http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Pray for Guardians of Peace In #Tahrir Square! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan~California, USA
Power to the Pro-Democracy Revolutionaries in the Liberated Zone of Liberation Square Today #EGYPT #Jan25 #TAHRIR
Graveyard of Empires: AfghanisNAM is still the Achilles' heel of POTUS Obama ~ http://nyti.ms/hA67KH #Liberty
In the Taliban’s Heartland, U.S. and Afghan Forces Dig In: http://nyti.ms/dOCBpw #AfghanisNAM
Al Jazeera English: Live Stream Watch Broadcast Here > http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/ #EGYPT #JAN25 #TAHRIR RT
10:17 PM ~Caifornia time ~Already way into Saturday in the Liberated Territory of Tahrir Square, Cairo, Egypt ~12th Day
@Warchadi Pray there will be a clear consensus with emphasis on spiritual revolutionary principles, not personalities.
RT @Warchadi: A people who can build Pyramids, can build a new nation and remove an immovable object. The world awaits. #EGYPTt #JAN25
@Warchadi Suspect @ElBaradei can be utilized ~more Advocate than Mass Leader: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Mohamed_ElBaradei
RT @Warchadi: CONFIRMED : Four killed in fights over gas cylinders, many injured in fights over bread. #EGYPT #JAN25 #TAHRIR
@Warchadi To me @ElBaradei would be best in transitional role with Others after hoped for Exit of #Evil #Mubarak from #Egypt
#Tahrir Square in Cairo, Egypt is now the Center of the World. Liberated Territory! Hold Onto Sacred Ground!
VIA @AJEnglish: Egypt protesters consolidate gains ~Pro-democracy protesters remain in Cairo's #Tahrir Square: http://bit.ly/f3GJyb
RT @AJEnglish: #Egypt protesters hold their ground: protests demanding end to Mubarak's rule entering 12th day... http://aje.me/h3OGwv
RT @Warchadi: "You cannot oppress the people who are not afraid anymore." Cesar Chavez #Egypt #Tahrir #Jan25
RT @Warchadi: "All that is necessary for the triumph of evil is that good men do nothing" Edmund Burke #Egypt #Tahrir #jan25
RT @Warchadi: A chorus of just women's voices in #Tahrir Square saying 'we won't go, he will go,' re: Mubarak. #Egypt #Cairo
Al Jazeera English hopes coverage of #Egypt will boost reach in U.S.: http://lat.ms/ekIw8J #EgyptUprising #Jan25
France rocked by news of aid to Tunisia and Egypt~trained Egyptian police officers~sent tear gas to Tunis: http://lat.ms/fxwjdY
Disappearances up ante in Tahrir Square~Even before uprising in #Egypt, secret detentions by police common: http://lat.ms/eeGY9L
Cosmic agreement: many Middle Eastern peoples look like Latinos-Mexicans-Chicanos-La Raza Cosmica! Don't matter, but it helps!
Genesis 37:19 "...And they said one to another, Behold, this dreamer cometh."
@Warchadi In the name of 46+ Million Latinos in USA, WE Support #Egypt and the Pro-Democracy Activists at #Tahrir Square.
FOLLOW: @democracynow LINK: http://www.democracynow.org/
Day of Departure: Massive Demonstrations Across Egypt Aim to Oust Mubarak @sharifkouddous Reports Live from Cairo: http://bit.ly/eNkEm0
Largest Weapon Seizure to Date at Texas-Mexico Border: http://bit.ly/fFv7hw VIA @HSNChicago
@Karoli Chucklin'... OK Appreciate response. Just had to clarify. Blessings and Peace on Earth for all of us. Namaste!
VIA @Warchadi: REPORT: received calls from hospitals in #Egypt ~doctors told not to record deaths by bullets #TAHRIR #ALJ
@alaa Momentum is key for new developing Movements. You brave souls are in Tahrir Square ~now Center of the New World. #Egypt
@Karoli The Evil One Mubarak has been supported by US Govt for 30 Years ~I am sure you comprehend the idea here.
RT @Warchadi: REPORT: Army is involved in dirty terror campaign, military police beating & arresting known protesters outside square #EGYPT
Obama: #Egypt Transition Should Begin Now: http://bit.ly/hck75l ~Should of been 30 years ago!
::For Importance::Call to all media from Syrian Angry day http://tinyurl.com/67z2jd7
Sudan National Referendum Monitoring: Image Collected 1-21-2011~ http://bit.ly/19PeYH ~Satellites getting more powerful
RT @Warchadi: #Egypt: #Tahrir song by the Protesters " WE ARE ONE, WE WANT MUBARAK OUT" http://youtu.be/ahCwBBndlVY
LINK: Digital Globe ~ http://www.digitalglobe.com/
#Pakistan Deadliest for Reporters 2010 ~44 journalists killed worldwide~8 in Pakistan: http://nyti.ms/hmuJgN
@mjgranger1 Thanks 4 feedback. Believe #GITMO is inhumane detention ~Geneva or not. Your book looks interesting: http://bit.ly/atyt7P
One thing is clear on the streets of Cairo: The people want Hosni Mubarak to vanish. ~http://bit.ly/hZ9hVi
How the Egyptian revolt will recast the Middle East~Three scenarios~what it means for US, Israel, Iran: http://bit.ly/hZ9hVi
RT @democracynow: NEWS: Afghan Man Dies at #Guantánamo Military Prison After 9 Year Detention w/o Charge. http://ow.ly/3QC1i #gitmo
@wikileaks Those who market and juggle lies, half-lies, half-truths and truths will fear truthtellers who share truth..
RT @TIME: Birthright citizenship for children of illegal immigrants could be discontinued | http://ti.me/gKfCaR #AmnestyNow
VIA @amnesty: Demand release of activists & observers in #Egypt, including staff from @Amnesty & @HRW Take Action: http://ow.ly/3Qxwv
Justice is like a snake: it only bites the barefooted. ~Monsignor Oscar Romero, Archbishop of San Salvador, Assasinated 1980
People really need to think stuff out for themselves in relation to world affairs ~be wary of fat self-proclaimed experts.
Common Sense Wisdom: We should be careful that what we preach is in harmony with what we practice in our own personal lives.
@Kllgg #USA is not truly a practicing Christian nation ~history of indigenous genocide ~Black slavery ~foreign wars etc. #Egypt
RT @wikileaks: Egypt's military-industrial complex http://is.gd/utsJCR
@ElBaradei Dictator Mubarak has no dignity of his own to leave with ~he needs to be put down ~he will not stand down. No compromises!
RT @AlMasryAlYoum_E: Security tightens around Presidential Palace http://ow.ly/3Qytv #Egypt #Mubarak #Jan25
@tavissmiley We need to think global and help all people of Earth. ~beyond colors and nations. #MLK #BlackHistoryMonth
VIDEO: Egypt holds 'Day of Departure' - Middle East - Al Jazeera English http://t.co/P3XYroK ~Down With Mubarak Now!
Seeing NILE TV on CNN ~Can't understand it but I see it! Like a lot of stuff in life: http://bit.ly/Vpoew
@AnthonyLawlor Pain, sadness and suffering can be great teachers too ~if we can endure their lessons. #AmazingGrace #Egypt
RT @CNNLive: A special White House briefing on economy and the latest jobs numbers. Live: http://on.cnn.com/cnndcl2
@AnthonyLawlor People need to be ready in Spirit in order to bring about radical change that will ultimately be natural.
@AnthonyLawlor Radical change requires a true transformation in the external world and especially within our inner souls.
Watch AJE~How to watch Al Jazeera English: Satellite frequencies ~full details of carriers on cable and ADSL: http://bit.ly/hBFnkz
@lurainpenny I am doing well ~all things considered ~My Facebook Profile: http://www.facebook.com/Peta51 ~Hearing & Watching #Egypt
RT @monaeltahawy: Follow this fella! RT @MagedButter for a map of worldwide demos in solidarity with #Egypt check @WorldWideTahrir #Jan25
Egypt (and Beyond) LiveBlog: A Big Day --- And Not Just in Cairo http://t.co/6nuRg05 via @enduringamerica
RT @AnthonyLawlor: Healthy social order reflects the patterns of emerging collective consciousness. Resisting this brings disorder. #Egypt
VIA @amnesty: We're getting great Qs on our chat. Here's one: What is most valuable thing I can do to help #Egypt? http://ow.ly/3QulN
Join the HumanE Liberation Party via HELP-Matrix > http://help-matrix.ning.com/
@lurainpenny @Femimikiki @anuwildantz Just a Tweet to say I pray you are well. Mainly Tweeting about #Egypt ~Historic times.
RT @monaeltahawy: #FF @monasosh @Sandmonkey @alaa @manal @mosaaberizing @NadiaE @EmanHashim @beleidy @Esraa2008 @Salamander @norashalaby
@democracynow Follow @SultanAlQassemi @waelabbas @monaeltahawy @RamyRaoof @AJEnglish @sharifkouddous @blogdiva #Egypt #Twitter
arrested by the army!
ramyraoof is broadcasting LIVE at http://bambuser.com/v/1384604
رشيد للعربية: قضيت 6 سنوات ونصف في خدمة بلدي ولا أدري ماذا يحدث #alarabiya #egypt #cairo #jan25 #FREEEGYPT #Internet #25jan
Tahrir today was the most organized I've ever seen anywhere in Cairo despite the unprecedented crowd. #tahrir #Egypt #Jan25
For Egypt's muslims today will mark the day and location where there was a friday prayer of more than a million people. Cool. #jan25
This, more than anything, has been a war of ideas. Ours is freedom, personal rights & end of dictatorship; theirs isn't. #jan25
VIDEO 2:13 ~Lunar New Year: Year of the Rabbit: http://youtu.be/IyfYwjbiwEY ~Born Rabbit Year 1951
RT @SultanAlQassemi: Clear image of Meydan Tahrir now from BBC Arabic. Time in Egypt 8:35pm http://yfrog.com/h2a1yjbj
VIDEO 3:30 ~Feb. 3, 2011~The Situation Room: Yemen protests heat up, inspired by #Egypt uprising: http://youtu.be/9-yt4RRc5M8
VIDEO 14:24 "I'm A Little Scared" Anderson Cooper From Undisclosed Location In Egypt: http://bit.ly/hrEBvL #Liberation
NY's Little Egypt joins in chorus of Cairo unrest ~Close to 60,000 live in area: http://on.wsj.com/fSiz7p #MassUnity
@_HosniMubarak_ Twitter has addictive qualities ~Be mindful of use, abuse and all forms of addiction ~USA addicted to war, oil
Al-Jazeera office attacked in Egypt protests~pro-government thugs: http://bit.ly/dGVjZn #Egypt #Liberation
VIA New York Times ~Journalists Return to Central Cairo, but Threats Remain: http://nyti.ms/eWJfNK #Egypt #TahrirSquare
Let us pray that we overcome all our divisions ~seek unity with kindred souls ~build bridges of love, faith and compassion.
Let us pray that we look around in the world. See the battles ahead ~spy the battlegrounds before us ~be prepared for life!
Let us pray that #Mubarak come to his senses ~exit #Egypt ~and ponder why he was allowed to reign so long. Where were we at?
Let us pray that we proceed in life with a Basic Plan of Action ~not tossed around like leaves by passing winds of doctrine.
Let us pray for wisdom to help guide our lives ~to see beneath surface appearances ~to fathom deep matters of life and death.
Tests, trials and tribulations help to sharpen our soul, build our inner character and make us more loving humane beings.
Let us pray for the courage to know and feel that ~despite setbacks in our struggles ~we will win! We will topple tyranny!
Let us pray that we are aware of our motives ~why we think certain thoughts ~why we do certain actions ~be love motivated.
Let us pray that we have a spirit of love in our hearts ~that we hate the sin, nor the sinner ~that we show our love today.
Let us pray for the blessings of the Creator ~beyond the divisions of religions ~that we come to know the divine within us.
Let us pray that we are mindful ~not easily distracted ~that we remember our good values and practice spiritual principles.
Let us pray for the poor, the hungry and all who live in fear under the tyranny of evil ones in power. Let us see the world.
Let us pray for harmony in our lives with all around us ~let us unify together as one family of humanity ~seek oneness.
Let us pray for spiritual discernment ~that we are able to distinguish between realities and rumors ~between fact and fiction.
Let us pray that we are mindful of our communications ~that we express ourselves with care, caution and compassion. #Egypt #TahrirSquare
Let us pray for the people of Egypt ~for all repressed people around their world ~for liberation from all forms of tyranny.
Friday ~February 4, 2011 ~Today is a good day to review the week ~Look at lessons ~Remember memories ~Appreciate blessings
RT @SultanAlQassemi: Got it: The protesters in Meydan Tahrir are shouting "We won't leave, HE will leave" مش حانمشي هو يمشي
Thousands continue to stream across Kasr El Nile bridge. Very festive atmosphere. What a contrast to Wednesday's govt-sponsored brutality.
The baltagiya wouldn't dare enter here. Way too many people. They would be completely overwhelmed. #Egypt
On a balcony now with birds-eye view. Tahrir is an ocean of people. This is simply massive. #Egypt
Not a second after prayers end the chants against Mubarak begin
Mass Friday prayer in Tahrir. Powerful. #Egypt
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 2-03-2011 Thursday~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Egypt #Jan25: http://bit.ly/fvbZgd #Liberty
<+>Friday, February 04, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Be In Unity!<+> Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @iyad_elbaghdadi: This is Hussein Taha, shot in heart right after Friday prayers in #Alexandria on #Jan25 http://bit.ly/gYJPa5 #Tahrir
The regime wanted to get rid of the foreign media, so they spread tales of terrorist foriegn spies, to justify attacking journalists. #jan25
2-03-2011 On the Uprising in Egypt via Peta_de_Aztan | Liberation Now!: http://wp.me/prH9G-29 #Jan25 #Tahrir #Egypt
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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