2-03-2011 Thursday~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Egypt #Jan25
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: This is Hussein Taha, shot in heart right after Friday prayers in #Alexandria on #Jan25 http://bit.ly/gYJPa5 #Tahrir
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Pray for Peace In #Tahrir Square! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan~California
The government would rather hire thugs, release prisoners, attack protesters and destroy the country rather than listen to its own people.
The regime wanted to get rid of the foreign media, so they spread tales of terrorist foriegn spies, to justify attacking journalists. #jan25
RT @ileducprof: Dr-v-critical-community Daily is out http://bit.ly/gHrd8N ▸ Stories via @earlhutchinson @prpc @peta_de_aztlan @leftofblack
Egyptian protesters' makeshift helmets–in pictures: http://bit.ly/ezNR0Z VIA @iyad_elbaghdadi: #Egypt #Jan25 ~do what ya gotta do
RT @Warchadi: REPORT: The army has taken over October bridge and issued a warning they'll shoot if thugs come back. Finally. #Jan25 #Egypt
Amen RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: Image from #Tahrir Square: One of the largest outdoor group prayers you'll see http://bit.ly/eyun59 #Egypt #Jan25
Medical Alert: A Call to Action for Leonard Peltier http://goo.gl/fb/e2hij
@watergatesummer http://twitpic.com/3wb1g3 - AMERICA, Support The People Not The Tyrant
@watergatesummer http://twitpic.com/3wb09g - Praying and Blessings for Egyptian Warriors @Peta_de_Aztlan
Good Day RT @Warchadi: #Tahrir square this morning. Men, Women & children. Everyone's here http://twitpic.com/3wb09g #Egypt
Mood is picking up harrasment from thugs all night while not really threatening but kept us on edge. #Jan25
In the name of over 46 Million Latinos in the USA we wish our Family in Tahrir Square a great day! Che Peta de Aztlan #Jan25
Al Jazeera Confirmed: 13 people were murdered & over 1200 were wounded by the police of #Mubarak in the last 24 hours alone. #Jan25 #Egypt
RT @wikileaks: The British counter-terror programme that 'fails to stop extremists' http://is.gd/n8pmeE #WikiLeaks
Liberate the Day! RT @alaa: Woke up we are thousands in the square despite the cold. Chantint he will leave we won't leave. #Jan25
2-03-2011 On the Uprising in Egypt via Peta_de_Aztan | Liberation Now!: http://wp.me/prH9G-29 #Jan25 #Tahrir #Egypt
VIA @CNNLive: Clashes in Egypt include government vehicles mowing down protesters ~attacking journalists. VIDEO: http://on.cnn.com/glgrpv
@NickKristof http://twitpic.com/3w5bsc - Power to our Elders. Here is a great example of being alive at 80-years!
So do I! RT @MikeChorost I hope the Egyptian government thinks twice before messing with a journalist who has 994,000 Twitter followers.
This video, apparently of a car running down democracy protesters, is hard to watch: http://bit.ly/fBZWvT
Just heard from #CNN Nic Robertson in Alexandria that huge protests expected there Friday after prayers #Egypt
Meet Asmaa Mahfouz: the woman who organized Egypt's historic demonstrations: http://bit.ly/gewDkh #Jan25
Recall: A Facebook message that sparked Egypt protests: http://bit.ly/f0HX2e
VIA @intifada: Interview: protesters in Cairo's Tahrir Square push back #Mubarak thugs: http://bit.ly/idrhZY #Jan25 #Egypt
Reuters: on Jan. 30, 2011 ~45 to 50 ships were using the Suez Canal every day ~brings #Egypt $4.7 billion in annual revenues
VIDEO 12:58 Zeitgeist Movement Responds to Egypt and The Wikileaks Fallout VIA @DonRazi: http://bit.ly/gXi6bW #Liberty
Unspoken Concern Over Egyptian Uprising: Control Of Suez Canal And Price Of Gas: http://bit.ly/hBmIhD #Egypt
LINK: #Egypt: CIA World Facebook: http://bit.ly/bGKVLv
RT @AJEnglish: Like our coverage from #Egypt? Think we should be shown on US TV? It's time to #DemandAlJazeera http://aje.me/demandAJ
@AI_808 Love has many levels in many rooms on many realms. We need #humility and #awareness of who we are in the world.
VIA @LondonToCairo: Anyone looking for missing foreigners in Cairo? Could be among 34 just released. Contact with name NOW pls RT #Egypt
@monymikel We are builders of a new humane society growing out of the wreckage of this present society. We need 2B humble.
@monymikel Good. Will study app. more @ ShoutOmatic.com. Watching #CNN about attacks against journalists by #Mubarak Regime.
I know CNN is corporate media ~liberal anchors at best ~BUTTT would not want their wrath against me ~#Mubarak is a Mad Man
Man, #Mubarak Regune is so stupid ~recent attacks on journalists ~CNN esposing repression against journaists ~more to come.
@monymikel Appreciate thoughtfulness with LINK http://shoutomatic.com/ ~We all need to Shout Truth, Expose Lies! Come together!
Followers: Will try to respond to Questions ~Now Focus on Situation in #Egypt ~Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/Peta51
VIA @monymikel: Please RT-To Post Voice Tweet CALL 001+717-746-8813 & Will be Posted to Twitter when No Internet, ShoutOmatic.com
Thursday, Feb. 03, 2011~The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily shared by PETER S LOPEZ+Other People Followed on Twitter: http://paper.li/Peta_de_Aztlan
VIA @sharifkouddous: Hundreds of people are sleeping next to each other ~grassy area ~middle of the square. Packed together close. #Egypt
RT @wolfblitzercnn: He's doing amazing #Egypt reporting. @nickkristof of NYTimes joines me from Cairo today in SitRoom 5-7PM ET
#Mubarak intensifies press attacks with assaults, detentions: http://bit.ly/ft39jl #Egypt #Jan25 #Journalists
Yemen protests see tens of thousands of people take to the streets http://bit.ly/fydYqV @tomfinn__ for the Guardian
Another battle for Tahrir Square, this time in Yemen, my audio report on today's protests for the @guardian #Yemen http://t.co/WxGWiNe
RT @Remroum: Talk to the families of the dead in Iraq, Afghanistan, Pakistan, Yemen & Palestine, & ask what they think of US bombs & bullets
Please spread word on #Yemen, world eye is and has been on #Egypt, #mubarak is on his way out. Other countries face potential bloodbaths
Youth unemployment: #Yemen 49%, #Palestine 38%, #Morocco 35%, #Egypt 33%, #Tunisia 26%. Staggering? Try: Europe: 30-50%, USA: 25-50%.
Hackers Take Down Government Websites in Egypt and Yemen - http://on.mash.to/fs5ZE4
CPJ board member Lara Logan escorted by her hotel in #Egypt at gunpoint. http://bit.ly/gO124y
Violence Against Journalists amid Cairo Clashes~Posted by Gina Pace: http://bit.ly/gO124y #Cairo #Jan25
This is a dark day for Egypt, a dark day for journalism. We are overwhelmed documenting detentions. Our alert will be out shortly.
VIDEO 0:28 ~ MAP: Clashes in the heart of Cairo VIA AlJazeeraEnglish: http://bit.ly/dNicjd #Jan25 #Tahrir #Egypt
The battle for #Tahrir Square~Al Jazeera's online producer recounts a night of violence in central Cairo: http://bit.ly/hMrims
Exclusive Interview: #Mubarak: 'If I Resign Today There Will Be Chaos' ~By CHRISTIANE AMANPOUR: http://abcn.ws/dV5IOE
For #Egypt #Tahrir #Jan25 Follow @monaeltahawy @SultanAlQassemi @iyad_elbaghdadi @blogdiva ~Check out Following ~Network!
Stay alert, stay alive! Best website online now for what is going on in Egypt is > http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/
Egyptian Prime Minister says calls for #Mubarak to step down are unacceptable. ~Divisions in Regime? ~good cop/bad cop. game?
Those of us who are safe and sound in USA should take a good look at how we can help others and educate to liberate today!
I am going to spend the night in Tahrir to get a sense of what it is like. #Egypt
I can't say for sure but I think there are a number of infiltrators in Tahrir. People walking around filming, not looking the part. #Egypt
There appears to be a crackdown on journalists. We almost got thrown out by army people walking past a checkpoint on outskirts of Tahrir
I will be on @democracynow in a few minutes. Stream live at http://www.democracynow.org
This is the front line of the battle between the popular uprising and the Mubarak regime & the pro-democracy forces are holding their ground
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 2-02-2011 Wed. Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Egypt #Jan25: http://bit.ly/ijlhKA #Liberty
RT @wikileaks: UK firms made millions trading with Iran http://is.gd/Kykk21
2-03-2011 7:54 AM/PST ~Egypt Health Ministry=13 killed-1,200 Injured ~ http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/ ~I suspect more!
Those who make peaceful revolution impossible will make violent revolution inevitable. ~President Kennedy ~ http://bit.ly/hHM6CS
about half protestors in Tahrir sitting around the Square and half reinforcing the barricades with Army. #Egypt #Jan25
<+>Thursday, February 03, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Be In Unity!<+> Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
@VFPNational Veterans For Peace
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
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~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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