Thursday, February 16, 2012
@10:30 AM ~ Now at my best spot at Arcade Library. At first had this webpage site blocked by my friendly Sacramento Library gatekeeper. Something about I have an hour here. We will see. Hard because I post onto my blogs via this Google Blog Program.
I am enduring day-by-day. We are now in the 2nd half of this month of February. No word from CEPS yet. I think I may have to wait until March 1st before my SSI money comes through. I is hard living with that kind of anxiety and anticipation. Once my $$$$ gets uploaded into my CEPS Account I can see about getting myself a decent room at the Shasta, then Apply for the Berry Hotel.
I realize that coming here to the local Public Library gives me a sense of purpose and destination like reporting for a regular job every day. Plus so much of lifetime is spent I believe in trivial pursuits by people, as this corrupt civilization collapses gradually from within.
Sabbath, Febrero 18, 2012
@11:47 PM ~ Yesterday I was at Sacra Central Library. It was cool because my Brother Roberto AKA Tata and I sat side-by-side at our laptops doing stuff. I plan to get see my Dad this coming Monday, come hell or high water. No words from SSI folks yet. I may have to wait until March of next month to see any progress in this area. I have a few folks to Apply for Shasta and pay for background check (again) but want to wait. Sometimes I feel like where I stay at is an insane asylum. With my BPD is can be especially hard dealing with folks, especially up close in personal relations when they have various psychological issues in play.
Because of Sacra Public Library settings I can only be in a blog about an hour at most per day, which is a drag on my blogging. Tomorrow is Sunday. Thus, I will go downtown to Sacra Central Library again, then, Cathedral after 5 PM, then we have our CASA 12-Steps Meeting at Sally's.
Nada mas ahora aqui. ~Che Peta
Sunday, Febrero 19, 2012
@2:09 PM ~ Now at Sacra Central Library. Saw my Brother Bobby earlier on Light Rail, he was coming from Group 1 A.A. 10 AM Meeting. Now I think he is here in the Library somewhere. I am so glad to see his growth and maturity as a man. He has had his share of troubles and struggles. I hope the worst is over for him, for myself and for all my loved ones.
I called Toro and plan to get a ride from him to go see my Dad tomorrow. Called Sister Linda too to let her know. It has been awhile.
I need to call Jerry at Guesthouse tomorrow or try to get through and leave a Message with her and my so-called Coordinator Eric (Eric has not been of too much value, though I hope his help will grow as time goes by). On the other hand, maybe he figures that I can handle my own self pretty well in terms of my own personal business. It seems I just need to wait for March, though I would appreciate monetary assistance now! $$$$
Tuesday, Febrero 21, 2012
@1:55 PM ~ I am using my allotted blog time to post an entry here. Sacra Public Library has it limited to 60 minutes, which seems like an infringement on my right to freedom of the press, freedom to blog. Who gives a damn?
I am enduring. I do wish I had a car to get around and do more stuff. I do appreciate not having to worry and hassle about car maintenance.
I have some mail at Guesthouse I need to pick up between here and death. I feel so much in exile being out here in the Arcade Area north of Sacramento. Nada mas ahora!
Wednesday, Febrero 22, 2012
@12:55 PM ~ Now at Arcade Library. Did not sleep my best last night. A lack of a good night's sleep in peace and quiet is one of the privations that one must endure when one is a homeless refugee. I guess it has been my lot in life not to have a single place for a home where I live for a zillion years. The whole concept of home to me is real relative. I am at home in my natural consciousness, with my backpack and my laptop.
I need to keep the faith, know that the Creator has helped to keep me alive and well all these years for reasons not fully known by me. I am here to help people. to help clarify confusion and to help clear a path with heart for others who are behind me or may happen to come upon this rocky road.
In relation to my SSI stuff I just need to be patient, carry on and know that what will happen will happen. I got a notice from GA with Sacra County that my GA Benefits are discontinued this February 29th because I will be receiving SSI. So that is a kind of confirmation. Tomorrow morning I plan to go to Guesthouse. If I am there early enough I will check out Eric's DRA AKA Double Trouble 12-Steps Meeting.
Nice lady who seems to be working as a Tutor here helping folks called Rosa Hernandez. She is suppose to be here for about six months. Nice to see helpful talented people in the world. Nada mas ahora!
Let us use the Power of the Word with humane responsibility! Choose your words wisely. Don't #Rush~
Friday, Febrero 24, 2012
@9:26 PM ~Praise the Lord and Pass the Ammo! I am now taking up temporary residence in a Room with a Kitchenette at the Flamingo Hotel on West Capitol Avenue in West Sacramento. I got a call from Heather with CEPS this morning via Voice Maill, went there, got an SSI Backpay amount and a check for $200 bucks. Plus, she set me up for a week here and I have WiFi connection here in my room without blocks of any kind like at the Sacra Public Library. I called Geri and let her know, left a Voice Mail. This afternoon I went to the local Arthur Turner Library with the Yolo County Library system. I got a brand new Yolo County Library Card with a clean record. Funny because I thought I had a bill there. It is right nearby here and they have good hours. It will be nice here for now. I have cable TV and have Link TV on right now. Thus, my endurance has paid off.
Next week I will negotiate with Shasta Hotel about moving in there. Plus, I need to put an application in with the Hotel Berry. Life is looking up! Last but not least for now.... today I have 7 Years and 8 Months off of alcohol. More important to me, I continue to work on my Spiritual growth and Liberation. It has been hard for me. I know there are many of my family are outside in the cold mean streets right now as I type. The Liberation Struggle goes on! Nada Mas Ahora! ~Che Peta
Sabbath, Febrero 25, 2012
@12:43 PM ~Now at West Sacra Library. I slept fitfully last night. I did not have my Seroquel Meds last night, I usually take 50 MGS at night. Plus, I was in a strange place, new night noises, but no one bothered me. There were a couple that knocked at different times, a chick and a dude, seeing if the previous occupant was there. It seems that they were into drugs. The chick asked me if I wanted 'anything' when I was up front outside. I said, "You mean dope?" She answered in the affirmative. I told her I had long term sobriety that I use to be a shooter. Then, later a White dope fiend knocked and I told him I was not into dope. Other than that I was undisturbed. This morning a foreign born blondish cleaning lady knocked and asked if I needed anything. I asked her for bar soap and she gave me a few little ones.
Later I went to Safeway and got a cup of Hazelnut coffee. I got a couple of things at Rite-Aid afterwards. Heather should I should keep track of my receipts, so I am so far.
Today is my Brother Bobby's birthday. I called and left a Voice-mail wishing him Happy Birthday. I called my Dad and left another Voice-mail as a kind of checking in. Plus, I called Cousin Mark. He is a precious Brother and good at reminding me what I need to be reminded of, but I am not really worried about maintaining my sobriety these days. I am more into fortifying my mental-spiritual health.
Sunday AKA Domingo, Febrero 26, 2012
@3:37 PM ~ I feel that checking in here on this blog helped to keep me grounded. It does show when I am able to have Internet Access. Now at Arthur Tuner Library in West Sac.
Yesterday Skip, Owner of Globe Mills called my cell phone. He has accidentally dialed my # so I called him back this morning. I told him I actually felt ashamed about my having to leave Globe Mills the last time when my SSI feel through because I did not pass my Final Determination and had to go through th e whole Appeal Ordeal. He said he would love to have me back there and I should contact Sondra, so there is no apparent snag in that direction. Of course, going to the Shasta Hotel would be cheaper.
This is my second day without taking my Seroquel Meds. My mind is still kind of racing at night and I am still a bit sleep deprived. I would like to be off them and I did not have any real problems before all this period going to sleep. I may of gotten a bit addicted to them. I have been taking them for several months now. I am just practicing conscious awareness. I wonder how others seems to manage without writing or typing stuff up about their life happenings as I do. Then, I seem to see a lot of scattered wandering people. Then I must always keep in mind what is my own direct experience and not confuse it with universal truth.
I hope to make it to my Doctor's Appt. tomorrow and not cancel out, though I got to see about getting into Shasta Hotel, need SSI Income Verification and other stuff.
Monday, Febrero 27, 2012
@7:18 PM ~ My bad. Did NOT make it to Doctor's Appt. this morning. I need to re-schedule. I had to go to SSI Office on Marconi Ave. and get my SSI Award Letter myself since no one else who I thought would help me who gets paid to do this kind of thing had come through. I do appreciate all help I get from Guesthouse and CEPS. I just think it odd that I can have over $1,000 in my SSI Account with no Award Letter AKA Proof of Income.
I went by Shasta Hotel and get another application and $15.00 for my Application Fee AGAIN! Then I went to SSI. Afterward I went by Geri's and got some stuff to help hold me over until I get my own place, only a few things like regular shoes instead of just the sandals I have been wearing and underwear stuff. Plus, I got my Meds too. I sill have not been sleeping well these last few days. Now I see I need to take my Meds, at least until I get situated in my own place. I had been around NINE MONTHS since I have had my own home with my own privacy.
As far as my typing AKA writing it seems that I need to get in a good head space or heart space before I can come out with something relevant to me and I hope others. I am not sure what it is but know that some stuff I have typed up needs to come in due time. I cannot rush it. I do not just want to type a bunch of crap without really feeling inspired. I am still learning I know and am no expert on writing by any means.
So tomorrow I hope to go take my App. into the Shasta Hotel tomorrow.I do want a room with a view and if I cannot secure one I would not be hot about moving into Shasta. I try to be in tune with the Creator. Nada mas ahora!
Tuesday, Febrero 28, 2012
@3:08 PM ~ Now at Arthur Turner Library in West Sac AKA West Sacra Library. I turned in my Application to Shasta Hotel but am not happy about getting a room without a decent view. I will know in a week or so.
I slept pretty well last night. Today has been a pretty good day. I lost so much when I became a homeless refugee again this last time. Material stuff. Some sense of who I am, or rather, who I was. I am in another re-building process. It gets harder. Sometimes I get a real 'fuck it' attitude. Do not even want to acquire any more material objects. I cannot lose what I do not have.
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