Tuesday, February 08, 2011

2-08-2011 Tuesday Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Egypt #Jan25 #Tahrir


Eqypt Rising 2-08-2011
2-08-2011 Tuesday Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Egypt #Jan25 #Tahrir
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S. Lopez
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Pray for Guardian Angels of Peace Around #Tahrir Square! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S. Lopez
I have American born Sponsor ~Dr. Linda~ in Jerusalem. We have often discussed Middle East Madness. Splinters wi… (cont) http://deck.ly/~iByoX
Give me feedback: Opinions about ~Thousands support 'day of rage' against Hamas~ http://bit.ly/dPbVVW
#Egypt Tremors Felt in Gaza: http://huff.to/fNDrts ~via @huffingtonpost
Gaza Rocked By 7 Airstrikes ~1 Child Reported Killed ~10 Injured ~Medical Supplies Warehouse Destroyed: http://on.fb.me/fAgTLi ~
Facebook: We Are With Gaza ~Who's the Coward!? http://on.fb.me/ebSyPz
VIDEO 0:46 #Gazans protest Hamas and Mubarak http://bit.ly/i2BHAq ~FB Revolution of Honor
Israel has repeatedly attacked Gaza since the 22-day war of December 2008 to January 2009.
Wed Feb 9, 2011 3:17AM #Israel launches two airstrikes on #Gaza strip: http://bit.ly/i1T46y
The culmination of social-economic power is the control and ownership of the land and all viable institutions thereon.
Relevant revolution entails a total transformation of property relations between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots'.
We should not confuse a revolutionary movement with revolution's grand strategic aim: seizure of state power.
RT @uruknet: Egyptian revolution reverberates throughout Arab world http://bit.ly/dNsoCo #Egypt
U.S. Demands Immediate End To Egypt's Emergency Law~Biden spoke to Suleiman: http://bit.ly/fUMbNG Link_VIA @SultanAlQassemi:
RT @hrw: Egypt: Documented Death Toll From Protests Tops 300 http://bit.ly/dQSKp3
@heidiko44 I like yours too. Did not realize how pretty you were, though knew your soul was beautiful.
@heidiko44 I am in his bloodline ~ mixed with Sonoran Yaqui ~now of the Lost Tribe of Chicanos! ;->~~
@monaeltahawy #Suleiman seems more intelligent than #Mubarak but both are evil #Egyptians with nightmares about #Jan25.
Being good seems easy, but sometimes hard. RT @heidiko44: To do good, be good. To be good, do good. ~via @NewMindMirror:
@mrhayford 8:34 PM ~Thanks for the insight. We need to feed people's minds ~at least mine~ so much to know about other cultures.
Connectivity of the Trinity of a humane being: mind/thoughts ~ body/sense ~ soul/emotions-feelings. ~ http://bit.ly/gmtbCP
@DRG Dr. Greenstein by Peta_de_Aztlan
Great insights come from taking time to notice how a simple breath connects to the rest of our body! #meditation #leadership #breath
@DRG Dr. Greenstein by Peta_de_Aztlan
"Clarity, conceptual vision & political determination" - a great way to frame strategy 4 (neuro)leadership & change @ovationtv
@sciam Scientific American by Peta_de_Aztlan
Egyptians rally to defend cultural heritage http://bit.ly/eRtags
@monaeltahawy Remember to dance with balance ~stay aware of mind-body-soul ~take time to just breathe and be. #Egypt
Detained Al Jazeera Journalist: '[The Military] Viewed So Many of Us as Prisoners of War. Our Hands were....'http://bit.ly/gcLpi9
Shooting the Messenger: Egyptian Journalist Shot Dead by Sniper While Covering Cairo Protests: http://bit.ly/fgZtPC #Jan25
“The Heroes are the Ones in the Street”: Google Exec~Facebook Activist Ghonim Release After 12 Days in Egyptian Jail: http://bit.ly/ho5DSB
Asmaa Mahfouz & the YouTube Video that Helped Spark the Egyptian #Uprising: http://bit.ly/dLdPrK #Egypt #Jan25
“People Are Determined to Stay Until Mubarak Leaves”: #Cairo on Day 15 of the Egyptian Pro-Democracy Protests: http://bit.ly/dToqu2
@mrhayford I am not sure we even know how to build Pyramids today? Not without a machine-based technology. Then that's another story.
2/08/2011 ~Rank-and-file take down Patriot Act in House~ http://politi.co/eq6kZ0 ~Man, I needed some good news!
@VV4Change Virginia Velez by Peta_de_Aztlan
Uncle Sam’s take this year will be the lowest since 1950 | But by all means, send it to Egypt's dictators and MIC! http://bit.ly/dR4Wu2 #p2
@WakeUp2Wellness FYI Meet Asmaa Mahfouz and the vlog that Helped Spark the Revolution by Peta_de_Aztlan: http://wp.me/prH9G-2b
@SustainablDylan Dylan by Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @greennewshourly: US Gov Announces $50.5 Million Offshore Wind Plan http://goo.gl/fb/WAz3U
Husband of Murdered US Missionary Vows to Continue Work in #Mexico: http://bit.ly/fc7E0v
Echo: An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come. ~Victor Hugo, 18th Century French Philosopher #Egypt
 “The Heroes are the Ones in the Street”~Google Exec-Facebook Activist Ghonim Release After 12 Days in Egyptian Jail: http://bit.ly/g2ae7C
U.S. Customs seize tri-pod mounted machine gun bound for #Mexico: http://reut.rs/eptljT
@LAmerican Latin American News by Peta_de_Aztlan
Fallout of #Juarez violence felt in El Paso, Texas http://is.gd/2ZgNaA #CiudadJuarez #Mexico #Latism
@LAmerican Latin American News by Peta_de_Aztlan
'Smuggle Truck: Operation Immigration' iPhone App Draws Outrage http://is.gd/4JAu6I #Latism
@LAmerican Latin American News by Peta_de_Aztlan
U.S. Deports 3,000 Latino War Vets in 15 years http://is.gd/zSvASO #latism
#Egypt #Tahrir I am in awe of the numbers and duration of the Egyptian masses after over 2 weeks ~these people built Pyramids!
#Egypt crisis doesn't reflect U.S. intelligence failure By Michael Hayden~Former CIA Direc '06-Feb '09~ http://bit.ly/h1tgeD
@hrw Human Rights Watch by Peta_de_Aztlan
Multimedia - From Calm to Violence: Three Days in Tahrir Square http://bit.ly/eY64Vy
John McLaughlin, former deputy director of central intelligence, famously remarked years ago that there are di… (cont) http://deck.ly/~Hpfb6
RT @heidiko44: R @msmagazine: Have you heard about Walk for Choice?? http://bit.ly/eU2nS4 We would love to have you involved! #women
Our life energy should be full of compassion ~enlivened by deep passion and seasoned with humane reason.
RT @GazaYBO: Breaking news: A huge explosion shaked every house in the north and ambulances are everywhere. #Gaza #Gaza2
'You have a voice in this country,' @Ghonim ~CNN LINKs to Short Videos: http://bit.ly/hNncll #Egypt #Fascism
The protesters have now entered the most dangerous phase of this conflict. ~Fouad Ajami, Prof. Johns Hopkins University #Egypt
This is not the time for conflicting ideas, or factions, or ideologies. This is the time for us to say one thi… (cont) http://deck.ly/~LnzeC
CNN: 'You have a voice in this country,' emerging protest figure says: http://bit.ly/hNncll #Ghonim #Egypt
CNN: White House criticizes Egyptian government and vice president: http://bit.ly/gr5aCg #Tahrir
@WarOnErrorDKos War on Error by Peta_de_Aztlan
Poetry Inspired by the Egyptians http://t.co/HAef0JT #dailykos
@papakelt Gerard Newham by Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @Hlth_Literacy #Minorities Under Attack: The Germ of Hate Spreads in #Russia http://ht.ly/3PXPw #Racism
@hrw Human Rights Watch by Peta_de_Aztlan
VIDEO 3:51 Ron Paul Opposes Patriot Act Re-Authorization 2-8-11 ~ http://bit.ly/gTzZke #FightFascism
@BarackObama Use your authority as POTUS to compel #Mubarak to resign immediately! New democracy is in our collective interests!
@BarackObama USA must assert its moral authority. Demand #Mubarak resign ~support people's democracy in #Egypt.
Love to see hearts of American people expanding and embracing the Liberation Movement in #Egypt ~Warriors at #Tahrir Square!
Michelle Obama Says President Kicked Smoking Habit: http://bloom.bg/hFLMVz ~Let him break habit of broken campaign promises!
RT @monaeltahawy: We keep hearing "Where are women of #Egypt revolution?" I want to know where are women analysing Egypt revolution? #Jan25
@monaeltahawy Global Following of #Egypt #Jan25 needs more analysis by Egyptians, including women ~beyond great images.
Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party! http://help-matrix.ning.com/
Amerikan Empire's obsession is global command and control, not the humane rights of Egyptians. USA supports foreign fascism!
Freed Activist Ghonim Energizes Egyptian Protests ~Good Videos HERE> http://huff.to/gu6wX5 via @huffingtonpost
U.S. citizens love distractions from looking at our own sad situation in the USA. Free Leonard Peltier! Check the backyard!
See the Big Picture. Let us not focus exclusively on #Egypt and neglect the rest of the world. #Arabia #Africa #America etc.
The foreign policies of the Amerikan Empire remains the primary cause of global war and state terrorism, not #Mubarak.
Look behind the Villain #Mubarak. USA bankrolled his fascist dictatorship. See the Connections!
We should remember the USA has backed up #Mubarak for 30 years. Blood is on its hands too!
Freed Activist #Ghonim Energizes Egyptian Protests http://huff.to/gu6wX5 via @huffingtonpost
An H.I.V. Strategy Invites Addicts In ~VANCOUVER, British Columbia: http://nyti.ms/fGmtUU
RT @EmergentCulture: To appease US, Yemen arrested dozens sans evidence, cable reveals. http://bit.ly/gWuSdr #wikileaks
#Africa: #Sudan Leader to Accept Secession of South: http://nyti.ms/evlClh
Crunching numbers in Mexico's drug conflict By Julian Miglierini BBC News, Mexico City: http://bbc.in/gX08hC
Mexico-US Drug War: Nearly 35,000 people have been killed in drug-related violence since late 2006: http://bbc.in/gX08hC
RT @indigenous_news: Urge Bangladesh to Ban Open-pit Coal Mining in Phulbari http://is.gd/E0y0w2
RT @lostrelics: 10 companies own 40% of all seeds in the US: http://bit.ly/fjqK1t
Ciudad Juarez, Mexico ~1.3 million residents~ saw more than 3,000 murders last year: http://bbc.in/fuaIJs #BorderWar
'US teenagers' killed in Mexican border city shooting: http://bbc.in/fuaIJs #BorderWar
#Brazil: Indigenous tribes protest against Amazon dam~delivered petition signed by 600,000+ http://bbc.in/hVTtDi
#Brazil: prison riot in Maranhao state 'leaves six dead'~some decapitated: http://bbc.in/fSMGOB
Analysis: Egypt's unfinished revolution By Jeremy Bowen BBC Middle East Editor, Cairo: http://bbc.in/gF9FHY #Jan25
@Madprof666 People are still herd animals ~follow leaders ~need community ~humane inaction ~sincere bonding #Tahrir
At the center of Egypt's debate: the constitution By Moni Basu, CNN: http://bit.ly/ii7fPn #DumpMubarak
@pauljzak Paul J. Zak by Peta_de_Aztlan
Oxytocin increases trust in strangers but does not make us gullible http://bit.ly/dOVVUZ
@pauljzak Paul J. Zak by Peta_de_Aztlan
Are the 7 deadly sins (gluttony, lust, greed, despair, wrath, envy, pride) passe since they are constant media fodder?
@pauljzak Paul J. Zak by Peta_de_Aztlan
Sleep consolidates memories preferentially for info we'll need the next day http://bit.ly/dZyBNg. A nap anyone?
RT @commondreams: U.S. Middle-East Policy: "See No Evil, Hear No Evil, Speak No Evil -- Just Practice It, The… (cont) http://deck.ly/~x56Hz
New Download of TweetDeck is cool but with people's short attention span I try to avoid them having to Click to another webpage.
#Twitter “We’re drawing on a desire in a fast-paced world to still have real connections to a community.” ~ ht… (cont) http://deck.ly/~GgEIY
RT @hrw: #Turkey: Activist’s Trial a Travesty of Justice: http://bit.ly/gdthhX
@moro89 Posting #Twitter Messages causes release of oxytocin ~neurotransmitter evokes feelings of contentment: http://nyti.ms/dTnEvI
@GovGaryJohnson Patriot Act enhances the legal authority of domestic fascism inside the United States ~violates humane rights.
The Census Releases New Data ...and it doesn't bring good news for New Orleans: http://bit.ly/g6CPtQ VIA @ungaro: #Census
@moro89 11:01 Yes. We never know who can pop up of from where on #Twitter. Have 'met' some beautiful people who have inspired me.
@sharifkouddous History teaches us that U.S. Aid often results in U.S. Harm or Counter-Revolutions. #Egypt #Jan25
RT @sharifkouddous: Sign in English: Americans...Thank you...we don't need your help...we can handle our issues #Egypt #Jan25
@moro89 I don't even like those stupid #Facebook games anymore. Good for kids to keep their little minds occup… (cont) http://deck.ly/~dwAY8
@JoseArtirez We need to engage in dialogue, exchange ideas and ideals and be open to valid constructive critic… (cont) http://deck.ly/~iU5pD
@JoseArtirez Gracias. With compassion I pray that minds are not so much closed as fearful on a spiritual level… (cont) http://deck.ly/~a2PCv
 “We will not abandon our demand, and that is the departure of the regime,” ~@Ghonim:
RT @Jerusalem_Post: Gates praises Egypt's military, urges 'steady' reform: In his first public remarks sinc… (cont) http://deck.ly/~7zRci
RT @Ghonim: A government that is scared from #Facebook and #Twitter should govern a city in Farmville but not a country like #Egypt #Jan25
@IF_Wolf So I guess I do not have to go my surgical-like Tweets anymore. Though old Twitter taught me to think… (cont) http://deck.ly/~TztmV
@JoseArtirez I can love a man on a personal level ~yet disrespect his policies and opinions, esp. when they im… (cont) http://deck.ly/~a3SEU
Downloaded New Version of Tweetdeck ~ Apparently we can keep on typing past the 140 Character Limit so thi… (cont) http://deck.ly/~hFrLA
2/08/2011 | #EGYPT: Freed Google executive Wael Ghonim joins protests: http://lat.ms/gUzose #Tahrir Square
Egyptian uprising is exposing POTUS Obama for the smiling fascist that he is ~he knows history ~he is not naive #Egypt
We should not be naive ~US Government always always sides with Counter-Revolutionary Repressive Regimes ~usually bankrolls.
My 36 Hours in Egyptian Captivity by Dan Williams~Human Rights Watch~ http://bit.ly/fkEOQq #Jan25
@hrw Human Rights Watch by Peta_de_Aztlan
HRW probe implicates #Mexico military, police in killings & disappearances in Monterrey. http://bit.ly/gW77ld
@hrw Human Rights Watch by Peta_de_Aztlan
HRW investigation links 8 killings in Monterrey, #Mexico to brutal force by army, navy. http://bit.ly/gW77ld
@jimmurphySF Jim Murphy by Peta_de_Aztlan
HRW puts death toll at least 297 killed since Jan 28 – 232 - Cairo, 52 - Alexandria, 13 - Suez http://bit.ly/hL31vg #Egypt #jan25
"Images of the uprisings in Tunisia and Egypt have mesmerized the Arab public but have terrified their rulers," said Sarah Whitson
RT @hrw: Egypt-Inspired Protests Across Middle East Meet Violent Clampdown~Saudi Arabia, Sudan, Syria, Yemen: http://bit.ly/fJLjpI
RT @ungaro: RT @GuyKawasaki: Domino effect: Revolution in the Middle East [infographic http://is.gd/scQseB
Separate from the little picture and participate with the bigger one. ~Veronica http://bit.ly/9Opxmr
Egypt's landless have no love for Mubarak~phase-out 1952 land reform, forcing millions off 'their' land~ http://bit.ly/hWf5LC
Obama and Egypt: Fear and Loathing~by Retired CIA Veteran~ http://bit.ly/dUW07z #FreeEgypt
Wael Ghonim Has 'Galvanized' Protesters In Egypt : The Two-Way : NPR: http://n.pr/egHjBM #Jan25
@RupaSubramanya Well it is good article ~though I see stuff a lot through psycho-social prisms.
@jungianLaura Laura London by Peta_de_Aztlan
"If you don't live your nonsense you will never have lived at all, and the meaning of life is surely that it is lived." ~C.G. #Jung 7 Feb
2-08-2011 #Tahrir Square is becoming more and more of an urban village. #Egypt ~ http://nyti.ms/e7Tfop
New York Times Slide Show ~Unrest Continues In #Egypt ~ http://nyti.ms/e7Tfop
@RupaSubramanya Tweeted yesterday ~whether #Egypt can happen in India http://on.wsj.com/hLuNnx #Egypt
#Egypt: Government Says Egyptian Reform Is ‘On the Right Path’~ http://nyti.ms/f60vFE #Jan25 #Govt Propaganda
@democracynow Democracy Now! by Peta_de_Aztlan
LIVE: @AJEnglish's @AymanM in Cairo: To take Al Jazeera off the air would be a disservice to humanity. STREAM: http://ow.ly/3SmDL #egypt
@AJEnglish Al Jazeera English by Peta_de_Aztlan
The different shades of Tahrir: Even after two weeks, central Cairo's Tahrir Square remains the heartbeat of the... http://aje.me/e1eHMn
@democracynow Democracy Now! by Peta_de_Aztlan
LIVE: @AJEnglish Cairo Bureau Chief @AymanM: #Egypt is at a crossroads. It is now a battle of wills. STREAM: http://ow.ly/3SmME
@Ghonim Wael Ghonim by Peta_de_Aztlan
Tahrir Square is blocked. We are trying to get there now. Egyptians are making history. #Jan25
RT @AJEnglish: #AlJazeera #Egypt's #Tahrir Square - hundreds of thousands already there protesting. Watch live: http://aje.me/ajelive
RT @Jerusalem_Post: Four rockets fired at western Negev from Gaza: Rocket alerts sounded off; residents of Sha'ar... http://bit.ly/eJLlS0
RT @democracynow: LIVE: @sharifkouddous: Tens of thousands in #Tahrir. People sleeping in front of tanks. STREAM: http://ow.ly/3Slqy #Egypt
@rgl IT not a matter of being born 'old' ~soul is eternal ~we learn lessons each lifetime or not ~do not believe this one is all of it.
~Sharif Tune in to @democracynow at 8am EST. @AymanM will be on talking about his arrest by military. Stream live: http://bit.ly/RSVaf
RT @sharifkouddous: Near museum in Tahrir people have laid blanket at foot of tanks, encircling them to prevent any encroachment #Egypt
RT @sharifkouddous: Some talk of planning a march to protest the state TV building, the propaganda arm of the regime #Egypt #Jan25
RT @sharifkouddous: Thousands took part in professors march from Manyal to #Tahrir. People cheered then on from the balconies via @3arabawy
RT @sharifkouddous: Just interviewed @alaa about Egypt's revolutionary moment ~where uprising stands two weeks after it began #Egypt #Jan25
RT @sharifkouddous: Today 2 week anniversary of #Egypt uprising. Many expected in #Tahrir. Reports there a feeder march from labor syndicate
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S. Lopez
<+>Tuesday February 08, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Liberate the Day!<+> Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan

Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/

Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan

Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/


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