Tuesday, January 03, 2012

The year ahead - Scorpio 2012


Year ahead: This is a take charge year, Scorpio! With lucky planet of abundance Jupiter, moving into your solar eighth House from June you will be in the zone, riding the wave of opportunity and success, especially when it concerns business. You can step into your own personal power, grab the reins of your chariot and surge ahead with confidence and certainty.Empowerment day: November 13 - signifies the beginning of a dynamic and exciting new phase. Power month: During October, a virtual planetary traffic jam in your sign provides a power source and with the eclipse energy of the November new Moon in your sign, it makes these two months a time when nothing is out of the realms of possibility. Most romantic month: Jupiter, love planet Venus, the all-powerful Sun, and the positive energy of the new Moon all situated or transiting through your solar seventh House of partnerships in April, it’s as if cupid sends love directly to you on the wings of angels. Spiritual evolvement: Making changes in your life is not always easy, but this year you can put life changing decisions into action. By the end of 2012, you will look back and see the positive progress you made both on a spiritual and physical level. Angel advice: Look within and follow your heart, and when your vision of where you want to end up is clear, steadily work towards making it a reality.

Career and money: This is a powerful year where you can inject energy to revolutionize your life and build new foundations to move forward on. Major changes will take strategic planning so you can travel in the direction of your most heartfelt dreams. You now have an opportunity to be the successful person you know in your heart you can be. Be prepared to move out of your comfort zone to grow as a person and evolve into the next stage of your life. You can expect to deal with matters of an official nature you may not have previously encountered. Although at times you may find certain situations challenging, they will prove to be character-building and empowering. This year is all about you taking charge of your own life, Scorpio, and being responsible for the decisions you make. No challenge is too daunting, and if you keep this in mind you will step in to your own personal power and rise above any obstacles in your path. Opportunities will be presented and you have exciting options and decisions to make. You have the power to be the best you can be, and all you need to do is apply the skills you as a Scorpio have in your zodiac DNA, in other words, just be your most dynamic self!

Love and romance: For the first half of the year, Jupiter the planet of abundance shines love and romance direct to your heart center. Neptune, the planet of inspiration also plays a major role in sending romantic energy to your social life. With these two influences alone love in your life can reach new heights this year, however you do need to also be realistic about what a relationship can provide. A partnership has a combination of common interests as well as differences, and it is this blend which helps to keep the spark of love burning. Love can be glorious this year, almost as if the fairytale has finally come true, but as you have your heart in the clouds you also want to keep one foot grounded on earth. Disappointments can often come from unrealistic expectations, and if you are prepared to work together as a team, then love can be everything you ever dreamt it to be. This is very much a year to attain balance in your life between work, love, social activities and looking after your overall well-being. It is crucial to look after yourself on all levels; mind, body and spirit. Once you feel comfortable with where you are in these three areas of your life, you will more easily attract love to your heart!

Read more: http://www.nydailynews.com/life-style/horoscopes/year-scorpio-2012-article-1.1000387#ixzz1iS70B0EW
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