February~13th and 14th ~2011 ~ Twitter Timeline @Peta_de_Aztlan
http://twitter.com/#!/Peta_de_Aztlan ~Follow @Peta_de_Aztlan
Peter S. Lopez @Peta_de_Aztlan Barrio Cinco, Sacramento CA
A Spiritual Humane Being who Loves Truth, Peace & Wisdom! Create Peaceful Revolution! Get involved! Help Others! Join the Humane-Liberation-Party!
<+>Good Night Family~Buenas Noches Familia<+>Pray for Guardian Angels All Around Mother Earth! ~Namaste, @Peta_de_Aztlan~California
Don't worry about all the tyrants on top! Worry about how in the hell did we let them get to where they got! Who is at fault?
It does no good to topple dictators if we have not toppled the little dictator within us. Hate the sin not the sinner.
In the end, we may find that what really needed to be changed was first within us all along! Be open to new changes!
Truly living a good life is living for others ~knowing we evolve our spirits as we help others ~offer what you can.
We ain't worth shit as adults if we cannot marshal the fundamentals to save the children! Let's save the children!
Have the courage to be alive ~express your truth as your know it ~be open to constructive criticism ~remain teachable
@livelovelife Our common survival needs are the common denominators upon which we will gradually unite and come together!
Do not be easily swayed by the passing winds of doctrine ~fooled by popular fancy fads ~know what your true core values.
Teach your family common sense wisdom ~encourage people to read and write ~launch literacy campaigns ~get involved!
Our common survival needs are our basic humane rights: the right to food, clothing, shelter, medical care and quality education.
Figure stuff out for yourself! Don't Follow anyone just because someone else does. Be aware of hidden motives and agendas!
Be aware of who are your friends ~know who are your enemies! Take time to get to know people ~use intuition ~heed insights!
BEWARE! As time goes on times will become more dangerous ~there will be more disinformation campaigns by dark forces
Evolve ~beyond being a mere human mammal ~beyond being a lone individual ~become a true humane being loving all of us!
We cannot afford the national ego of nationalism ~many suffer in silence or are attacked openly by evildoers. Unite Now!
my friend @linuxawy reveals the work his startup been doing for a while now to support democracy in cyberwar http://is.gd/9ebZc4 #Jan25
Don't get it twisted! The Amerikan Empire remains the primary global enemy of all of humanity ~evolve beyond nationalism!
As global citizens we have a moral responsibility to be aware of global events, as we are also aware of our own local areas.
Get a general picture of world geography ~don't wait until the Amerikan Empire invades it to find out where a country is!?!?!?
As cosmic consciousness expands it gradually embraces all of Mother Earth and its inhabitants. Let us be global citizens!
VIA @AJEnglish: Chevron fined $8.6bn for pollution ~contaminating Amazon river oil drilling: http://bit.ly/g3Styg #Earth
@BahrainRights Thank you for your Tweets. An attack against one is an attack against all. #Egypt #Bahrain #Yemen
Map: Present Day Middle East and North Africa: http://bit.ly/hccohy ~know your planet!
#Bahrain http://nyti.ms/dOFXYE Clashes Erupt in Bahrain as Tumult Ripples Across Mideast #Feb14 #Bahfeb14
@KJ_MayorJohnson #NEW YORK City Rents Rooms for Homeless in Hotels It Tried to Shut Down: http://bit.ly/id3Dcx VIA @padschicago
The greatness of the Egyptian Revolt was a revolution in the consciousness of the people of Egypt.
We Americans ~all of us across all the Americas~ must start focusing more on what we can change in the Americas.
Obama's Budget Pits Him Against His Own Life Story http://huff.to/ghhXcC via @huffingtonpost ~Obama is corporate man!
Yemeni Forces Use Tasers, Batons, Knives and Rifles to Quash Anti-Government Protests: http://bit.ly/ewShdk #Yemen
“Pre-History to Revolt”...Mona El-Ghobashy ~How Egyptian Labor-Social Movements Laid Foundation for Revolution: http://bit.ly/ePNM4q
After Revolution: Mubarak Gone After 30 Years Power, But Questions Remain ~How Transition Will Proceed: http://bit.ly/hvmcqG
RT @wikileaks: Inside the secret plan to bring down WikiLeaks | Ars http://is.gd/tgaJsA
@lurainpenny Happy Valentine's Day ~though Love should be all year round. I am grateful for my blessings ~Love, Peter
FBI doesn't need court's OK to get phone records, Justice Department claims: http://bit.ly/hy7yqX ~loophole in law?
#SACRAMENTO Stragglers at homeless camps along American River urged to move on: http://bit.ly/gE311a
@minussmile #Egypt has undergone a REVOLT. RELEVANT REVOLUTION runs deeper and goes wider. Military still 'in charge'.
@Ghonim Seizure of state power ~redistribution of corporate wealth to masses ~two essential ingredients for social revolution
VIA @Ghonim: International business community ~great role in making our revolution successful. ~role model to get rid of all dictators.
VIDEO 9:25 Parent Education: Understanding Teen Addiction Part 2: http://bit.ly/g4VMeN #Learn
#EGYPT 'Selmiyya, selmiyya' — 'We are peaceful' —
#IRAN: Video footage shows rowdy scenes and tumult at protest rally: http://lat.ms/f73jVK #Babylon & Beyond
#EGYPT A family nurtured in rebellion ~Seif family — long active in leftist politics in Cairo: http://lat.ms/hodz9w VIA @alaa
LINK: Alive In Egypt: Transcribing the Voices of Egypt: http://egypt.alive.in/ #Egypt #Jan25 #Tahrir
VIDEO: 4:13 Mohamed Abbas - 3ahd El Shohada2 / محمد عباس - عهد الشهداء : http://bit.ly/hT0OnG VIA @Ghonim
#HAITI: New passport for Haiti's Aristide moves him step closer to home: http://bit.ly/fvvdFc
#YEMEN Clashes broke out between pro- and anti-government protesters in capital, Sanaa, third day in a row
#TUNISIA December, longtime Pres Ben Ali fled the country ~Italy has complained about wave of migrants from Tunisia coming in
#SUDAN Demonstrators have clashed with authorities who used excessive force on several recent occasions
#PALESTINIAN TERRITORIES PM Fayyad's Cabinet submitted resignations to Palestinian Authority Pres Abbas on Monday ~new elections Sept
#LIBYA Calls through Facebook ~calls of peaceful demonstrations ~40 Year Ruler Gadhafi expressed support for #Mubarak during crisis!
#JORDAN U.S. Adm. Mike Mullen, Chairman Joint Chiefs of Staff, traveled over weekend to Jordan ~King Abdullah II swore in new govt
#IRAQ Thousands of people rallied this month in cities across country ~45% unemployment ~shortages of food, electricity and water
#IRAN Tens of thousands of demonstrators marched along Revolution Avenue in downtown Tehran on Monday.
ALGERIA: Will Lift 20-year State of Emergency in "coming days." ~imposed 1992 to quell civil war that led to death of 150,000+ people.
RT @PeruNews: #PERU: Pres. Candidate Humala to spend S/. 3 million (US $1.08 million) in his campaign: http://bit.ly/fV0QZ5
VIA CNN Wire Staff #Unrest in the Middle East and North Africa--country by country: http://bit.ly/f97V0V #Global
Police Rough-Up Gay Activists at Lima, Peru Kiss-In: Police broke up and assaulted a group of approxim... http://bit.ly/ez6m5U t.x #PERU
#Yemen: “Maan Leenkon Alafdal,” or “Let’s Be the Best Together”
#Yemen's youths find their outlet on the airwaves ~issues-based radio shows: http://bit.ly/gLwOsV ~Power to the Youth!
We've waited for this revolution for years. Other despots should quail: http://bit.ly/fiQflR VIA @monaeltahawy #Jan25 #Egypt
Revolution is in the air in #Iran, #Yemen, #Algeria and throughout the Arab world. Support righteous protestors consciously!
Be aware! Fascist Propagandists frame subjects ~use loaded words ~covers lies with labels ~hides meanings with metaphors!
Amerikan Fascism disguises its State Terrorism by calling its opponents Terrorists when they are architects of Terrorism!
Amerikan Fascism is keenly aware of the power of the truth ~power of words ~power of labels ~and fear Internet Power!
Official: US to expand Yemeni military training: http://bit.ly/gkIuSR #Counter-Terrorism
FYI: I spell Amerika in reference to USA with a 'k' so we do not forget the prevalence of racist KKK Mentality in the USA!
When POTUS Obama speaks of Amerika he refers exclusively to USA ~not Mexico, not Central America, not Latin America!
I will consider myself a full-blooded American when U.S. citizens accept all my people of all of the Americas as Americans!
#Egypt's army demands end to strikes; opposition vows to push for change: http://wapo.st/g1Ul7f #Jan25 Movement
RT @commondreams: Naomi Klein: Democracy Born in Chains: South Africa's Constricted Freedom http://ow.ly/3WgFH
@AnabelPrentice2 Join HumanE Liberation Party > http://help-matrix.ning.com/ ~You have way too much time on your hands!
Valentine's Day Tip: First Kiss Is More Powerful Than First Sexual Encounter: http://abcn.ws/gIHlzV ~brains & nerve endings
#Iran: Opposition leaders Mir Houssein Mousavi and Mehdi Karroubi under house arrest and not allowed to join the protests.
Christiane Amanpour: Iranian Protesters Defy Police: http://abcn.ws/hscGg4 #Iran
Join Up! Network Aztlan News Yahoo Group ~ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/NetworkAztlan_News
Join Up! THIRD-WORLD-NEWS Yahoo Group ~ http://groups.yahoo.com/group/THIRD-WORLD-NEWS/ ~ http://third-world-news.blogspot.com/
@LAmerican Gracias! News about Latin America and Latinos here in the USA is sorely lacking. We will try to do what we can!
Free Leonard Peltier Now! http://whoisleonardpeltier.info/ ~ http://twitter.com/#!/LeonardPeltier
"And you will know the truth, and that very truth will make you free.” ~John 8:32
BOOK: Blood In My Eye~George L. Jackson~ http://amzn.to/atz2KI #Revolution
Join the HumanE Liberation Party via HELP-Matrix > http://help-matrix.ning.com/
@SHDW_of_LMNTS I am on the top penthouse floor of Globe Mills. Looking east over treetops on a cloudy rainy day. It's all good.
VIA @democracynow: NEWS: Hundreds of Thousands of #Women Protest PMin Silvio Berlusconi Over #Sex Scandal in #Italy. http://ow.ly/3WdJM
Good Overview Picture of #Tahrir Square of the Egyptian Masses! http://bit.ly/gnZfO7
President Chavez Applauds Egyptian People’s Lesson of Political and Democratic Maturity: http://bit.ly/guOsAk #Egypt
@djxpect I wonder how 'skin conscious' people in North Africa are, esp. compared to USA?! Forms of subtle racism? Look at Cuba!
2/14/2011 Reflections of Fidel: The Revolutionary Rebellion in Egypt: http://bit.ly/i9lYPp #Cuba #Read
@djxpect I trip on how a lot of Egyptians look like Mexicans! Orale! Many in Mexico City alone could revolt given conditions.
@djxpect Am looking more at how lessons of Egyptian Revolt can be applied here in USA among the Amerikan sleep-walkers!
@djxpect I learned a lot more about #Egypt these last few weeks ~made some good contacts ~already post Third World News.
@Aphrodite44 I'm not doing Valentine's Day this year ~single ~another corporate commercial Holiday ~we should express love every day!
@djxpect That is kind of strange and inconsistent of whole of North Africa self-identifying as Africans only during Olympics.
@djxpect @monaeltahawy @ghonim @sandmonkey I'm in USA . People in Egypt identify culturally more with Arabia than Africa.
RT @venanalysis: What Wikileaks Teaches Us About Obama and Latin America http://tinyurl.com/4e68trw #venezuela
RT @AJEnglish: Italy struggles with Tunisia influx: Rome calls on European Union for help after 6,000 Tunisians... http://aje.me/dEs7Ny
RT @AJEnglish: Army urges Egyptians to end strikes: Military council calls on workers to play their role in reviving... http://aje.me/eV0Mjz
RT @AJEnglish: Yemen protesters clash with police: Third day of clashes in the capital amid reports that security... http://aje.me/eLKMwE
#Follow Monday @monaeltahawy @EmergentCulture @democracynow @uruknet @globalvoices @LAmerican @venanalysis @commondreams @AJEnglish
10:01 AM ~It's a rainy Monday morning here in Sacramento. Got to go out later and brave the storm! If I don't get strung out here! ;->~~
Just used http://twilk.com to put my Twitter followers on my Twitter background. Check it out!
@monaeltahawy This very attitude of 'Don't do anything .Nothing will change' has held countless nations hostage to several Mubaraks!
RT @googlemaps: Share a special place with a special someone. Send a Valentine's Day card with Google Maps. http://goo.gl/7wEB2
@starZship Gracias! So much is hard to relate about personal experiences. Struggling makes us stronger. Exercising our rights.
@Ravana9000 Let us not confuse personal experience for universal truth. Let us mobilize the masses. You must have faith!
<+>Monday, February 14, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Sweet Valentine’s Day!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
@Ravana9000 Masses are not broken ~they are the backbone of progress ~it is Broken Systems AKA Failed States ~Keep Mass Faith
My message to the dictators of the world: You should at least freak out. Block Facebook and cancel Fridays. #Jan25 #SidiBouzid #WhatsNext
Revolution 2.0 in #Egypt was the first revolution in the history of mankind to pre-announce the time and location. :)
@Ravana9000 Recession for the misty Middle-Class is Great Depression for impoverished masses of poor people.
Libyan Leader Muammar #Gaddafi tells Palestinians: revolt against Israel: http://bit.ly/f75TfT VIA @uruknet ~White Vs Green?
RT @EmergentCulture: R E V O L UT I O N ...... IS ..... IN ..... THE ..... A I R ! ! ! .......... #revolution #globalawakening #zeitgeist
Obama Hails Egypt’s ‘Moral Force, Cautions of ‘Difficult Days’~ http://buswk.co/gNrZ8D
2/14/2011, 12:04 AM EST Obama’s 2012 Budget Saves $1.1 Trillion, Cuts Deficit, Lew Says: http://buswk.co/i3EY8L
Grammy for Record of the Year ~ Need You Now by Lady Antebellum (w/Lyrics!) ~ http://bit.ly/c6uBIA
@uruknet Never doubt that no matter the setbacks, the relapses, the dark days ~so long as we never give up we will win!
@JaiDaveon Amen! We must complete what was begun by our ancient ancestors ~even the sun, the moon and the stars are with us!
@JaiDaveon Once we make up our mind to unite together no power on earth can stop our forward advance! Venceremos! We Will Win!
@AI_808 Now Time for a Tune: George Benson - Moody's Mood (For Love)- Video http://bit.ly/dQvlLS #warmth808
@uruknet Thank you for informing us of events ~helping to spread education online ~and for a fervor when you let it out!
@JaiDaveon Internet Power transformed the whole playing field ~capacity for nearly instantaneous mass global communications.
@JaiDaveon You are right. Often great movements are spearheaded by one, two or three core people. We are still herd animals.
Esperanza Spalding won a Grammy. Sample seemed good. Never heard of her before. Must be getting to be a triangle!
@heidiko44 Guess that depends upon what you like in your gumbo! I love what turns my mind on ~these days I am a mad monk!
Watching the Grammys on CBS Channel 13 ~pretty good ~think we had better actual singers 'back in the day' ~Gaye, Wonder, Smokey
Who is a Member of a progressive political party? Who is involved in helping to make the revolution? Who is hiding aboveground?
Becoming a crazed dope fiend ~getting into progressive recovery ~one of the best enlightening experiences of my life.
Lessons are present for us to learn from if we pay attention to when they are pointed out. Who or what leads leaders? Ideas?
@JaiDaveon Over and over again we say how individual character defects can impact on social movements. #Dead #Revolutionists
Recall: Huey P. Newton ~Co-Founder of the Black Panther Party ~turned into a crack head #STUDY http://bit.ly/g9zcWt
What ever happened to Gandhi's revolution? Was there really one or was it merely independence from the British. ~neo-colony!
Many times in social movements leadership turns out to be so screwed up and riddled with holes that the movement fails.
Knowing about the 12-Steps Program has made me a better man, a better humane being and a better revolutionary!
8:46 PM ~ Just came up from CASA 12-Steps at local Salvation Army Emergency Shelter... my littl' Ministry. @Peta_de_Aztlan
@AI_808 Appreciate your 'award'. It is the little things that mean the most. Love, Che Peta #Love http://bit.ly/byogx
@parkstepp Yes, want to type an article about Internet Power. Did a Google and found this: http://bit.ly/hEW3Ll #Read
"You are the only person alive who has sole custody of your life … Your entire life … Not just the life..." http://tumblr.com/xjw1ic7f0s
Photo: In the Circle of Life we find the center…We find the place were we have wondered away from.This week... http://tumblr.com/xjw1icc6jb
1/29/2011 ~It’s Not Twitter or Facebook, It’s the Power of the Network By Mathew Ingram: http://bit.ly/hEW3Ll #Read
VIA @rgl: I agree with your view of social networking. It is a way to get to meet people outside of geographic and social boundaries
@heidiko44 Yes, I love Carl Jung ~he left us all a deep well of wisdom. ~more than the symbols of words can convey. #cgjung
@rgl I rarely ever go into chat rooms ~too much rubbish ~Tweets can be designed with patience. Can build concentration.
@rgl Social networking sites have great psychological benefits ~Tweets are like pushing a pressure-release valve with each Send.
RT @wikileaks: Will Australia help Julian Assange? http://bit.ly/dWfd8M
RT @heidiko44: "One cannot of one's own free will choose or desire something that one does not know" ~ #cgjung
@rgl Exchanges of snippets of conversations via social networking sites will create better understanding in the world today.
@spiderglow Well 'Che' is an Argentine term for 'friend' or 'buddy ~common some places. Not always related to Che Guevara.
@sharifkouddous I am awaiting heavy literature to come out of #Egypt about experiences of people who were in #Tahrir Square.
@papakelt That's why I go back to objective social conditions now ~changing connected reality ~digging up roots of addiction.
@spiderglow I am glad you see that. Was wondering who would catch that! There have been and already are many Ches!
Twitter / Tweet Button http://t.co/vCNLzbA via @Peta_de_Aztlan
RT @love8rockets: Gulf oil wells 10 miles from Deepwater Horizon site leaking since 2004 | al.com http://bit.ly/eAox2o
@papakelt There are reasons why people seek escape through the bottle, the needle, the sex ~definable social conditions.
RT @heidiko44: "In reality all inner experience springs from the unconscious, over which we have no control. " #cgjung
RT @heidiko44: "The unconscious is nature, which never deceives: only we deceive ourselves" ~ #cgjung
RT @hrw: Yemen: Don't Use Tasers on Peaceful Protesters http://bit.ly/hkO2rk
RT @AlMasryAlYoum_E: European countries may freeze Mubarak's assets abroad http://ow.ly/3VEac #Egypt #Jan25
RT @AlMasryAlYoum_E: Egypt protesters call for Friday celebration march http://ow.ly/3VE7w #Jan25 #Egypt
Internet Power gives us the potential to raise consciousness that was never even imagined in earlier times.What if Che was alive?!
@papakelt Stuff is complex until we understand deeper then the refinement of simplicity arises out of the chaos into clarity.
@papakelt All social issues ~being social ~are connected to each other at one level or another. Powerlessness+Depression= Addiction
@papakelt There is the rich experience of the Black Panther Party paid for by the blood of righteous revolutionaries.
RT @heidiko44: " #Science puts, in place of the certainty of faith, the uncertainty of human knowledge."~ #cgjung
RT @AJEnglish: Eight shot dead near Mexico City: Suspected hitmen open fire on crowd of people in a drive-by... http://aje.me/g99O2V
IF one is a leader there is a responsibility to lead others to life of value, not to design their death scenarios.
We need educators who can not only share global news, but can help explain to us what certain news events mean for us all.
The more we reach out to each other now ~engage in constructive dialogue ~sharpen our collective intellect ~the better for us all.
Children s Book by Uncle Carlos~ http://bit.ly/fNlDsS ;->~~
@love8rockets When I was a young hot head I believed in urban guerrilla warfare now, but I matured and deepened my thinking.
@love8rockets We need to fully understand the ramifications of what a true revolution is ~not glamorize it or fantasize.
#Syria: 'A kingdom of silence'~popular president~security forces~religious diversity~revolution unlikely: http://bit.ly/hnkh5M
RT @sharifkouddous: A website dedicated to those who died for revolution: http://1000memories.com/egypt #Egypt #Jan25
Palestinian 'cabinet to resign' ~long demanded by Salam Fayyad, PA PM, other Fatah members: http://bit.ly/dR6yQs #Palestine
@dandellion Algeria is next? Hope it all happens soon as peaceful as possible without bloodshed. @Peta_de_Aztlan
Saturday, February 12, 2011 ~The Psychology of Autocratic Dictators: http://bit.ly/gl1ORy
More than 4,000 migrants arrived on island of Lampedusa past few days. #Italy declared humanitarian emergency called for EU assistance.
RT @globalvoices: The Psychology of Autocratic Dictators http://bit.ly/fRM1w4
Look at your hands. There is your freedom. Where it has been all along. Let us use our hands to help one another today.
Let us do what we can from wherever we are upon Mother Earth to change connected reality with peace, love and humility in our hearts.
The whole world psycho-social landscape has changed and continues to change.
These are not good times for dictators. After Tunisia ~whose people still struggle, after Egypt and who knows what else is in the works?
Brother @Ghonim is understanding that the people of Egypt need his guidance and leadership now. He is a precious man. #Jan25
RT @Ghonim: All the details of our meeting with the supreme council of the armed forces will be written in a note ASAP #Jan25
Let us pray we take the time to know who we really are ~without rushing to-and-fro in circles going nowhere ~seek within.
Let us pray we take the time the time to be still today ~enjoying the serene blessings of inner peace ~being one with all.
New Twitter Family Members: I will try to respond to Direct Mentions or Questions. Do not believe in Robot Greetings! This is me.
So-called New Followers: Let us see each other as Co-Creators of New Waves of Consciousness Side by Side Together.
Italy 'to deploy police to #Tunisia' to tackle migration: Text/Video: http://bbc.in/gvYkie ~sudden wave of immigration
VIA CNN: Tunisian immigrants streaming into southern Italy: http://bit.ly/gxXWBn #Tunisia
@SafeGroundSac Habitat 4 Humanity build with Safe Ground's help By Safe Ground #Sacramento· Photos: http://on.fb.me/gNxqH8
If those who own the bulk of a country's wealth are the privileged tiny percentage on top there has been no real revolution.
For revolution to become real there must be transformation of property relations between the 'haves' and the 'have-nots'.
Beware! Grand strategic aim of revolution is SEIZURE OF STATE POWER, not the fervor of revolutionary aspirations alone.
"The rest of the revolution is not complete." ~Amr Shalkami #Tahrir Square
"We must keep the revolution alive so that we get the 100% freedom we are asking for," ~Amr Shalkami #Tahrir Square
"Since the beginning of the revolution we have trusted our army but if we leave the square our revolution will die." ~Amr Shalkami
Amr Shalkami has not left Cairo's Tahrir Square in nearly 3 weeks since beginning of popular revolution that toppled Hosni Mubarak Friday.
#Tahrir Square protesters defy army to keep Egypt's revolution alive: http://bit.ly/hj7foo
2/10/2011 ~50 YEARS OF IMMUNIZATION IN CUBA: A revolution in health: http://bit.ly/hl76XV #Libertad
VIA @Ghonim: Egypt changed, 8 young guys setting with 2 generals from higher council of armed forces & freely exchanging our opinions #Jan25
@joanie399 We need to be aware of our own character defects ~strive to better better than we are ~improve ~evolve ~blossom!
@joanie399 It is certain that we here in USA exist under Corporate Capitalism with Fascism as its bodyguard! It's EMPIRE!
@joanie399 Many people interchange fascism, communism and socialism without having a clue as to what these terms mean! Ignorant!
@joanie399 Many folks have a fear of communism when THERE IS NO COMMUNISM! Communism means 'classless society ~no economic classes!
@joanie399 Yes, we need to take a good look at our own personal health ~sobriety ~spirituality ~personal liberty Are we free?
News Link: Granma Internacional ~Republic of Cuba ~ http://www.granma.cu/ingles/
Death Toll in Iraq Blast Rises to 36 ~suicide bombing on bus: http://on.wsj.com/e9aazd #Iraq
Yemeni Protesters, Government Backers Clash: http://on.wsj.com/eyvWhX #Yemen
The Future of WikiLeaks http://fora.tv/2011/01/20/Evgeny_Morozov_The_Future_of_WikiLeaks
#Iran’s chief justice,Ayatollah M.Gorkani,told students that“Our life, tranquility &peace depend on executions” http://bit.ly/hzvOeV #no2ir
Capitalism has reduced us to isolated, self-contained, television shows playing over and over again in the so called ritualized day.
LPC: among #Jan25 youth, plans for projects large and small growing: funds for protest-injured,victims families,clinic supplies...#Egypt
#Iraq man dies of self-immolation to protest rising unemployment http://bit.ly/ieh3SR
Israeli commander refuses to allow murder victim funeral http://bit.ly/g4fCwt #palestine
Network-Aztlan News Blog: Get ready for revolution! @Peta_de_Aztlan: 2/13/2011: http://bit.ly/goW9jd
A lot of the work to be done is on ourselves, getting rid of all remnants of racism, nationalism and individualism.
#Tahrir Square still has the highest valuation of any real estate in #Egypt only as a Liberation Square, not left behind.
FYI: World Economic Forum: 1/3 of Credit is given by banks ~ rest by corporations and individuals. We need to study economics.
RT @wikileaks: The Future of WikiLeaks http://fora.tv/2011/01/20/Evgeny_Morozov_The_Future_of_WikiLeaks
Each of us need to look at our local situations where we live. Let the example of Egypt be a great inspiration. Go to work!
Suez citizens to resume protests if governor, police chief not sacked http://tinyurl.com/4dsluqu #jan25
There's no electricity in 65% of #Yemen, ergo twittering is a problem for most. #YF Also most do not have clean water.
I am the United States. You cannot resist my imperial grasp. I have over 1000 military bases worldwide on every soil, who are you kidding?
#Egypt is in a delicate position. Egyptians must ensure that democratic elections take place. #Jan25
J ASSANGE: Then there's no doubt that Tunisia was THE example for Egypt, and Yemen and Jordan and all the protests that have happened there.
JULIAN ASSANGE: The actual revolution is always done by the people of the country, and usually, as a result of years and years of abuse.
This peaceful gathering by the unemployed started the police high tension today [PHOTO] http://bit.ly/eMX6jT #bahrain #feb14
RT @craignewmark: On This Week w/ @camanpour #Egypt #Jan25 with @ariannahuff George Will, Bob Kagan & @monaeltahawy http://huff.to/eygqb0”
RT @reflexionfidel: Reflexión de 2009, El artículo de Chávez http://bit.ly/hKSgWT
RT @reflexionfidel: Reflexión de 2009, El canto de cisne de los ricos http://bit.ly/ebsvcc
Let us use Internet Power to build bridges of communication and understanding as one Family of Humanity. #Twitter #Facebook
Check it out: http://www.petitionspot.com/petitions/tahrir2011 -+Egyptian+People+as+2011+Nobel+Peace+Prize+Winner
http://bit.ly/natbiz Sugarcane workers to get paid via phones: Over 13,000 sugarcane cutters in Mumias Sugar zone w... #kenyansontwitter
RT @heidiko44: Ultimately #Jungian thought cannot be separated from being a spiritual (non-dogmatic) tradition in its own right.
YES! RT @Jan25voices: LPC: We have greater respect for Army, but they don't yet have our trust. They must earn it. #Jan25 #Egypt
Following @Jan25voices ~ contact: Jan25voices(at)gmail.com
RT @NaiCity: The #Nairobi Twitnews is out! http://bit.ly/gjrK15 ▸ Top stories today via @peta_de_aztlan @tmj_ken1_jobs
@love8rockets I try to keep posts of General Interest ~Go with the flow and let it go ~Honest, Open and Willing= HOW
@love8rockets Great! Internet Power ~Believe sharing is caring. Mainly I post about News Events ~sometimes insights and spins.
@Madprof666 Yes, the masses of people are the real heroes ~I myself am often childish and ignorant ~still maturing. #Jan25
@Juliesvern Would hate to die in a stampede because I went to an Election Rally! http://bit.ly/hO8XEf #Nigeria
@PDP_2011 Oil is at the bottom of the whole barrel of serpents in today's world: http://bit.ly/hO8XEf #Nigeria
@love8rockets You were welcome. I generally take the time to check stuff out ~try not to be scattered out as I sometimes am.
@SHDW_of_LMNTS Live alone too ~No lovely lady to distract me, though sometimes I could do with a dainty distraction.
11 dead in #Nigeria election rally stampede ~top supplier easily refined crude oil to US: http://bit.ly/hO8XEf
@love8rockets We are Co-Followers now. Hearing your Imagination via http://www.myspace.com/karenleehallam Warm! #Love
@SHDW_of_LMNTS We need to process our different states of being ~absorb and understand them ~meditate, express, move on!
@monaeltahawy Good Roundtable Discussion on ABC with you and others: http://abcn.ws/g30grr #Jan25 #thisweek
RT @monaeltahawy: This Week with Christiane Amanpour Roundtable: Revolution in Egypt - ABC News: http://abcn.ws/g30grr #Jan25
Thousands rally in Yemen's capital: Anti-government protesters inspired by Egypt's revolution: http://bit.ly/g2UWbi #Yemen
In Algeria, police flood streets to prevent Egypt-style revolution: http://bit.ly/fz5Q6p #Algeria
Sudan: May the wind of change sweeps throught the Upper Nile http://bit.ly/dUbAsW
Sudan: Protesters still under detention http://bit.ly/eM9wR9
China: Campaign to Free Blind Human Rights Activist http://bit.ly/ifDhmv
Iran: Protesters interrupted a State sponsored concert http://bit.ly/gwL9TE
US Commander Admiral Mike Mullen visiting Israel ~reassure key partners of US military: http://bit.ly/h1Yp0c VIA @AJEnglish
VIA NY Times: Palestinian Leaders Suddenly Call for Elections: http://nyti.ms/hkMUTx #Palestine
VIA New York TImes: Egypt’s Military Dissolves Parliament; Calls for Vote: http://nyti.ms/f3lulO ~Still under Emergency Rule!
RT @heidiko44: R @iopen2: The I-Open Daily is out! http://bit.ly/9H6kUY ▸ Top stories today via @heidiko44
RT @AJEnglish: From the blogs: Live blog Feb 13 - Egypt protests http://bit.ly/gfoFqq
RT @AJEnglish: From the blogs: Al Jazeera in America http://bit.ly/ft9w6s
RT @AJEnglish: From the blogs: Live blog Feb 12 - Eye on Algeria http://bit.ly/gvpUnw
RT @AJEnglish: From the blogs: The intersecton between US principles and interests http://bit.ly/gxmj2E
RT @_AndyBryant: #GRAMMAR - CONJUNCTIVE ADVERB; On occassion EMPHASIS is needed, using words like “indeed, of course, and certainly.”
RT @AJEnglish: Live blog Feb 13 - Egypt protests | Al Jazeera Blogs http://bit.ly/eIMbay VIA @ajenglish
RT @wikileaks: WikiLeaks in Peru http://elcomercio.pe/impresa/
RT @AJEnglish: Army dissolves parliament and announces elections will take place in September #Egypt http://aje.me/ajelive
RT @mparent77772: Twitter, Facebook shuttered as thousands protest in Algeria http://bit.ly/gtBWIv
RT @Ghonim: Biggest mistake now is to give the Egyptian people too little too slow. Restoring confidence requires a faster pace. #Jan25
@monaeltahawy History has shown that the so-called 'immovable object' was actually movable ~it took Power of #Egyptians to move it! #Jan25
RT @sharifkouddous: Large banner in #Tahrir listing many names of the #Jan25 martyrs, those killed in the revolution. #Egypt
Learn RT @Hisham_G: #Tunisia: What Follows the Revolution? http://bit.ly/dRFzDR VIA @globalvoices #Sidibouzid
RT @democracynow: For best reporting on #Egypt from United States, watch Democracy Now! daily. STREAM 8amEST: http://ow.ly/3UE8a #jan25
@cotisgal Yes, I saw 'The Reader ~when it came out ~the haunting consequences of our past ~interesting movie. @Peta_de_Aztlan
7:04 AM/PST #Watching Fareed Zakaria GPS ~ http://edition.cnn.com/CNN/Programs/fareed.zakaria.gps/
<+>Sunday, February 13, 2011<+>Buenos Dias Familia!/Good Day Family!<+>Liberate the Day!<+>Peter S. Lopez AKA @Peta_de_Aztlan c/s
2/03/2011 Manifesto of Support for the Bolivarian Process in Venezuela ~ http://bit.ly/e82xFB
Counterrevolution is coming after its privileges like Cerberus (multi-headed dog of Greek and Roman mythology ~guards the gates of hell.
There can be no relevant revolution without 'seizure of state power' ~arming the people ~transformation of property relations.
About @Peta_de_Aztlan
Bloglink~ http://peta-de-aztlan.blogspot.com/
Twitter Link~ http://twitter.com/Peta_de_Aztlan
Humane Liberation Party Portal
~ http://help-matrix.ning.com/
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