2-20-2011 Sunday ~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+> Buenas Noches Familia/Good Night Family <+> Pray for Victory for Peaceful Revolution! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan
@donnapoteclark Sometimes people just misunderstand each other ~stuff can often be misinterpreted ~cause resentments.
@donnapoteclark I try to be mindful ~aware of my own motives ~receptive to receiving Divine Will. Am a Believer in Creator.
10:33 PM ~It is about time to drift on into dreamland ~AFTER my Night Prayer for liberty and justice for all. @Peta_de_Aztlan
@ASacred_Monster I am doing well. Have been on an extended Sabbatical. Need better time management. Life is fascinating.
Increased U.S. drone strikes in Pakistan killing few high-value militants ~killed 581 militants 2010: http://wapo.st/eZ4HuC
@Joujolie Yes, Gadhafi seems to be a few French fries short of a Happy Meal. History of drugs, depravity.
Wise leadership must guide the masses forward with a sound grand strategy of revolution and applicable of tactics, not reform.
@ASacred_Monster 10:12 PM Looks like a near full moon outside my window right now.
#Arab leaders use varying tactics to try to calm anger in the streets ~dialogue to crackdowns: http://wapo.st/flfrid
@Madprof666 Beyond the insane thug and demented dictator Gadhafi there must be seizure of power for a valid revolution.
@Rotivation Thanks Brother. I will pray for justice tonight before I go to sleep. No need for bad karma from a stray bullet!
Is it wrong to hope and pray that Gadhafi will use his last bullet on himself, Hitler-style?
#LIBYA Gadhafi's Son Says Father In Libya, Will Fight 'Until The Last Bullet' http://huff.to/fLSYZl via @huffingtonpost
Suggestion: Take the time to invite your friends to come onto Twitter ~Download TweetDeck: http://www.tweetdeck.com/
@netonezen Many of the battles are in the realm of spirits ~being sensitive to the invisible ~inward battles between lights and shadows.
@ClassicTone Yes, now more than we need strong spiritual unity that crosses the false divisions of artificial borders.
@Raul_Ramos We each shed our tears of joy and tears of sadness upon the vast ocean of life. Many forms of tears.
@netonezen Believe in the Power of Prayers ~prayers influence on cosmic and quantum levels of connected reality. #Libya
@WhenPigsFly03 The European Union aka E.U. knows the Arab masses are in a great state of unrest ~wanting to topple tyrants.
@LIBYANREVOLT USA is ruled by an Empire ~the Amerikan Empire~ be under no illusions. Fascism is alive and well in USA.
#E.U. Catherine Ashton, the E.U. foreign policy chief, is due to visit Tunisia and Egypt this week: http://nyti.ms/gzbA3s
@Raul_Ramos Gracias Hermano Raul ~We all share our sparkles of insight and gems of wisdom. Blessed to be alive here now.
Region in Revolt ~E.U. to Pledge Support for Arab World Transition: http://nyti.ms/gzbA3s #FreeArabia
Prayers to the people of #Libya ~ may dignity and democracy be victorious!
8:37 PM ~Just came up from CASA Meeting at Sally's, Hearing Smooth Jazz ~feeling truly blessed to be in Aztlán Sanctuary.
@heidiko44 Plus those of us inside the United States are gradually getting to know each other better in new good ways.
@heidiko44 Appreciate Internet Power for building bridges ~breaking down barriers ~helping to unify people on a global level.
@heidiko44 I am glad I have communicated with some Egyptian family in last several weeks. Building bridges. Connections.
@planetshifter Many outside USA have stereotype image of Americans. We are a diverse crazy lot! Nobody wants to take us over!
RT @LIBYANREVOLT: BREAKING CONFIRMED: 5 people dead in Tripoli now and rising. http://tumblr.com/x8u1kgplpr
http://twitpic.com/421uwp - Pic: CASA Meeting ~Kevin, Tata, Peta and Peter ~One day at a time!
5:16 PM CASA 12-Steps Meeting at 7 PM at Salvation Army Emergency Shelter ~Checking In ~ http://twitpic.com/421uwp
Get Involved ~Share the News ~Rise up! @truthtweets101 @Rotivation @WhenPigsFly03 @LIBYANREVOLT @openmythsource ~Make the Revolution!
#MOROCCO Inspired by Egypt, thousands protest on Moroccan streets ~Casablanca: http://ind.pn/hrIgTP
RT @LIBYANREVOLT: Photo: During Saif’s speech: Libyan boys proving they always have a sense of humor. (; http://tumblr.com/x8u1kg12r0
#LIBYA Flamboyant Gaddafi feels ripples of change ~Gaddafi is certainly a daffy thug: http://reut.rs/eb536O #FreeLibya
@donlemoncnn Please #LEARN the difference between reform, revolt, rebellion and revolution.
RT @Ghonim: Arab Leaders are using the same lies to justify the use of excessive force on their people. I beli… (cont) http://deck.ly/~bP8co
Watch Online @AJELive ~ http://english.aljazeera.net/watch_now/ ~Once again a great news resource @AJEnglish
RT @AJEnglish: Analysis of Saif el-Islam Gaddafi's speech #AlJazeera now. Tune in: http://aje.me/ajelive & follow blog: http://aje.me/g34XgM
VIA @LIBYANREVOLT HECK YEAH, LIBYAN REVOLUTION! What Saif is basically saying right now: http://bit.ly/gOfi3G #FreeLibya
#TUNISIA Tunisia seeks Ben Ali extradition from Saudi Arabia: http://bbc.in/e4bOHz
#ZIMBABWE Nearly 50 arrested in Zimbabwe during meeting on North Africa uprisings: http://bit.ly/eiONCi
#LIBYA Map Administrative Regions: http://bit.ly/gTvHAL
#LIBYA Map of Libya.jpg: http://bit.ly/fUWBKc
Remember: 1/28/2011 ~Mohamed Bouazizi, the fruit vendor whose death may have changed the Arab world: http://on.msnbc.com/hjsaOM
YES RT @GaianCollective: RT “Knowing is not enough; we must apply. Willing is not enough; we must do.” ~J.W. von Goethe
Sounds of gunfire in tripoli;rumours int phone lines in#libya will be cut tonite;army soldiers reportedly defecting #feb17
OK, Reuters just confirmed our earlier tweets about #Libya army special brigade joining the people and liberating #Benghazi!
RT @RawStory: Call to '#revolution' in #China sees over 100 key activists disappeared by authorities http://su.pr/1a4n5L
RT @LIBYANREVOLT: so i just got some news from tripoli, that my two uncles are joining in the demonstrations… (cont) http://deck.ly/~RS4RH
Follow @LIBYANREVOLT LIBYAN REVOLUTION In Gaddafi's nightmares. Updating about Libya. #Free Libya! http://thelibyanrevolution.tumblr.com/
انضمت قبيلتي المقارحة و الورفلة للثوار مع العلم ان معظم الطيارين من هاتين القبيلتين المساندتين للقذافي#feb1 #libya # اللهم نصرمن عندك قريب
#LIBYA RT @AJEnglish: For the latest news on #Libya follow our live blog: http://aje.me/g34XgM or watch live: http://aje.me/ajelive #feb17
@alialsharafi Many here in the USA ~in general a good people~ pray for the best outcome for the people in #Libya.
#WISCONSIN Protests Start For 6th Day At Wisconsin Capitol: http://n.pr/ffB0x2 ~Wisconsin uprising?!
#LIBYA Behold, the beauty of Libya Uprising! http://bit.ly/hX4q8L
#LIBYA Middle East crisis: Libyan protests move closer to Tripoli: http://bit.ly/efNcLD
@openmythsource We should be humble. Human animals are the most dangerous predatory beasts in the world.
#CIUDAD JUÁREZ, Mexico ~A Mexican City’s Troubles Reshape Its Families: http://nyti.ms/eVOz59
Dear Americans: Do we tell others in foreign lands we are not really like the pretty ones to be seen on TV Commercials?
#LIBYA Protesters Die as Crackdown in Libya Intensifies ~confirmed deaths at least 173: http://nyti.ms/guWGDu
US intelligence on Arab unrest draws criticism ~Tunisia pays families of revolution "martyrs" http://bit.ly/hcyyV7
@SVE13 In the end I suspect it will all ultimately be between my Spirit and the Creator. I am a true believer in my own way.
RT @SVE13: - that while humans surely cause us the most pain, that the greatest ecstasy occurs in relationship as well.. #believe
RT @SVE13: We love the beasts for they are so difficult to influence away from their true Source, their natural alignment. Do remember
@sharifkouddous I pray the struggle in #Libya results in as little death as possible, but it is getting off the hook now!
YES RT @sharifkouddous: The government crackdown in #Libya is bloody and intensifying http://bit.ly/fQozTy http://nyti.ms/dTUus2
@SVE13 Almost like you saw the same cat I did. I love pure animals. It is certain two-legged ones that cause me grief. ;->~~
Amen RT @SVE13: Act, Inspire, Take Arms As A Peaceful Warrior - and worry not about what others are or are not doing. See the target and aim
@SVE13 Certainly inner alignment is awesome, but have you seen the cat in attack mode? Grace of the gazelle in motion?
@SVE13 I challenge people to be bold in courage and decisive in action. Masses are suffering now and we can help! Tweets are not enough.
@SVE13 We should observe all living beings in action ~animals, birds, insects ~action is the foreground.
@SVE13 Thank you for sharing and understanding. True, reality is often stranger than fiction. All realities interconnected.
Amen! RT @KinshinC: Being deeply loved by someone gives you strength, while loving someone deeply gives you courage ~Lao Tzu
"What is to give light must endure burning," ~Viktor Frankl ~ http://bit.ly/hcyyV7
YES RT @ElBaradei: A new government with new PM representing face of revolution is way to gain credibility & peoples' trust.
Let the tyrants of all lands beware! Do not enrage a man of honor who has nothing to lose but his street fruit cart!
@ergeekgoddess Seeds cannot choose where they are planted, but constant gardeners choose the soil well. ~Cultivate ~Nurture
True RT @calebanderson: Sometimes in our love for someone we prevent them from struggling through something they need to struggle through
RT @GaianCollective: KEEP ABREAST of the Developments that are Reshaping our World. Tune into Emergent-Culture.com
Dear Decent Americans~ Do not be distracted by foreign events across the Atlantic in other lands. #Revolution begins at home!
#BAHRAIN Protesters took back Pearl Square. What next? http://bit.ly/eJw9GQ
Re-watching Fareed Zakaria on Comcast Cable @FareedGPSCNN #Tunisia #Egypt #Yemen #Bahrain #Iran #Syria #USA
I am of an ancient people in bloodline ~We have seen great empires and civilizations rise and fall ~Sun, moon, stars remain
@ergeekgoddess We must keep evolving ~not get stuck in one -ism or another ~grow above nodal points ~blossom in life now
@TheAngryindian Yes, we must be 'for real' ~consistent with our practices and principles ~integrate theory with praxis
@ergeekgoddess Yes! It is easy to understand but can be hard to live ~Self-love ~Self-esteem ~Self-belief ~Self-acceptance
If Mom and Dad are always at war ~fighting over floor space ~how can we expect our children not to be angry and confused?
@ClassicTone Read The Male Brain and The Female Brain VIA @drlouann We need to evolve beyond the egoistic battles of sexes.
@ClassicTone Gracias. We need to help men and women come together. Explore their great potentials as humane beings.
@ergeekgoddess We never to overthrow our character defects ~criticize out of loving compassion ~accept others as they are.
@ergeekgoddess Humane liberation is a developing concept. Not Left or Right. Truth is in the Center. Working on Spiritual Healing.
#AFGHANISTAN Weekend of Violence Leaves Scores Dead in Afghanistan: http://on.wsj.com/g7jDoU ~Obama's War
@ergeekgoddess Gracias. I also Follow mi Hermano @Raul_Ramos Our time as a unique diverse people has come. Shower time.
Many men think with their ego-mind that they are too tough to be tender, to be sensitive, to be loving and to be humane.
@ergeekgoddess I admit I prefer females to males ~not because of sexism ~women tend to have more humane compassion.
@ergeekgoddess Chuckled. I love you already. I can relate. We need more such Goddesses! Allow us to be humble to advance.
@Alltop_Latism If you are divine allow each thirsty child a clean glass of water ~a warm bed to sleep in at night. #Latism
@Alltop_Latism Follow you for now because you Follow no one. Living beings are sacred, not necessarily divine. #Latism
@ergeekgoddess I worship one God or Goddess ~prefer non-gender term 'Creator'. Loving the Divine I just try to be good.
It is still important for us to post #Twitter #News ~raise awareness ~elevate consciousness ~BUTTT we must live in balance.
@euandus After several years of reporting the news online ~it is clearly not enough ~we must take concrete action here now.
@euandus I relate to masses who are now in a Great Depression ~who suffer ~who cry ~who yearn ~who seek basic survival needs
@euandus If people online do not want to be in one kind of revolutionary matrix or another they become irrelevant to me.
@euandus My style is to be Honest, Open and Willing. HOW my Spiritual Liberation works. I am not hiding or blocked by fear.
@euandus Now I really believe we should evolve enough to commit ourselves in direct participation in a progressive matrix.
@euandus I truly believe in Peaceful Revolution ~know it is possible ~must be tested against connected reality. Exhaust legalism.
@euandus OK. Follow you for now. I try to avoid Following too many people. Avoid Information overload. Cognition cramming.
@euandus I appreciate your essay. It gave me a good understanding of the Wisconsin situation: http://bit.ly/dOYPyG
@ergeekgoddess Yes, it is essential for us to learn of other cultures, lands & peoples, esp. Latinos-Chicanos in US. #Latism
@ergeekgoddess You practically have an Empire behind you Elianne. Why do some women label themselves as Goddesses? #Latism
@SVE13 Now I see with great clarity the vital importance of us being personally involved in a meaningful revolutionary matrix.
@SVE13 I was blessed with a Sabbatical that I never enjoyed before in my life ~free of wage-slave work routine. Know myself.
@SVE13 #Twitter has eaten up a lot of my time these last several months, esp. being unemployed here at home on Internet now.
@SVE13 BUTTT the recent historical events in Egypt has convinced me more than ever that we need to mobilize best we can now.
@SVE13 I really love many people I have come into contact with on Twitter ~and love and respect you and others as humane beings.
@vjambak Long documentary ~a movie ~but raises real questions that something spooky went on 911 ~ http://bit.ly/fDlDNF ~
@euandus Naturally we should support relevant reforms, but not lose sight of the grand strategic aim= seizure of power!
@euandus Revolution entails a real transformation in property relations between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots' ~not reformism.
@euandus Gracias. We support Wisconsin protests, but it is still reformist. We need a Peaceful Revolution. Long wordy essay, read it.
@Iolos Be consciously mindful. I do not have a mother-in-law. Am single now. http://help-matrix.ning.com/
VIDEO 2:09:54 Documentary; Loose Change, Final Cut: http://bit.ly/fDlDNF ~We still need to investigate 911 deeper!
RT @IronManRecords: The Birmingham Underground is out! http://bit.ly/gb4l2o ▸ Top stories today via @peta_de_aztlan @toddnash @bbcwm
@SandyStJacques The human body can be a marvelous machine where the inner spirit dwells and from which it evolves. Honor it!
Volunteer at least a portion of your precious time to helping others, to being of service, to getting involved in real life.
We can change what we can change. Evolve beyond your own individual interests. Mature and be an active humane being. HELP!
Be an Active Member of a Progressive Political Party, Group or Club or you still do not 'get it' ~a mere passive observer.
#UGANDA RT @AJEnglish: Museveni wins disputed Uganda vote ~re-elected president 4th term ~opposition rejects... http://aje.me/huRs6z
#IRAN RT @AJEnglish: Reports ~new protests in Iran: Anti-government protesters ~in Tehran ~other cities... http://aje.me/hOKjh9
Now Follow @DocsOnline ~ http://topdocumentaryfilms.com/ ~Live to love and learn ~care and share.
#LIBYA At Least 173 Dead in Libya's Crackdown on Protest: http://bit.ly/eTzgJD
#BAHRAIN Factbox: Political players in Bahrain: http://reut.rs/huBxMu
#YEMEN Yemen's 'days of rage' What are the risks of a political void in this volatile country? http://bit.ly/fLad5V
Intuition is natural by-product of flowering of a mature self-esteem and a sense of empowerment – not power over, but power to be
@caroline_myss Where there is a spiritual connection there can be an online spiritual healing, esp. with power of the voice.
You never really know how or when your life is going to change, and that's for the best.
Silence is a learned practice that requires far more than just not talking. Not talking is not silence; it's just not talking.
@caroline_myss Finally finished your book Anatomy of the Soul ~it is a keeper. Am into Spiritual Healing: http://amzn.to/fPJHAo
Join the HumanE Liberation Party HELP > http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~Join a progressive party ~Get Involved ~Be Activated
2/02/2011 Recall: Whistler Sled Dogs Slaughter VIA @titan468: http://bit.ly/dMo9o1 ~Honor All Living Beings
<+>Sunday, February 20, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Liberation Now!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
Sometimes we cannot really get moving until we stay still. The foolish will laugh, the wise will understand. ~Peta
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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