2-05-2011 Sabbath~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Egypt #Tahrir #Jan25
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Pray for Angels of Peace Around #Tahrir Square! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan
Contact Info: ~Skype: Peta_de_Aztlan ~My Facebook: http://www.facebook.com/Peta51 ~HELP Portal: http://help-matrix.ning.com/
RT @amnesty: TAKE ACTION: Egyptian Govt Must Release International #HumanRights Observers http://ow.ly/3PIhG #Egypt #Jan25
@Jhehrhuhdhah BTW... Do you even know what a Pachuco is? I should not assume. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pachuco
@FrancieIorio184 LINK: PETA= People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals ~ http://www.peta.org/ #Whistler
@lindahollier Yes, been counting. Must be tough on regulars around #Tahrir Square ~#Liberation Circle? ~Good people there.
@FrancieIorio184 I see you are a busy animal rights activist. Seeing your Twitter timeline. ~Peta
RT @lindahollier: #Egypt. Day 13 begins. ~Time flies. It is right after 9 PM here in California. Still in Saturday night.
@FrancieIorio184 We human mammals are still animals too. In fact we are the most cruel of all other animals by far. #Whistler
VIDEO 3:21 ~2/02/2011 #Whistler Sled Dogs Slaughter~ http://bit.ly/dMo9o1 VIA @FrancieIorio184 #Inhumane #Canada
@Sandmonkey Good basic outline for #Egypt Plan of Action by you ~ http://bit.ly/h48Xkn ~My prayers are with Egyptian people.
@Jhehrhuhdhah I adopted my Dad's Pachuco nickname 'Peta'. Try to keep open Tweets of general nature. Big picture.
@Jhehrhuhdhah Peta_de_Aztlan= Peta is Pachuco for 'a rope hard to cut + Aztlan is Nahuatl word for ‘people from Aztlan’
Top Ten Accomplishments of Egypt Demonstrators > http://bit.ly/dEdBxe .@sha3bula: @ishtarmuz #EGYPT #TahrirSquare
#Egypt Remembers! ~ http://1000memories.com/egypt ~Source: @sabzbrach Link VIA @virtualactivism #Egypt #Rising #Tahrir #Jan25
@Jhehrhuhdhah Good article us here in USA needed. At least I apreciated it. The Way Forward http://bit.ly/h48Xkn #UNITY #EGYPT
@Jhehrhuhdhah Kind of feel the situation in #Egypt around #Tahrir Square has reached a new point of reflection about the future. Feel it.
@Rouelshimi In fact, I have seen no pro-Mubarak Regime Tweets, yet. Do they know how to Tweet? ;->~~
Gracias for RTs Family: @parkstepp @Jhehrhuhdhah @SustainablDylan @SupermanHotMale @ishtarmuz @Juliesvern @joanie399 @opeiratis #Tahrir
Uprising in Egypt: A Two-Hour Special on the Revolt Against the U.S.-Backed Mubarak Regime: http://bit.ly/ick39T #Tahrir
2/03/2011 ~ Is the Prophet a Founding Father? by Deepak Chopra: http://huff.to/igzQWa #Egypt
2/01/2011 ~For Once, a Chance to Root for the Arab Street by Deepak Chopra: http://huff.to/eSgFsj #Tunisia
The big picture focus offers an opportunity to find solutions while maintaining the physical focus. Realign your focus.
VIDEO 3:03 ~ Dr Deepak Chopra: The power of ATTENTION & INTENTION! http://bit.ly/1ythh2
RT @uruknet: This Is What A Two State Solution Looks Likehttp://bit.ly/esG0rI #palestine
RT @uruknet: ‘My friend, Mahmoud Maher, a doctor was killed at Tahrir Square’Parvez Sharma http://bit.ly/f6ZCtE #Egypt #Jan25
Are elements in the Egyptian Army the only force capable of ending the stalemate in Egypt with a coup-de-etát? #Tahrir
VIDEO 2:39 ~شبكه الرصد الاخباريه :: اغتيال متظاهر Cold-blooded murder of a demonstrator LINK VIA.@monaeltahawy: http://bit.ly/fgFBfu
"At this stage, we have two possible directions: either constitutional reforms or a coup d'etat by the army." ~Nour, Sec-Gen Wafd Party
"We are at a standstill," ~Nabil El Arabi, a retired international judge ~member of group: http://wapo.st/hsidEM
"If you really want change, you have to depart completely from this pseudo-democracy." ~@ElBaradei ~ http://wapo.st/hsidEM
"Mubarak needs to go as a precondition of talks," ~ElBaradei @ElBaradei ~ http://wapo.st/hsidEM
Sat 2-05-2011 ~WashPost #Egypt's opposition parties fracture as talks with government begin: http://wapo.st/hsidEM
@Juliesvern We should strive and struggle for peace ~as our family is doing in Tahrir Square now, but be wary of deceits.
If I am not for myself, for whom shall I be? If I am only for myself, what am I? ~Akiva #TahrirSquare
Always Remember: Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable. ~President John F.Kennedy
Slogans Chanted During Peaceful Assemblies by People of #Egypt http://egychants.tumblr.com [Ar] #Jan25
RT @AzizaSami: I chant to u from Tahrir: Moslem,Christian We r all Egyptians.This is a popular revolution.This is a democratic revolution
[1944] George Orwell: What is Fascism? ~http://bit.ly/9gcqRB #Amerika
LINK: Time Zone Converter ~ http://www.timezoneconverter.com/cgi-bin/tzc.tzc
The Great Global Awakening has Arrived: Egypt, Revolution and the Drive to Control the Internet: http://bit.ly/i0B6gb
2:07 PM ~Just after Midnight in Cario ~Pray all our Family over there are safe ~Whole world is still watching ~We Will Win!
@virtualactivism Let us not react to statements by fools clouded with emotions. Focus on positive rational responses.
A philosophy of strict non-violence always hints at its opposite. State power reacts to threats to its existence: ignore, laugh, crush.
Non-violence always hints at its opposite.
One thing about a violent revolution is that vanguard elements do not wait for the dictator to resign ~he is ousted!
@Sandmonkey: Egyptian Billionaire Sawiris Interview on Egyptian Unrest: http://bloom.bg/h9R7Mh #OrascomTelecom
@Sandmonkey Which one? Nageb Saweras Interview in Menaalb Masr 1 http://youtu.be/z39zkb___cY
#EGYPT: Opposition Leader ElBaradei demands more than resignations: http://lat.ms/dERh1D #TahrirSquare
LINK: RAWA ~Revolutionary Association of the Women of Afghanistan~ http://www.rawa.org/index.php
RAWA.org: Stoning victim was bought bride: The Scotsman: A YOUNG woman stoned to death in Afghanistan’s north ha... http://bit.ly/dJ8vWL
2010: Worst Year for Civilian Deaths of Afghan War ~2,421 civilian Afghans killed ~over 3,270 were injured: http://bit.ly/efTwrA
Juror ordered to turn over #Facebook postings in #Sacramento gang beating case: http://bit.ly/ihwJqv #Killa Mobb gang
#UN #EUnion #Russia #US: Quartet urges Israel, Arabs to heed Egypt risk > http://reut.rs/e7dE9t #Egypt Uprising
VIDEO 1:23 ~2-05-2011 ~Protesters tell army general "We won't go, Mubarak has to go" http://bit.ly/en9F6k #Tahrir Square
#Thailand, #Cambodia troops clash again near temple ~1 killed ~4 wounded: http://bit.ly/fHn8jV #BorderWar
#Tunisia Uprising: Two killed~17 wounded after Tunisian police fire at protesters ~ http://bit.ly/hpyirK VIA @walidsa3d:
RT @wikileaks: Bush Swiss visit off after fears of torture case http://bit.ly/hXVYeF ~Karma's a bitch Fuhrer Bush!
@Rania_ak We cannot just look to the external for solutions. We must also look within ourselves ~our own inner character.
@Rania_ak Bulk of global problems are outer manifestations of internal issues that block our courage to change what we can.
Credit Agricole: Egypt's economy losing $310MM a day - Egypt’s economic growth has been revised down from estimated 5.3% to 3.7%. #jan25
Repressed man under fascism is confused by a natural desire for and false fear of freedom ~contradictions crumble courage.
@SHDW_of_LMNTS Repressed mentality is more damaged than someone who has only been oppressed. There is self-repression.
It is one thing to persecute a man, but to get him to allow his own persecution requires repression of natural drives.
Repression is worse than oppression ~we stifle ourselves ~we smother each other ~we fear truth, freedom and liberation!
We should be in a natural flow ~let it go ~release our fears ~overcome all paranoia ~be armed with courage in this lifetime!
Every day and night we weave more and more intertwined webs of solidarity with many. The 'genie is out of the bottle!
VIA @etharkamal: Best news I've heard all day: A friend of mine is having his katb kitab (getting married!) in #Tahrir tomorrow! #Egypt
@virtualactivism Let us see what we can do together ~build networks online ~offline in local areas ~inline kindred spirits.
RT @AnthonyLawlor: Beliefs are more real than a chair. Few people will die for a chair, but countless people will die for a belief.
Check Twitter Streams @ishtarmuz @democracynow @SultanAlQassemi @Sandmonkey @sharifkouddous @wikileaks @virtualactivism #EGYPT #Jan25
RT @wikileaks: WikiLeaks, Revolution, and the Lost Cojones of American Journalism http://is.gd/CaNPL3
The whole world can now see what can happen when a handful of people just STOP and take a STAND against evil. #Jan25
@ungaro We have a lot of work to do in our own local communities ~as we always have ~let Egyptian Uprising inspire us!
@planetshifter Each of us on an individual level should be a part of a larger network of pro-democratic activists.
@BJTuininga Egyptian Uprising can serve as inspiration for all indigenous peoples worldwide, esp. concentration camps!
If it was up to #Mubarak he would mow down all the tenants of #Tahrir Square ~he knows the whole world is watching!
#Tahrir Square ~Liberation Square~ has now become the most valuable significant real estate property in the world.
Egyptian Uprising has renewed hopes in the hearts of millions of people worldwide ~let it inspire us to clean our own streets.
Our communications online, offline or inline should be coherent, meaningful and inspired by love for the people.
We should strive for an active balance in our lives ~mental-physical-spiritual health ~mind-body-soul balance ~trinity.
Continue to work on your personal spiritual growth ~Start or Join a local group of pro-democratic people ~Avoid labels
See what is to be done in your own homes ~clean house ~throw out the garbage ~prepare now for battles to come.
Do not let events thousands of miles away from where you are on an existential level distract you from your local area.
Egyptian Uprising should inspire us all to look around ~investigate our own local situation ~maintain global networks.
Since #Jan25 I have mainly been Following #Tweeters on #Twitter involved with or supportive of the Egyptian Uprising.
Truth is in the center of our higher consciousness on an individual level ~each of us a unique being ~figure it out.
We can in general define our mutual enemies as forms of fascism ~authoritarianism ~command and control freaks!
Uprising in #Egypt has inspired millions ~#Tahrir Square in now geo-political Center of the World ~Liberated Territory!.
@donnapoteclark Our base agenda should be an inclusive humane rights agenda ~all peoples of all lands ~Unity is Key
@donnapoteclark As we see with a global overview ~we should see revolutionary consciousness begins in the home.
10 AM ~Democracy Now! Will Repeat Today's Two Hour Show on Uprising in Egypt: http://www.livestream.com/democracynow
Rashid Khalidi just said on @democracynow that the revolution in Alexandria is actually bigger than Cairo in per-capita terms. #egypt #jan25
The hunger of the masses is the primal motivating factor for democratic socialist revolution. Feed consciousness!
We are barely realizing the potential of Internet Power to elevate mass education ~mass literacy ~effect mass mobilization.
"First they ignore you, then they laugh at you, then they fight you, then you win.” - Gandhi. #Egypt #jan25 #Tahrir #Revolution
"They who can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety, deserve neither liberty nor safety."- B. Franklin #Egypt #jan25
Chevron Pulls Greatest Magic Trick Ever as They Make Plaintiffs Disappear! http://is.gd/OS1qbC
thx! @POCHO_CHOLO @sandrabuarque @jpmontano @Oil_Leaks @ssedoga @KeepCanadaWild @RAN @monakart @350nowpilipinas @NihiloZero
Shuar leader Pepe Acacho arrested on terrorism charges http://is.gd/pQRHN5
Revealed: how deep-sea mining could destroy the 'cradle of life on earth' #PNG #Canada http://is.gd/tyHxBa
Join Up Humane-Liberation-Party via Portal ~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
Army's Mental Health Care Failed #BradleyManning http://ow.ly/3QRw8
El Baradei on Al Jazeera: The Egyptian army must now choose between Mubarak & the people
We must know the true nature of our enemies ~begin with seeing that the people do have enemies. Wake up! Be conscious!
Al Arabiya reporter says that President Mubarak has not resigned as head of the NDP
Let us deliver @democracynow headlines + interviews directly to your email! Sign-up for daily digest: http://ow.ly/3QUyJ
Americans to stand trial after 18 months in Iran jail http://t.co/j4Yq35G
RT @commondreams: Stay tuned to the 2nd hour of @democracynow's great coverage of the uprising in #Egypt. http://ow.ly/3QUeI
Que Viva Fidel! RT @reflexionfidel: Reflexión de 2009, La respuesta inmediata http://bit.ly/dTVa6C
Inner circles of US Govt is fascist, scientific and sophisticated. Experts at mass propaganda and disinformation.
Americans: Be under no illusions. USA is a mature fascist military state 'in power and insecure' ~not a true democracy.
Clinton: "govts who consistently deny their people freedom & opportunity are the ones who will, in the end, open the door to instability"
Egyptian army moves to restore order~government meets with opposition leaders: http://lat.ms/fhRPri #TAHRIR
Leaders of Egypt's ruling National Democratic Party resigned Saturday, including Gamal Mubarak: http://lat.ms/gfJoNr #EGYPT
2/05/2011 #EGYPT: Clinton warns of 'perfect storm' enveloping the Arab world: http://lat.ms/giEMMh ~powerful trends
Blogpost: 2-4-2011 Friday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #EGYPT #Jan25 #TAHRIR http://bit.ly/f8zC2Y
VIA @IronManRecords: Birmingham Underground is Out! http://bit.ly/e8TDv7 ~Top stories today via @peta_de_aztlan @ironmanrecords @wearebham
VIA @democracynow: Live Now: Two-Hour Show Saturday #Egypt Uprising—11am-1pm EST STREAM Live: http://bit.ly/gQ7jfE #TAHRIR
Follow Sharif Kouddous @sharifkouddous Live from Egypt journalist. Senior producer for Democracy Now! @democracynow http://bit.ly/i7yHH4
My uncle thinks the military will try to clear the protesters from Tahrir streets tonight & confine them to the sidewalks, grass areas
@yasminerashidi they refused two people I was with carrying cameras at Kasr al Nile entrance. Not sure about other ways in
Massive line to get in to Tahrir. They are letting ppl in 1 by 1 who have been waiting 3 hours. Demonstration may break out on the bridge
New checkpoint much further back at entrance of Kasr El Nile bridge. Republican guard checking ppl. Not letting cameras in
About to walk into Tahrir. People inside say they are tightening the noose, forcing people into a smaller space in the center #Egypt #Jan25
Great to hear even the most depoliticized members of my family engage in all out political debate. This is what is needed, engaged citizenry
My phone died yesterday after spending the night in Tahrir. I am safe and sound back at home. Heading out later today and will update
<+>February 5, 2011~Sabbath, <+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Liberate the Day!<+> Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Power to the Pro-Democracy Revolutionaries in the Liberated Zone of Liberation Square Today #EGYPT #Jan25 #TAHRIR
Graveyard of Empires: AfghanisNAM is still the Achilles' heel of POTUS Obama ~ http://nyti.ms/hA67KH #Liberty
Al Jazeera English: Live Stream Watch Broadcast Here > http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/ #EGYPT #JAN25 #TAHRIR RT
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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