Tuesday, February 15, 2011

2-15-2011 Tuesday ~Twitter Timeline @ Peta_de_Aztlan #Liberty


2-15-2011 Tuesday ~Twitter Timeline @ Peta_de_Aztlan #Liberty
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @ Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan ~Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peta_de_Aztlan Peter S. Lopez
<+>Wednesday, February 16, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Unite and Come Together!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Pray for Guardian Angels Around All Our Children! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan ~California
RT @heidiko44: Do not lose heart—we are made for these times ~ via @JeanHouston:
Let us keep a moving balance ~Be aware of what goes on on the globe and what stirs in your own deeper consciousness.
#USA Where do you think the last domino will fall?
#USA Examine your own country ~use all available democratic methods of rational reform, but beware of sudden storms ahead.
#EGYPT As humane revolutionists our duty is to support in whatever ways we can all positive liberation movements upon Earth.
#EGYPT 2/15/2011 The mass Egyptian revolt has resulted in the deposement of Dictator Mubarak. More is to be revealed. Faith.
#EGYPT So far the Egyptian revolution has been one in mass consciousness when the masses broke through the fear barrier.
Has There Been An Egyptian Revolution? By paul craig roberts: http://bit.ly/heuj9w #Think
@JUNG_SOURCE C G JUNG by Peta_de_Aztlan
@JUNG_SOURCE C G JUNG by Peta_de_Aztlan
The psychic task which a person can and must set for himself is not to feel secure, but to be able to tolerate insecurity Erich Fromm
@love8rockets Pretty pathetic homeless folks cannot even sleep by the river in #SACRAMENTO at night. Insane. http://bit.ly/gE311a
VIDEO Orangutan and Hound: Humans Not Only Beings with Interspecies Friends: http://bit.ly/8KYpwc VIA @lurainpenny
Lara Logan Suffered http://huff.to/ezqFF8 via @huffingtonpost
#IRAQ US -led invasion in 2003 ~No WMDs weapons found ~years of political/sectarian bloodshed ~100,000+ mostly civilian deaths
VIA @ReloadingMexico Wednesday 2/16/2011 ~ Reloading México– 665 contributors today: http://bit.ly/hsof68
RT @ReloadingMexico: Reloading México listo! http://bit.ly/hSEIu5 Historias del día por @peta_de_aztlan @nan… (cont) http://deck.ly/~DO71V
There are deeds done out of the courage of compassion that reason would shudder over. Action is a primary component.
REPORT Iraqi defector ~Rafid Ahmed Alwan al-Janabi~ fabricated WMD Intelligence: http://reut.rs/e9tisy #Iraq
@TheAngryindian CBS should hire me for reporting in 'hot spots'. I'm good to go! Just gotta find my BD ;->~~before I'm deported
Lara Logan of CBS News Was Attacked and Sexually Assaulted in Egypt ~in US hosp recoverng: http://aol.it/gqOBBd VIA @TheAngryindian
#Arizona forges ahead with bill against “anchor babies” VIA @Raul_Ramos: http://bit.ly/fgiftj #latism
U.S. Agents Shot, One Killed, In central Mexico ~ $1.4 billion Merida Plan: http://on.wsj.com/dZCQJW #DrugWar
@JaiDaveon Compassion is the deep love that drives passion ~beyond empathy for suffering ~it requires compassionate action!
RT @hrw: Bahrain: Stop Attacks on Peaceful Protesters http://bit.ly/hqH96l #Bahrain
Clinton Warns of 'Devastating' Foreign Affairs Budget Cuts: http://bit.ly/hmWrK5 ~Bribe money?!?
#Clinton: Balancing foreign policy and social media #Internet world's town square: http://bbc.in/e9RRGX #Network
@BE_PURE Sounds like life is complete for your for now. Colombian products...umm... I won't jump to conclusions! ;->~~
VIDEO 4:54 #Buddhist Chant - Heart Sutra (Sanskrit) by Imee Ooi~ http://bit.ly/gw2zmq ~Follow your bliss...
@phoenix_phire Ahh... I love the Gregorian Chants - "Dies Irae" ~ http://bit.ly/1sgNCA 7:42
Senate Votes to Extend Patriot Act Provisions: http://fxn.ws/fm7KG1 ~Fascists never sleep!
Religion should unite believers in worship to Creator, not be the cause of religious wars and fake Jihads for earthly power.
@phoenix_phire We should be able to harmonize Christianity and other religious practices with Meditation: http://say.ly/GsU8W6
2/15/2011 The @Peta_de_Aztlan Daily as shared by Peter S. Lopez + other Tweeters on Twitter: http://paper.li/Peta_de_Aztlan
@dailyheal The Daily Heal by Peta_de_Aztlan
How Open Is Your Heart Chakra? - http://say.ly/rmh8TL
@dailyheal The Daily Heal by Peta_de_Aztlan
An Introduction To Mindfulness Meditation - http://say.ly/PnO8Un
@dailyheal The Daily Heal by Peta_de_Aztlan
Can Christianity And Meditation Get Along? - http://say.ly/GsU8W6
VIA @ileducprof: #Read The dr-v-critical-community Daily Today's Top Stories ~ @peta_de_aztlan http://bit.ly/hSi4VZ
Drug submarine seized by Colombian navy ~estimated cost $2m+: http://bbc.in/ePWZRo #DrugWar
#Iran protests 'going nowhere', says Mahmoud Ahmadinejad: http://bbc.in/gg41xU ~He's arrogant & evil= bad combo
VIA @wikileaks: VIDEO: Corporate America vs. Wikileaks ~MSNBC: http://on.msnbc.com/huzVSA #WikiLeaks ReTweet!
Remember: Do not worry about being 'politically correct'. Be concerned about being morally right ~in harmony with truth.
1:08 PM ~Getting ready to leave Aztlan Sanctuary ~catch Light Rail ~head onto the Mall ~take care of business. ~Love All, Peta
@ricardelico Remember: US Citizens are the biggest consumers of ALL DRUGS IN THE WORLD! Stop the Drug War!
@ricardelico We should simply legalize marijuana ~eliminate the supply and demand cycle ~focus on treatment for hard core dope fiends.
@pixiemona Believe that the greatest energy of all ~corny as it may seem ~is the Energy of Love from deep within our Soul.
Be proud of your boldness. Move through it all while in alignment with your energy. ~Veronica: http://www.innerwhispers.org/
If one can keep open to the energy, great evolution may be available to souls with the courage to walk through it. ~Veronica
RT @LAmerican: Ciudad Juarez: Bridging a Gap Between Fear and Peace http://is.gd/h6G0oI #Mexico #Violence
RT @TheAngryindian: Mother Jones: Tea Party Patriots Take Advantage of Activists http://is.gd/5612sL
RT @uruknet: It's time for those who hold the keys to their homes to rise up http://bit.ly/h6Y7eB #palestine
God save me from the vampires in my personal life who try to suck my brains out! I don't have any spare brain cells.
Suspect Charlie Sheen suffers from severe 'brain damage' trying to manage 'crack' socially. Stay straight! http://bit.ly/585yAt
God save me from the Liberals with warm fuzzies ~save me from religious zealots trying to convert me ~save me from all fanatics!
@kitacounBIZ Prefer to Follow people on Twitter who are IN #Egypt ~as we work on local projects wherever we are on local level.
FYI: VIA @kitacounBIZ: "Letter to #Egypt Project" on Facebook is here. http://on.fb.me/fCtBzY
VIA @edwardvirtually: "Top 10 Rare & Amusing Insults": http://bit.ly/ibFHbm ~Don't be a #1: Cockalorum!!
RT @uruknet: Lessons Learned in the Streets of Cairo http://bit.ly/hUztlV #egypt
IF #Iran refuses to allow Peaceful Protests then the masses have the right to utilize 'other means'. It ain't Disneyland!
VIA @sacramentopress #Sacramento Downtown ~ K Street now - A photo essay: http://bit.ly/h18MZ2 ~by my hood!
California medical marijuana industry seeks to operate "for profit"~ http://bit.ly/fnBlvf
@MonaB2010 For me, the only path worth taking is a path with heart. Even if you have to walk it alone in the world.
@MonaB2010 I humbly recommend you follow a path with heart, listen to your calling, be directed by divine destiny. Know you!
US backs Iran protests; Iranian lawmakers want opposition leaders executed: http://bit.ly/hZDUrc #Iran
#Amazon pollution: Chevron hits back in row with #Ecuador: http://bbc.in/eTrsJP
Follow Abiyomi Kofi @TheAngryindian ~Editor-in-Chief of Aboriginal Press News Service (APNS). ~ http://aboriginalpress.blogspot.com/
@MonaB2010 Now I have learned to really appreciate inner peace, work on myself and have mellowed to be more effective in life.
@MonaB2010 I am not judging. I am just saying. For years I ran off hatred for the Fascist Pigs! Had a urban guerrilla mentality.
Amazon pollution: Chevron hits back in row with Ecuador: http://bbc.in/eTrsJP
Factbox: Demands of Bahrain's protesters: http://reut.rs/eE2gsf #Bahrain
10:36 PM ~Time to shower up, get dresed and get ready for Street Patrol. Another day in Paradise! (Easier than calling it Hell!)
When we get rid of our personal hatred and abandon our pet peeves we make room for love, kindness and acceptance. It's easy!
@MonaB2010 I try not to hate anyone. He who you hate assumes power over you. Try to love all people. Keep your power!
@MonaB2010 It is just plan stupid to dislike someone then keep bringing them up! That's liberal-radical insanity.
@MonaB2010 I do not waste precious time slamming Palin or any reactionary nut. If I don't dig them why mention them?!?!
@MonaB2010 I could care less if someone is in this or that political wing or political party. Let us come together where we agree!
@MonaB2010 In these maddening times of great social upheavals we need to embrace all of us as Family Members, avoid divisions.
RT @PennDragonArt: #news “@TIME: Dalai Lama's nephew killed during "Walk For Tibet" | http://ti.me/dKO5By
@capybara10 I no longer think of myself as an American. Think of myself first as a humane being ~beyond surface labels.
@heidiko44 Heide Kolb by Peta_de_Aztlan
R @RareWildlifeGuy: Stunning! -read list of House of Reps' plans to wipe out #wildlife, clean air and #water programs: http://bit.ly/dFN0xg
Remember never to take for granted those you profess to love for granted. Speak politely. Use: Please, Thank You and Excuse Me.
Open Invitation! Join the HumanE Liberation Party > http://help-matrix.ning.com/ or JOIN UP with one progressive party.
FYI: @Peta_de_Aztlan= Peta is Pachuco for 'a rope hard to cut’ + Aztlan is Nahuatl indigenous word for ‘people from Aztlan’
@LynneElmira I myself have several energy vampires in my life, who I love deeply but try to get them to work on them own stuff.
@LBurris597 Remember revolution is a quantum leap in evolution, not a final conclusion or a single act in history. It evolves.
@COOPER1209 Thank you for appreciating. Just Tweeting stuff I myself need to keep in mind. True humility helps us to advance.
Many times what I Tweet to others I also Tweet to myself so I remember hard lessons paid for in the tracks of my tears. Love!
We are all ignorant of all that we do not know. Do not make fun of others who may not be as smart as you think you are. Learn!
Learn to listen with an open mind. Do not rush to judgment and cast stones on innocents. Keep your mind clean and clear.
Be humble and learn from others, even if it is a crazy drunk in the streets. Spirit speaks through others already around you.
We can learn what we do not know. All of us are born innocent and ignorant. Be honest and humane in all your relationships.
Seek to develop your own personal spiritual power, use it for good and do not let others have power over you. Waste not, want not.
Live in the present moment. Let go of dwelling on the past. Release any anxiety about the future. Escape from resentments.
Be concerned with the welfare and well-being of your neighbors. Do they have food to eat? Are they ashamed to ask for help?
Help others to get a functional computer if they are without, help others get online, promote Internet Access for all.
See your Twitter Bio. I will assume you are on planet Earth. You cannot be from everywhere. Be humble, be humane and for real.
Remember the importance of basic literacy for raising consciousness, promote computer literacy. Help others to read and write!
If you do not have one now, create a personal blog, write your stuff down and seek to raise global revolutionary consciousness.
Remember that typed words cannot convey tones, feelings and nuances of language. Be mindful, breathe in and out, concentrate!
Ponder upon what democracy means to you? Is it simply rule by the majority via representatives? Is it direct participation by masses?!
Do not get hung up on having the last word, having to always be right and forcing your opinions on others. Hang-up your hangups!
Avoid all forms of addiction, including Internet Addiction. Take time to show your love for others in your personal life. Feel!
Take care of your personal health, be around people who are healthy for you and avoid energy vampires who suck out vital blood.
Stifle the mind's ego, seek harmony, avoid information overload and clean your own house with a daily personal inventory.
Always remember the common denominators of our basic survival needs: food, clothing, shelter, medical care and education.
If you are not a member now, look at your life, establish your priorities and join a progressive political party or group.
@Jan25voices Jan25 Voices by Peta_de_Aztlan
DNE: Committee of experts, incl. an MB member, to begin meeting Wednesday to amend and revise #Egypt constitution. http://bit.ly/fh9jvS
Let us pray for unity among all of our family members, no matter where you are upon Mother Earth. Seek Unity! Uphold basic principles!
Always feel free to Follow or Unfollow anyone at any time and as many times as you want. It is your Twitter Account!
People are suffering now in growling hunger, in the misery of poverty, in widespread ignorance and seeking strong leadership.
My main purpose in being on Twitter is to help build up a global network of communications among revolutionists, not warm fuzzy tweets.
@Ghonim Wael Ghonim by Peta_de_Aztlan
This revolution is not over until democracy is enforced & until unemployment & poverty rates reaches the same levels of developed countries
@truthout Truthout by Peta_de_Aztlan
Egyptian Protesters Dared to Stand on the "Edge of Chaos" http://bit.ly/gheKHo #p2 #p2b #p21
@truthout Truthout by Peta_de_Aztlan
Anti-Government Protests Spread to Iran, Bahrain and Yemen http://bit.ly/hZo9N8 #p2 #p2b #p21
@reflexionfidel Reflexiones de Fidel by Peta_de_Aztlan
#BarackObama está afectado por los acontecimientos en #Egipto http://bit.ly/fpfnj1
@democracynow Democracy Now! by Peta_de_Aztlan
Ecuadoran Court Orders #Chevron to Pay $17B for #Oil Pollution in #Amazon. Interview w @AmazonWatch: http://ow.ly/3WQbv #p2 #ecuador
@BahrainRights Bahrain Human Rights by Peta_de_Aztlan
“@tomflem: #Bahrain protests prompt global concerns (BBC) http://goo.gl/ZUKVS
@assuss Assia Boundaoui by Peta_de_Aztlan
And so it begins... RT: ALGERIAN REVOLUTION IS GOING ON #algeria #dz2011 http://t.co/r5DGIeq via @youtube (via @YubaDZ)
@SuadAK Suad Alkhawaja by Peta_de_Aztlan
Protests in Bahrain pictures http://yhoo.it/hjKyqH via @ yahoo news #Bahrain #Feb14
@Peta_de_Aztlan Blog: February~13th and 14th ~2011~ Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan SAVED TWEETS: http://bit.ly/hwarQa Join Up!
Greeting All Our New Followers AKA Co-Creators of Creative and Original Consciousness! Let us Respect and Love one another!
<+>Tuesday, February 15, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Come Together and Unite!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
1/29/2011 ~It’s Not Twitter or Facebook, It’s the Power of the Network By Mathew Ingram: http://bit.ly/hEW3Ll #Read
VIA @rgl: I agree with your view of social networking. It is a way to get to meet people outside of geographic and social boundaries
About @Peta_de_Aztlan

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Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/

Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan

Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/


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