2-17-2011 Thursday Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan ~ Saved Tweets
Peter S. Lopez ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Pray for Guardian Angels Around All Our Children! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan~California
@Ghonim We need to use the technology and programs that are at hand ~literally at our fingertips with Internet Access.
@Ghonim Masses should become computer literate and learn Internet navigation. Mass education via Internet Power. Literacy programs.
@WinyanStaz We need to look at how we live together. Revitalize Communal Living, esp. with a Group with Extremely Limited Resources.
@barbieu2 10:27 PM ~Pleasant dreams. Been watching the Boob Tube and had a late dinner. Mas manana. @Peta_de_Aztlan
@barbieu2 Sacramento was stormy today. Miss Phoenix. Gotta go back before I croak. Love Valle del Sol. Use to work with Gus Gutierrez.
@barbieu2 I admit to being a News Junkie ~CNN is always on ~Wish I could see Al Jazeera on TV here. Now in Sacramento!
@barbieu2 Maybe you should experiment with better self-love and self-acceptance just as you are. I am sure you are beautiful.
#MEXICO Killers of 2 ICE Agents Knew Men Were From U.S. ~No amnesty for them! http://on.wsj.com/eEFjuS
#SACRAMENTO Rangers to oust campers on American River Parkway ~HELP the Homeless: http://bit.ly/dTQWjs
#BAHRAIN RT @hrw: Bahrain: Allow Medical Care, Investigate Attacks on Medics http://bit.ly/hdQSt8
I think Twitter has made me a Twitter Addict and a speed typist. Time out! @Peta_de_Aztlan
@barbieu2 I know CNN is a key part of corporate media, but I am a lover, not a hater. Can separate an individual doing #GOOD.
@barbieu2 Yeah. ol' Cooper got his ass jumped by punk pro-governments thugs before Mubarak split the scene. He is a good man.
Be a humane being. Be kind to humankind. Stop casting stones! Be a lover, not a hater!
#GOOD I am glad that Anderson Cooper @andersoncooper has become more supportive of humane rights since Egyptian experience.
@Juliesvern Does Tweeting about Wisconsin Protest make me an 'outside agitator' because I am in California?!?! ;->~~
RT @wawharton: Madison Protests May Spark a New Era of Protest Politics http://tinyurl.com/65ajlp2 #solidaritywi #union #wisconsin
Don't forget those solar flares may be sneaking into your synapses and get your Tweets real slippery! Think cosmic solar waves.
I guess we can never know when the next uprising will come from? U.S. concentration camps AKA Prisons? Inner city slums?
Yea gotta love America! Who would of thought that Wisconsin would be hotbed of anti-state government?!?: http://huff.to/hnhNoN
Police dispatched as Democratic lawmakers flee Wisconsin to boycott major bill: http://huff.to/hnhNoN
True democracy ~the interests of the majority of people~ must be re-analyzed in terms of the majority of people worldwide.
American people can be so stupid. When the government says "our interests" they assume it means their own real interests.
American nationalism puts US Interests before interests of people worldwide. What is best for the majority worldwide?
American nationalism is backwards, reactionary and usually counter-progress or counter-revolutionary. It is a selfish nationalism.
@M0AB Sad that so many Americans are terribly ignorant about other cultures and countries. What is far can impact near!
@M0AB This last month I for one have learned a lot about Egypt. This article clarifies more: http://bit.ly/hO1yJX #North Africa
Historic North African People’s Uprising ~Implication for American Foreign Policy: http://bit.ly/hO1yJX #Tunisia #Egypt #Africa
#BAHRAIN Majority oppressed Shia ~Minority Sunnis have all the money and all the power: http://on.msnbc.com/eGu8Xj
#BAHRAIN #Egypt, Bahrain protests differ in key ways: http://on.msnbc.com/eGu8Xj
@rgl Technically, are we all murderers and thieves? Think about it. Dreams ~ Insects ~ Times ~ Glances
Echo: Four Agreements: #1. Be Impeccable With Your Word #2. Don’t Take Everything Personally #3. Don’t Make Assumptions #4. Do Your Best
Sometimes great external beauty can be a real curse, but it always beats staying ugly.
@M0AB Sacred duty of Vanguard Leadership NOT to lead people into a bloodbath! Factual analysis of actual conditions.
@M0AB The promise of Peaceful Revolution ~which I advocate inside the USA~ is not possible under certain social conditions.
@M0AB Remember the Egyptian revolutionary struggle is NOT a done deal. #Egypt has always been living under military rule as now!
If you are on #Twitter I am going to dare to believe that you are on planet Earth ~quit hiding, open up and get some guts!
All of us on Twitter should have a good Bio on our Twitter Home Page, a good Blog we update and get our friends on #Twitter.
RT@reflexionfidel: Pensadores eminentes ven con claridad que el sistema capitalista marcha hacia un desastre inevitable http://bit.ly/gSWTRQ
It is importance to us to transform ourselves from within as we seek transformation in the external world. Study the world.
@rgl Many of our real enemies exist within us: fear, greed, mistrust, deceit, hidden agendas, wrong motives and ignorance.
The course of history is ultimately up to the people armed with courage and the grand strategy of their vanguard leadership.
IF Peaceful Revolution is not possible ~IF legal methods of struggle are exhausted ~THEN the people's struggle can turn VIOLENT.
Repressive regimes must know that repression breeds resistance, esp. once the great enemy ~FEAR~ is tossed aside.
@originalshemite Many of the natural disasters impact harm because of poor or no local infrastructure in specific countries.
@originalshemite Many only want to look external to themselves ~great character defects manifest within those in power.
@originalshemite In connected reality, it is up to us humane beings to clean our own mess in the global environment.
@originalshemite There is more than meets the eye ~stuff in spiritual realms, electro-magnetic realms, even quantum realms.
@originalshemite Common sense tells me that great solar flare can impact on human affairs here on Earth. #SOLAR
23/13/2011 Strongest Solar flare of current cycle ~radiation blast across electromagnetic spectrum ~radio waves ~x-rays ~gamma-rays
#SOLAR Sun Unleashes Biggest Flare of the Current Cycle ~Pics & Video: http://bit.ly/i9nN5H
#SOLAR For the Next Two Days, Blame Everything Bad on the Evil Solar Flare: http://bit.ly/dWIv7t
@PeaceLeadership P.S. I know time can be a tyrant. ;->~~
1:20 PM ~Time for an early Siesta. Been up since 5 AM ~Cold tough weather outside ~Warm and cozy inside ~Simple Blessings!
@LAmerican Would not go down to Mexico now without a multi-terrain guerrilla detachment! Certainly not around Juarez!
@PeaceLeadership I understand. Am looking at organizational-Internet Networking on a multi-platform.
Not for me! RT @LAmerican: #Mexico is Still a Hot Spring Break Destination, Despite Violence http://is.gd/lK52cS
@netonezen Sometimes I will repeat a previous treat as an #ECHO so we can see it all in a larger timeline. So much stuff.
@LBurris597 Yes, I Love Democracy Now! Watch it every weekday I can at 6 PM ~Comcast Channel 17. Glad it is around @democracynow
@PeaceLeadership Join the HumanE Liberation Party HELP > http://help-matrix.ning.com/ #Group #Analysis #Internet #Power
12:53 PM ~Man, heavy storm outside here in Sacramento. I feel for homeless American refugees stuck outside today. Terrible.
#ECHO: Egypt-Based Political Analyst: "The First Lesson from Tunisia is that Revolution is Possible" http://bit.ly/i3VZxp
“The Genie Is Out of the Bottle”: Assessing a Changing Arab World ~Noam Chomsky & Al Jazeera’s Marwan Bishara: http://bit.ly/gWHCGV
#USA “Democracy Uprising” in the U.S.A.? ~Noam Chomsky: Wisconsin’s Resistance to Assault on Public Sector... http://bit.ly/hTcJK8
RT @chavezcandanga: Viva el Gral.en Jefe Henry Rangel Silva!! Vivan los Soldados Venezolanos!!
"Internet Freedom" in the Age of Assange: http://bit.ly/hTmBSi ~VIA @wikileaks
RT @wikileaks: Internet Freedom in the Age of WikiLeaks | FP http://is.gd/0eYJr9
So-called Followers: Let us communicate better! Join the HumanE Liberation Party HELP > http://help-matrix.ning.com/
#Yemen @AlaaIsam Way cool! Revolutionary Hackers! http://www.yemen-tv.net/ ~ReTweet
URGENT: Yemeni Hackers break into Yemeni TV website, check it now http://www.yemen-tv.net/ #Hack #Security #Yemen #TV #Media
#USA See Photo: Protestors to Wisconsin Gov. Scott Walker's proposal to eliminate rights: http://yhoo.it/e7qeot
RT @habibh: HELP: volunteer translators needed to translate voices from #libya, #bahrain, #egypt U email translate@alive.in
RT @chavezcandanga: Epa no se vayan a perder el debate de hoy en la Asamblea! Ya mi equipo ajusta detalles d… (cont) http://deck.ly/~11ORx
It is right to rebel against evil tyrants in power. The sacred duty of the true revolutionist is to help make the revolution!
11:22 AM ~Rain outside. Strong winds whistling here in Sacramento. So blessed to be up here safe from the harsh elements.
Interesting, all the lawmakers in Wisconsin State Senate are Democrats! What is wrong with those people! Show up! Protest!
#USA Democrats missing from Wisconsin Capitol ahead of Union Vote: http://yhoo.it/gOfSiy
@bgdtcoaching My own Ministry is helping homeless recovering addicts who actually help me more than I can ever help them.
Let us now search for kindred spirits in the world, than search for survivors over the scattered ruins of a shattered world.
@bgdtcoaching Sometimes those who are full of hate, anger and resentments need our time, attention and patience the most.
@bgdtcoaching All of the Family of Humanity should be our loved ones, but there are those who are naturally closer to us.
We need to evolve as human animals into 'being' true humane beings who support all freedom fighters in the world. Fight On!
Jury Finds Man Guilty of Killing 2 Mexican Women in #Florida http://is.gd/goeOKB #Mexico #Latism
Mexican-American Woman Vying to Be #Chicago’s City Clerk http://is.gd/Tj2gAN #Latism
New Female Police Chief Is a First for Rio de Janeiro, #Brazil http://is.gd/IxC8oY
RT @LAmerican: Is El Salvador the most dangerous country in the world? http://is.gd/tnNAyF #ElSalvador #Salvador #Latism
@bgdtcoaching We should not underestimate the Power of Listening to loved ones with a clear non-judgmental loving mind.
The Spirit of rebellion and revolution is flowing across all of Arabia and the whole world. People have declared, "Enough!"
Do not underestimate the Power of the Word, the Power of the Spirit and the Power of Love to transcend all walls and borders!
There are spiritual realms that our science today can only suspect, yet spiritual beings can 'feel', 'sense' and 'believe'.
Be aware! Others can 'feel' our concerns and vibrations in our millions though they may be far away, yet close in spirit.
Continue to Support the Egyptian Revolt whose revolutionary process is still insecure and developing under Military Junta Rule.
#YEMEN Rage on Rabat Street: http://nyr.kr/grPO9X
#YEMEN Video footage of Yemen protests: http://bit.ly/eurVDe ~Spread the word, support Yemen protestors!
#YEMEN Protests Continue for 7th Day: http://bit.ly/eurVDe ~Is Yemen on a roll?
#YEMEN, #BAHRAIN, #IRAN could be next #EGYPT, U.S. officials say: http://on.msnbc.com/hCSG2X
RT @Ghonim: Dear citizens of the world, I invite you to come & visit us here. From #Egypt with love: http://bit.ly/iknLSA
#PAKISTAN Wall St. Journal: Recreating Pakistan in India for ‘West is West’: http://on.wsj.com/gT7XfD
#PAKISTAN Prime Minister asks religious scholars to end US contractor dispute: http://bit.ly/etK1hR
#BAHRAIN Military Patrols Ptreets of Manama after Attack on Protesters ~3 Killed + 230 Wounded: http://lat.ms/fXReq8
#BAHRAIN Q+A-What comes next in Bahrain upheaval? http://reut.rs/hlydIu
#BAHRAIN Thousands of Shi'ite protesters, emboldened by uprisings in Egypt and Tunisia, demand more say in Sunni-ruled island kingdom.
#BAHRAIN: Video & Text: As Mideast seethes, three dead in Bahrain bloodshed: http://reut.rs/fIa9GW
@SayedMohDarwish No one in the USA gave a damn about #BAHRAIN until US Powers saw its strategic importance.
@ClassicTone I am wary of fast talkers, snap decisions, babbling idiots and mindless fools without respect for the Word.
@ClassicTone Imagine all the words we should of said but failed to say. Imagine all the words we spoke better left unsaid.
@ClassicTone The Power of the Word in the world can be so beautiful and uplifting... or so ugly and condemning.
@ClassicTone Many times resentments arise because we do not use the Power of the Word with conscious awareness.
@ClassicTone Many times we take our loved ones for granted ~forget to say, "Thank You!" or "Please!" or "Excuse Me!"
@ClassicTone I tell people that I love ~male or female~ that I do love them. Many need reassurance of being loved by us.
#WikiLeaks VIA @wikileaks: New cables for #Mexico, #Colombia, #Paraguy, #Peru http://wikileaks.ch/reldate/2011-02-17_0.html
#BAHRAIN RT @wikileaks: Bahrain protests: video | Telegraph http://is.gd/TDAf67
@ClassicTone Typed words on a screen cannot possibly communicate feelings in their fullness ~tone, tenor and cadence.
@ClassicTone As a creative writer I use the Power of the Word with conscious compassion, not always but usually.
@ClassicTone Power of the Word is unique to human beings ~we have a great responsibility to use it in respect of its power.
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 2-16-2011 Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan Saved Tweets: http://bit.ly/ga15Bu ~Make Revolution!
@Hypno_News It is dishonest to 'buy' Followers. Part of sickness in society. I get Followers or Co-creators by my Tweets. I learn.
Let us use the Power of the Word with clear conscious mindfulness ~make every character count ~make every word meaningful!
8:22 AM ~Cold and rainy outside today. Will cancel going to NA Meeting at Loaves & Fishes. Work out here. Use Power of the Word.
@morsemusings Let's keep our hearts united in the Spirit of Love as we seek ever deeper mutual understanding together.
RT @ElBaradei: Urgent need for independent media :Without free media there are no free elections.
RT @ElBaradei: Transitional period key to New Egypt yet so far opaque and not inclusive. Concern Revolutio… (cont) http://deck.ly/~Fm0Nk
VIA @Ghonim: Youth painting the sidewalks in Cairo yesterday. Those will never give up their dreams. http://twitpic.com/40nghf
RT @Ghonim: Egyptians started dreaming, no one will stop us: http://bit.ly/fGTHST
RT @ElBaradei: Egyptians awaiting list of those banned from leaving the country and are under investigation. Transparency is essential !
@ASacred_Monster Well I love your Inner Child ~know we are healing from the many wounds this wicked world can inflict on us.
@morsemusings An Educator leads forth in battle ~A Teacher exports knowledge ~A Brother is forever! #love
@morsemusings Let me be your Good Friend ~or your Good Brother ~or your Gentle Man ~or your Spirit Mate #Love
@ASacred_Monster You are evolving Sister ~Love your new Avatar ~Our Avatars on Twitter Home Page signify a lot about our us.
Open Invitation! Join the HumanE Liberation Party > http://help-matrix.ning.com/ or JOIN UP with another progressive party.
<+>Thursday, February 17, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Unite and Come Together!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
LINK: A Course In Miracles ~ http://www.themiracletimes.com/
Do not allow anyone to tell you what you can be or what you cannot be. Seize your own determined soul and live your life.
Treat people as if they are self-responsible and they will become self-responsible. ~Nathaniel Branden
Once we gain a good consciousness of who we are, we can then determine what kind of being we wish to be. Self-actualized.
The mass movements which forced the removal of Mubarak reveal both the strength and weaknesses of spontaneous uprisings. ~James Petras
#READ The Limits of Social Movements by James Petras: http://bit.ly/f9awbj ~VIA @mparent77772:
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~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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