Friday, January 21, 2011

1-21-2010 Friday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan

1-21-2010 Friday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
»!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Peace, Truth & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party! Help Others!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
JUST IN: Olbermann leaving MSNBC; last show tonight: ~Life goes on!
8:20 PM ~ Watching CSI: New York now ~
LINK: ~Duh... Just did a Google ~found out how Tweeters put in the Twitter Symbols
@morsemusings ~ + R Better than 1
RT @morsemusings: Beware Fake Antivirus Worm on Twitter - PCWorld Business Center via @PCWBizCenter
@papakelt It is not just semantics ~speaking requires sound, as in vocal cords. Expressing has many forms and manifestations.
LINK: Speed Up Computer ~Defrag ~ ~Start with Free Version
@papakelt Keep in mind: on Twitter we are not really #writing we are #typing. We are not #speaking here. We are #expressing.
@papakelt Balance between exercising our freedom of expression ~via speech, type or images~ and exercising common sense!
@papakelt We need to keep balance between use of #SocialMedia and paranoid about Personal Privacy. Whatever goes online is out!
Social Media and Law Enforcement: Who Gets What Data and When? by Jennifer Lynch:
@joanie399 Join the Humane Liberation Party! ~ ~I Follow Party Members
Follow @commondreams ~!/commondreams ~ ~progressove news and grassroots activism org
#WikiLeaks suspect files complaint over detention conditions~ ~LINK VIA @savebradley
VIA @AJEnglish: Haiti's ousted dictator Jean Claude Duvalier offers regret, apologises...
C-Span VIDEO 1:18:34 ~ Impact of Citizens United v. Federal Election Commission~
@derekmarkham Glad you did a timely ReTweet ~We need more sound analyzes ~Thesis + Antithesis= Synthesis ~I need to write
We need a clean slate ~we need to erase the whole chalkboard ~we need to clear the table ~revolutionary consciousness!
@Minouky Revolution is a quantum leap in humane evolution ~not a fixed set of conclusions ~we need allies and alliances
LINK: Movement for the People~
VIDEO 1:35 ~Be a Corporate-Person American--"We the Corporations" Rally Jan. 21, 2011 ~
LINK: Backbone Campaign ~grassroots effort to embolden citizens and elected officials~
@Minouky Study the history of past violent revolutions ~which have really lasted? ~always dominant Amerikan Empire remains.
@Minouky We need to exhaust all legal peaceful methods of struggle ~it is not enough for vanguard to be aware ~it is the people!
#UN chief voices concern at lack of progress towards Israeli-Palestinian peace ~ VIA @UN
Three dead as Albanian protesters clash with police ~dozens wounded~ VIA @papakelt
Those who do not LINK UP the idea of economic recovery with a demand for the immediate end of U.S. foreign wars are insincere.
The ideal of peaceful revolution is to raise consciousness above the liberal idea of begging for reforms from a failed state= the USA
@M0AB We should encourage open discussions and dynamic debates about the tangibility of peaceful revolution in the USA.
@Minouky I am sincere in my efforts at promoting the ideal of peaceful revolution, we know the drastic alternatives.
"Legalize Democracy!" Demand Activists Rallying Nationwide to Overturn Lawless Citizens United Ruling ~
RT @savebradley: Manning removed from two-day suicide watch; attorney files complaint, calls action punitive
LINK: National Pipeline Mapping System (NPMS) ~
There is a hawk that has been isolated in lantern area of Library of Congress since Wednesday. Is that a sign?
The US must solve Kashmir tangle before departure >
Echo: “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible, make violent revolution inevitable.” ~ President John F.Kennedy
We should do what we can while we can with connected reality as it exists before us now, not get lazy and passive.
If we think we know everything we can learn nothing new. We should be good at learning. Open openings to new waves.
We should keep our minds open to alternative ways of looking at connected reality without prejudice or pre-judgment.
@aurgazm We should try to make sure the soil where we plant is good for our seeds. Good soil for good seeds.
Interesting ~ RT @cableleaks: Alternative cable browser
Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 1-20-2001-Thursday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan: ~Saved Tweets
No ghosts in the attic, beasts in the basement or monsters in my closet. Yet I need to be aware of hidden empty spaces.
Good advice VIA @morsemusings: Trust in God, but tie your camel. ~Arabian proverb
@aurgazm So many times our interactions with others are fruitless, pointless and without merit. We need to work on our own self.
I am kind of a brown recluse these days. Focusing more on writing, my personal spiritual growth and expanding my cosmic consciousness.
@monimoth Is the so-called New World Order #NWO really an order or a symptom of social disorder? ~attempt at global fascism?
12 NOON ~ Just came up from an A.A. Meeting at Loaves & Fishes ~need to go more often:
#Save RT @Zen_Moments: Mastering others is strength. Mastering yourself is true power. ~ Lao Tzu
Beware of people who profess to be experts ~question the true motives of certain people ~many have hidden agendas ~subplots
Learn the Difference between being concerned with your personal Self-Interest and being Selfish and unconcerned about others.
The key to happiness is really helping others ~yet use common sense wisdom and make sure to take care of yourself.
@_neurowave Kind of a dumb app ~Might check out later ~Says I use Twitter Efficiently
I'm an not addicted to twitter. To know whether you are addicted to twitter log onto
@lurainpenny Thanks Love. I have always been a helper of people ~was raised with a severely retarded Brother Steven ~was his bodyguard!
Almost 9 AM here in Sacramento. Need to shower up, get dressed then see what I feel like doing then. Life is good.
@ShaeTheZombie Yeah, sometimes I will delete a Tweet with a typo I already sent. Part of my OCD-perfectionist tendency.
@lindagabriel Thank you for your mention. Self-concept of a great soul seems to be a tad arrogant. I am a loving soul. #Follow
A key element in my healing is being involved in what I term progressive recovery ~basic 12-Steps work ~supporting community ~helping
Well, as a recovering addict, that is my morning 'fix' via Twitter. You know certain Tweets actually feed dopamine and serotonin into brain.
@lurainpenny Thanks for your ReTweet. Being employed helps raise my self-esteem, yet do not want to be a wage-slave all my life.
@ShaeTheZombie I like your Avatar Picture ~bizarre ~like using Picasa2 for photos and stuff ~and Flickr ~I hate typos too ~that's life!
@rachaelmaddox Thank you for being there Rachael ~interesting name Rachael ~must mean something ~Love, Peta
However, I am getting better at developing a writing flow ~expressing myself and letting whatever is in the cosmos express through me.
Sometimes it is like throwing stuff into a black hole without getting any replies, responses, feedback, retweets and I feel like a fool.
My hope was to give people Information via News Links, raise revolutionary consciousness and spur constructive community action.
Now I monitor several Yahoo Groups, have about a dozen blogs and tendencies towards OCD, ADHD and Bi-Polar. Hate to admit it.
For years I was posting news articles in a few Yahoo Groups ~became a lot more aware of global situations ~very time consuming
The tendency towards perfectionism makes me backtrack or lot ~try for the perfect Tweet ~but it is kind of neurotic or OCD
My dream wish is to be able to making a decent living off my writings on various subjects ~but I need to learn how to channel my energies.
I was saving my Tweets in one of my Blogs ~ ~but that was getting OCD, consumed morning time.
I live in Sacramento, California. Am now unemployed, Am interesting in Counseling/Caseworker/Careworker. Email:
Twitter is not for everybody, but then what is online? Our basics needs are the same , let us unite together in unity.
There are so many great people on Twitter, but it seems like you have to be able to 'get it' and learn how to use it in useful ways.
I admit I have a tendency towards perfectionism ~which can seem professional but is actually quite maddening ~so I work on it.
I am learning better how to be still in the here now of life, then got with the flow and let it go ~avoiding constant editing
Wow! Just noticed I have 1248 Followers! Love to All of You. I Love People in general. Believe in sharing, revealing, opening up! No fear!
Peter S. Lopez
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S. Lopez
@Stop_OCD ~As a recovering drug addict I still have tendency towards OCD ~practice mindful consciousness ~hereness nowness
8:17 AM ~Well it seems we made is through the week alive and well. Ancient African Proverb: I Am We ~ We are connected.
<+>Friday, January 21, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Rise and Shine!<+> Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @mae37: B R E A T H E ~@lovepeaceunity
Get serious! Join the HumanE Liberation Party via HELP-Matrix >
Echo: Four Agreements: #1~Be Impeccable With Your Word #2~Don’t Take Everything Personally #3~Don’t Make Assumptions #4~Do Your Best

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