2-02-2011 Wed. Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Egypt #Jan25
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
Family: Watch Live Stream! Al Jazeera-English @AJEnglish ~ http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/ #Egypt #Tahrir #Jan25
Twitter Family! Check out #Egyptian Sister Mona Eltahawy @monaeltahawy ~ http://www.monaeltahawy.com/blog/ #Egypt #Rising
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Pray for the Safety of Our Family Holding onto #Tahrir Square! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan
@WarOnErrorDKos When we keep proclaiming our disgust over certain well known demons or fools we give them more power. Beware!
@monaeltahawy Why be shocked that #Giuliani admires #Mubarak? Both of them are of the fascist klan. Fascists admire each other. #Egypt
We grow primarily through our challenges, especially those life changing moments. ~Caroline Myss
Echo: Sexual eroticism is a form of physical and emotional liberation as well as of spiritual liberation. ~Caroline Myss
@WarOnErrorDKos Guess that depends on whose stabilization it is. The world is upside down in its priorities. Google: Eduardo Galeano
@papakelt Yeah, got my Chomsky books. He is the world's leading revolutionary intellectual ~he loves us despite ourselves.
@WarOnErrorDKos #Tahrir Square has become the Center of the World for now. Vanguard for all Liberating Spirits. #Jan25
@papakelt Chomsky is kind of an eccentric genius ~suspect he reads like a maniac, absorbs like a sponge. He is a wise Elder.
@WarOnErrorDKos LINK: Caroline Myss, Ph. D. ~Education in spirituality, mysticism and energy medicine ~ http://www.myss.com/
LINK: Noam Chomsky Website ~ http://www.chomsky.info/ ~To my extremely limited knowledge Noam Chomsky has No Twitter Acct
HELP-Matrix Blog: Noam Chomsky (Part 1 & 2): “This Is The Most Remarkable Regional Uprising That I Can Remember”: http://bit.ly/hpaozn
@AI_808 I am one of 'the folks'. Alas, good listeners are hard to find and usually on the other end of the galaxy. ;->~~
@WarOnErrorDKos I'm hip Sister. Evildoers like getting the blessings of folks who might whisper in the ear of God. Fools.
Some of the most heroic acts of great heroes were performed when they were scared shitless but let their spirit lead.
For certain News Events I try to get two or more 'witnesses' to reference or verify back. In chaotic times much is confused.
The sad truth is no politician in this country is worthy of the support of these heros. #Jan25
It required rushing en mass under barrage of fire from above and in face of live ammo #Jan25
I can't believe the bravery and determination of revolutionaries. I abandoned post thinking this was impossible to win #Jan25
@WarOnErrorDKos I've been aware of Warren and his ilk. Many millions have been killed behind religious fanaticism. Love truth.
UPDATED: IF These Two Videos Don't Concern Us, We Deserve What is Planned http://t.co/pInpds4 Plans for WW theocracy, read transcript
RT @evagolinger: En este cumpleaños 12 de la Revolución Bolivariana le digo una sola cosa: Estoy enamorada de Venezuela.
RT @wikileaks: Egypt: Abuse by Egyptian police and domestic secretive services http://bit.ly/gyKcfO
RT @wikileaks: Egypt: police and domestic security services abuse of detainees http://bit.ly/ihJL4t
RT @wikileaks: Egypt: US State Department and Google talk to unblock videos, blogs http://bit.ly/fQlE4i
RT @wikileaks: Egypt: Government intimidates and harasses bloggers http://bit.ly/dIpAQS
RT @wikileaks: Egypt: Torture sentences for police offices at minimum http://bit.ly/dGty47
RT @wikileaks: Egypt: Personnel working for state intelligence NEVER prosecuted http://bit.ly/ieSEvg
RT @wikileaks: Egypt: monitoring and harassment of NGOs "necessary" http://bit.ly/ghLGIS
RT @wikileaks: Cable: Yemini security forces fired grenades at house http://bit.ly/gHgEAN
RT @wikileaks: cable: Rampant official corruption impedes foreign investment http://bit.ly/g2Bro6 #Yemen
RT @wikileaks: Cable: Yemen must provide US access to terrorists http://bit.ly/g2Bro6
RT @wikileaks: Cable: The US sees no real alternative to supporting Saleh http://bit.ly/hsIuOE #Yemen
RT @wikileaks: Support WikiLeaks! Defense fund now accepts VISA, Mastercard, PayPal, Facebook and more http://wikileaks.ch/support.html
@monaeltahawy You must have a tremendous amount of energy inspired by the purity of love. #Egypt #Jan25 #Tahrir
The harmony of love will manifest in strange synchronicities ~known by brujos simply as 'agreements' on a path with heart.
People who seem to be leaderless yet progress do have a leader hidden from mortal eyes ~it is called love for the people.
There is a harmonious power gathering in the world among people who seek a new world of love, peace and understanding. #Jan25
Video said to have helped trigger massive anti-Mubarak protests | Raw Story: http://bit.ly/icYLgG via @addthis
Asmaa Mahfouz, Organizer of the Demonstrations in Egypt, Talks About Her Use of Facebook to Take Action: http://bit.ly/fPnx1J ~
@monaeltahawy An Educator should be a good Explainer ~Self-defense of Repressed vs. Violence of Repressor #Liberty #Jan25
VIDEO 4:36 Meet Asmaa Mahfouz and the vlog that Helped Spark the #Revolution: http://youtu.be/SgjIgMdsEuk @iyad_elbaghdadi
Hosni Mubarak's family also owns shares in Vodafone #justsayin RT @wggoodness: http://t.co/ntyTThk #Egypt #Jan25
ramyraoof is broadcasting LIVE at http://bambuser.com/v/1378621
almost all people are up and ready for expected attacks and guarding streets leading to Tahrir Square. #Egypt #Jan25
we just knew that one of the demonstrators just died from live bullet shot by the NDP thugs here in Tahrir Square. #Egypt #Jan25
LINK: Tactical Tech @Info_Activism ~Following > http://twitter.com/#!/Info_Activism/following
VIDEO: Helen Darbishire on Access of Information Laws: http://bit.ly/dUSX7g ~LINK: http://www.legalleaks.info/index.php
#Egypt professor writes "I can tell you this has been a net revolution. Even illiterate classes at #Tahrir say Facebook youth started it."
We had respect for #Egypt armed forces for position till today. Day of shame as they watched and did nothing. #Egypt will not forget. #Jan25
General state: thousands of thugs bombarding us with molotov & stones from October bridge. We're keeping our high lines and defending well.
Spitzer: After Egypt, it's still about jobs - http://bit.ly/fwFbaB #cnn Our Mideast coverage continues Wednesday night
@ParkerSpitzer As usual I am watching CNN. Appreciate you calling Mubarak thugs what they are 'thugs'. ~I'm in California. 5:10 PM
#Mubarak is an evil fascist dictator ~an old dinosaur now facing his extinction ~he has his escape route to his riches set up.
RT @monaeltahawy: I was on NPR this am talking about #Mubarak thuggery http://www.onpointradio.org/2011/02/egyptians-mubarak #Jan25
BOOK: Ghost Wars: The Secret History of the CIA, Afghanistan, and bin Laden, from the Soviet Invasion to 9/10/2001~ http://amzn.to/sWOex
@petersbeaumont Saw RT ~Stay safe ~Be stationed in your spirit and stay prayed up. There are many good souls evolving now.
This was the true face of the U.S.-backed Mubarak regime that had repressed the Egyptian people for so many years. ~@sharifkouddous
Live From #Egypt: The True Face of the #Mubarak Regime by Sharif Abdel Kouddous: http://bit.ly/i8wcrh VIA @sharifkouddous
My new article "Live From Egypt: The True Face of the Mubarak Regime" http://bit.ly/i8wcrh
"It is clear that the only institution in Egypt that can restore order is the army..." VIA @SenJohnMcCain > http://bit.ly/dF5wP5
"I urge President Mubarak to transfer power to a caretaker administration..." http://bit.ly/dF5wP5 VIA @SenJohnMcCain
My full statement on the rapidly deteriorating situation in Egypt http://tinyurl.com/64lmvd7
@FP_Magazine "How the Senate resolution on Egyptian democracy died" http://tinyurl.com/6bmqr2a
Regrettably the time has come 4 Pres. Mubarak 2 step down & relinquish power. It’s in the best interest of Egypt, its people & its military.
Watch our 50-min extended interview w Noam Chomsky on the popular uprisings in the Middle East: http://ow.ly/3Pd3u #Egypt #tunisia #jordan
Bakers defy curfews to continue providing bread- (Bread in #Egypt is a staple, the carb component) - http://bit.ly/eCX0so
@wolfblitzercnn CNN fails to make distinction between Peaceful Protestors and armed Mubarak thugs. Let us have humane ethics!
@Hilushkaa Better to Tweet CNN Direct~ @CNN_Newsroom @wolfblitzercnn @FareedGPSCNN @CNN @JohnKingCNN ~Coordination of Communication
Noam #Chomsky: This is the Most Remarkable Regional Uprising that I Can Remember http://bit.ly/eiFoR2 #JAN25 #EGYPT VIA @ishtarmuz
VIA @democracynow Noam Chomsky: “This is the Most Remarkable Regional Uprising that I Can Remember”~ http://bit.ly/hF0gfj #Egypt
1:18 PM/PST Watching State Dept. Briefing on Anti-Government Protestors in #Egypt fielding press questions ~under pressure!
@ShaeTheZombie No matter where we look outside of us we end up looking back in the mirror. What is our role in the world?
@ShaeTheZombie Actually many human problems degenerate into inherited and conditioned core character defects, not systems.
@monaeltahawy Decentralized 'Website' for #Egypt Uprising seems to be mosaic of Twitter Users ~Followers & Co-Followers #Tahrir
Revolution in Egypt – and the Hypocrisy of the US and the West ~Andy Worthington: http://bit.ly/gfZBDX #Egypt #Uprising
RT @SultanAlQassemi: Al Jazeera: More than 1,000 protesters injured in the clashes in Meydan Tahrir
Please Read VIA @uruknet: Loosing the Goons: The Mubarak-Obama Move to Crush #Egypt's Uprising http://bit.ly/dJJ658 #Jan25
"Egyptians deserve a clean break from the incredibly entrenched practice of torture." ~Joe Stork, Human Rights Watch
VIA @commondreams #Egypt: Litany of Abuses Fueled Protesters' Fury~ http://bit.ly/hX44e3 #History #Torture
@lostrelics ...I have been focusing on Egypt situation. Plus, local matters in my here now. Join Up! http://help-matrix.ning.com/
@lostrelics See that was in Reply to Tweet yesterday. Unfollowed a lot of folks this last week to clear my Twitter Stream. Naturally.....
RT @wikileaks: Who's the most shaken up by Egypt's uprising? | Foreign Policy http://is.gd/mhSvmJ
Watching C-SPAN British House of Commons PM David Cameron ~Support #Egypt Demands for Jobs, Freedom of Speech, Right to Choose Govt
LINK: Homelessness Resource Center ~ http://bit.ly/mvk9M #HELP
Thunder is developmental. It comes, there is alarm, then laughter. Thunder startles for a hundred miles, but does not lose spoon and wine.
February 2, 2011 ~New Moon in Aquarius ~ Thunder Over Thunder: http://bit.ly/flXPyb
Amen! RT @CornelWest: It takes #courage to shatter conformity and cowardice.
RT @intifada: Undaunted in Cairo's Tahrir Square http://bit.ly/emtKA7
@ShaeTheZombie As material productive forces in society evolved economies developed and transformed stages of history.
@ShaeTheZombie Original indigenous society was free ~tribal ~communal ~without the anarchy of government we know today.
#India has pledged $1.3 billion in reconstruction aid to Afghan since 2001 ~5th donor: http://lat.ms/hxLECv
VIA LA Times: Invested in 'soft power,' #India awaits Karzai visit: http://lat.ms/hxLECv #Aghanistan #Liberty
@ElBaradei People need guidance and leadership. We cannot retire from our destiny. Connected reality beckons us forward now!
@ElBaradei Leadership must fill empty vacuums ~rise up to the situation ~seize the time ~inspire masses and lead with vigor!
@ShaeTheZombie It was once peaceful in Aztlán ~without European invaders ~without concentration camps ~without nationalsim
2/02/2011 9:37 am #EGYPT: Opposition leader Mohamed ElBaradei says he fears coming 'bloodbath': http://lat.ms/hiD1mV #Jan25
rt @ufwupdates: Sign TX students' petition to reinstate Cesar Chavez holiday. @ http://action.ufw.org/chavez_utep
@ShaeTheZombie Sad Chuckle. Yes, let us not forget USA was founded by bunch of renegade Slavemasters from England.
VIA Paula Lomazzi VIDEO: Safe Ground march from Loaves & Fishes to City Hall - Marching down 12th Street http://bit.ly/ertSev
Obama signs New START treaty documents http://t.co/YBawERw
HUD Report Shows Unprecedented Increase in Need for Housing Aid http://ow.ly/3OZiE #p2
Al Arabiya: Admiral Mike Mullen, Chairman of the US Joint Chiefs of Staff called Lt Gen Sami Annan, Chief of Staff of the Egyptian Army
Let us not allow events in #Egypt or elsewhere distract those of US in the USA from what is to be done by US inside the USA!
In relation to being a functional government of, by and for the people, #Egypt is a failed state, just as the #USA is now.
@SHDW_of_LMNTS Disruption of Peaceful Protestors in Tahrir Square is regime-sponsored terrorism by Mubarak Regime! #Liberty
UK POLICE FORCE NEW WEBSITE - http://www.police.uk - Users can view crime rates in their area. #anonymous #anonops #anonuk
Wikileaks nominated for Nobel Peace Prize | http://bit.ly/hqk0kK
Stop living in denial. This is state sponsored #terrorism witnessed by the world in real time. #tpn #nwo #egypt via @inkorrupt
LINK: Support The Syrian Revolution 2011 > https://www.facebook.com/Syrian.Revolution #Syria #Liberty
VIA Facebook: The Syrian Revolution 2011 الثورة السورية ضد بشار الاسدقريبا فيديو عن صفحات الغضب ... ترقبونا13: http://on.fb.me/eiEJsT
Showed Police ID of isolated Mubarak Thug on #AlJazeera Live Stream ~ http://bit.ly/VGnK World is still watching #Eygpt
RT @sharifkouddous: Mubarak launched a coordinated campaign of violence today to take the streets of Cairo back from the people. #Egypt
Repressive regimes when 'in power and insecure' always resort to the age-old Roman Empire policy of 'divide-and-conquer'.
@monaeltahawy Yes, it is patent #Mubarak Regime instigated conflicts in Tahrir Square. It too will backfire on him. #Jan25
VIA @michaelscher: Watching #Egypt coverage on Al Jazeera ~ "Better to die standing, than to live on your knees." ~Emiliano Zapata
Revenge of #Mubarak Regime for burning NDP building ~for the righteous revolt of the Egyptian people against Regime.
Obvious #Fascist #Mubarak instigated former security forces to instigate riots to rationalize 'crackdown'.
CNN Showing earlier video from hours ago with Mubarak thugs entering in Tahrir Square with horses, camels, sticks and stones.
RT @LatinosMatter: El Paso hasn't seen cold & snow like this for about 20 years. Juarez in the background. http://bit.ly/hrMzna
All of this social chaos in #Egypt now because #Mubarak did not and does not have the courage and humility to resign! #Jan25
6:30 PM in Egypt ~It is going to be a long hard night for Peaceful Protestors in Tahrir Square ~Prayers up for Sane Peace!
Al Jazeera English: Live Stream Showing Live Wash DC Reporter on left screen ~ Live Tahrir Square on right http://bit.ly/VGnK
Protestors Show Police IDs of Attackers ~Mubarak thugs ~agent provocateurs! ~http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/
Watching Al Jazeera Live on my Computer ~http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/ ~Watching CNN Comcast Cable TV Channel 40
Watching Anderson Cooper on CNN Cable ~thugs seem to be throwing Molotov cocktails ~he is several floors up ~good overview
VIA @SultanAlQassemi: This Mubarak caused chaos in Meydan Tahrir could be the beginning of a an Egyptian Civil War...
VIA @AJEnglish #Egypt: Clashes break out in Tahrir Square~100+ injured by Mubarak thugs: http://bit.ly/eljJMq #Revolt #Jan25
@monaeltahawy Thank you Mona. Yes we should be conscious of how we use the Power of the Word to define Reality. #Jan25 #Egypt
Syrian protesters plan 'Day of Rage' ~ http://bit.ly/dYiW9T #Syria
We can now see that Social Networking Websites can help awaken real revolutionary consciousness in the minds of the masses. #Egypt
Syrians Call For 'A Day Of Rage' On Facebook And Twitter http://huff.to/huqhUx via @huffingtonpost
Egypt Pro-Government Supporters Clash With Anti-Government Protesters: http://huff.to/fTk6Cl via @huffingtonpost
RT @sharifkouddous: I can't get back in to Tahrir. Mubarakite thugs have created a riot at main entrance. Very hostile atmosphere. #Egypt
RT @AJEnglish: We continue to bring you live coverage of the clashes in #Cairo: Watch live http://aje.me/ajelive or follow @AJELive #Egypt
Anderson Cooper attacked, punched in the head by pro-Mubarak mob #Egypt #Jan25: http://huff.to/e64Wdt via @huffingtonpost
<+>Wednesday, February 02, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Strive for Peaceful!<+> Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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