2-16-2011 Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan ~Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
Amen! RT @Ghonim: Dr. Farouk ElOkdah ~governor of central bank expects Egyptian economy to boom be one of top 20 worldwide in few years
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Pray for Guardian Angels Around All Our Children! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan~California
LINK: A Course In Miracles ~ http://www.themiracletimes.com/
Usually Foreign News Links have more of a balanced opinion about the United States than prejudicial U.S. News organs.
If I want to check the news I usually just go to Google News ~though that has its filters. Seek and ye shall find.
Many people share snippets of their philosophy here on Twitter with a Link to their blog. Others just post News Links with no soul.
@parkstepp In King James Bible fear of God is actually incorrect. In Ancient Eastern Holy Bible 'reverence' is used not fear.
@parkstepp I suppose self-hypnosis has its role. Sometimes sensing fear can be an intuitive survival mechanism. What is a valid fear?
Sometimes I am just here thinking out loud to myself, then a Tweet worthy stream of thought will come up into conscious level.
Most people do not even bother to CLICK a News Link unless it is of immediate interest. Sometimes think many are going ADD.
With TweetDeck you can create a separate column with a key word and get results of all who post with key word. Like mini-Google.
Past historical events have proven that Twitter can have the most fresh new updates about certain Hot News items.
For posting about News with Links I would say that Twitter is the best I know of around these days, esp. via TweetDeck.
@rgl I love Twitter but sometimes it kind of makes me lazy when I need to write more or record more. Oh well. It is what it is.
RT @uruknet: Arabic only: iraq revolution fb page : http://www.facebook.com/uruknet#!/Iraqe.Revolution
@rgl Knowing myself I trust myself ~am also aware of any propensity for a surviving character defect and know my shortcomings.
@rgl Once we become conscious we need to trust ourselves, heed our intuition and figure life out for our own higher self.
Do not allow anyone to tell you what you can be or what you cannot be. Seize your own determined soul and live your life.
Treat people as if they are self-responsible and they will become self-responsible. ~Nathaniel Branden
Amen! RT @Ghonim: Not going to respond to the silly rumors. We should just continue our battle for our freedom and for new Egypt.
Once we gain a good consciousness of who we are, we can then determine what kind of being we wish to be. Self-actualized.
We are told as children what our name is. We are told who we are by our parental-authority figures. Who are we now today?
Our self-concepts ~how we label ourselves as (consciously or not) frame our general mentalities in given situations.
We are born innocent and ignorant, not racist and reactionary. We are raised in general social conditions that shape our nature.
My spin is that people have a natural identity for those of their own kind. Like begets like. We come into the world humane.
What is the original nature of human beings? How can we really know if our original nature is shaped by social conditions?
The mass movements which forced the removal of Mubarak reveal both the strength and weaknesses of spontaneous uprisings. ~James Petras
#READ The Limits of Social Movements by James Petras: http://bit.ly/f9awbj ~VIA @mparent77772:
VIA @wikileaks: Many, many new Egyptian cables released: http://bit.ly/enaxzq ~Blessings for #WikiLeaks
#Secret Report Ordered by Obama Identified Potential Uprisings: http://nyti.ms/hbdlsE
RT @DavidMuirABC: IMAGE from space on this day of history in #Tahrir Square http://yfrog.com/h76yxjhj #Feb11 #Egypt Digital Globe
RT @mparent77772: Why Isn't Wall Street in Jail? | Rolling Stone Politics http://bit.ly/fFGJPl
#MONTANA Governor threat: shoot wolves now, ask questions later ~defiance Endangered Species Act: http://reut.rs/h2rVcb VIA @TheAngryindian
Watching Survivor Redemption! New Survivor Show. I like to see how greed for a million dollars creates division and mistrust.
@LBurris597 New social phenomena require new descriptive words. Amerikan Fascism is self-aware, scientific and sophisticated.
@LBurris597 Of course, overall I would define our collective enemy as the Amerikan Empire. Nothing like it before in history.
@LBurris597 ... Fascism has global implication. Imperialism abroad but same fascist mechanisms, esp. mass corporate psychology.
@LBurris597 For purpose of a common term I use 'fascism' ~esp. for people to see connectivity with Nazi Germany, but now fascism...
#WASHINGTON D.C. US spy chiefs grilled over Muslim Brotherhood: http://bit.ly/fCFaMC
"Egypt is the key country in the Middle East." ~Sen. Dianne Feinstein, Chair of Intelligence Committee
#PALESTINE U.S. pushing Palestinians to drop UN resolution on settlement construction: http://bit.ly/fQrjG5
#IRAN U.S. monitoring Iran ships which Israel says will cross Suez Canal: http://bit.ly/ffLJ6D
#IRAN Protester's death 'hijacked by regime'~Saane Zhaleh falsely described as a pro-government: http://bit.ly/fcApap
#IRAN's Exiled Heir Crown Prince calls on West to support anti-government protests: http://bit.ly/g1jCqC
#IRAN Student Funeral Prompts New Tehran Clashes: http://bit.ly/eaCRfA
#PALESTINE RT @hrw: Palestinian Authority: Thugs, Police Abuse Peaceful Protesters http://bit.ly/dM9gee
#LIBYA Protests Spread to Libya as Unrest Roils Bahrain, Yemen: http://buswk.co/dQNAgL
Rahm Emanuel Offers $2,500 For Identity Of Foul-Mouthed Twitter Imposter http://huff.to/fW9LBf
@LynneElmira Ya gotta remember. Years ago I was a slamming dope fiend ~signifies a form of self-hatred. Self-love is good.
LINK: Freedom Archives: Preserve the past – illuminate the present – shape the future VIA @TheAngryindian:
#YEMEN Yemeni president says anti-government protesters "elements of coup"~ http://bit.ly/hVKvWo
True listening is open, spacious, non-judgemental, completely accepting. It's rare, and it changes everything. via @Quiddita
Transparent we find peace. There is nothing to shroud. via @MysticUnity
@WorldsofGood Let us not waste time in worry, trying to be perfect or stressing over small insignificant matters. Use time well.
@love8rockets Appreciate your ReTweet about Narrow Nationalism. Another great divisor like Racism, Sexism or Individualism.
1 PM ~Time for this Chicano's Siesta ~little yoga ~little meditation ~little just being in the inner peace of my beingness.
#PAKISTAN Receives Sen. Kerry apology ~US "deeply sorry" ~Obama urges release "diplomat" who killed two Pakistanis: http://bit.ly/hHBruq
#IRAN Iran warships to 'transit Suez' ~Israel's foreign minister says ~1st time in years: http://bit.ly/e8oW99
Charlie Sheen's stupidity of being a crackhead with dope fiend mentality makes him less funny and more sad. He is the 1/2 man.
@LynneElmira Without conceit, I truly love myself ~have good self-esteem ~am proud of what I overcame just to be here now.
Recall: 11-05-2010 Noam Chomsky: No Evidence Al-Qaeda Carried Out 9/11 Attacks: http://bit.ly/cxrEM3 VIA @TheAngryindian
@LynneElmira When we love ourselves, when we accept ourselves, when we honor ourselves ~it is easy to be open and natural.
@LynneElmira People who only Tweet with a LINK to a News Article or Subject have concerns about being honest and personal.
@LynneElmira I can tell a lot about a person just by their Tweets ~what they Tweet about ~Is it about WE or always about ME?
@LynneElmira Character defects are more deeper and crucial to correct than surface shortcomings. Think 7 Deadly Sins.
@LynneElmira If we look deeper we see that much misery in the world first comes from are own character defects, not governments.
LINK: The Big Book Bunch: Table of Contents ~ http://www.sober.org/index.html c/s
@LynneElmira The 12-Steps can have universal applications ~when worked conscientiously they have build up a humane character.
@LynneElmira I keep my door keys on a hook by the front door at eye level. Bugs me when I misplace my keys. Awareness again.
@LynneElmira Sometimes when I misplace stuff ~unless it is critical I just keep moving around here at home and it pops up!
@openib Feel silly when I misplace my glasses and find them hanging from my neck on my strap for them!
@LynneElmira To be more observant just be aware, let your spirit use its invisible sensors and describe stuff in your mind.
@LynneElmira When housecleaning do it mindfully with joy. Many homeless in the streets would love to have a house to clean!
@LynneElmira Your admitted shortcomings are common to many. Impatience can be a big shortcoming. Nothing wrong being sensitive.
"If you are humble nothing can touch you, neither praise nor disgrace, because you know who you are." ~Mother Theresa
#HUMILITY Definition: n. 1. the quality or state of being humble; modest opinion of one's own importance or rank; meekness. [1275-1325]
STEP SEVEN. Humbly ask God to remove our shortcomings: http://www.sober.org/Step7.html ~God of your understanding
My shortcomings: Getting distracted ~ Putting things off / procrastinating ~ Being tardy sometimes ~ Smoking tobacco ~Too much coffee...
Today we discussed Step #7 today about shortcomings ~ http://www.sober.org/Step7.html What are your shortcomings?
11:51 AM ~Just came back home from AA Meeting at Loaves & Fishes. Good to see folks, former clients. Life going on.
VIA @wikileaks: Vaughan Smith's new film 'Blood and Dust' broadcasting on Al Jazeera ~Southern #Afghanistan: http://bit.ly/hXBquo
Check out ~ @MALDEF: Thomas A. Saenz, President and General Counsel of MALDEF on the podium now! http://maldef.org/lsotu_stream/
RT @MALDEF: Thomas A. Saenz, President and General Counsel of MALDEF is about to take the podium! http://maldef.org/lsotu_stream/
Forgive me Democrats for popping your bubble BUTTT POTUS Obama is corporate-backed modern-day fascist for Amerikan Empire.
Obama Admin Touts Internet Freedom While Targeting #Twitter, #WikiLeaks: http://bit.ly/hF4xbb VIA @wikileaks
#BAHRAIN VIA @UN: UN Human Rights Chief calls on Bahrain ~Stop using force against demonstrators & respect rule of law http://bit.ly/fDBndh
#PANAMA #Indigenous People Getting Ready for Massive Demonstration: http://is.gd/Qu1fuZ VIA @indigenous_news:
RT @wikileaks: Glenn Greenwald Discusses Wikileaks Smear Campaign with Matt Miller http://is.gd/phG0nE
#AMERIKA 2/14/2011 ~#READ Next By James Howard Kunstler: http://bit.ly/dFUWpD VIA @morsemusings
@ShaeTheZombie Let us know the differences between a revolt, a rebellion and a relevant social revolution. Egypt is a spark.
Let us pray that our prayers are shown in our practices ~in how kind, loving and compassionate we are to each other.
#LIBYA Anti-Government Protests Break Out in Libya: http://bit.ly/hnM6pa
#NATURAL Many of our ways and attitudes about men and women were first shaped by how we related to our parents as children.
@INTLRevolver Remember: Ancient Society women were Leaders who enjoyed Mother Right. Created family, village and society.
#NATURAL To be radical is a matter of historical perspective and social context. Under repression to be radical is natural.
#NATURAL When you give a living being dying of thirst a drink of water he naturally desires more with future access.
#EGYPT Women Clash Over Sharia Law After Tahrir Shows Equality: http://bloom.bg/eXDal0
#EGYPT asks Swiss for help recovering assets ~Swiss ordered assets freeze: http://reut.rs/eyq0v7
#EGYPT Labor Unrest Spreads Throughout Egypt: http://bit.ly/hkaGSE
Wonder if people really comprehend global ramifications and repercussions of war along the U.S.-Mexican border! #BorderWar
#Mexico risks losing large areas to drug cartels: http://on.msnbc.com/hedsEw #BorderWar
#Border Patrol: Has "varying levels of operational control" ~873 miles or 44% of 2,000-mile border by end of 2010!
#MEXICO Report: Less than half the U.S.-Mexico border secured: http://bit.ly/hYAryH #BorderWar
#MEXICO Shooting of ICE agents in Mexico causes concern for U.S.: http://politi.co/dYTfVN #BorderWar
One time in Phoenix an ol' White racist and I got drunk together in a bar ~debated and discussed stuff ~found our common humanity!
@sharifkouddous Many Americans just fall into the fascist propaganda. Who can deny role of Muslim Brotherhood in Egypt?
@sharifkouddous Yes, Muslim Brotherhood are a key element of the whole formula. Be inclusive, not exclusive. Democracy!
@love8rockets Yes, I believe the Last Domino of repressive regimes will be the USA. We have to wage combat on so many levels.
VIDEO 1:13 ~11/13/2007~ #Deepak Chopra "The Wonder of You" http://bit.ly/wPPpf VIA @morsemusings
@worldtreeman Yes, Twitter had rejuvenated my faith in humanity ~silly as that reads~ there are great people on Twitter who care.
@worldtreeman Always feel free to Follow or Unfollow at any time. Don't take anything personally on Twitter. It's the net!
@worldtreeman Some 'issues' are just part of the package. It is a matter of learning to cope in one's environment, changing.
@morsemusings Yes, we are strands in the tapestry of life. Unique yet the same. Harmony yet contradiction. Fascinating creatures.
@worldtreeman I got 'issues' including traits of OCD and ADHD ~am recovering addict ~avoid Information Overload and mindless trivia.
@worldtreeman Yes, labels are limits. We can be so complex. I love people, hate to see people who suffer because of injustice.
@worldtreeman I know bro. It drives me crazy too. I am mainly into connecting with hard core radicals ~humane rights agenda.
Just heard that Twitter is 25% African American. I heard it on the Internet so it must be true! How does Twitter know?
@worldtreeman I try not to Follow too many people. Use TweetDeck. Can create columns on different topics. Offers wider choice.
We have got to raise our humane consciousness above thinking in terms of narrow nationalism. Be global. Embrace humanity.
A core right for all living beings is the right to life ~the right to be alive~ to be able to breathe fully without fear.
#Follow @AJEnglish @commondreams @democracynow @globalvoices @wikileaks @Ghonim @ggreenwald @Raul_Ramos @hrw @Countercurrents #Network
The #Internet can be a grand tool for liberation, but it can also be a grand tool for state surveillance. Liberate cyberspace!
Part 2 of Personal Democracy Forum's Social Media Week event, "Wikileaks and Civil Disobedience: http://bit.ly/fs5kil
Part 1 of Personal Democracy Forum's Social Media Week event, "Wikileaks and Civil Disobedience." http://bit.ly/g1D4Uu
We have a basic humane right to know, to learn about our world, to transmit and communicate with each other over the Internet.
Do not mindlessly accept words and terms that work against your true interests. Define your own connected reality for you.
Is civil disobedient really disobedient? Who are we to be obedient too? A corrupt fascist regime ruled by corporate pigs?
We need to make our Tweets meaningful, as a rule with exceptions, in order to help bring masses online who are offline now.
Personal: Was able to pay my Comcast Bill yesterday thanks to Sacra County. Thanks to @morsemusings for carrying me over to here.
Let us be bold and use Internet Power to advance revolutionary movements on a global scale, as we work in our local areas.
6:51 AM/PST ~Good Morning to All my Twitter Family! Be you. Go with the flow and let it go. Use Internet Power to good. Be mindful.
2/10/2011 Notes From a Father of the Open Internet, 15 Years On: http://bit.ly/g1D4Uu #DigitalActivism
RT @wikileaks: WikiLeaks and Civil Disobedience (BP Barlow et al) http://is.gd/tfVZI8
Iraq activists storm public offices: At least one person killed in clashes with security forces after protesters... http://aje.me/hH0mZh
Iraq Bioweapons Claim a Lie, ‘Curveball’ Says - http://nyti.ms/fpzMhJ
Watch the Latino State of the Union 2011 LIVE from DC @ 9:30am PST / 12:30pm EST. Tell your friends! http://maldef.org/lsotu_stream/
Tragic! 51 Somali migrants killed in Mozambique boat sinking: police http://yhoo.it/eRIbJ5
Today's entire show will be available for download at 9:20amEST from our website: http://www.democracynow.org
LA poets gather to honor Susana Chavez, slain Ciudada Juarez author & activist http://t.co/FeQeWXb #latism
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: 2-15-2011 Tuesday ~Twitter Timeline @ Peta_de_Aztlan #Liberty: http://bit.ly/e2F7Al ~Saved Tweets
Open Invitation! Join the HumanE Liberation Party > http://help-matrix.ning.com/ or JOIN UP with another progressive party.
RT @sharifkouddous: At Muslim Brotherhood office. closed in 1995 by Mubarak gvt. Opened 2 days ago. All dust. With my uncle. He says,,,
<+>Wednesday, February 16, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Unite and Come Together!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
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@HBergson Kerry Handscomb, PhD
@IntegralHack · Follow Matt Helmick
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~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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