2-09-2011 Wednesday Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Egypt #Jan25 #Tahrir
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Pray for Guardian Angels of Peace Around #Tahrir Square! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan~California
@Starseed52 Yes, it is an on-going balancing act at times ~seeing what is going on in the world and taking care of ourselves too.
About Safeground Sacramento ~ http://bit.ly/dMXY7h
Add Water and Kill? ACLU Statement ~New Lethal Injection Records from CA Department of Corrections: http://bit.ly/ggknsQ
@monaeltahawy check out our Egypt live blog - your @AJEnglish interview has been added there as well! http://aje.me/iiQvqZ
Safe Ground in the news. Rangers coming at 2:30 to give 48hr notice to SG&others. We'll do our own cleaning. http://tinyurl.com/4zs68w8
Rangers gave Safe Ground campers 48 hour notices to move. Slideshow from KCRA http://tinyurl.com/4o4fbht
Take the KCRA survey "What should be done about the homeless camping along the American River?" www.kcra.com (left column, scroll down)
All Americans should make themselves aware of what has happened, is still happening and the global changes tha… (cont) http://deck.ly/~WwRZ6
Wed, Feb 09 20:44 PM EST ~U.S. says #Egypt failing to meet protest concerns: http://bit.ly/i3f5xK
Ghost villages left as 36,000 Afghans flee war. http://bit.ly/hYIEic
RT @OrBVIOUS66: "This and no other is the root from which a tyrant springs; when he first appears he is a protector." ~Plato #Jan25 #Egypt
Sacramento: Homeless must leave parkway camp; donations pay for other shelters: http://bit.ly/ffxAFf #HELP
RT @mathaba2: The Mathaba News Real is out! http://bit.ly/fmSmHB ~Top stories today via @amandavega @dolphingoddess @seop @peta_de_aztlan
@Lost_Sophist Be clear. We need power to be in the hands of the people without fear of freedom.
Today's loaded question: Who do leaders follow? @Peta_de_Aztlan
Here's Why The Protests In Egypt Won't Be Stopping Anytime Soon http://bit.ly/fmchMr take a look #Jan25 #egypt
"I would rather walk with a friend in the dark, than alone in the light." — Helen Keller #friendship
From Tahrir to Tiananmen: Is China the Next Egypt? #jan25
3:59 PM-PST ~Time for my siesta ~meditate on movement matters ~personal matters ~spiritual matters @Peta_de_Aztlan
47 Million Latinos-Chicanos-Mexicans-Puerto Ricans-Cubanos-La Raza Cosmica-Indigenous are aware of what is going on in #Egypt!
VA House Passes Package of Anti-Immigration Bills: http://bit.ly/fCoAuD ~Go ahead Amerika! Piss off 47 Million Latinos!
@Lost_Sophist 3:33 PM ~Hope is the sister of Faith ~but they both need Works to come to fruition.
@xitsawrap We are blessed just to be alive in these times of great changes, great peoples and great movements. #Egypt #Tahir
@avinunu Let us look at Big Picture ~imagine the concept of global democratic revolutions happening all of the world! #Jan25
@xitsawrap Many brave noble Warriors in Cairo. What else should we expect from the People who Built Pyramids?! #Tahrir #Egypt
@Lost_Sophist As a key Endangered Species of life I pray our creative ways quickly outstrip our destructive ways.
@Mattison We will never win if we cannot clearly identity the Enemy= Amerikan Empire with domestic fascism as its bodyguard. #DADT
RT @moftasa: Spending the night outside the parliament. People are still chanting and active at 1am. Ready to face any threat. #jan25 #egypt
RT @dadatrew: @monaeltahawy @nohaatef Correct link: Egyptian Actor slams Mubarak regime on CNN http://tinyurl.com/66qktju #Jan25
RT @pakinamamer: An unknown martyr at Hilal Hospital morgue, spread the image so we can find his family http:/… (cont) http://deck.ly/~2DHiS
@foxnewslatino United States Immigration Process is Complex for All Nationalities: http://bit.ly/dM2Ree #AmnestyNow
@papakelt Actually took the time to pay attention and saw all of ~ http://www.zeitgeistmovingforward.com @Peta_de_Aztlan
Let us wake up from the experience of this nightmare. Let us come together to create a new world from our dreams.
What can we learn from the Egyptian 'experiment' as a Peaceful Revolution that we can apply in USA? First bloodshed occurred long ago.
VIDEO~1:09 ~2/09/11 ~Signs Egypt's uprising is spreading still further: http://bit.ly/dRsmW6 #Tahrir #Liberty
#Egypt crisis: Doubts rise over Omar Suleiman's handling of situation: http://bit.ly/fbEnd7 #Fascism
Egypt's army 'involved in detentions and torture' ~targeting hundreds of anti-government protesters: http://bit.ly/e2aGbr #Liberty
LONG VIDEO ~2:41:25~1/15/2011~ZEITGEIST: MOVING FORWARD~OFFICIAL RELEASE 2011~ http://bit.ly/eRM0WS ~@Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @wikileaks: #WikiLeaks: Egyptian 'torturers' trained by FBI http://is.gd/kreaaW ~USA-CIA-FBI= One Axis of Evil
@YYURYYUBICURYYM 2 PM ~Funny how we think we are 'listening' when we are really 'reading' words typed on a scr… (cont) http://deck.ly/~HTcRK
@LatinosMatter #El Paso, Texas: Cesar Chavez Holiday Reinstated for UTEP Students: http://bit.ly/eshrur
My blood is not mixed. My blood is whole and wholesome unto itself. It is our consciousness that gets mixed in a mixed up inhumane society.
Surviving family picture at 'home' in Phnom Penh: http://bit.ly/gIHCkV ~our world is inhumane
Throwing the Baby Out With the Trash: http://t.co/L7UJoNJ
Argentine ants form super-colonies hundreds of miles long. http://factlets.info/AntSupercolonies
Lack of opportunity to build wealth is detrimental to our communities. CBC Budget deficit briefing on CSPAN3 #LATISM #P2 http://ow.ly/3Tmpb
Wednesday, Feb. 09, 2011 The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily as shared on Twitter: http://paper.li/Peta_de_Aztlan
VIA TZMOfficialChannel~1/25/11~2,455,899 views ZEITGEIST: MOVING FORWARD~OFFICIAL RELEASE~2011: http://bit.ly/eRM0WS
RT @paschX: José Rafael Moneo’s New Building at Columbia - http://nyti.ms/fUoYRG
@Starseed52 We must look at our own personal situation ~our own lives ~know ourselves ~then see how we can offer our help!
@donnapoteclark Sure our Family around #Tahrir Square are aware of the sheer evilness of Suleiman. The fear barrier has been broken!
There are many pathways to liberation ~many forms of struggle ~a diversity of opinions ~let us keep in mind our common survival needs!
VIDEO 9:29 The Esoteric Agenda by Ben Stewart part 1 of 13: http://bit.ly/frBv2i ~Check it out, but be here now.
RT @AJEnglish: Reminder: Tomorrow is #DemandAlJazeera day. If you haven't joined a @meetup community yet, yo… (cont) http://deck.ly/~wlDha
@moro89 I am sure our comrades in #Egypt know what to do ~wish there was an official organization with a political structure.
@moro89 Yes, Suleiman should be thrown out along with Mubarak. State powers will try for a corrupt compromise. #Egypt
VIDEO 1:03 #Gazans wounded in Israeli airstrike~medicine factory: http://bit.ly/fSevX4 ~Israel is a fascist terrorist state!
Footage from last nights Israeli airstikes on Gaza. http://fb.me/ANEqGZ5x
Amid New Revelations About US Willingness To Let #Torture Crimes Go Unpunished, ACLU Calls For Accountability http://t.co/GXTB98l
There are #NoJobs. Not 9 to 5, not 3 to 11, not the midnight shift. One opening will get 300 applicants in my town.
West 'facilitates corruption in Africa' says top economist - http://bit.ly/h29oOc #cnn>Somebody(other than myself) actually said it out loud
Suleiman: The CIA's man in Cairo - Opinion - Al Jazeera: http://bit.ly/h1XCJw ~He is an evil bastard! A torturer!!! #Egypt
From @Peta_de_Aztlan ~Tried to avoid them but will create a List of Certain people whose Tweets I must see and Follow more Followers.
@SVE13 Appreciate your feedback. There are so many divisions and assorted groups around the 'Palestine Questio… (cont) http://deck.ly/~3ZHcA
VIDEO 11:19 Congressman Kucinich Requests to Meet with Bradley Manning ~ http://bit.ly/hry4aK #Free_Bradley
RT @sharifkouddous: Stream @democracynow live at 8am EST at http://www.democracynow.org I will be on at approx 8:20 followed by @anjucomet
RT @sharifkouddous: RT @AymanM: Thousands of #Egyptian laborers striking past few days. Cud b very significan… (cont) http://deck.ly/~lNkIL
RT @sharifkouddous: Word is people not able to make it to #Tahrir in Cairo and around the world should wear re… (cont) http://deck.ly/~Ddy6C
RT @wikileaks: Whitehouse starts its own WikiLeaks. Outside accountability drives inside accountability. http://is.gd/Jv9G25
RT @wikileaks: WikiLeaks Twitter hearing set for Feb 15 in fight with Pentagon http://is.gd/VBafJc
RT @wikileaks: Supporters launch Americans for Assange lhttp://www.americansforassange.com/
RT @commondreams: Pepe Escobar on #Egypt and Suleiman, America's New Man in Egypt http://ow.ly/3Tc1Y
Beware of the many forms of violence, hostility and anger within. RT @morsemusings: 9:29:30 A woman is battered every fifteen seconds.
RT @democracynow: “We Are Writing History By Our Blood”: Egyptian Physician on Why Protests Won’t End Until Mu… (cont) http://deck.ly/~fQrS8
@jpmontano I pray all is well with you Brother. We are learning to open our hearts to goodness, wholistic health and sanity.
Amen! RT @Ghonim: We are hoping that the "Friday of Martyrs" will be the world largest funeral to bid farewell to 300 Egyptians #Jan25
Let us pray for a peaceful resolution of all our conflicts upon Mother Earth ~yet be realistic about our options. Love peace!
<+>Wednesday, February 09, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Liberate the Day!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
+++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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