Thursday, January 20, 2011

1-20-2001-Thursday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
1-20-2001-Thursday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
»!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez ~ @Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Peace, Truth & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party! Help Others!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @mae37: B R E A T H E ~@lovepeaceunity
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Prayers for Inner Peace and Love! ~Namaste, Che Peta @Peta_de_Aztlan
Echo: Healing the divided mind that wounds the world ~Interview with Anthony Lawlor, Architect:
Get serious! Join the HumanE Liberation Party via HELP-Matrix >
All Co-Creators: Save a Click. I do not require or desire a Thank You for a mere ReTweet. I value your time and attention. Love, Peta
@openmythsource I people are Following each other we can Direct Message each other. Prefer Tweets to be of general understanding.
@eren_snchz Hell this is probably just going out to cyberspace. Am Writing stuff more and Tweeting less. I prefer Feedback.
@eren_snchz I like the idea of a DREAM Activist. I work online with
@eren_snchz I figure since I suspect certain fascist fanatics know my contact Info. my Followers can too. I am not hiding. I have no fear.
@eren_snchz Contact Info= ~Email:
@eren_snchz So I am accessible via Internet and am actually quite hospitable in person when I have company. Deceptions are weird.
@eren_snchz OK. You know I post my Facebook Profile from time to time ~plus post all My Tweets for the day after midnight...more
Echo:Four Agreements: #1~Be Impeccable With Your Word #2~Don’t Take Everything Personally #3~Don’t Make Assumptions #4~Do Your Best
#China, Human Rights and the Role of Washington: A Debate ~ VIA @democracynow
6:23 PM ~Time for me to make a little dinner. Sometimes I eat too late at night.
@lurainpenny Maybe a little prudish ~we need to liberate people in all areas, including their natural sensuality. My focus is more social.
@lurainpenny ~No you are not prurient ~pru·ri·ent/ˈpro͝orēənt/ Adjective: Having or encouraging an excessive interest in sexual matters.
@lurainpenny Now you're going to get me Googling prurient ~be back
@tigerswillfly Did you see the Video in the Link? Many kinds of what I term Energy Vampires.~
@lurainpenny I could care less about 'déclassé' ~It was your post! We need to be able to discuss sexual matters without beng prudish.
BOOK: #Mexico's Revolution Then and Now by James D Cockcroft:
@lurainpenny Thought you might show 3D of a vibrating vagina next!
What Are the U.S.'s Real Motives for Launching a Drug War in #Mexico? By James Cockcroft ~
RT @ThinkMexican: "Mexicans confront a 'social war' disguised as a fight against narcotraffic." #drugwar
RT @CSMnational: Mafia arrests: Four of the most famous mob busts in history
RT @CSMnational: Hu Jintao bristles: Back off on Tibet and Taiwan
We are mid-stream in POTUS Obama's 1st Term? Who is going to Vote for him #2012? Please give me #Feedback!
Echo: Who's The Emotional Vampire In Your Life? via @huffingtonpost ~Energy Vampires!!!
@JudithOrloffMD Tweeted and Blogged that some time back ~Beware of Energy Vampires! ~
RT @JudithOrloffMD: How to deal with a chronic talker or drama queen. Read my blog and share:
@Le_DeesseJaana Sally's to me means Local Salvation Army Emergency Shelter ~old nickname for that non-profit org
7/20/2009 ~Census Bureau: Here’s Who Voted in 2008:
FYI: FIVE million more Americans Voted 2008 Elections than in 2004 ~add 2 million Blacks ~2 million Latinos ~600,000 Asians
Check it out~VIA @bigthink: What do we know about Autism?
VIA @InspiringAlways: One must maintain a little bittle of summer, even in the middle of winter. ~Henry David Thoreau #Peace
RT @mediajustice: Check out Media Alliance's new animation video on net neutrality #mediajustice
AZ State Insane! VIA @truthout: Arizona Legislature Seeks to Nullify International Laws #Peace
RT @AJEnglish: China's President Hu upbeat on global economy ~tells US business leaders world recovering...
Wanted by the FBI ~Let's get perverted perverts off the streets of Sacramento ~look/see 1st:
Homeless programs in Sacramento area to receive millions in federal funds - ~Sacramento Bee:
@koffiekommie Redevelopment is a major force and player in our inner big cities. Very unnoticed by masses. Real estate.
@koffiekommie Early Sacra rich folks lived here ~moved on ~split houses into apts ~then gov't wiped out lots of them ~progress?
The edge is living a spiritual life without the fracturing influence of dogma or self-righteousness. ~ @AnthonyLawlor
@koffiekommie Barrio Cinco is a sector in Downtown Sacramento ~oldest barrio in Sacramento ~over decades composition has changed.
I don’t create the sacred, I acknowledge its presence and remove what hides our perception of it. For me, the sacred is the whole of life.
Actual wholeness is found in the silent awareness behind out thoughts, words and actions. ~ @AnthonyLawlor
Holistic design is important because it assists in healing the divided mind that wounds the world. ~ @AnthonyLawlor
For me, wholeness is found in the stillness of silent awareness plus the totality of creation. ~ @AnthonyLawlor
"I seek to create architecture that points beyond itself to the consciousness framed by the design." ~ @AnthonyLawlor
Echo: Healing the divided mind that wounds the world ~Interview with Anthony Lawlor, Architect:
Thursday, Jan. 20, 2011 The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily Is Out! ~people on Twitter:
 “The great masses of the people will more easily fall victims to a big lie than to a small one.” ~Adolf Hitler (1889–Suicide 1945)
Big Lie: Amerika is an independent democratic nation ~it is now an Evil Empire ~official parties are corrupt to the core
How can the Amerikan Empire claim to have 'won' in #Iraq?!? A Big Lie! ~
Karbala and the surge of Iraq attacks ~Suicide attacks on Shiite pilgrims ~Mass murders of police:
@eren_snchz I cannot fathom how a true Spiritual Leader is not a humane Social Activist ~they go hand-in-hand together.
@eren_snchz Love is tossed around lightly these days ~along with other New Age buzzwords, but we need to be 'for real', not phony.
@phildr I know that mindless stress, constant worry and fretting over stuf I have no control over is of no help in life.
@phildr What helps me is being mindful of my health, working on my cretive writing and taking it all one day at a time.
Inside Kennedy's Inauguration, 50 Years On ~JFK intimates ~snowy January day a half century ago~
Over 100 Arrested In FBI's Largest Mob Roundup ~ ~Note: Suspect fascists have a hidden agenda here.
@Zen_Moments Zen Moments by Peta_de_Aztlan
The only source of knowledge is experience. ~ Albert Einstein
@Zen_Moments Zen Moments by Peta_de_Aztlan
Love of beauty is Taste. The creation of beauty is Art. ~ Ralph Waldo Emerson
RT @Zen_Moments: Let out a little more string on your kite. ~ Alan Cohen
Twitter Family: You all have a good day. Take care of business today. Keep yourself clean. Go outside and plant seeds!
RT @MerriamWebster: A 16-letter word that means "an abnormal desire to pull out one's hair"? Why, that must be...
What makes the U.S.A. via Warmonger Obama arrogantly assume it is in any position to lecture China about Humane Rights!!!!!
@Jah_Empress I commit no crime ~am innocent ~sometimes mischief is fun too. Ain't lettin' youth have all the fun! ;->~~
@phildr We must never tire of evolving ~yet we must keep a balance ~rest, go with the flow, cut your wood in the wilderness.
Over 100 Arrested In FBI's Largest Mob Roundup By: NY1 News~
@ileducprof BTW: And you ain't all that grown ~Leave room for growth ~tell Pops this crazy Chicano said Q-Vo!
Let us pray to the Lord for our spiritual healing, our mindfullness and our careful consideration of the role of love.
Poem: Take the Time: ~Posted on January 20, 2011 by Peta_de_Aztlan~
RT @DalaiLama: Transcript: video conference with His Holiness Dalai Lama & Chinese Activists on January 4th, 2011.
@phildr The wiser I get the most I see how utterly stupid and foolish I have been in the past. But that's alright. I survived.
@phildr It took nearly six decades but I have arrived at a Higher Level of Consciousness that most do not even know exists.
@ileducprof Well I do not even believe in concepts of human gods or goddesses. Why can't we be happy just being good to our kind?
@ileducprof You will always be his little girl. Deal with it! It makes him feel more mature and he may need that now.
@Jah_Empress 9:12 AM ~Got to go wash by big body ~get dressed and see what mischief I can get into today!
New Followers: Get a bigger picture of stuff. Download TweetDeck. Use Firefox as a browser, not Internet Explorer.
@ileducprof If you were my daughter you would be my precious Princess, but never my Queen or a Goddess.
For me writing has therapeutic value ~creative writing guided by the soul, steered by the mind and subject to valid criticism.
@monimoth It has only been in my long-term sobriety that I have seen how much damage I sustained and caused among others.
@ileducprof He still needs a male guide, an elder ~some MAJOR mistakes are already exposed by truth. Accept him as he is.
@ileducprof A teacher exports knowledge, an educator 'leads forth'. Surely we need so many more good Community Educators.
@ileducprof Bruce Lee said that a teacher is merely a pointer of the way. He just points out where is already there before us.
@ileducprof You are so sweet. Wish I could kiss ya. In humility, I think it all came from your love for your father and his honesty.
The key in life is to be Honest, Open and Willing in order to be open to new Spiritual Growth ~the HOW of my Life Program.
@ileducprof Same as many, I came out of a dysfunctional world in a dysfunctional society from a dysfunctional family.
As a rule I have no ghosts in the attic or monsters in my closet. I have hung-up my main hang-ups. I have arrived to be here now.
Becoming a sick twisted demented dope fiend was one of the best worst things that ever happened to me. I became humble.
@rachaelmaddox I am here to learn in life, about life, with life and living a good life the best I can, esp. in spiritual realms.
Being involved in a progressive recovery from my past with its harmful addictions I am aware of the basic 12-Steps Program.
I am now unemployed, help others as I can in my life and continue to work on my Spiritual Evolution as a Humane Being.
I value my time online, esp. more now when a Twitter Co-Creator volunteered to help pay my Comcast bill for a spell to keep me on.
Plus, I try to post Tweets that are or could be of General Interest, so each Tweet can stand on its own and be understood.
I try to Follow global News Links, some old-timers, new Followers for a spell and keep my stream clean, not cluttered.
I think it is phony to have a zillion people you Follow on Twitter because in effect you cannot really examine their Tweets.
New Followers: Be for real, genuine, authentic. Avoid any appearance of being phony, just out for money and unreal.
New Followers: Let us see ourselves as Co-Creators of Streams of Consciousness, each with our own stream. Keep it clear and clean!
Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 1-19-2011 Wednesday Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan: ~Save Tweets
New Followers: Will try to respond to questions, comments and feedback @Peta_de_Aztlan ~Sharing is caring!
VIA @ileducprof: The dr-v-critical-community Daily is out! Top stories today by @dropoutnation @negrointellect
<+>Thursday, January 20, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Rise and Shine!<+> Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S. Lopez
Oh yeah... I was going to sleep. Consider me gone ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~
LINK: Neuroscience ~ ~worth at least a scan

@shamansun shamansun

@heidiko44 Heide Kolb

@SchoolroomEarth Truth Seeker

@DalaiLama Dalai Lama

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