2-10-2011 Thursday Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #Egypt #Jan25 #Tahrir
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Peter S. Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Pray for Guardian Angels of Peace Around #Egypt! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan~California
Echo: Four Agreements: #1~Be Impeccable With Your Word #2~Don’t Take Everything Personally #3~Don’t Make Assumptions #4~Do Your Best
“An invasion of armies can be resisted, but not an idea whose time has come.” ~ Victor Hugo, 18th Century French Philosopher
About time for dreamland for me. My thoughts before I sleep will be on the beautiful Egyptian people. My prayers for their safety.
RT @icpchad: This still night shadows a rising tomorrow.
@EmergentCulture I imagine you get your fair share with nearly 7,000 Followers. Take Care. Peta #Trolls
Who would of thought the people who built pyramids would be the ones to bring about such great global changes? Who better?
2/10/2011~Let us pray for the people of Egypt ~especially the peaceful protestors in the streets via @Peta_de_Aztlan~Amerika
@Lost_Sophist... make a commitment in our lives to one kind of vanguard group of another. We must evolve beyond our own individuality.
@Lost_Sophist About time for dreamland. Funny about time zones. I think we need to commit ourselves to bringin… (cont) http://deck.ly/~t8OVk
On the Situation Tonight: Thursday, February 10, 2010 via @Peta_de_Aztlan: http://bit.ly/gnIbPM
RT @Femimikiki: IMAGINE ~ John Lennon ~ The world will always remember you! http://youtu.be/IxLnIRVVwIM
LINK: Time Zone Convertor ~ http://bit.ly/vKJEz
10:03:20 p.m. Thursday February 10, 2011 in America/Los_Angeles converts to 08:03:20 a.m. Friday February 11, 2011 in Africa/Cairo
@foxnewslatino 2.1.2011 Unauthorized Immigrant Population: National and State Trends, 2010: http://bit.ly/eRY4BU #Amnesty
A leader must have the trust of his people and @Ghonim seems to be the one who is most trustworthy. #Egypt #Jan25 #Democracy
@foxnewslatino 2.9.2011 ~Report: Latinos and Digital Technology, 2010: http://bit.ly/fgnUay
"We want to uproot this tree all the way down to its roots, and then plant a new tree" ~Egyptian Protestor
Foreign Policy: Mubarak Plays The Blame Game by HRW Peter Bouckaert: http://n.pr/gLw3uW
2/11/2011--Updated 0334 GMT #Friday could be a pivotal day in Egyptian drama~CNN Wire Staff: http://bit.ly/i6dVqe #Liberty
My religion is revolution, a revolution based upon love for the people and transforming social conditions to help create a humane world.
@EmergentCulture POTUS Obama's main obsession is POTUS Obama for a 2nd Term in 2012. He won't get my vote again. Ya basta! Enough!
@yasserseif “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.” ~President Kennedy #Tahrir #Egypt #Jan25
@Rania_ak “Those who make peaceful revolution impossible make violent revolution inevitable.” ~President Kenney #Egypt
@Rania_ak Have been advocating Peaceful Revolution in USA long time, some plates it is too late for Peaceful Revolution. #Egypt
@yasserseif Been posting heavy since Jan 28th on #Egypt on Twitter ~Facebooks and Blogs ~There are legions here in USA. #Jan25
Americans in the USA need to be aware of what is going on in #Egypt as we ponder about Peaceful Revolution in the USA.
@yasserseif Amen! The Egyptian Situation should be at the front of our collective consciousness, as humane beings who give a damn!
US Ambassador to UN Susan Rice speaking on Live Stream on #Egypt Situation ~ http://www.ustream.tv/ambassadorrice#
US Ambassador to UN Susan Rice talks foreign policy at and through Twitter: http://lat.ms/guOgaH ~ http://www.ustream.tv/ambassadorrice#
RT @Abdulla_AlAthba: Don't be busy with @Ghonim, #Mubarak, #Suleiman speech, don't let the regime make you con… (cont) http://deck.ly/~kslRN
RT @sharifkouddous: Spending the night in #Tahrir. Crowd has lessened since speech. People discussing plans for tomorrow. #Egypt
The US Congress is a bad joke: http://bit.ly/ikbbVl
By refusing to leave office, the Egyptian president has exposed Obama's inability to decisively influence the country: http://bit.ly/hQWHrg
US and world wrongfooted by Mubarak as White House tries to keep up: http://bit.ly/hQWHrg #Egypt #Uprising
@yasserseif Tomorrow is Today. The Egyptian Generals of the Army will side with #Mubarak ~cannot be trusted. #EGYPT #Tahrir #Jan25
LINK to WATCH Full Screen: #AlJazeera Live Stream ~ http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/
Beware! Surface Reforms are ultimately blocks to Real Revolutionary Transformation ~seem progressive, end up regressive.
No use getting psyched out about it all. Situation in #Egypt is ultimately up to the Active Leadership of the People of Egypt.
2/10/2011 Last updated at 18:58 ET #Egypt unrest: Full text of Hosni Mubarak's speech: http://bbc.in/hKPnm3 #Overthrow
RSN Special Coverage: Egypt's Struggle for Democracy: http://bit.ly/fgJBcK
@Ghonim Historical circumstances and social conditions have put the role of the Leader of #Egypt's Revolt in your hands!
@ungaro Studying Latin America I can see how these matters come out screwed up if not handled correctly. #Egypt #Allende
@Dima_Khatib Someone is going to have to stick their neck out and keep it out. Established leadership is essential now. #Jan25 #EGYPT
@Lost_Sophist Lack of formal established Leadership in the #Egyptian revolutionary movement is a necessity now more than ever.
These Tweeters seem to be the main ones for #Egypt ~ @Ghonim @monaeltahawy @Sandmonkey @ElBaradei ~plus, others .
@sacbee_news @sacramentopress Homeless in Sacramento via @Peta_de_Aztlan Posted on February 10, 2011 ~ http://wp.me/prH9G-2F
@Ghonim @monaeltahawy @Sandmonkey @ElBaradei You all need to establish a Coordinating Council to provide Formal Leadership!
@monaeltahawy @Ghonim @Sandmonkey US here in the USA Need to Have a Central Contact to Communicate with our Family in Egypt!
@Ghonim @monaeltahawy Make sure to tell Egyptian people that millions of freedom loving Americans support THE PEOPLE, not Mubarak!
@uruknet Maybe 'our boys' in the CIA could engineer a coup_d'état in #Egypt ~esp. with all their experiences in #Latin #America!
Madman #Mubarak may very well be the most hated man on Mother Earth right now! He is utterly insane ~lost his bearings!
USA would support a coup_d'état by Army in #Egypt. After all, the USA Govt are experts at launching coups. #Latin #America
@monaeltahawy #Mubarak is truly evil. He does not care about instigating potential bloodbath. #Egypt needs coup_d'état by Army.
Homeless in Sacramento via @Peta_de_Aztlan Posted on February 10, 2011 ~ http://wp.me/prH9G-2F
@James_Redfield It is sure in the hell is about time you decided to Tweet from your account! Thought you got lost in a portal!
RT @James_Redfield: ...we have to allow everyone to have the ability to change, to be redeemed in the blin… (cont) http://deck.ly/~poZQQ
RT @sharifkouddous: Will be on Hardball with Chris Matthews in 30 mins
@ElBaradei Coup seems to be the most peaceful way now by an Egyptian Army Rebellion: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Coup_d'état
@1godisreal Sounds interesting but lack Seed Money now: http://eCa.sh/working.
Whole world is now watching the masses of Egyptian people in the streets. Egyptian Army could pull a coup d'état and settle it!
RT @sciam: Record-setting 'near miss' of Earth dramatically shifted tiny asteroid's orbit http://bit.ly/hpcsev
RT @ElBaradei: Egypt will explode. Army must save the country now
Will the Egyptian people storm the palace tomorrow on Friday?!?!!??! What are the ramifications? What will be the role of army?
People in #Tahrir Square sure in the hell do not look like they are going to quietly go home! Anger is building into ACTION!
22:45 #Mubarak speaks ~No Stepping Down! http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/ ~VP Suleiman says, "Go back to work!" #Egypt
Top US Intelligence Officials Defend Intelligence on Egypt: http://bit.ly/ehCM30
CNN: #Mubarak is allegedly 'delegating power" to Suleiman ~Egypt's Mubarak Vows to Stay Until September!?!? Shit is gonna happen!
A Jade stone is useless before it is processed; a man is good-for-nothing until he is educated. -Chinese Proverbs
Amen! RT @JaiDaveon: @Peta_de_Aztlan yes! One person, one step, one moment at a time. This is how transformation happens.
2:09 PM ~Went to HEAP ~Had to re-schedule for tomorrow at 11 AM ~Then they should pay my Electrical Bill ~Paperwork only ~A Fax
Give Me Liberty Or Give Me Death! ~Patrick Henry, March 23, 1775 ~http://bit.ly/3usrA #Egypt #Jan25 #Tahrir RT
Watching CNN ~seems like #Mubarak is NOT Leaving. If he does not Step Down he will have to be PUT DOWN! Is Obama pissed?
@JaiDaveon Believe in the old 60s poster: "The greatest truths are the simplest." #dailypractice
#Mexico drug war an 'insurgency'? US official's gaffe sparks US-Mexico row: http://bit.ly/eRxbkl
@MommaSatyagraha We must struggle to truly create world peace, along with our spiritual practices. To declare and dedicate our lives.
Amen! RT @heidiko44: Some truths are very simple: Quiet your mind ~ learn to be still ~ breathe ~ and the road will open up #dailypractice
LINK: Sacramento Loaves and Fishes: http://www.sacloaves.org/ ~Got to 12-Steps Meeting there, socialize
#Homeless in Sacramento via @Peta_de_Aztlan Posted on February 10, 2011: http://wp.me/prH9G-2F #Safeground
Hearing CBS News: Will #Mubarak resign? Supreme Council of the Military taking place right now. Another dictator in charge?!!
Let us be inspired by the masses of Egypt. After 30 years of living under a State of Emergency they have broken the barrier of fear!
True RT @moro89: Healing in a matter of time, but it is sometimes also a matter of opportunity. #Hippocrates
RT @sharifkouddous: Thousands of lawyers are marching into #Tahrir to protest. They say they are 50,000 strong #Jan25 #Egypt
RT @sharifkouddous: Big crowd of doctors marched from Kasr El Aini hospital to #Tahrir. Chanting "I am a docto… (cont) http://deck.ly/~fk4Uc
<+>Thursday, February 10, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Liberate the Day!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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