Monday, February 21, 2011

2-21-2011 Monday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #LIBYA

2-21-2011 Liberation for Libya
2-21-2011 Monday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #LIBYA
Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Healer who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+> Buenas Noches Familia/Good Night Family~ <+>Pray for Victory for those who seek Peace! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan
The only sure guarantee in this life is that it ends in death. Live you life in love, honor all of it, know when to go yonder!
You are not here to save me and I am not here to save you, but together maybe we can save each other.
Hold onto what is true for you, cherish your memories, but also remember there is a time to hold on and a time to let go.
Change takes time, take time to change. All is not said and done, but comes and goes as the sun rises and sets in life.
As one family of humanity any injustice to any of us is an injustice to all of us. We all find ourselves upon the same planet.
Remember, it is not all about you, though ye be the center of your personal cosmos. It is about all of us ~all living beings.
Be you ~Do you ~Work on you ~Keep open to change ~Be prepared for change ~Create creative change on a daily basis.
Let us remain patient in our continued struggles for peace on earth, as we remember that true peace begins with inner peace.
I remember only black and white TV, AM radio and using my Tio Larry's Remington typewriter (my 1st magical keyboard)..
Many times we see how much has to change ~how far we have to go ~and forget how far we have come. Be brave. Have courage!
Let us be mindful of the progress that has been made in the late 50 years ~500 years ~see our lives in grand perspective.
Let us take the time to appreciate the great strides that have been made in human history ~as we appreciate the magic of the moment.
@PresenteOrg Presente.Org by Peta_de_Aztlan
Media bias turns murderers of Latinos into “illegal immigration activists” | IMAGINE 2050 #justice4brisenia
@MALDEF MALDEF by Peta_de_Aztlan
A full replay of MALDEF's 2011 LSOTU is now available online: Help spread the word!
@cspan CSPAN by Peta_de_Aztlan
President Obama News Conference – LIVE on C-SPAN #budget
@stevrossi Know is the time to Post News about #Libya ~Discuss #Libya with friend and neighbors ~Analyze what is to be done!
@stevrossi Let's do it for humankind ~I have seen enough errors in mankind's demented domination ~It's humankind to me.
@SVE13 9:36 PM ~Been posting a lot about #LIBYA ~I have solved some mysteries ~other are better left unsolved. Much is knowable.
C-SPAN VIDEO: Length~01:22:23~ The Presidency of JFK: A 50-Year Retrospective: ~Justice for All
@rgl General situation in #Egypt was a lot different than present terror in #Libya ~Gadaffy is a straight up psychopath.
#LIBYA Signs of cracks emerging in Libyan regime: #FreeLibya
#CALIFORNIA #Sacramento protestors denounce violence in Libya:
#Egypt's Path Could be Distinct from Turkey's and Iran's: ~Time will tell what we cannot see now
#US Stands Alone with Israel in UN Security Council [or How (Dis)honest is the Honest Broker?]
RT @GaianCollective: Good Video of New Zealand Quake
#HAITI 2/20/2011 Reactions to Aristide's Impending Return: VIA @uruknet
#NewZealand Christchurch 6.3 Earthquake: 'Dead bodies lying around'
#LIBYA Libyan military widely regarded as murderous thugs: #FreeLibya
Recall: What Wikileaks Teaches Us About Obama and Latin America: #Latiism
@venanalysis by Peta_de_Aztlan
Interpol Blocked 40% of Red Alerts for Venezuelan Bankers #venezuela
@venanalysis by Peta_de_Aztlan
Obama Requests Funding for Venezuelan Opposition in 2012 Budget #venezuela
#LIBYA Put Down the Mad Dog ~Gadhafi's government is a totalitarian dictatorship:
@pfrancis24 Important to give positive feedback to specific positive news coverage ~though still corporate dominated. #CNN
#AFRICA Congo-Kinshasa: Mass Rape Verdicts Send Strong Signal to Perpetrators - UN Envoy:
@andersoncooper @CNN_Newsroom Appreciate your #CNN coverage of the situation in #Libya ~always uphold the truth!
#LIBYA: Gunfire Reported in Tripoli, Kadhafi's Son Warns of Civil War: #FreeLibya
NEWS LINK: AllAfrica Global Media ~largest e-distributor of African news and information worldwide:
#NORTH #AFRICA North Africa: The 'Jasmine Revolution' And the Nigerian Nightmare:
#China Co-Opts Social Media to Head Off Unrest ~new ways to defuse social unrest:
#Beijing: Chinese lawyer beaten ahead of jasmine revolution protests:
A Chinese Perspective on the “Jasmine Revolution” (Another guest post by Yajun) #Be #Open
#AFGHANISTAN The United States certainly can’t kill its way to victory, as it learned in Vietnam and Iraq:
#YEMEN Mr. Saleh’s authoritarian rule began in 1978 ~promised not to run again —also his son would not run —term expires 2013.
Yemeni Leader Rejects Demands ~“Why do they want to return to chaos?” he said ~Another 30 year Dic:,
RT @ElBaradei: No democracy without the right to vote for Egyptians abroad
4:27 PM ~Dressed and read to go to my hood store. Need a few supplies. Nice outside. I'll be back! @Peta_de_Aztlan
@Ravana9000 We need more deep analyzes about certain issues in question: What is nationalism? What is revolution? What is to be done?
@Ravana9000 Remember Hitler was able to galvanize millions of German patriots ~nationalism is a form of social segregation.
@Ravana9000 Globally the Amerikan Empire remains the main obstacle to humanity's progress. Hard for Americans to grasp. Patriots!
#LIBYA Hillary Clinton Urges Libyan Leader Muammar al-Gaddafi to ‘Stop Bloodshed’ VIA @clintonlibya1:
@lostrelics Egypt on a Spiritual Level was led by Love for Egyptian people. I do not romanticize. Still need vanguard. #FreeLibya
#LIBYA ~2/21/2011 ~Video 3:21~ Libyan Diplomats Denouncing Qaddafi: #FightBack
@lostrelics All the accumulated rage can break down fears of fighting for freedom ~still need wise leadership. #FreeLibya
#Libya Protests: Gadhafi's Hold Weakens As Protests Intensify: #FreeLibya
Oil prices jumped $1.67 to nearly $88 a barrel Monday amid investor concern. European nations were eying an evacuation of their citizens.
#LIBYA: What Can We Do? ~21 Feb 2011 05:34 pm: ~Liberate our own lands! @Peta_de_Aztlan
@vjambak So many strange events surrounding the events of 9-11-01. Needs further investigation:
#PAKISTAN CIA agent Raymond Davis worked for private security firm Xe, formerly known as Blackwater:
#PAKISTAN US gives fresh details of CIA agent who killed two men in Pakistan shootout:
February 22, 2011 -9:29AM/Sydney Morning Herald #Libya crumbling amid massacre reports:
RT @ElBaradei:Bloodshed & lives lost in Libya ~disgrace for every Arab ~Arab League lost all credibility ~new Arab structure urgently needed
Amen! RT @ElBaradei: The glow of freedom is spreading its light all over the Arab world . Finally !!
RT @ElBaradei: Change will not come from within regime ~peaceful demonstrations ~new parties embodying revolution principles is way forward
VIA @AJEnglish: Visit our special coverage page for the latest news on the situation in #Libya: #FreeLibya
Major divisions among people of the United States are class-economic divisions and racial-ethnic divisions, not regions.
#LIBYA Crisis: What role do tribal loyalties play? By Mohamed Hussein: ~Evolve beyond tribalism
@Ravana9000 We are faced with a worldwide Evil Empire manifested in the Amerikan Empire who knows its end time is coming.
@DalaiLama Dalai Lama by Peta_de_Aztlan
I would like to say that the very root of respect for human rights and nonviolence is love and kindness to others
@DalaiLama Dalai Lama by Peta_de_Aztlan
Developing love and compassion and reducing anger and spite is a universal activity which requires no faith in any religion whatsoever
@DalaiLama Dalai Lama by Peta_de_Aztlan
One may practice religion or not, but so long as we seek happiness and continue to live in society, love and affection are indispensable
@DalaiLama Dalai Lama by Peta_de_Aztlan
In general I think that anger is a sign of weakness and tolerance a sign of strength.
@DalaiLama Dalai Lama by Peta_de_Aztlan
Friends and enemies do not exist as such; friendship and enmity depend on many factors, of which the primary one is our own mental attitude.
@DalaiLama Dalai Lama by Peta_de_Aztlan
Our body needs peace of mind and is not suited to agitation. This shows that an appreciation for peace of mind is in our blood.
@DalaiLama Dalai Lama by Peta_de_Aztlan
We cannot be loving and compassionate unless at the same time we curb our own harmful impulses and desires.
@DalaiLama Dalai Lama by Peta_de_Aztlan
Large human movements spring from individual human initiatives.
@DalaiLama Dalai Lama by Peta_de_Aztlan
To promote the idea of nonviolence, we must above all encourage people to foster in themselves an attitude of love and affection for others.
#Argentina claims it seized weapons, drugs onboard US Air Force cargo plane: VIA @RawStory:
#World Report 2011 ~Human Rights Watch: ~Follow @hrw
@teach109 Yes, Black History is a key component of American History for us to better see all of us in #AMERICA.
#Learn 1/25/2011 ~VIDEO 54:57 ~World Report 2011 From: HumanRightsWatch: ~Prophecies?
#IRAQ: Vulnerable Citizens at Risk ~Women, Journalists, Others...Under Threat 8 Years After Invasion:
#Morocco: 2/20/2011 ~Thousands March for Reform: Demonstrations End Peacefully as Police Stay Away:
@EndlessONEder Good to know U.S. Presidents had their own evil ways as Slave Owners: #AMERICA #Education
@EndlessONEder Good to know U.S. Presidents had their own evil ways as Slave Owners: #AMERICA #BlackEdu
Monday, Feb. 21, 2011 ~ The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily Is Out:
@ileducprof Venus Evans-Winters by Peta_de_Aztlan
Type of questions raised, yield the type of answers received. #BlackEdu
@ileducprof Venus Evans-Winters by Peta_de_Aztlan
Sometimes it is easier to confront other people's problems than to battle with our own. #BlackEdu #Egypt #Lybia
@ileducprof Venus Evans-Winters by Peta_de_Aztlan
LISTEN UP: The majority of U.S. family VALUE education, regardless of social class or family make up. PERIOD. #BlackEdu #edchat #edreform
@ileducprof Venus Evans-Winters by Peta_de_Aztlan
White middle class don't want to pay for other's education, but it was segregation & racism in schooling that gave them a leg up. #BlackEdu
#AMERICA Which U.S. Presidents Owned Slaves?
It is foolish to pretend to be totally objective about News Events and Global Struggles. Our minds are ultimately subjective.
RT @amnesty: Inmates at al-Qatta al-Gadeed Prison gave names of 43 prisoners to #Amnesty who they say were killed inside the jail #Egypt
@AJEnglish I truly appreciate Al Jazeera for giving us good news that favors our collective struggles for liberation! #Libya
#Echo: VIA @AJEnglish: For the latest updates on the #Libya uprising tune in to #AlJazeera now: #News
We really need to work on creating a new creative culture of liberation out of the very darkness of this decaying culture.
We here in the USA should focus on community education, building up democracy, networking with others and mobilizing masses.
RT @indigenous_news: #Wikileaks Peru: Preventing America from buying Machu Picchu
@KenRoth We need to wake up and advocate for Peaceful Revolution as much as possible. Tigers do not change stripes. Revolt!
@KenRoth We must condemn the hypocrisy of POTUS Obama, UN Amb Rice and othes of his Fascist Regime! #Israel #settlements
#US vetoes UN draft on settlements: LINK VIA @KenRoth:
#EGYPT Lara Logan was beaten with flag poles during attack in Egypt:
RT @thenation: The power of tweeting Kuwaitis should not be underestimated. New post by Robert Dreyfuss.
#AFGHAN NATO forces have been accused by Afghan officials of killing a family of six:
#AFGHAN Many dead in Afghan suicide bombing ~death toll from ongoing surge of violence more than 100:
@MideastYouth MideastYouth by Peta_de_Aztlan
Libyan dep Ambassador to UN: Qaddafi must resign, the world should establish no-fly zone over #Libya. #Feb17
@SkreamQween Rhiain Mort by Peta_de_Aztlan
The world is rising up. These are scary yet wonderful times..God bless those that have lost their lives in the pursuit of liberation.#libya
#LIBYA Dictator Daffy Gaddafi exhibits self-hatred by committing genocide against the people of Libya. He must be put down!
#LIBYA Dictator Daffy Gaddafi and his sadistic son need to be arrested, imprisoned and prosecuted for war crimes in Libya.
RT @indigenous_news: 7,000 languages are facing extinction - - something to think about today, Int'l Mother Language Day
RT @ipsnews: PERU-ISRAEL: Diplomatic Impasse over Corruption Cases #latinamerica
#LIBYA @measuredsteps @CharmingJerk @ILLEAGLE @theredpillpusha Dictators hate when we communicate ~Communicate!
#LIBYA Spokesman says UN chief has told Gaddafi escalating violence must stop immediately:
#LIBYA All landline and wireless communications cut in Libya:
#LIBYA 2/21/2011 17:43 GMT Libya protests spread and intensify ~Security forces open fire:
Let us pray that the sandstorms of Liberation Free Libya!
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 2-20-2011 Sunday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan #LIBYA: ~Saved Tweets
@KenRoth Kenneth Roth by Peta_de_Aztlan
UNSG Ban Ki-moon spoke to #Libya's #Gaddafi. Expressed "deep concern" at escalating violence; must stop immediately."
#BAHRAIN VIA @EmmaDaly: @HRW's Anna Neistat: Eyewitness to Bahrain protests:
RT @jimmurphySF: Watch the video: #Iraq at a Crossroads #humanrights
VIA Hindustan Times @htTweets India ~Second wave of sandstorm: #Read
@ElizabethM_J Elizabeth J by Peta_de_Aztlan
Must read on the affects of poverty on child's health, success in school from #KathaPollitt @TheNation #in
CONFIRMED: fleet of 30 cars full of mercenaries with AK47s roaming Tripoli right now!
@AJEnglish Al Jazeera English by Peta_de_Aztlan
From the blogs: What next for the 'Mad Dog' of Libya?
@AJEnglish Al Jazeera English by Peta_de_Aztlan
Libya protests spread and intensify: More than 60 people reported dead in the capital, as anti-government demons...
RT @sharifkouddous: Chanting: "revolution in #Egypt and revolution in #Libya" ~Revolution is the ultimate solution
#WikiLeaks VIA @wikileaks: New cables for Colombia, Chile, Guatemala, Mexico, Argentina
RT @sharifkouddous: Bigger protests planned at 3pm today in front of #Libya #Yemen #Bahrain embassies
RT @sharifkouddous: Crowd chanting in solidarity with protesters in Yemen and Bahrain. Calling them brothers #Libya
RT @sharifkouddous: Protest of a few dozen against Qaddafi and bloody Libyan gvt crackdown right now in front of Arab League HQ near #Tahrir
RT @Ghonim: I believe in our nation. Egyptians will never trade away their freedom & they will not accept cosmetic changes. I'm optimistic.
Join the HumanE Liberation Party HELP > ~Join a progressive party ~Get Involved ~Be Activated
<+>Monday, February 21, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Liberation Now!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
@donnapoteclark I try to be mindful ~aware of my own motives ~receptive to receiving Divine Will. Am a Believer in Creator.
Wise leadership must guide the masses forward with a sound grand strategy of revolution and applicable of tactics, not reform.
About @Peta_de_Aztlan

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