remember that Spiritual Qualities that embolden people are factors in our collective struggles.
Psycho-Babbling Obama VIA Black Agenda Report ~
RT @theblacklist: Poet/activist Returns Home to West Oakland
Remember: Don Miguel Ruiz's Four Agreements > ~
@MissAbsinthe Actually the bro was wrong. We have many tools. Many lack courage, coordination and organization. #Fascism
Lest we forget ~ Complete Serenity Prayer ~ Take time to CLICK >
RT @AfghanistanDocu: WAPO: Afghan refugees disheartened by U.S. presence.
RT @AfghanistanDocu: NEW VIDEO: Stop Drone Strikes Outside of War Zones #Afghanistan #Pakistan
RT @indiancountry: Baker-Shenk and Boylan: The impact of the 2010 election on Indian tribes-
RT @AshevilleJungCt: "Both dreams and myths are important communications from ourselves to ourselves. " ~Erich Fromm
LINK VIA @EddieOlmos on Facebook ~The Beatles ~February 11, 1964~ ~Break time!
Gibbs: Concerns over body scans will be considered > ~Collectively we make big difference!
RT @BE_PURE: All I ask is that you CHECK YOURSELVES and recognize, severity and the urgency of the problem. We have our babies OUT there.
@ungaro 1st got other day, was removed by Facebook ~found it today ~re-posted on My Profile Facebook ~#Elder
@ungaro Yes! At 59-Earth years I feel more of the power of resistance than ever! ~#elders
Activist occupy oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico | Greenpeace International:
RT @crguerra1: Activist occupy oil rig in the Gulf of Mexico | Greenpeace International
RT @Elissar: "There is no hope left for achieving significant reform... through established mechanisms of power." —Chris Hedges
RT @Elissar: "We have no tools left within the power structure in our fight to halt unchecked corporate pillage." #corp
RT @Elissar: "...the public, enchanted by electronic hallucinations, remains passive and supine." —Chris Hedges
Power and the Tiny Acts of Rebellion~By Chris Hedges ~ ~
105-year-old anti-war activist Hetty Bower still marching for peace via ~RT from Sacramento, CA
VIDEO ~0:50~ Hetty Bower, 105, and still marching for peace StoptheWarCoalition > ~Eureka!!!
IronManRecords Mark IronManRecords by Peta_de_Aztlan
Official Site - Leonard Peltier Defense Offense Committee
IronManRecords Mark IronManRecords by Peta_de_Aztlan
Incident at Oglala - The Leonard Peltier Story
Lord let us pray that we have the courage to always stand up for the truth and hold high the banner of liberation for all! from Sacramento, CA
@Peepsqueak What is the mystery of being a mystic? Is it a magical magnetism that generates inner truth?
Peepsqueak Connie Handscomb by Peta_de_Aztlan
Take a Stand Against Monsanto. Really. Now is the time /via @KarenSloan
persianbanoo Persian Banoo by Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @mardomak ترجمه فارسي متن کامل پيش‌نويس قطعنامه مجمع عمومي سازمان ملل در مورد وضعيت حقوق بشر در ايران #Iranelection
DianeN56 Diane Neff by Peta_de_Aztlan
Wow! Incredible photos from @NatGeoSociety photo contest. This one particularly touches our heart: RT @OurOcean
@Peta_de_Aztlan: Blogpost: November 21, 2010 - Sunday/Domingo: ~Venceremos! from Sacramento, CA
Let us pray that we hold onto our faith in the #Creator, in the masses of people and in ourselves as #humane beings.
Let us pray for the Liberation of Our Warrior Leonard Peltier and all humane beings who are caged without fair justice. #FreeLeonard
Tweet 2 Followers: Download ~TweetDeck> ~Browser> @Peta_de_Aztlan
Tweet 2 Followers: Download for Photos> ~Picasa > @Peta_de_Aztlan
Tweet 2 Followers: Free Software Downloads and Software Reviews >
Ya Basta! Enough! Freedom for Leonard Peltier should be a key element of the Progressive Radical Agenda in America #FreePeltier
Free Leonard Peltier Now! ~!/LeonardPeltier Share On Facebook & Twitter
Let us pray that we communicate to the external world with clarity, purpose and practical wisdom. from Sacramento, CA
Let us pray that we are thankful for the simplest blessing in our lives, not bitter about what we do not have.
Let us pray that we see the unity in ourselves as triune beings and seek good loving unity with all of humankind.
Let us pray that we learn to take our time, to make our time and to use our lifetime with practical wisdom.
Let us pray for inspiration from above our consciousness to stimulate our souls with good positive energy.
Peepsqueak Connie Handscomb by Peta_de_Aztlan
#EcoMonday > Could turning downtrodden Detroit's empty lots into farms revitalize the whole town? /via @inhabitat
indigenous_news Ahni by Peta_de_Aztlan
All the toothpicks in the world could never hope to accomplish what one simple tree could do with ease.
Let us pray for a productive week, esp. those of us who week a decent job in hard times.
from Sacramento, CA
"The meeting of two personalities is like the contact of two chemical substances; if there is any reaction, both are transformed.”~Carl Jung
RT @palestine: Despite Convicted of the Use of a Human Shield, Israeli Soldiers Receive Lenient Sentencing
RT @ActivistPost: Is Slavery Legal In America?
RT @_NealeDWalsch: Bring a gentle wisdom to your moments. Watch it change them. Watch it change you.
RT @counterplot: #infowars - Passenger Chooses Strip-Down Over Pat-Down #newworldorder
RT @truthout: The New War Congress: An Obama-Republican War Alliance? #Truthout #p2 #p2b
RT @democracynow: #9/11 settlement, interview w author Anthony DePalma, "City of Dust: Illness, Arrogance and 9/11."
RT @persianbanoo: Journalist Zaynab Kazemkhah has been sentenced to 4 months in prison & 5 yrs suspended sentence #Iranelection
RT @EmergentCulture: RT Iraq war veteran walks across USA to help comrades in need @NorthwestFire:
RT @palestine: Palestinian Worker Shot by Israeli police in Ashkelon
Welcoem to All Our New Co-Creators of Streams of Consciousness on Twitter! Will try to respond to Comments & Questions! @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>November 22, 2010_Lunes<+>Buenos Dias Familia!~Good Morning Family! Create your day with courageous compassion! @Peta_de_Aztlan <+>from Sacramento, CA
U.S. Budget Deficit almost 14 (Fourteen) Trillions Dollars ~ Got Loose Change? @Peta_de_Aztlan


Twitter Link~

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