2-18-2011~Friday~Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan ~Saved Tweets
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
<+> Buenas Noches Familia/Good Night Family~ <+>Pray for Peaceful Resistance Against Ruthless Tyrants! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @uruknet: Fresh protests hit Iraqi cities: http://bit.ly/h7S6tk #Iraq
Waves of resistance are sweeping the Middle East ~hope it spreads winds of liberation across the Atlantic into the Americas.
Just finished watching Blue Bloods with Tom Selleck. It is what it is. I dig the multi-generational family unity in Reagan Family.
@rgl One of my Co-Followers is @drlouann ~ Click her. She wrote The Female Brain then the Male Brain. Trinity in operation.
@rgl Psychology has import for me mainly in relation to sociology. The mind on its own is greater over-rated by man's mind.
@SoulRepublic 9:58 PM ~Suggest we have blogs, write our thoughts down about how to make a social revolution. Take a stand.
@ungaro Confidence in terms of capacity. #Obama is cocky for sure but he can't bullshit Fidel in #Havana like he bullshits us.
@SoulRepublic Have no doubt, WE WILL WIN! http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~ http://www.facebook.com/Peta51
@SoulRepublic Egyptian Revolt was THIRTY YEARS in the making. Our experiences have accumulated for long centuries in USA.
@SoulRepublic There are nodal points ~exponential breakthroughs ~no simple linear time ~contradictions maturing ~mass vortex
@SoulRepublic Following you now. I hope to see it in my lifetime. Life will progress a lot more rapidly than most realize,
The #GOP protects you from unions, teachers, financial aid, rape charges, healthcare & rights to your own body. Thanks for your vote! #p2
I wonder if the Moon is single because it is looking mighty GORGEOUS tonight!
@rgl Remember Harry James said, "You have to toot your own horn!"
@rgl It looks great! Better than ever. Remember nothing is carved in stone, except allegedly the Ten Commandments. Good job.
@SoulRepublic Imagine, we could take over the whole show in a week! Unified mass consciousness is the big key! No negativism.
#TRUTH Be strong ye lovers of the masses of people in the world. Truth is our greatest tool and weapon and on the masses side.
RT @wikileaks: Egypt and the US media http://www.counterpunch.org/cockburn02182011.html
RT @wikileaks: WikiLeaks: "A prostitutes story" sex in Armenia http://wikileaks.ch/cable/2006/07/06YEREVAN1019.html
VIA @wikileaks: #WikiLeaks: Putin "frustrated, stressed, and anxious" http://bit.ly/eyHm8n
#BAHRAIN VIA @wikileaks: Head of Bahrain intelligence agency "valued contact" of US Embassy: http://bit.ly/fxABBE
#BAHRAN VIA @wikileaks: Hundreds of new Bahranian cables released: http://wikileaks.ch/reldate/2011-02-18_0.html
#BAHRAIN RT @wikileaks: Bahrain opposition 'received training from Hizbollah' http://is.gd/2JAFe9
Just imagine if the 'Blacks' and 'Browns' got together with progressive 'Whites' inside the United States! What divides us?
@optumussPRIMEE We are the largest so-called 'minority' inside the USA and of the majority in the Western Hemisphere.
@optumussPRIMEE We are so diverse no one term fits us La Raza-Indigenous-Chicanos-Mexicans-Latinos-Hispanics-Cubans-Puerto Ricans-Spanish...
"A Celebration, Not a Protest": Massive Crowd Packs Cairo’s Tahrir Square to Mark One Week Since Mubarak’s Ouster: http://bit.ly/e69IRw
"It’s Time to Push the Borders of Freedom": Egyptian Students Defiantly Publish Newspaper Without Govt Permission: http://bit.ly/gBpTcN
@koffiekommie Am looking forward to seeing 'Even the Rain': http://wapo.st/eT7cfl ~We need more relevant movies!
#ECUADOR President Correa tightens grip on power through referendum plan: http://bit.ly/fkGAZe
#ECUADOR Chevron Must Pay $8 Billion For Despoiling Amazon in Ecuador: http://bit.ly/geMh0F
#ECUADOR U.S. judge reserves order in Chevron-Ecuador case: http://reut.rs/i4k70H
#ECUADOR In Ecuador's landmark $9 billion judgment against Chevron, all sides unhappy: http://bit.ly/g9hbs2
#ECUADOR 2/16/2011 Ecuadorean Villagers May Hold Secret to Longevity: http://nyti.ms/ibtofX
@ungaro It seems like #Obama does not have the confidence to deal with #Havana. Contradiction of embargo! http://nyti.ms/g4x8Dr
So true RT @morsemusings: "Doing is never enough if you neglect Being." ~Eckhart Tolle
#LIBYA Protests Build, Showing Revolts’ Limits and Power: http://nyti.ms/efbBna
#BAHRAIN Map of Key Locations in Manama, Bahrain: http://nyti.ms/f5Cr8P
Confirmed: Libya Follows Egypt’s Lead, Starts Shutting Off Internet Services http://t.co/rN7uzBW by @alexia
For us Californians ~ Where in the hell is Wisconsin anyways?!?!!! : http://bit.ly/iblksG
'Even the Rain' filmmakers explore Latin American politics across the centuries: http://wapo.st/eT7cfl
President Obama will make his promised trip to Latin America from March 19 to 23: http://nyti.ms/g4x8Dr
#BAHRAIN "It goes beyond elections; it has to do the distribution of actual power in the government, the execu… (cont) http://deck.ly/~gSCCP
#BAHRAIN Royal Family Finds Bumps on 'Middle Path' http://on.wsj.com/hOWia2
United States last year provided Bahrain with about $21 million in military assistance ~$1 million for counter-terrorism aid!
#BAHRAIN King seeks dialogue after another crackdown on protesters ~Text-Video: http://wapo.st/e8tYE6
#YEMEN: Police kill four and two die in grenade blast: http://ind.pn/eWZN33 #Uprising
#EGYPT 1:18 ~2/18/2011~ Raw Video: Egyptians Celebrate Mubarak's Fall ~Cairo's Tahrir Square : http://bit.ly/h4uRUk
@optumussPRIMEE Nature abhors a vacuum ~great social imbalances seek a natural balance under the sun. We are rising!
#LIBYA VIA Xinhua Two policemen hanged in Libya protests: http://bit.ly/eA6DSY
#LIBYA Amnesty says 46 killed by Libyan security forces ~110 injured: http://reut.rs/fkvE6p
Follow @amnesty Official Amnesty International. Get latest human rights news and actions here! http://www.amnestyusa.org
Q&A about Middle East Uprising happening right now w/ Duke Prof. Abdeslam Maghraoui http://ow.ly/3Z5QW #DukeLive
#Bahrain Minister of Foreign Affairs on Twitter: @bahdiplomatic Tweet msgs to stop the violence & let them know the world is watching!
@RepDianaDeGette Take courage! Keep fighting for equal rights for all of us! Save the babies! Stay strong! We are legions.
@optumussPRIMEE Many Mexicans may be in the shadows right now in USA, but when the fear barrier breaks there will be storms!
RT @RepDianaDeGette: Deeply disturbed 240 of my mostly male colleagues voted to deny women access to affordabl… (cont) http://deck.ly/~Iln3y
Do Chicanos-Mexicans-Latinos need to instigate riots?!? Notice we do not riot. We participate in bloody revolutions! Take heed!
@CNN_Newsroom #USA Corporate Media continues to ignore the millions of Latinos inside the United States ~open media for all.
#MEXICO Gov't nabs suspected cartel gunslinger ~slayer of 20 people: http://bit.ly/gZlVlA
@love8rockets So growing up there was music around, instruments, nightclubs, shiny people ~don't forget the booze etc.
@love8rockets My Mother ~Ella P. Lopez~ was a beautiful singer, on other side now. Our Family had good local band. Raised in music.
#MEXICO Mexican drug gang Zetas suspected in US special agent killing: http://bit.ly/i0Eo7E
Gracias Anderson RT @andersoncooper: Just did an amazing intv with a man in #Libya. He is risking his life to talk to us. #ac360 10p
#MEXICO 5.1-Magnitude Earthquake Strikes Baja California in Mexico ~10 AM PSST this morning: http://fxn.ws/idpyyi
#UTAH COMPACT: A declaration of five principles to guide Utah’s immigration discussion: http://www.utahcompact.com/
4 PM ~Back up here at home ~top floor ~what I call my Aztlán Sanctuary ~Liberated Zone ~Rainy Sacramento day ~I am blessed.
Cool free ebook on how you may change your life easily http://on.fb.me/changewithpower
@BNCSacramento Following you for now. In Job Search mode. No income from Tweeting, but good fine folks here!
@SustainablDylan Winds of liberation are sweeping across the Middle East. Let us in USA focus on our own backyards with global awareness.
#BAHRAIN VIA @wikileaks: WikiLeaks: King of Bahrain succession plans http://bit.ly/flTrhd
@sharifkouddous There has only been a revolt in #Egypt ~ military still in power and control ~people need open leadership.
@KatrinaNation Yes, we need to live our true values based on people's basic needs ~life, liberty and the pursuit of happiness!
@KatrinaNation: If you mean the USA it is not a true democracy ~two dominant political parties are co-opted ~rotten core.
@BNCSacramento Gracias! I prefer the term 'Tweeter' instead of Tweep. Use TweetDeck! http://www.tweetdeck.com/ ~#TGIF
@OurTownMagazine Hi Beauty Carolyn ~Hope you are well today. #FF
@love8rockets Like you on YouTube ~You are a singer-performer-entertainer and do well. I am a creative writer on a good day!
@SustainablDylan Concerned about the subtle Egyptian military coup-de-etát that happened ~they are still IN POWER and SECURE.
@love8rockets Recommend TweetDeck: http://www.tweetdeck.com/ ~If need you can Tweet Longer ~ See you Tweet from iPhone
@SustainablDylan Think there will always be a need for an administration and an army. Don't forget the alien armies!
1:42 PM ~Well I am dressed and ready to head out onto the streets. Need to go by Bank, Safeway and make it back up home.
@SustainablDylan Yeah, 'Ideally'. We know how the world often does not come up to our IDEALS.
RT @hrw: Israel: US Veto on Settlements Undermines International Law http://bit.ly/fIFoXt
@mindofagenius Let us hope that unlike #BAHRAIN the Army in #EGYPT will not turn on its own people.
@SustainablDylan Ideally, the Army should be truly a People's Army ~the people in uniform. #BAHRAIN
#BAHRAIN Royal Family orders army to turn on the people: http://bit.ly/dSr09l
~Watching CNN #US Vetoed U.N. Ruling against Israeli Settlements ~US cowardly, counter-revolutionary and spineless!
VIA @wikileaks: Revealed: Air Force ordered software to manage army of fake virtual people: http://bit.ly/dZZBN4
A rose is so beautiful ~one of the great creations of the Creator~ it has its protective thorns than enhance its beauty.
There Is No God Higher Than Truth ~Mahatma Gandhi: http://bit.ly/h1xuk8 VIA @truthtweets101
@toxicXbelle #LOVE always conquers #HATE. Love can help clean us of our own toxins, poisons and character defects.
Against EVIL it is right to rebel, right to protest, right to demonstrate and right to make revolution by any means mandatory.
Bahrain Protestor: "The regime must fall and we will make sure it does."
#Bahrain, Libya and Yemen try to crush protests with violence: http://bit.ly/dZGefj
US agent death sparks concern over Mexico strategy ~drug cartels "changed the rules of the game.": http://bit.ly/hankYa *
@love8rockets The ideal is to trust yourself, express yourself and know that as we create we enlarge our actual being.
@love8rockets Plus, keep in mind that I am a rare bird ~I can turn negatives into positives ~despite traits of ADHD and OCD.
@love8rockets Addiction is continued behavior knowing it has had harmful consequences in our lives. There is use, abuse and addiction.
@love8rockets Naturally, Twitter and the Internet in general can be addictive. Stay aware, stay mindful and keep a balance.
@love8rockets I have Twitter, Facebook. My Space, Blogs, Groups and Websites. Figure I have been on Internet for over ten years.
@love8rockets Remember that many people suffer from an array of disorders. We never fully know stuff they are going through.
@love8rockets My User Name is about 15 Characters long. Be consider of the value of time for others. Go with the Flow and let it GO!
@love8rockets Most people will not bother to click a Link related to a Tweet. If I want RTs (ReTweets) I leave room for it.
@love8rockets Best is variety: trimmed News Links ~ personal Spiritual Insights ~ Good Links you find ~ Pictures ~ Media.
@love8rockets Some folks just post a bunch of irrelevant crap and trivia, take shit personally and may need real therapy.
@love8rockets After awhile we develop actual 'cyber' relationships. Often Follow / Unfollow people. Try to keep Twitter Timeline clear.
@love8rockets Best to have each Tweet stand on its own, being understandable. Not fearing being wrong. Not having to always be right.
@love8rockets Many just post a News LINK. Which gets kind of lame for me. I have been posting News stuff for several years Yahoo Groups.
@love8rockets ...my thoughts on Twitter evolved. Kind of a Spiritual Practice. Sharpens my creative writing. Focuses my mentality.
@love8rockets 1st I thought Twitter was childish for teens and youngsters. As I got Deeper into #Twitter, made more contacts...
@love8rockets 12:01 AM ~Checked out your MySpace. Open Communication is key. Sharing is caring. Being Bold, not Afraid.
#ARGENTINA: Sustained Effort Needed to Eradicate Chagas' Disease #globalwarming http://dlvr.it/Gxq83 VIA @ipsnews:
@changeFood Hell with it! Being alive endangers our lives! Besides... confess to being a Diet-Pepsi Addict. Former alcoholic.
@alohaastro @Jaylu @joanie399 @love8rockets Gracias for RTs. Let us love as much as our hearts can bear today! ~Lovingly, Peta
@trippweavepoet Surely we need more writers who are wise in using the power of the word for the good of all of us. ~Che Peta
#MIDEAST Battle Lines Harden Across the Mideast as Rulers Dig In: http://nyti.ms/gmu2F3
VIDEO 1:45 Protests spread throughout Arab world: http://bit.ly/gvTduJ
#BAHRAIN VIDEO 1:01 Thousands attend Bahrain protest funerals ~security crackdown: http://bit.ly/fYEhpm
#BAHRAIN Troops open fire on demonstrators ~50 Wounded: http://lat.ms/dTOW53
9:46 AM ~Shower time ~time to get dressed ~grab my backpack and go out on Street Patrol on my way to Safeway!
@LBurris597 Met Cesar Chavez once in Delano ~was introduced as an evangelist for UFW at picket lines~ we could 'feel' his presence.
#Follow Friday ~Your @heart, your @dreams and your @truth. ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan
Ultimately, the battle is not between 'us' and 'them'. It is between light and darkness within all of us. See the light.
Weak hearts never win decisive battles ~life is war~ be brave, be strong and hold high the sacred banner: Liberty or Death!
Let us pray for all those who have given up on hope, love, peace and have lost the courage of heart. We Will Win! Venceremos!
Let us pray for courage ~courage to change the world, courage to confront evil powers and courage to change ourselves.
Let us pray for time ~time to be still, time to love, time to breathe, time to reap, time to mend and time to heal our wounds.
Let us pray for love ~even though she comes into our doorway after being raped, ravaged and shattered by hate in pieces of dreams.
Let us pray for peace ~even though she seems like a distant star impossible to reach yet still within our inner vision.
Let us pray for hope ~even though she comes up to our doorway bruised, battered and bleeding with a backpack of broken dreams.
Let us pray for a strong unity among all people. We share the same planet, have the same basic needs and do need each other.
Let us pray with heartfelt intention so that our sincere prayers reverberate throughout the cosmos and touch our hearts.
Let us pray for inner peace, a rock of reason and for the openness of a blooming flower ready to radiate its beauty.
Despite the storms and stresses of life, it is still an exquisitely beautiful world and we have the potential to make it!
Let us pray that we are obedient to Divine Will, not fear harmony with the Divine and heed its Divine intuition.
Let us pray that we see the Big Picture in the world, not get stuck on a snap shot of life. All is connected reality!
Let us pray for spiritual discernment ~bestowed upon us by the Divine~ so we will be wise in our ways, not fools.
Let us pray for inner revelation about our lives, where we have been, where we are now and where we are going.
Let us pray for endless endurance so we can wage protracted Liberation War for social peace, true democracy and liberty!
Let us pray for the Liberation of all Prisoners Of War ~POWs~ including our often forgotten Brother Leonard Peltier!
Let us pray that our mortal minds are open to the wisdom of our ancient spirits.
Let us pray that we learn more about ourselves today ~what we need to change, what we need to preserve and where we need to grow.
Let us pray that our spirits guide us today ~spirits of true pure love, caring compassion and humane wisdom.
I love to begin my day with a prayer and close it in a prayer. I am a great believer in the power of prayers for inner peace.
@ZeinabSamir http://twitpic.com/4102fg - I pray our Egyptian comrades always hold onto what is now sacred ground #Tahrir Square!
Spin doctors: TV kills ~sedentary behaviour: http://bit.ly/dUVvAE ~Get Off Your Ass!
#USA U.S. Army wants rapid-fire rubber bullets for crowd control: http://bit.ly/eUkdwN VIA @EmergentCulture #Fascism
RT @ileducprof: The dr-v-critical-community Daily is out! http://bit.ly/cJ0SK3 ▸ Top stories today via @drtmg @peta_de_aztlan
Watching CNN ~ showing Tahrir Square ~what a beautiful people on a beautiful day of celebration. Great inspiration for the all of us!
RT @wikileaks: WikiLeaks brings to light suspected baby trafficking from Egypt to Canada http://is.gd/u4G0Ge
RT @wikileaks: Flamboyant Gaddafi feels ripples of change http://reut.rs/gVzODT
RT @wikileaks: WikiLeaks Precedes Ugandan Election to Reveal Meteroic Rise of Homophobian http://is.gd/j0DDuo
RT @sharifkouddous: Hundreds of thousands praying in #Tahrir square now #Egypt #Jan25
RT @sharifkouddous: Youssef El Qaradawi speaking to masses in #Tahrir now
RT @Ghonim: A photo from #Tahrir now "@ZeinabSamir: People in tahrir are thiiiis much http://bit.ly/gwbWUk"
RT @Ghonim: In Tahrir now. I am breathing happiness and freedom. Waiting for Jumah prayer to start.
RT @sharifkouddous: Today is not a protest, it's a celebration. #Egypt #Jan25
RT @sharifkouddous: A group of men are planting Orange trees in the middle of #Tahrir.
RT @sharifkouddous: Just got to #Tahrir. Festive and filling up fast. People greeting journalists entering with chants praising them. #Egypt
RT @ElBaradei: Peoples' demands for a fresh start are crystal clear & should not be derailed.Let us not repeat the blunders of the past.
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 2-17-2011 Thursday Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ Saved Tweets: http://bit.ly/g9ZOoT c/s
<+>Friday, February 18, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Liberation Now!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 2-17-2011 Thursday Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ Saved Tweets: http://bit.ly/g9ZOoT c/s
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
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Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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